a year ago
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------------MAIN-------------- #ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #include <stdio.h> #define CMD_INIT (100) #define CMD_WRITE_MESSAGE (200) #define CMD_COMMENT_TO (300) #define CMD_ERASE (400) #define CMD_GET_BEST_MESSAGES (500) #define CMD_GET_BEST_USERS (600) #define MAXL (10) extern void init(); extern int writeMessage(char mUser[], int mID, int mPoint); extern int commentTo(char mUser[], int mID, int mTargetID, int mPoint); extern int erase(int mID); extern void getBestMessages(int mBestMessageList[]); extern void getBestUsers(char mBestUserList[][MAXL + 1]); static int mstrcmp(char a[], char b[]) { int idx = 0; while (a[idx] != '\0' && a[idx] == b[idx]) ++idx; return a[idx] - b[idx]; } static bool run() { int Q; int mID, mTargetID, mPoint; char mUser[MAXL + 1]; char mBestUserList[5][MAXL + 1]; int mBestMessageList[5]; int ret = -1, ans; scanf("%d", &Q); bool okay = false; for (int q = 0; q < Q; ++q) { int cmd; scanf("%d", &cmd); switch(cmd) { case CMD_INIT: init(); okay = true; break; case CMD_WRITE_MESSAGE: scanf("%s %d %d", mUser, &mID, &mPoint); ret = writeMessage(mUser, mID, mPoint); scanf("%d", &ans); if (ret != ans) okay = false; break; case CMD_COMMENT_TO: scanf("%s %d %d %d", mUser, &mID, &mTargetID, &mPoint); ret = commentTo(mUser, mID, mTargetID, mPoint); scanf("%d", &ans); if (ret != ans) okay = false; break; case CMD_ERASE: scanf("%d", &mID); ret = erase(mID); scanf("%d", &ans); if (ret != ans) okay = false; break; case CMD_GET_BEST_MESSAGES: getBestMessages(mBestMessageList); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { scanf("%d", &ans); if (mBestMessageList[i] != ans) okay = false; } break; case CMD_GET_BEST_USERS: getBestUsers(mBestUserList); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { scanf("%s", mUser); if (mstrcmp(mBestUserList[i], mUser) != 0) okay = false; } break; default: okay = false; break; } } return okay; } int main() { setbuf(stdout, NULL); freopen("sample_input.txt", "r", stdin); int TC, MARK; scanf("%d %d", &TC, &MARK); for (int tc = 1; tc <= TC; ++tc) { int score = run() ? MARK : 0; printf("#%d %d\n", tc, score); } return 0; } --------------USER---------------------- #define MAXL (10) #define MAX_USER 10007 #define MAX_MESSAGE 50007 #define HASH_SIZE 20007 #define HEAP_SIZE 50007 #define ull unsigned long long class Node{ public: ull id; Node* hashNext; int heapIdx; bool deleted; int point; int totalPoints; bool operator==(const Node& o){ return (o.deleted? false : (o.id == id)); } bool operator<(const Node& o){ return ((totalPoints == o.totalPoints)? id > o.id : totalPoints < o.totalPoints); } }; class Message : public Node{ public: Message* parent; Message* child; Message* next; int type; Node* user; void init(int mId, int mPoint, int mType, Node* mUser, Message* mParent){ id = mId; point = mPoint; totalPoints = mPoint; type = mType; user = mUser; parent = mParent; hashNext = 0; next = child = 0; heapIdx = deleted = 0; } }; class User : public Node{ public: char sName[11]; int length; void init(char* str){ heapIdx = totalPoints = 0; deleted = false; hashNext = 0; id = getHash(str); length = 0; while(str[length] != '\0'){ sName[length] = str[length]; length++; } sName[length++] = '\0'; } //ull getHash(char* str){ // ull ret = 0; // while(*str != '\0'){ // ret = ret * 31 + (*str - 'a' + 1); // str++; // } // return ret; //} ull getHash(char* s) { ull ret = 0; int pow = 9; while (*s != '\0') { ull c = (*s - 'a' + 1); ret = (ret | (c << (pow * 5))); pow--; s++; } return ret; } }; class HashMap{ public: Node* hm[HASH_SIZE]; void reset(){ for(int i = 0 ; i < HASH_SIZE; i++){ hm[i] = 0; } } void insert(Node* node){ int h = node->id % HASH_SIZE; node->hashNext = hm[h]; hm[h] = node; } Node* get(Node* node){ int h = node->id % HASH_SIZE; Node* n = hm[h]; while(n && !