
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a month ago
49 kB
strategy("Strategy Toolbox [Evolution]", overlay=true, calc_on_every_tick=true)
//######################## Select Strategy #########################
strategy_type = input.string(defval = "TREND", title = "Strategy Type", options=["TREND","MA"])
//######################## 01-Trend Strategy Input #################
dummy1 = input.bool(true, title = "========== 01-Trend Strategy Options ========")

tr_type = input.string(defval ="MOST", title="Trend Indicator", options=["MOST","OTT","SUPERTREND","PMAX"])
ma_type = input.string(defval ="VMA",  title = "Most & OTT MA Type", options=["T3","EMA","SMA","DEMA","TEMA","WMA","VWMA","SMMA","HMA","KIJUNSEN","VIDYA","VMA","ZLEMA"])
ma_len = input.int(defval=5,        title="Trend Length & Period", minval=2)
ma_percent = input.float(defval=3,    title="Trend Percent & Multiplier", minval=0.1, step=0.1)
ma_src = input.source(close,           title="Trend Source")

t3_factor = input.float(defval=0.47, step=0.1, title="T3 Factor", minval=0.01)
pmax_atr =input.int(10, "Pmax Atr Period", minval=1)

show_trend = input.bool(defval = true, title="Show Trend Signals?")
show_tr_cross_signal = input.bool(defval = true, title="Show Trend Crossing Signals?")
//######################## 02-MA Cross Strategy Input ##############
dummy2 = input.bool(true, title = "========== 02-MA Cross Strategy Options =====")

// First MA Input
mo_type1 = input.string(defval = "EMA", title = "First MA Type", options=["T3","EMA","SMA","DEMA","TEMA","WMA","VWMA","SMMA","HMA","KIJUNSEN","TENKANSEN","VIDYA","VMA","ZLEMA"])
mo_len1 = input.int(defval=9, minval=2, title="First MA Length")

// Second MA Input
mo_type2 = input.string(defval = "EMA", title = "Second MA Type", options=["T3","EMA","SMA","DEMA","TEMA","WMA","VWMA","SMMA","HMA","KIJUN","TENKANSEN","VIDYA","VMA","ZLEMA"])
mo_len2 = input.int(defval=21, minval=2, title="Second MA Length")

mo_src = input.source(close, title="MA Source")
mo_t3_factor = input.float(defval=0.47, step=0.1, title="T3 Factor", minval=0.01)

show_mo = input.bool(defval=true, title="Show MA Signals?")
show_mo_cross_signal = input.bool(defval=true, title="Show MA Crossing Signals?")
//######################## All MA Function #########################

//######################## T3 Function #############################
//t3_factor = strategy_type=='TREND'?tr_t3_factor:strategy_type=='MA'?mo_t3_factor:na
//Tillson T3 Moving Average
T3_Func(ma_src,ma_len,t3_factor) =>
    var_t3e1=ta.ema(ma_src, ma_len)
    var_t3e2=ta.ema(var_t3e1, ma_len)
    var_t3e3=ta.ema(var_t3e2, ma_len)
    var_t3e4=ta.ema(var_t3e3, ma_len)
    var_t3e5=ta.ema(var_t3e4, ma_len)
    var_t3e6=ta.ema(var_t3e5, ma_len)
    var_c1 * var_t3e6 + var_c2 * var_t3e5 + var_c3 * var_t3e4 + var_c4 * var_t3e3

//######################## Ema Function ############################
//Exponential Moving Average
Ema_Func(ma_src,ma_len) =>
    var_ema = 0.0
    var_ema := ta.ema(ma_src,ma_len)

//######################## Sma Function ############################
//Simple Moving Average
Sma_Func(ma_src,ma_len) =>
    var_sma = 0.0
    var_sma := ta.sma(ma_src, ma_len)

//######################## Dema Function ###########################
//Double Exponential Moving Average
Dema_Func(ma_src,ma_len) =>
    var_e1 = ta.ema(ma_src,ma_len)
    var_e2 = ta.ema(var_e1,ma_len)
    var_dema = 2 * var_e1 - var_e2

//######################## Tema Function ###########################
//Triple Exponential Moving Average
Tema_Func(ma_src,ma_len) =>
    var_ema1 = ta.ema(ma_src,ma_len)
    var_ema2 = ta.ema(var_ema1,ma_len)
    var_ema3 = ta.ema(var_ema2,ma_len)
    var_tema = 3 * (var_ema1 - var_ema2) + var_ema3

//######################## Wma Function ############################
//Weighted Moving Average
Wma_Func(ma_src,ma_len) =>
    var_wma = 0.0
    var_wma := ta.wma(ma_src,ma_len)

//######################## Vwma Function ###########################
//Volume Weighted Moving Average
Vwma_Func(ma_src,ma_len) =>
    var_vwma = 0.0
    var_vwma := ta.vwma(ma_src,ma_len)

//######################## Smma Function ###########################
//Smoothed Moving Average
Smma_Func(ma_src,ma_len) =>
    var_smma = 0.0
    var_smma := na(var_smma[1]) ? ta.sma(ma_src,ma_len) : (var_smma[1] * (ma_len - 1) + ma_src) / ma_len

//######################## Hma Function ############################
//Hull Moving Average
Hma_Func(ma_src,ma_len) =>
    var_Hma = ta.wma(2 * ta.wma(ma_src,ma_len/2) - ta.wma(ma_src, ma_len), math.round(math.sqrt(ma_len)))

//######################## Vidya Function ##########################
//Variable Index Dynamic Average
    alpha = 2/(ma_len+1)
    momm = ta.change(ma_src)
    m1 = momm >= 0.0 ? momm : 0.0
    m2 = momm >= 0.0 ? 0.0 : -momm
    sm1 = math.sum(m1, 9)
    sm2 = math.sum(m2, 9)
    chandeMO = nz(100*(sm1-sm2)/(sm1+sm2))
    k= math.abs(chandeMO)/100
    VIDYA:= nz(alpha*k*ma_src)+(1-alpha*k)*nz(VIDYA[1])

