2 months ago
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Champions (107): Annie Galio Ornn TwistedFate Sylas XinZhao Urgot Neeko Leblanc Vladimir Fiddlesticks Yone Kayle Aphelios MasterYi Alistar Ryze Sion Rell Sivir Teemo Tristana Warwick Nunu MissFortune Ashe Tryndamere Jax Morgana Zilean Evelynn Twitch Karthus Chogath Amumu Rammus Anivia Shaco DrMundo Irelia Janna Gangplank Karma Pyke Taric Veigar Trundle Swain Caitlyn Blitzcrank Malphite Katarina Renekton Brand LeeSin Vayne Heimerdinger Nasus Nidalee Udyr Poppy Pantheon Ezreal Mordekaiser Akali Kennen Garen Leona Riven Yuumi LuxAir Xerath Ahri Fizz Volibear Sett Rengar Lillia Varus Nautilus Sejuani Fiora Ziggs Lulu Draven Darius Diana Kayn Zoe Zyra Kaisa Seraphine Thresh Yasuo Velkoz Taliyah RekSai Jhin Jinx TahmKench Viego Senna Lucian Zed Xayah Qiyana Vi Skins (67): Lunar Guardian Nasus Worldbreaker Trundle Cowgirl Miss Fortune Secret Agent Miss Fortune Eternum Rek'Sai Pool Party Miss Fortune Hazmat Heimerdinger Dunkmaster Darius Dark Cosmic Jhin Prehistoric Renekton The Thousand-Pierced Bear Apocalyptic Brand God-King Darius Arclight Brand Pizza Delivery Sivir Mr. Mundoverse Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate Grungy Nunu & Willump Infernal Akali Underworld Twisted Fate Minuteman Gangplank Ghost Bride Morgana Arclight Varus SSG Taliyah Sorceress Lux Grey Warwick Resistance Caitlyn Aristocrat Vayne Spellthief Lux Debonair Galio Feral Warwick Birdio Elementalist Lux Star Guardian Lux Marauder Warwick Lunar Empress Lux Battle Academia Lux White Mage Veigar Kingpin Twitch Whistler Village Twitch Dragonslayer Diana Medieval Twitch Crime City Twitch Warden Jax Leprechaun Veigar Nightbringer Vladimir Pirate Ryze Mercenary Katarina Viking Tryndamere Battle Boss Yasuo Kitty Cat Katarina Slay Belle Katarina SSW Thresh Armor of the Fifth Age Taric PROJECT: Lucian Frosted Ezreal Arcade Ezreal Sanguine Garen Annie-Versary Marauder Ashe PROJECT: Ashe True Damage Senna SSW Rengar Pharaoh Nasus Star Guardian Neeko Headhunter Master Yi Demacia Vice Garen
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