(*node == *n)) n = n->hashNext; return n; } }; class IndexedHeap{ public: Node* hp[HEAP_SIZE]; int idx; void reset() {idx = 0;} void down(Node* node){ int id = node->heapIdx; int child = 2*id + 1; while(child < idx){ if(child + 1 < idx && (*hp[child] < *hp[child+1])) child++; if(*hp[child] < *node) break; hp[id] = hp[child]; hp[id]->heapIdx = id; id = child; child = 2*id + 1; } hp[id] = node; node->heapIdx = id; } void up(Node* node){ int id = node->heapIdx; while(id){ int parent = (id - 1)/2; if(*node < *hp[parent]) break; hp[id] = hp[parent]; hp[id]->heapIdx = id; id = parent; } hp[id] = node; node->heapIdx = id; } void push(Node* node){ node->heapIdx = idx; hp[idx] = node; up(hp[idx++]); } void update(Node* node){ int id = node->heapIdx; down(hp[id]); up(hp[id]); } Node* pop(){ Node* node = hp[0]; hp[0] = hp[--idx]; hp[0]->heapIdx = 0; down(hp[0]); return node; } }; Message messages[MAX_MESSAGE]; int msgIdx; User users[MAX_USER]; int userIdx; HashMap messageHm, userHm; IndexedHeap messageHp, userHp; void init() { msgIdx = userIdx = 2; messageHm.reset(); userHm.reset(); messageHp.reset(); userHp.reset(); return; } Node* getUser(char* mUser) { auto& user = users[userIdx]; user.init(mUser); Node* ptr = userHm.get(&user); if (ptr == 0) { userHm.insert(&user); userHp.push(&user); ptr = &user; userIdx++; } return ptr; } int writeMessage(char mUser[], int mID, int mPoint) { auto user = getUser(mUser); user->totalPoints += mPoint; userHp.update(user); auto msg = &messages[msgIdx++]; msg->init(mID, mPoint, 0, user, 0); messageHp.push(msg); messageHm.insert(msg); return user->totalPoints; } int commentTo(char mUser[], int mID, int mTargetID, int mPoint) { auto user = getUser(mUser); user->totalPoints += mPoint; userHp.update(user); messages[1].id = mTargetID; Message* pmsg = (Message*)messageHm.get(&messages[1]); Message* message = &messages[msgIdx++]; message->init(mID, mPoint, pmsg->type+1, user, pmsg); messageHm.insert(message); if(pmsg->child == 0) pmsg->child = message; else{ Message* m = pmsg->child; pmsg->child = message; message->next = m; } pmsg->totalPoints += mPoint; if(pmsg->parent) { pmsg = pmsg->parent; pmsg->totalPoints += mPoint; } messageHp.update(pmsg); return pmsg->totalPoints; } int erase(int mID) { messages[1].id = mID; Message* msg = (Message*)messageHm.get(&messages[1]); msg->user->totalPoints -= msg->point; userHp.update(msg->user); msg->deleted = true; if(msg->child){ Message* ch1 = msg->child; while(ch1){ if(!ch1->deleted){ ch1->user->totalPoints -= ch1->point; userHp.update(ch1->user); ch1->deleted = true; if(ch1->child){ Message* ch2 = ch1->child; while(ch2){ if(!ch2->deleted){ ch2->user->totalPoints-= ch2->point; userHp.update(ch2->user); ch2->deleted = true; } ch2 = ch2->next; } } } ch1=ch1->next; } } if(msg->type == 0) return msg->user->totalPoints; int p = msg->totalPoints; while(msg->type != 0){ msg = msg->parent; msg ->totalPoints -= p; } messageHp.update(msg); return msg->totalPoints; } void getBestMessages(int mBestMessageList[]) { int i = 0; Message* msg[5]; while(i < 5){ msg[i] = (Message*) messageHp.pop(); if(msg[i]->deleted) continue; mBestMessageList[i] = msg[i]->id; i++; } while(i > 0) messageHp.push(msg[--i]); } void