//######################## Vma Function ############################
//Variable Moving Average
Vma_Func(ma_src,ma_len) =>
    ud1=ma_src>ma_src[1] ? ma_src-ma_src[1] : 0
    dd1=ma_src<ma_src[1] ? ma_src[1]-ma_src : 0
    k= math.abs(CMO)

//######################## Zema Function ###########################
//Zero Lag Ema
Zlema_Func(ma_src,ma_len) =>
    var_lag = math.floor((ma_len - 1)/2)
    ta.ema(ma_src + ma_src - ma_src[var_lag],ma_len)

//######################## Ichimoku Function #######################

//######################## Kijunsen Function #######################
//Kijunsen Moving Average
    math.avg(ta.lowest(ma_len), ta.highest(ma_len))

//######################## Tenkansen Function ######################
//Tenkansen Moving Average
    math.avg(ta.lowest(ma_len), ta.highest(ma_len))

//######################## Spana Function ##########################
//Spana Moving Average

//######################## Spanb Function ##########################
//Spana Moving Average
    math.avg(ta.lowest(ma_len), ta.highest(ma_len))

//######################## MA Function #############################

    float baseline_return = 0.0

        baseline_return :=T3_Func(ma_src, ma_len, t3_factor)

        baseline_return :=Ema_Func(ma_src, ma_len)

        baseline_return :=Sma_Func(ma_src, ma_len)

        baseline_return :=Dema_Func(ma_src, ma_len)

        baseline_return :=Tema_Func(ma_src, ma_len)

        baseline_return :=Wma_Func(ma_src, ma_len)

        baseline_return :=Vwma_Func(ma_src, ma_len)

        baseline_return :=Smma_Func(ma_src, ma_len)

        baseline_return :=Hma_Func(ma_src, ma_len)

        baseline_return :=Vidya_Func(ma_src, ma_len)

        baseline_return :=Vma_Func(ma_src, ma_len)

        baseline_return :=Zlema_Func(ma_src, ma_len)

        baseline_return :=Kijunsen_Func(ma_len)

        baseline_return :=Tenkansen_Func(ma_len)


//######################## Trend Strategy ##########################
//######################## Most Function ###########################
most_averprice = Ma_Func(ma_src,ma_len,ma_type,t3_factor)

    exMov= Ma_Func(ma_src,ma_len,ma_type,t3_factor)
    newshortband= exMov + fark
    newlongband= exMov - fark
    longband =0.0
    longband:= exMov[1] > longband[1] and exMov > longband[1]? math.max(longband[1],newlongband):newlongband
    shortband:=exMov[1] < shortband[1] and exMov < shortband[1]? math.min(shortband[1], newshortband):newshortband
    trend:=ta.cross(exMov,shortband[1])?1:ta.cross(longband[1], exMov)?-1:nz(trend[1],1)
    most = trend==1? longband: shortband


most_buy =ta.crossover(most_averprice,most_trendprice)
//######################## OTT Function ############################
ott_averprice= Ma_Func(ma_src,ma_len,ma_type,t3_factor)

    var_ott= Ma_Func(ma_src,ma_len,ma_type,t3_factor)
    longStop = var_ott - fark
    longStopPrev = nz(longStop[1], longStop)
    longStop := var_ott > longStopPrev ? math.max(longStop, longStopPrev) : longStop
    shortStop =  var_ott + fark
    shortStopPrev = nz(shortStop[1], shortStop)
    shortStop := var_ott < shortStopPrev ? math.min(shortStop, shortStopPrev) : shortStop
    dir = 1
    dir := nz(dir[1], dir)
    dir := dir == -1 and var_ott > shortStopPrev ? 1 : dir == 1 and var_ott < longStopPrev ? -1 : dir
    mt = dir==1 ? longStop: shortStop
    ott=var_ott>mt ? mt*(200+ma_percent)/200 : mt*(200-ma_percent)/200


ott_buy =ta.crossover(ott_averprice,ott_trendprice[2])
//######################## Supertrend Function ####################
[Supertrend, Trend] = ta.supertrend(ma_percent,ma_len)


sup_buy =Trend[1]==1 and Trend==-1
sup_sell=Trend[1]==-1 and Trend==1
//######################## Pmax Function ###########################
pmax_averprice = Ma_Func(ma_src,ma_len,ma_type,t3_factor)

    atr= ta.atr(pmax_atr)
    longStop = MAvg - ma_percent*atr
    longStopPrev = nz(longStop[1], longStop)
    longStop := MAvg > longStopPrev ? math.max(longStop, longStopPrev) : longStop
    shortStop = MAvg + ma_percent*atr
    shortStopPrev = nz(shortStop[1], shortStop)
    shortStop := MAvg < shortStopPrev ? math.min(shortStop, shortStopPrev) : shortStop
    dir = 1
    dir := nz(dir[1], dir)
    dir := dir == -1 and MAvg > shortStopPrev ? 1 : dir == 1 and MAvg < longStopPrev ? -1 : dir
    PMax = dir==1 ? longStop: shortStop


pmax_buy =ta.crossover(pmax_averprice,pmax_trendprice)
//######################## Trend Conditions ########################
tr_averprice = tr_type=='MOST'?most_averprice:tr_type=='OTT'?ott_averprice:tr_type=='SUPERTREND'?sup_averprice:tr_type=='PMAX'?pmax_averprice:na
tr_price = tr_type=='MOST'?most_trendprice:tr_type=='OTT'?nz(ott_trendprice[2]):tr_type=='SUPERTREND'?sup_trendprice:tr_type=='PMAX'?pmax_trendprice:na

tr_buy = tr_type=='MOST'?most_buy:tr_type=='OTT'?ott_buy:tr_type=='SUPERTREND'?sup_buy:tr_type=='PMAX'?pmax_buy:na
tr_sell= tr_type=='MOST'?most_sell:tr_type=='OTT'?ott_sell:tr_type=='SUPERTREND'?sup_sell:tr_type=='PMAX'?pmax_sell:na

