Hangman with predetermined list
6 months ago
22 kB
import random import time while True: playing = "None" letters = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"] numbers = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"] wordslist = ["other", "there", "which", "their", "about", "write", "would", "these", "thing", "could", "number", "sound", "people", "water", "first", "place", "where",] #old: parts = ["head", "body", "Left Leg", "Right Leg", "Left Arm", "Right Arm"] #old: hard_parts = ["head", "body", "Left Leg", "Right Leg", "Left Arm", "Right Arm", "Shirt", "Pants", "Socks", "Shoes", "Glasses", "Hat"] parts = ["6", "5", "4", "3", "2", "1"] hard_parts = ["12", "11", "10", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2", "1"] parts_index = None correct_letters = [] incorrect_letters = [] guess = None gamemode = None word = None while True: gamemode = input("Enter gamemode [1 for default player vs player(s), 2 for player vs player(s) with more guesses, 3 for computer guesses word, 4 for computer makes lowercase letters password with less guess, 5 for computer makes lowercase letters password with more guess, 6 for computer makes pin, 7 for computer chooses a word from a predetermined list]: ") if gamemode == "1" or gamemode == "2" or gamemode == "3" or gamemode == "4" or gamemode == "5" or gamemode == "6" or gamemode == "7": break if gamemode == "1" or gamemode == "2": while True: print("") word = input("Please enter your word: ") if word == "": continue elif ' ' in word: continue elif word.isalpha() == False: continue else: word = word.lower() break for i in range(50): print("") while True: display_word = "" guess_word = "" for char in word: if char in correct_letters: guess_word += char display_word += char display_word += " " else: guess_word += "_" display_word += "_ " print("The word is:", display_word) print("") if gamemode == "1": if guess_word == word: break elif parts_index == None: print("Parts are") elif parts_index == 6: break else: print("Parts are", *parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") if gamemode == "2": if guess_word == word: break elif parts_index == None: print("Parts are") elif parts_index == 12: break else: print("Parts are", *hard_parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining letters are: " + (str(letters)[1:-1])) print("Correct letters are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect letters are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") while True: guess = input("Other player(s), guess a letter: ") if len(guess) == 1 and guess.isalpha() == True: guess = guess.lower() break try: letters.remove(guess) if guess in word: print("") print("Word contains "+guess+".") print("") correct_letters.append(guess) elif guess not in word: print("") print("Word does not contain "+guess+".") print("") incorrect_letters.append(guess) if parts_index == None: parts_index = 1 else: parts_index += 1 except ValueError: print("") print("Letter already guessed or not valid.") print("") if gamemode == "2": if parts_index == 12: print("Parts are", *hard_parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining letters are: " + (str(letters)[1:-1])) print("Correct letters are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect letters are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") print("Word maker wins, the word was \""+ word+"\".") elif guess_word == word: print("Parts are", *hard_parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining letters are: " + (str(letters)[1:-1])) print("Correct letters are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect letters are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") print("Word guesser(s) wins, the word was \""+ word+"\".") print("") while True: playing = input("Play again? (Y/N): ") if playing.isdigit == True: continue elif playing.lower() == "yes" or playing.lower() == "y" or playing.lower() == "no" or playing.lower() == "n": break if playing.lower() == "no" or playing.lower() == "n": break if gamemode == "3": while True: print("") word = input("Please enter your word: ") if word == "": continue elif ' ' in word: continue elif word.isalpha() == False: continue else: word = word.lower() break for i in range(50): print("") while True: display_word = "" guess_word = "" for char in word: if char in correct_letters: guess_word += char display_word += char display_word += " " else: guess_word += "_" display_word += "_ " print("The word is:", display_word) print("") if guess_word == word: break elif parts_index == None: print("Parts are") elif parts_index == 6: break else: print("Parts are", *parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining letters are: " + (str(letters)[1:-1])) print("Correct letters are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect letters are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") time.sleep(2) computer_guess = (random.choice(letters)) print("Computer guesses: "+computer_guess) time.sleep(2) try: letters.remove(computer_guess) if computer_guess in word: print("") print("Word contains "+computer_guess+".") print("") correct_letters.append(computer_guess) elif computer_guess not in word: print("") print("Word does not contain "+computer_guess+".") print("") incorrect_letters.append(computer_guess) if parts_index == None: parts_index = 1 else: parts_index += 1 except ValueError: print("") print("Letter already guessed or not valid.") print("") if parts_index == 6: print("Parts are", *parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining letters are: " + (str(letters)[1:-1])) print("Correct letters are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect letters are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") print("You win, the word was \""+ word+"\".") elif guess_word == word: print("Parts are", *parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining letters are: " + (str(letters)[1:-1])) print("Correct letters are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect letters are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") print("Computer wins, the word was \""+ word+"\".") print("") while True: playing = input("Play again? (Y/N): ") if playing.isdigit == True: continue elif playing.lower() == "yes" or playing.lower() == "y" or playing.lower() == "no" or playing.lower() == "n": break if playing.lower() == "no" or playing.lower() == "n": break if gamemode == "4" or gamemode == "5": computer_word = "" for i in range(random.randint(3,8)): computer_word += str(random.choice(letters)) for i in range(50): print("") while True: display_word = "" guess_word = "" for char in computer_word: if char in correct_letters: guess_word += char display_word += char display_word += " " else: guess_word += "_" display_word += "_ " print("The word is:", display_word) print("") if gamemode == "4": if guess_word == computer_word: break elif parts_index == None: print("Parts are") elif parts_index == 6: break else: print("Parts are", *parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") if gamemode == "5": if guess_word == computer_word: break elif parts_index == None: print("Parts are") elif parts_index == 12: break else: print("Parts are", *hard_parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining