a year ago
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/* C++ Program to Find Area of Shapes using Function Overloading */ #include<iostream> using namespace std; class measure { public: void shape(int r); void shape(int l,int b); void shape(float t,int d,int e); void shape(long a); void shape(float c, long int g); void shape(double j); void shape(float h, double f); }; void measure::shape(int r) { cout<<"area of the circle is "<<3.14*r*r; } void measure::shape(int l,int b) { cout<<"area of the rectangle is"<<l*b; } void measure::shape(float t,int d,int e) { cout<<"area of the triangle is"<<t*d*e; } void measure::shape(long a) { cout<<"area of the square is"<<a*a; } void measure::shape(float c, long int g) { cout<<"Volume of the cone is "<<(1/3)*3.14*c*c*g; } void measure::shape(double j) { cout<<"Volume of the sphere is "<<(4/3)*3.14*j*j*j; } void measure::shape(float h, double f) { cout<<"\nVolume of the Cylinder is "<<3.14*f*f*h; } int main() { int r,d,e,l,b; float t,c,h; long a; int ch; double j,f; long int g; measure obj; cout<<"\tCALCULATION OF AREA AND VOLUME"; cout<<"\n\n1. area of circle"; cout<<"\n2. area of rectangle"; cout<<"\n3. area of triangle"; cout<<"\n4. area of square"; cout<<"\n5. Volume of the cone"; cout<<"\n6. Volume of the sphere"; cout<<"\n7. Volume of the cylinder"; cout<<"\n\tEnter your choice "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: cout<<"enter the value of radius of the circle \n"; cin>>r; obj.shape(r); break; case 2: cout<<"enter the sides of rectangle \n"; cin>>l>>b; obj.shape(l,b); break; case 3: cout<<"enter the sides of triangle \n"; cin>>d>>e; obj.shape(0.5,d,e); break; case 4: cout<<"enter the sides of square"; cin>>a; obj.shape(a); break; case 5: cout<<"\nEnter the radius of the cone"; cin>>c; cout<<"\nEnter the height of the cone"; cin>>g; obj.shape(c,g); break; case 6: cout<<"\nEnter the radius"; cin>>b; obj.shape(b); break; case 7: cout<<"\nEnter the radius"; cin>>f; cout<<"\nEnter the height"; cin>>h; obj.shape(h,f); break; default: cout<<"\nThe choice entered is a wrong choice"; } return 0; }