//Show Trend Indicator & Support Line
plot(strategy_type=='TREND' and show_trend? tr_averprice:na, title="Support Line", style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2, color=color.green)
plot(strategy_type=='TREND' and show_trend? tr_price:na, title="Trend Line", style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2, color=color.red)

//Label Trend Indicator & Support Line
plotshape(strategy_type=='TREND' and show_tr_cross_signal and tr_buy? tr_averprice : na, title="Trend BUY", text="BUY", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny, color=#0F18BF, textcolor=color.white, transp=0)
plotshape(strategy_type=='TREND' and show_tr_cross_signal and tr_sell? tr_price : na, title="Trend SELL", text="SELL", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=#0F18BF, textcolor=color.white, transp=0)
//######################## MA Conditions ###########################
first_mo = Ma_Func(mo_src,mo_len1,mo_type1,mo_t3_factor)
second_mo = Ma_Func(mo_src,mo_len2,mo_type2,mo_t3_factor)


//Show First & Second MA
plot(strategy_type=='MA' and show_mo? first_mo:na, title="First MA Line", style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2, color=color.green)
plot(strategy_type=='MA' and show_mo? second_mo:na, title="Second MA Line", style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2, color=color.red)

//Label Firt MA & Second MA
plotshape(strategy_type=='MA' and show_mo_cross_signal and mo_buy? first_mo : na, title="MA BUY", text="BUY", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny, color=#0F18BF, textcolor=color.white, transp=0)
plotshape(strategy_type=='MA' and show_mo_cross_signal and mo_sell? second_mo : na, title="MA SELL", text="SELL", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=#0F18BF, textcolor=color.white, transp=0)
//######################## Stock Screener Input ####################
dummy3 = input(true, title = "========== Stock Screener Options ===========")

st_sc = input.bool(false, title="Enable Stock Screener?")
look_for = input.string(defval = "TREND/MA", title = "Stock Screener Condition?", options=["TREND/MA"])
last_bar_back = input.int(defval=0, step=1, title="Last Bar Back", minval=0)
//################ Support & Resistance and Fibonacci Input #######
dummy7 = input.bool(true, title = "====Support & Resistance, Fibonacci and Other Options===")

fibo_len = input.int(150, minval=1, title="Fibonacci Length")
show_fibo = input.bool(false, title="Show Fibonacci Levels")
reverse_mode = input.bool(true, title="Enable Reverse Mode")

pivot_len = input.int(14, minval=1, title="Pivot High Low Length")
show_pivot_levels = input.bool(false, title="Show Pivot High Low Level")
show_sr_levels = input.bool(false, title="Show S/R Level")

lrg_len = input.int(150, minval=1, title="Linear Regression Length")
lrg_dev = input.float(2.0, minval=1, title="Linear Regression Deviation")
show_lin = input.bool(false, title="Show Linear Regression")
top_bars = input.int(150, minval=1, title='Trend Breakout Top Bars')
low_bars = input.int(30, minval=1, title='Trend Breakout Bottom Bars')
show_tb = input.bool(false, title="Show Trend Line?")

show_pil = input.bool(false, title="Show Positive Indicator List?")
show_nil = input.bool(false, title="Show Negative Indicator List?")
//######################## All Search ##############################
highest_index = - ta.highestbars(high, top_bars)
lowest_index = - ta.lowestbars(low, low_bars)

hx1 = ta.valuewhen(highest_index, bar_index[highest_index], 0)
hy1 = ta.valuewhen(highest_index, high[highest_index], 0)
hx2 = ta.valuewhen(highest_index, bar_index[1], 0)
hy2 = ta.valuewhen(highest_index, high[1], 0)

lx1 = ta.valuewhen(lowest_index, bar_index[lowest_index], 0)
ly1 = ta.valuewhen(lowest_index, low[lowest_index], 0)
lx2 = ta.valuewhen(lowest_index, bar_index[1], 0)
ly2 = ta.valuewhen(lowest_index, low[1], 0)

// trendline
    m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

get_y_intercept(m, x1, y1)=>

get_y(m, b, ts)=>
    Y = m * ts + b

res_m = get_slope(hx1,hx2,hy1,hy2)
res_b = get_y_intercept(res_m, hx1, hy1)
res_y = get_y(res_m, res_b, bar_index[1])

sup_m = get_slope(lx1,lx2,ly1,ly2)
sup_b = get_y_intercept(sup_m, lx1, ly1)
sup_y = get_y(sup_m, sup_b, bar_index[1])

if show_tb and barstate.islast
    line.new(hx1,hy1,hx2,hy2, style=line.style_dashed, color=color.green,extend=extend.right)
if show_tb and barstate.islast
    line.new(lx1,ly1,lx2,ly2, style=line.style_dashed, color=color.red,extend=extend.right)

tb_buy = ta.crossover(close, res_y)
tb_sell = ta.crossunder(close, sup_y)

plotshape(show_tb and barstate.islast? tb_buy:na,  style=shape.triangleup, color=color.green, size=size.tiny, location=location.belowbar, title='Long Break')
plotshape(show_tb and barstate.islast? tb_sell:na, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red, size=size.tiny, location=location.abovebar, title='Short Break')
//######################## Fibonacci Input ########################
highestHigh = ta.highest(high, fibo_len)
lowestLow = ta.lowest(low, fibo_len)

var float fibo_0 = na
var float fibo_236 = na
var float fibo_382 = na
var float fibo_50 = na
var float fibo_618 = na
var float fibo_786 = na
var float fibo_100 = na

var line[] fibo_lines = array.new_line(7)
var label[] fibo_labels = array.new_label(7)

