3 years ago
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#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; float f(float x) // f(x) function. { return sin(x) * sin(x) + x - 1; // insert your equation here. } float df(float x) // f'(x) function. { return sin(2 * x) + 1; // insert the first derivative of your equation here. } void newton_raphson(float x0) // Main Algorithm of newton_raphson method. { printf("---------------------------\nRoot using Newton-Raphson Method\n---------------------------\n"); int iteration = 1; // for counting iteration. float x1; // x_n+1 declaration. while (1) // infinite loop. This will run until we found the desirable result. { x1 = x0 - (f(x0) / df(x0)); // Main formula of newton raphson method. ( x_n+1 = x_n - (f(x_n)/ f'(x_n))); printf(" Iteration = %d\tx0 = %.5f\tx1 = %.5f\tf(x1) = %.5f\n", iteration, x0, x1, f(x1)); // printing results. if (abs(f(x1)) == 0) { break; // if we found the root loop will be terminated. } else { x0 = x1; } iteration++; } cout << "The smallest root: " << x1 << '\n'; } int main() { float x0, x1; cout << "Enter your initial guess: "; cin >> x0; newton_raphson(x0); }
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