getBestUsers(char mBestUserList[][MAXL + 1]) { int i = 0; User* user[5]; while(i < 5){ user[i] = (User*)userHp.pop(); if(user[i]->deleted) continue; auto u = user[i]; for(int j = 0; j < u->length; j++) mBestUserList[i][j] = u->sName[j]; i++; } while(i > 0) userHp.push(user[--i]); return; } -------------------INPUT--------------------------- #define MAX_POST 50001 #define MAX_USER 10001 #define MAX_HASH1 10007 #define MAX_HASH2 50021 #define MAX_L 11 //String utils: void strCpy(char *t, char *s) { while (*t++ = *s++) ; } long long hash(char* name) { long long ret = 0; for (register int i = 0; name[i]; i++) ret += (long long)(name[i] - 96) << (5 * (9 - i)); return ret; } struct BasicInfo {//Common info of all objects long long id; //for users, info id is hash value of their name; for messages, comments, replies, info id is their id. int totalPoint; int objectIdx; //index of objects in pool arrays BasicInfo* next; //For hash map int heapIdx; //For heap } infos[MAX_POST + MAX_USER]; int objectCnt; struct User { char name[MAX_L]; BasicInfo* info; } users[MAX_USER]; int userNum; struct Post { //A post can be message, comment or reply int point; BasicInfo* info; Post* parent; User* user; //For linked list Post* next; Post* firstChild; } posts[MAX_POST]; int postNum; //Heaps BasicInfo* userInfoHeap[MAX_USER]; int userHeapSize; BasicInfo* postInfoHeap[MAX_POST]; int postHeapSize; bool isBetter(BasicInfo* info1, BasicInfo* info2) { return info1->totalPoint > info2->totalPoint || (info1->totalPoint == info2->totalPoint && info1->id < info2->id); } void upHeapify(BasicInfo* heap[], int pos) { register BasicInfo* curr = heap[pos]; for( ; pos > 1 && isBetter(curr, heap[pos >> 1]); pos >>= 1) { heap[pos] = heap[pos >> 1]; heap[pos]->heapIdx = pos; } heap[pos] = curr; heap[pos]->heapIdx = pos; } void downHeapify(BasicInfo* heap[], int size, int pos) { register BasicInfo* curr = heap[pos]; register int child; while ((child = pos << 1) <= size) { if (child < size && isBetter(heap[child + 1], heap[child])) child++; if (isBetter(heap[child], curr)) { heap[pos] = heap[child]; heap[pos]->heapIdx = pos; pos = child; } else break; } heap[pos] = curr; heap[pos]->heapIdx = pos; } void heapPush(BasicInfo* heap[], int &size, BasicInfo* info) { heap[++size] = info; upHeapify(heap, size); } void heapUpdate(BasicInfo* heap[], int size, BasicInfo* info) { register int pos = info->heapIdx; upHeapify(heap, pos); downHeapify(heap, size, pos); } void heapRemove(BasicInfo* heap[], int &size, BasicInfo* info) { register int pos = info->heapIdx; heap[pos] = heap[size--]; heap[pos]->heapIdx = pos; heapUpdate(heap, size, heap[pos]); } BasicInfo* heapPop(BasicInfo* heap[], int &size) { BasicInfo* ret = heap[1]; heapRemove(heap, size, heap[1]); return ret; } //HashMaps BasicInfo* userInfoMap[MAX_HASH1]; BasicInfo* postInfoMap[MAX_HASH2]; Post* findPost(int postId) { for (BasicInfo* info = postInfoMap[postId % MAX_HASH2]; info; info = info->next) if (postId == info->id) return &posts[info->objectIdx]; return nullptr; } User* findUser(char *name) { long long hashVal = hash(name); for (BasicInfo* info = userInfoMap[hashVal % MAX_HASH1]; info; info = info->next) if (hashVal == info->id) return &users[info->objectIdx]; //If user not exist, create new user and user info BasicInfo* info = &infos[objectCnt++]; info->id = hashVal; info->objectIdx = userNum; info->totalPoint = 0; //Add to hash map register int idx = hashVal % MAX_HASH1; info->next = userInfoMap[idx]; userInfoMap[idx] = info; //Add to