if (reverse_mode)
    fibo_100 := lowestLow
    fibo_786 := lowestLow + (highestHigh - lowestLow) * 0.236
    fibo_618 := lowestLow + (highestHigh - lowestLow) * 0.382
    fibo_50 := lowestLow + (highestHigh - lowestLow) * 0.5
    fibo_382 := lowestLow + (highestHigh - lowestLow) * 0.618
    fibo_236 := lowestLow + (highestHigh - lowestLow) * 0.786
    fibo_0 := highestHigh
    fibo_0 := lowestLow
    fibo_236 := lowestLow + (highestHigh - lowestLow) * 0.236
    fibo_382 := lowestLow + (highestHigh - lowestLow) * 0.382
    fibo_50 := lowestLow + (highestHigh - lowestLow) * 0.5
    fibo_618 := lowestLow + (highestHigh - lowestLow) * 0.618
    fibo_786 := lowestLow + (highestHigh - lowestLow) * 0.786
    fibo_100 := highestHigh

if (show_fibo)
    for i = 0 to array.size(fibo_lines) - 1
        line.delete(array.get(fibo_lines, i))
        label.delete(array.get(fibo_labels, i))

    array.set(fibo_lines, 0, line.new(bar_index[fibo_len], fibo_0, bar_index[0], fibo_0, color=color.red, width=1))
    array.set(fibo_lines, 1, line.new(bar_index[fibo_len], fibo_236, bar_index[0], fibo_236, color=color.orange, width=1))
    array.set(fibo_lines, 2, line.new(bar_index[fibo_len], fibo_382, bar_index[0], fibo_382, color=color.yellow, width=1))
    array.set(fibo_lines, 3, line.new(bar_index[fibo_len], fibo_50, bar_index[0], fibo_50, color=color.green, width=1))
    array.set(fibo_lines, 4, line.new(bar_index[fibo_len], fibo_618, bar_index[0], fibo_618, color=color.blue, width=1))
    array.set(fibo_lines, 5, line.new(bar_index[fibo_len], fibo_786, bar_index[0], fibo_786, color=color.purple, width=1))
    array.set(fibo_lines, 6, line.new(bar_index[fibo_len], fibo_100, bar_index[0], fibo_100, color=color.red, width=1))

    array.set(fibo_labels, 0, label.new(bar_index[0], fibo_0, "0% - " + str.tostring(fibo_0), color=color.red, textcolor=color.white, style=label.style_label_left))
    array.set(fibo_labels, 1, label.new(bar_index[0], fibo_236, "23.6% - " + str.tostring(fibo_236), color=color.orange, textcolor=color.white, style=label.style_label_left))
    array.set(fibo_labels, 2, label.new(bar_index[0], fibo_382, "38.2% - " + str.tostring(fibo_382), color=color.yellow, textcolor=color.white, style=label.style_label_left))
    array.set(fibo_labels, 3, label.new(bar_index[0], fibo_50, "50% - " + str.tostring(fibo_50), color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, style=label.style_label_left))
    array.set(fibo_labels, 4, label.new(bar_index[0], fibo_618, "61.8% - " + str.tostring(fibo_618), color=color.blue, textcolor=color.white, style=label.style_label_left))
    array.set(fibo_labels, 5, label.new(bar_index[0], fibo_786, "78.6% - " + str.tostring(fibo_786), color=color.purple, textcolor=color.white, style=label.style_label_left))
    array.set(fibo_labels, 6, label.new(bar_index[0], fibo_100, "100% - " + str.tostring(fibo_100), color=color.red, textcolor=color.white, style=label.style_label_left))
//######################## Strategy Input ##########################
dummy5 = input(true, title = "========== Strategy Tester Options ==========")
show_strategy = input.bool(false, title="Enable Strategy Tester?")
show_strategy_parameters = input.bool(false, title="Show Strategy Parameters?")
show_performance_output = input.bool(false, title="Show Performance Output?")
//######################## StdDev Function##########################
std_deviation=input.int(title="Standard Deviation Period", minval=1, defval=14)
std_deviation_value=input.float(0, minval=0, step=0.01, title="Standard Deviation Value")

StdDev_Func(ma_src,std_deviation) =>
//######################## Long & Short Signal #####################
buy = strategy_type=='TREND'? tr_buy:strategy_type=='MA'? mo_buy:na
sell = strategy_type=='TREND'? tr_sell:strategy_type=='MA'? mo_sell:na

long  = buy and StdDev_Func(ma_src,std_deviation)>std_deviation_value
short = sell and StdDev_Func(ma_src,std_deviation)>std_deviation_value
//######################## Backtest ################################
dummy6     = input.bool(true, title = "========== Backtest Input Options ===========")
FromDay    = input.int(defval = 1, title = "From Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31)
FromMonth  = input.int(defval = 1, title = "From Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12)
FromYear   = input.int(defval = 2005, title = "From Year", minval = 2005)
ToDay      = input.int(defval = 1, title = "To Day", minval = 1, maxval = 31)
ToMonth    = input.int(defval = 1, title = "To Month", minval = 1, maxval = 12)
ToYear     = input.int(defval = 9999, title = "To Year", minval = 2006)
Start     = timestamp(FromYear, FromMonth, FromDay, 00, 00)
Finish    = timestamp(ToYear, ToMonth, ToDay, 23, 59)

Timerange() =>
    time >= Start and time <= Finish ? true : false
//######################## All Strategy ############################
strategy_cond= ta.barssince(look_for_condition)<=last_bar_back
//######################## Strategy ################################
if (show_strategy or show_performance_output) and long
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long,when=Timerange())
if (show_strategy or show_performance_output) and short
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short,when=Timerange())
//################ Support & Resistance Input #####################
// Get High and Low Pivot Points
pivot_high = ta.pivothigh(high, pivot_len, pivot_len)
pivot_low = ta.pivotlow(low, pivot_len, pivot_len)

// HH
hh_value_when1 = ta.valuewhen(pivot_high, high[pivot_len], 1)
hh_value_when2 = ta.valuewhen(pivot_high, high[pivot_len], 0)
higher_high = na(pivot_high) ? na : hh_value_when1 < hh_value_when2 ? pivot_high : na
plotshape(show_pivot_levels? higher_high :na, title='HH', style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.green, text="HH", textcolor=color.white, offset=-pivot_len)