letters are: " + (str(letters)[1:-1])) print("Correct letters are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect letters are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") while True: guess = input("Player(s), guess a letter: ") if len(guess) == 1 and guess.isalpha() == True: guess = guess.lower() break try: letters.remove(guess) if guess in computer_word: print("") print("Word contains "+guess+".") print("") correct_letters.append(guess) elif guess not in computer_word: print("") print("Word does not contain "+guess+".") print("") incorrect_letters.append(guess) if parts_index == None: parts_index = 1 else: parts_index += 1 except ValueError: print("") print("Letter already guessed or not valid.") print("") if gamemode == "4": if parts_index == 6: print("Parts are", *parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining letters are: " + (str(letters)[1:-1])) print("Correct letters are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect letters are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") print("Computer wins, the password was \""+ computer_word+"\".") elif guess_word == computer_word: print("Parts are", *parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining letters are: " + (str(letters)[1:-1])) print("Correct letters are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect letters are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") print("Player(s) wins, the password was \""+ computer_word+"\".") if gamemode == "5": if parts_index == 12: print("Parts are", *hard_parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining letters are: " + (str(letters)[1:-1])) print("Correct letters are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect letters are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") print("Computer wins, the password was \""+ computer_word+"\".") elif guess_word == computer_word: print("Parts are", *hard_parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining letters are: " + (str(letters)[1:-1])) print("Correct letters are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect letters are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") print("Player(s) wins, the password was \""+ computer_word+"\".") print("") while True: playing = input("Play again? (Y/N): ") if playing.isdigit == True: continue elif playing.lower() == "yes" or playing.lower() == "y" or playing.lower() == "no" or playing.lower() == "n": break if playing.lower() == "no" or playing.lower() == "n": break if gamemode == "6": computer_word = "" print("") for i in range(random.randint(3,8)): computer_word += str(random.randint(0,9)) for i in range(50): print("") while True: display_word = "" guess_word = "" for char in computer_word: if char in correct_letters: guess_word += char display_word += char display_word += " " else: guess_word += "_" display_word += "_ " print("The number is:", display_word) print("") if guess_word == computer_word: break elif parts_index == None: print("Parts are") elif parts_index == 6: break else: print("Parts are", *parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining numbers are: " + (str(numbers)[1:-1])) print("Correct numbers are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect numbers are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") while True: guess = input("Player(s), guess a number: ") if len(guess) == 1 and guess.isdigit() == True: break try: numbers.remove(guess) if guess in computer_word: print("") print("Pin contains "+guess+".") print("") correct_letters.append(guess) elif guess not in computer_word: print("") print("Pin does not contain "+guess+".") print("") incorrect_letters.append(guess) if parts_index == None: parts_index = 1 else: parts_index += 1 except ValueError: print("") print("Number already guessed or not valid.") print("") if parts_index == 6: print("Parts are", *parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining numbers are: " + (str(numbers)[1:-1])) print("Correct numbers are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect lnumbers are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") print("Computer wins, the pin was \""+ computer_word+"\".") elif guess_word == computer_word: print("Parts are", *parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining numbers are: " + (str(numbers)[1:-1])) print("Correct numbers are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect numbers are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") print("Player(s) wins, the pin was \""+ computer_word+"\".") print("") while True: playing = input("Play again? (Y/N): ") if playing.isdigit == True: continue elif playing.lower() == "yes" or playing.lower() == "y" or playing.lower() == "no" or playing.lower() == "n": break if playing.lower() == "no" or playing.lower() == "n": break if gamemode == "7": computer_word = random.choice(wordslist) for i in range(50): print("") while True: display_word = "" guess_word = "" for char in computer_word: if char in correct_letters: guess_word += char display_word += char display_word += " " else: guess_word += "_" display_word += "_ " print("The word is:", display_word) print("") if gamemode == "7": if guess_word == computer_word: break elif parts_index == None: print("Parts are") elif parts_index == 6: break else: print("Parts are", *parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining letters are: " + (str(letters)[1:-1])) print("Correct letters are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect letters are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") while True: guess = input("Player(s), guess a letter: ") if len(guess) == 1 and guess.isalpha() == True: guess = guess.lower() break try: letters.remove(guess) if guess in computer_word: print("") print("Word contains "+guess+".") print("") correct_letters.append(guess) elif guess not in computer_word: print("") print("Word does not contain "+guess+".") print("") incorrect_letters.append(guess) if parts_index == None: parts_index = 1 else: parts_index += 1 except ValueError: print("") print("Letter already guessed or not valid.") print("") if gamemode == "7": if parts_index == 6: print("Parts are", *parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining letters are: " + (str(letters)[1:-1])) print("Correct letters are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect letters are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") print("Computer wins, the password was \""+ computer_word+"\".") elif guess_word == computer_word: print("Parts are", *parts[0:parts_index], sep=", ") print("Remaining letters are: " + (str(letters)[1:-1])) print("Correct letters are: " + (str(correct_letters)[1:-1])) print("Incorrect letters are: " + (str(incorrect_letters)[1:-1])) print("") print("Player(s) wins, the password was \""+ computer_word+"\".") print("") while True: playing = input("Play again? (Y/N): ") if playing.isdigit == True: continue elif playing.lower() == "yes" or playing.lower() == "y" or playing.lower() == "no" or playing.lower() == "n": break if playing.lower() == "no" or playing.lower() == "n": break if playing.lower() == "no" or playing.lower() == "n": break print("")
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