end of heap, will be updated later userInfoHeap[++userHeapSize] = info; info->heapIdx = userHeapSize; //Create new user strCpy(users[userNum].name, name); users[userNum].info = info; return &users[userNum++]; } int addNewPost(User* user, int mID, int mPoint, Post* mParent) { user->info->totalPoint += mPoint; heapUpdate(userInfoHeap, userHeapSize, user->info); //Create new post info and add to hash map BasicInfo* postInfo = &infos[objectCnt++]; postInfo->id = mID; postInfo->totalPoint = mPoint; postInfo->objectIdx = postNum; register int idx = mID % MAX_HASH2; postInfo->next = postInfoMap[idx]; postInfoMap[idx] = postInfo; //Create new post Post* post = &posts[postNum++]; post->info = postInfo; post->point = mPoint; post->user = user; post->firstChild = nullptr; post->parent = mParent; if (mParent) { //this post is a comment or reply post->next = mParent->firstChild; mParent->firstChild = post; mParent->info->totalPoint += mPoint; if (mParent->parent) { //this is a reply mParent = mParent->parent; mParent->info->totalPoint += mPoint; } heapUpdate(postInfoHeap, postHeapSize, mParent->info); return mParent->info->totalPoint; } //this post is a message heapPush(postInfoHeap, postHeapSize, postInfo); post->next = nullptr; return user->info->totalPoint; } void init() { objectCnt = userNum = postNum = userHeapSize = postHeapSize = 0; for (register int i = 0; i < MAX_HASH1; i++) userInfoMap[i] = nullptr; for (register int i = 0; i < MAX_HASH2; i++) postInfoMap[i] = nullptr; } int writeMessage(char mUser[], int mID, int mPoint) { User* user = findUser(mUser); return addNewPost(user, mID, mPoint, nullptr); } int commentTo(char mUser[], int mID, int mTargetID, int mPoint) { User* user = findUser(mUser); Post* target = findPost(mTargetID); return addNewPost(user, mID, mPoint, target); } //When erasing post, traversal all descendants and update their user's point void updateUserPoint(Post* post) { post->user->info->totalPoint -= post->point; heapUpdate(userInfoHeap, userHeapSize, post->user->info); for (register Post* child = post->firstChild; child; child = child->next) updateUserPoint(child); } int erase(int mID) { Post* post = findPost(mID); updateUserPoint(post); Post* parent = post->parent; if (parent) {//this post is a comment or reply //delete from parent's list if (post == parent->firstChild) parent->firstChild = post->next; else { for (register Post* i = parent->firstChild; i->next; i = i->next) { if (post == i->next) { i->next = i->next->next; break; } } } parent->info->totalPoint -= post->info->totalPoint; if (parent->parent) { //this post is a reply parent = parent->parent; parent->info->totalPoint -= post->info->totalPoint; } heapUpdate(postInfoHeap, postHeapSize, parent->info); return parent->info->totalPoint; } //this is a message heapRemove(postInfoHeap, postHeapSize, post->info); return post->user->info->totalPoint; } BasicInfo* bestInfos[5]; void getBestMessages(int mBestMessageList[]) { for (register int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { bestInfos[i] = heapPop(postInfoHeap, postHeapSize); mBestMessageList[i] = bestInfos[i]->id; } for (register int i = 0; i < 5; i++) heapPush(postInfoHeap, postHeapSize, bestInfos[i]); } void getBestUsers(char mBestUserList[][MAX_L]) { for (register int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { bestInfos[i] = heapPop(userInfoHeap, userHeapSize); strCpy(mBestUserList[i], users[bestInfos[i]->objectIdx].name); } for (register int i = 0; i < 5; i++) heapPush(userInfoHeap, userHeapSize, bestInfos[i]); }