// LH
lh_value_when1 = ta.valuewhen(pivot_high, high[pivot_len], 1)
lh_value_when2 = ta.valuewhen(pivot_high, high[pivot_len], 0)
lower_high = na(pivot_high) ? na : lh_value_when1 > lh_value_when2 ? pivot_high : na
plotshape(show_pivot_levels? lower_high : na, title='LH', style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, text="LH", textcolor=color.white, offset=-pivot_len, size=size.tiny)

// HL
hl_value_when1 = ta.valuewhen(pivot_low, low[pivot_len], 1)
hl_value_when2 = ta.valuewhen(pivot_low, low[pivot_len], 0)
higher_low = na(pivot_low) ? na : hl_value_when1 < hl_value_when2 ? pivot_low : na
plotshape(show_pivot_levels? higher_low : na, title='HL', style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, text="HL", textcolor=color.white, offset=-pivot_len)

// LL
ll_value_when1 = ta.valuewhen(pivot_low, low[pivot_len], 1)
ll_value_when2 = ta.valuewhen(pivot_low, low[pivot_len], 0)
lower_low = na(pivot_low) ? na : ll_value_when1 > ll_value_when2 ? pivot_low : na
plotshape(show_pivot_levels? lower_low : na, title='LL', style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.red, text="LL", textcolor=color.white, offset=-pivot_len)

// Count How many candles for current Pivot Level, If new reset.
count_high = 0
count_low = 0
count_high := na(pivot_high) ? nz(count_high[1]) + 1 : 0
count_low := na(pivot_low) ? nz(count_low[1]) + 1 : 0

pivot_highs = 0.0
pivot_lows = 0.0
pivot_highs := na(pivot_high) ? pivot_highs[1] : high[pivot_len]
pivot_lows := na(pivot_low) ? pivot_lows[1] : low[pivot_len]

hipc = pivot_highs != pivot_highs[1] ? na : color.new(color.red,50)
lopc = pivot_lows != pivot_lows[1] ? na : color.new(color.green,50)

// Show Levels if Selected
plot(show_sr_levels ? pivot_highs : na, color=hipc, linewidth=1, offset=-pivot_len ,title="Top Levels",style=plot.style_circles)
plot(show_sr_levels ? pivot_lows : na, color=lopc, linewidth=1, offset=-pivot_len , title="Bottom Levels",style=plot.style_circles)
//################ Linear Regression ##############################

    linreg = ta.linreg(close, len, 0)
    linreg_p = ta.linreg(close, len, 1)

    x = bar_index
    slope = linreg - linreg_p
    intercept = linreg - x*slope
    deviationSum = 0.0

    for i=0 to len-1
        deviationSum:= deviationSum + math.pow(close[i]-(slope*(x-i)+intercept), 2)

    deviation = math.sqrt(deviationSum/(len))

    x1 = x-len
    x2 = x
    y1 = slope*(x-len)+intercept
    y2 = linreg

    line mid = show? line.new(x1, y1, x2, y2, xloc.bar_index, extend.right, _color):na

    line top = show? line.new(x1, deviation*dev + y1, x2, deviation*dev + y2, xloc.bar_index, extend.right, _color):na

    line bot = show? line.new(x1,-deviation*dev + y1, x2, -deviation*dev + y2, xloc.bar_index, extend.right, _color):na


//######################## Indicators For Indicator Index ##########
//Bollinger Band
rsi = ta.rsi(close,14)

k = ta.sma(ta.stoch(rsi,rsi,rsi,14),3)
d = ta.sma(k,3)
//Parabolic Sar
sar = ta.sar(0.02,0.02,0.2)
[macd_line, signal_line, hist_line] = ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
hull = ta.wma(2*ta.wma(close,9/2)-ta.wma(close,9),math.round(math.sqrt(9)))
up = ta.change(high)
down = -ta.change(low)
plusDM = na(up) ? na : (up > down and up > 0 ? up : 0)
minusDM = na(down) ? na : (down > up and down > 0 ? down : 0)
trur = ta.rma(ta.tr,14)
plus_di = fixnan(100 * ta.rma(plusDM,14)/trur)
minus_di = fixnan(100 * ta.rma(minusDM,14)/trur)
sum = plus_di + minus_di
adx = 100 * ta.rma(math.abs(plus_di - minus_di)/(sum == 0 ? 1 : sum),14)
tk_len = 9 //Tenkansen Length
kj_len = 26 //Kijunsen Length
cshs_len = 26 //Chikouspan Length
sa_len = 26 //SenkouspanA Length
sb_len = 52 //SenkouspanB Length
//Chaikin Money Flow
cmf_ad = close==high and close==low or high==low ? 0 : ((2*close-low-high)/(high-low))*volume
cmf = math.sum(cmf_ad,20) / math.sum(volume,20)
//Money Flow Index
mfi = ta.rsi(hlc3, 14)
//Relative Volume
vol_len = 14
avg_vol = ta.sma(volume, vol_len)
rvol = volume/avg_vol
//Relative Momentum Index
rmi_up = ta.ema(math.max(close - close[5],0),20)
rmi_dn = ta.ema(math.max(close[5] - close,0),20)
rmi = rmi_dn == 0 ? 0 : 100 - 100 / (1 + rmi_up / rmi_dn)

total_p_count=bband_p_count + ema50_p_count + ema200_p_count + rsi_p_count + stochrsi_p_count + sar_p_count + macd_p_count + hull_p_count + di_p_count + adx_p_count + tenkansen_p_count + cmf_p_count + mfi_p_count + rvol_p_count
total_n_count=bband_n_count + ema50_n_count + ema200_n_count + rsi_n_count + stochrsi_n_count + sar_n_count + macd_n_count + hull_n_count + di_n_count + adx_n_count + tenkansen_n_count + cmf_n_count + mfi_n_count + rvol_n_count

//pil_buy= total_p_count>=pil_nbr and rmi>=rmi_nbr
//######################## Extra chart Option #####################
dummy8 = input(true, title = "=========== Extra Chart Option ==============")
//######################## Bollinger Bands #########################
boll_src = input.source(defval=close, title="Bollinger Source")
boll_len = input.int(defval=20, minval=1, title="Bollinger Length")
boll_mult = input.float(defval=2.0, minval=0.001, maxval=50,title="Bollinger Multipler")


    ta.sma(src,len) + (mult * ta.stdev(src,len))
    ta.sma(src,len) - (mult * ta.stdev(src,len))

show_bollinger_signal = input.bool(false, title="Show Bollinger Bands?")

plot(show_bollinger_signal? boll_basis(boll_src,boll_len): na, color=color.red, transp=75, title="moving average")
p1 = plot(show_bollinger_signal? boll_upper(boll_src,boll_len,boll_mult): na, color=color.blue, transp=35, title="high band")
p2 = plot(show_bollinger_signal? boll_lower(boll_src,boll_len,boll_mult): na, color=color.blue, transp=35, title="Low band")
fill(p1, p2, color=color.blue, transp=95, title="background")
//######################## MA #####################################
ma = input.string(defval = "EMA", title = "MA Type", options=["T3","EMA","SMA","DEMA","TEMA","WMA","VWMA","SMMA","HMA","KIJUNSEN","VIDYA","VMA","ZLEMA"])

ma_t3_factor = input.float(defval=0.47, step=0.1, title="T3 Factor", minval=0.01)

ma1 = input.int(9, title="MA 1")
ma2 = input.int(21, title="MA 2")
ma3 = input.int(50, title="MA 3")
ma4 = input.int(100, title="MA 4")
ma5 = input.int(200, title="MA 5")
ema_src = input.source(close, title="MA Source")

ema_ma1 = Ma_Func(ema_src, ma1, ma, ma_t3_factor)
ema_ma2 = Ma_Func(ema_src, ma2, ma, ma_t3_factor)
ema_ma3 = Ma_Func(ema_src, ma3, ma, ma_t3_factor)
ema_ma4 = Ma_Func(ema_src, ma4, ma, ma_t3_factor)
ema_ma5 = Ma_Func(ema_src, ma5, ma, ma_t3_factor)

show_ema_signal = input.bool(false, title="Show MA Signals?")

plot(show_ema_signal? ema_ma1: na, title="Plot MA1",linewidth=2,color=color.aqua)
plot(show_ema_signal? ema_ma2: na, title="Plot MA2",linewidth=2,color=color.fuchsia)
plot(show_ema_signal? ema_ma3: na, title="Plot MA3",linewidth=2,color=color.orange)
plot(show_ema_signal? ema_ma4: na, title="Plot MA4",linewidth=2,color=color.yellow)
plot(show_ema_signal? ema_ma5: na, title="Plot MA5",linewidth=2,color=color.black)
//######################## Sar #####################################
sar_start = input(0.02, title="Parabolic Sar Start")
sar_increment = input(0.02, title="Parabolic Sar Increment")
sar_maximum = input(0.2, title="Parabolic Sar Maximum")
sar_out = ta.sar(sar_start, sar_increment, sar_maximum)
sar_dir = sar_out < close ? 1 : -1
sar_color = sar_dir==1?color.green:color.red

show_sar_signal = input.bool(false, title="Show Sar Signals?")

plot(show_sar_signal? sar_out: na,style=plot.style_cross,color=sar_color,linewidth=1)

//buySignal = (sar_dir == 1 and sar_dir[1] == -1)
//sellSignal = (sar_dir== -1 and sar_dir[1] == 1)
//######################## Ichimoku ################################
tk_len2=input.int(9, "Tenkansen Length", minval=1)
kj_len2=input.int(26, "Kijunsen Length", minval=1)
cshs_len2=input.int(26, "Chikouspan Length/Horizontal Shift", minval=1)
sb_len2=input.int(52, "SenkouspanB Length", minval=1)
sa_len2=input.int(26,"SenkouspanA Length", minval=1)


show_ich_signal = input.bool(false, title="Show Ichimoku Signals?")

plot(show_ich_signal? tk: na, linewidth=2, color=color.blue, title="TenkanSen")
plot(show_ich_signal? kj: na, linewidth=2, color=color.red, title="KijunSen")

plot(show_ich_signal? cs: na, offset=-cshs_len2, linewidth=2, color=#DDA0DD, title="ChikouSpan")

SenkouA=plot(show_ich_signal? sa : na, offset=cshs_len2,  linewidth=1, color=color.green, title="SenkouSpanA")
SenkouB=plot(show_ich_signal? sb : na, offset=cshs_len2, linewidth=1, color=color.purple, title="SenkouSpanB")

fill(SenkouA, SenkouB, color = sa > sb ? color.green : color.red)
//######################## Symbol Lists ############################
dummy9 = input(true, title = "========== My Symbol Lists =================")

List_01=input.symbol('XAUUSD',    title='Symbol 01')
List_02=input.symbol('XAUTRYG',   title='Symbol 02')
List_03=input.symbol('USDTRY',    title='Symbol 03')
List_04=input.symbol('EURTRY',    title='Symbol 04')
List_05=input.symbol('XU100',     title='Symbol 05')
List_06=input.symbol('BTCUSD',    title='Symbol 06')
List_07=input.symbol('AKBNK',     title='Symbol 07')
List_08=input.symbol('ALARK',     title='Symbol 08')
List_09=input.symbol('ASELS',     title='Symbol 09')
List_10=input.symbol('ASTOR',     title='Symbol 10')
List_11=input.symbol("BIMAS",     title='Symbol 11')
List_12=input.symbol('BRSAN',     title='Symbol 12')
List_13=input.symbol('DOAS',      title='Symbol 13')
List_14=input.symbol('EKGYO',     title='Symbol 14')
List_15=input.symbol('ENKAI',     title='Symbol 15')
List_16=input.symbol('EREGL',     title='Symbol 16')
List_17=input.symbol('FROTO',     title='Symbol 17')
List_18=input.symbol('GARAN',     title='Symbol 18')
List_19=input.symbol('GUBRF',     title='Symbol 19')
List_20=input.symbol('HEKTS',     title='Symbol 20')
List_21=input.symbol('ISCTR',     title='Symbol 21')
List_22=input.symbol('KCHOL',     title='Symbol 22')
List_23=input.symbol('KONTR',     title='Symbol 23')
List_24=input.symbol("KOZAL",     title='Symbol 24')
List_25=input.symbol("KRDMD",     title='Symbol 25')
List_26=input.symbol("OYAKC",     title='Symbol 26')
List_27=input.symbol("PETKM",     title='Symbol 27')
List_28=input.symbol("PGSUS",     title='Symbol 28')
List_29=input.symbol("SAHOL",     title='Symbol 29')
List_30=input.symbol("SASA",      title='Symbol 30')
List_31=input.symbol("SISE",      title='Symbol 31')
List_32=input.symbol("TCELL",     title='Symbol 32')
List_33=input.symbol("THYAO",     title='Symbol 33')
List_34=input.symbol("TOASO",     title='Symbol 34')
List_35=input.symbol("TUPRS",     title='Symbol 35')
List_36=input.symbol("YKBNK",     title='Symbol 36')
List_37=input.symbol("",          title='Symbol 37')
List_38=input.symbol("",          title='Symbol 38')
List_39=input.symbol("",          title='Symbol 39')
List_40=input.symbol("",          title='Symbol 40')

//######################## Label ###################################
    var label Label = na
    Label := _cond?label.new(_x,_y,_textline, color=_boxcolor, textcolor=_txtcolor,style=_style, yloc=yloc.price, xloc=xloc.bar_time, size=size.normal,textalign=_txtalign):na

format_text(str) =>
    str + "\n"

x= timenow + math.round(ta.change(time)*10*3)
y = high + 0.1*high
//######################## Label For Strategy Parameters ###########

type2=(tr_type=='MOST' or tr_type=='OTT')?'VMA':(tr_type=='SUPERTREND' or tr_type=='PMAX' )?'ATR':strategy_type=='MA'?mo_type2:na

closed_trades = strategy.closedtrades
win_trades    = strategy.wintrades
loss_trades   = strategy.losstrades
percent_profitable = (strategy.wintrades/strategy.closedtrades)*100

time_period=timeframe.period=='1'?'1 Minutes':timeframe.period=='3'?'3 Minutes':timeframe.period=='5'?'5 Minutes':timeframe.period=='15'?'15 Minutes':timeframe.period=='30'?'30 Minutes':timeframe.period=='45'?'45 Minutes':timeframe.period=='60'?'1 Hour':timeframe.period=='120'?'2 Hours':timeframe.period=='180'?'3 Hours':timeframe.period=='240'?'4 Hours':timeframe.period=='D'?'1 Day':timeframe.period=='W'?'1 Week':timeframe.period=='M'?'1 Month':timeframe.period

pr_txt00 = show_strategy_parameters==1?format_text('---------------------------------\n STRATEGY PARAMETERS \n---------------------------------'):na
pr_txt01 = show_strategy_parameters==1?format_text('TIME PERIOD...........> ' + time_period):na
pr_txt02 = show_strategy_parameters==1?format_text('TREND TYPE............> ' + tr_type):na
pr_txt03 = show_strategy_parameters==1?format_text('FIRST TYPE.............> ' + type1):na
pr_txt04 = show_strategy_parameters==1?format_text('FIRST PARAMETER.....> ' + str.tostring(par1)):na
pr_txt05 = show_strategy_parameters==1?format_text('SECOND TYPE..........> ' + type2):na
pr_txt06 = show_strategy_parameters==1?format_text('SECOND PARAMETER..> ' + str.tostring(par2)):na

pr_txt07 = show_performance_output ==1?format_text('---------------------------------\n PERFORMANCE OUTPUT  \n---------------------------------'):na
pr_txt08 = show_performance_output ==1?format_text('DATE RANGE........> ' + str.tostring(FromYear) + ' - ' + str.tostring(ToYear)):na
pr_txt09 = show_performance_output ==1?format_text('PROFITABLE.........> ' + '% ' + str.tostring(percent_profitable,'#.##')):na
pr_txt10 = show_performance_output ==1?format_text('CLOSED TRADES....> ' + str.tostring(closed_trades)):na
pr_txt11 = show_performance_output ==1?format_text('WIN TRADES.........> ' + str.tostring(win_trades)):na
pr_txt12 = show_performance_output ==1?format_text('LOSS TRADES........> ' + str.tostring(loss_trades)):na

pr_final_text = pr_txt00 + pr_txt01 + pr_txt02 + pr_txt03 + pr_txt04 + pr_txt05 + pr_txt06 + pr_txt07 + pr_txt08 + pr_txt09 + pr_txt10 + pr_txt11 + pr_txt12
//######################## Label For Stock Screener ################

s01  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_01,timeframe.period,condition)
s02  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_02,timeframe.period,condition)
s03  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_03,timeframe.period,condition)
s04  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_04,timeframe.period,condition)
s05  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_05,timeframe.period,condition)
s06  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_06,timeframe.period,condition)
s07  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_07,timeframe.period,condition)
s08  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_08,timeframe.period,condition)
s09  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_09,timeframe.period,condition)
s10  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_10,timeframe.period,condition)
s11  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_11,timeframe.period,condition)
s12  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_12,timeframe.period,condition)
s13  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_13,timeframe.period,condition)
s14  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_14,timeframe.period,condition)
s15  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_15,timeframe.period,condition)
s16  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_16,timeframe.period,condition)
s17  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_17,timeframe.period,condition)
s18  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_18,timeframe.period,condition)
s19  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_19,timeframe.period,condition)
s20  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_20,timeframe.period,condition)
s21  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_21,timeframe.period,condition)
s22  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_22,timeframe.period,condition)
s23  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_23,timeframe.period,condition)
s24  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_24,timeframe.period,condition)
s25  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_25,timeframe.period,condition)
s26  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_26,timeframe.period,condition)
s27  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_27,timeframe.period,condition)
s28  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_28,timeframe.period,condition)
s29  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_29,timeframe.period,condition)
s30  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_30,timeframe.period,condition)
s31  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_31,timeframe.period,condition)
s32  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_32,timeframe.period,condition)
s33  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_33,timeframe.period,condition)
s34  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_34,timeframe.period,condition)
s35  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_35,timeframe.period,condition)
s36  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_36,timeframe.period,condition)
s37  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_37,timeframe.period,condition)
s38  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_38,timeframe.period,condition)
s39  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_39,timeframe.period,condition)
s40  = st_sc==1 and request.security(List_40,timeframe.period,condition)

st_txt_head = st_sc==1 ? format_text('---------------------------------\nSTOCK SCREENER RESULT\n---------------------------------'):na
st_txt_info = st_sc==1 ? format_text('CONDITION : ' + look_for):na
st_txt_lbb = st_sc==1 ? format_text('LAST BAR BACK : ' + str.tostring(last_bar_back)):na
st_txt_symbols = st_sc==1 ? format_text('SYMBOLS : \n---------------------------------' ):na
st_txt01 = st_sc==1 and s01 ? format_text(List_01):na
st_txt02 = st_sc==1 and s02 ? format_text(List_02):na
st_txt03 = st_sc==1 and s03 ? format_text(List_03):na
st_txt04 = st_sc==1 and s04 ? format_text(List_04):na
st_txt05 = st_sc==1 and s05 ? format_text(List_05):na
st_txt06 = st_sc==1 and s06 ? format_text(List_06):na
st_txt07 = st_sc==1 and s07 ? format_text(List_07):na
st_txt08 = st_sc==1 and s08 ? format_text(List_08):na
st_txt09 = st_sc==1 and s09 ? format_text(List_09):na
st_txt10 = st_sc==1 and s10 ? format_text(List_10):na
st_txt11 = st_sc==1 and s11 ? format_text(List_11):na
st_txt12 = st_sc==1 and s12 ? format_text(List_12):na
st_txt13 = st_sc==1 and s13 ? format_text(List_13):na
st_txt14 = st_sc==1 and s14 ? format_text(List_14):na
st_txt15 = st_sc==1 and s15 ? format_text(List_15):na
st_txt16 = st_sc==1 and s16 ? format_text(List_16):na
st_txt17 = st_sc==1 and s17 ? format_text(List_17):na
st_txt18 = st_sc==1 and s18 ? format_text(List_18):na
st_txt19 = st_sc==1 and s19 ? format_text(List_19):na
st_txt20 = st_sc==1 and s20 ? format_text(List_20):na
st_txt21 = st_sc==1 and s21 ? format_text(List_21):na
st_txt22 = st_sc==1 and s22 ? format_text(List_22):na
st_txt23 = st_sc==1 and s23 ? format_text(List_23):na
st_txt24 = st_sc==1 and s24 ? format_text(List_24):na
st_txt25 = st_sc==1 and s25 ? format_text(List_25):na
st_txt26 = st_sc==1 and s26 ? format_text(List_26):na
st_txt27 = st_sc==1 and s27 ? format_text(List_27):na
st_txt28 = st_sc==1 and s28 ? format_text(List_28):na
st_txt29 = st_sc==1 and s29 ? format_text(List_29):na
st_txt30 = st_sc==1 and s30 ? format_text(List_30):na
st_txt31 = st_sc==1 and s31 ? format_text(List_31):na
st_txt32 = st_sc==1 and s32 ? format_text(List_32):na
st_txt33 = st_sc==1 and s33 ? format_text(List_33):na
st_txt34 = st_sc==1 and s34 ? format_text(List_34):na
st_txt35 = st_sc==1 and s35 ? format_text(List_35):na
st_txt36 = st_sc==1 and s36 ? format_text(List_36):na
st_txt37 = st_sc==1 and s37 ? format_text(List_37):na
st_txt38 = st_sc==1 and s38 ? format_text(List_38):na
st_txt39 = st_sc==1 and s39 ? format_text(List_39):na
st_txt40 = st_sc==1 and s40 ? format_text(List_40):na

st_final_text1 =st_txt01 + st_txt02 + st_txt03 + st_txt04 + st_txt05 + st_txt06 + st_txt07 + st_txt08 + st_txt09 + st_txt10
st_final_text2 =st_txt11 + st_txt12 + st_txt13 + st_txt14 + st_txt15 + st_txt16 + st_txt17 + st_txt18 + st_txt19 + st_txt20
st_final_text3 =st_txt21 + st_txt22 + st_txt23 + st_txt24 + st_txt25 + st_txt26 + st_txt27 + st_txt28 + st_txt29 + st_txt30
st_final_text4 =st_txt31 + st_txt32 + st_txt33 + st_txt34 + st_txt35 + st_txt36 + st_txt37 + st_txt38 + st_txt39 + st_txt40

st_final_text = st_txt_head + st_txt_info + st_txt_lbb + st_txt_symbols + st_final_text1 + st_final_text2 + st_final_text3 + st_final_text4

st_all_text= pr_final_text + st_final_text

st_cond = (st_sc==1 or show_performance_output==1 or show_strategy_parameters)?1:0


f_draw_label(st_cond,x,y,st_all_text,lab_color,color.white, _style = label.style_label_down, _txtalign = text.align_left)
//######################## Label For Indicator Index ###############
ii_cond=(show_pil==1 or show_nil==1)?1:0

x1 = x
y1 = low - 0.1*low

ii_p_txt_head = show_pil==1?format_text('---------------------------------\nPOSITIVE INDICATOR LIST\n----------------------------------'):na
ii_p_txt01 = show_pil==1 and bband_buy?       format_text('BBAND(20)'):na
ii_p_txt02 = show_pil==1 and ema50_buy?       format_text('EMA(50)'):na
ii_p_txt03 = show_pil==1 and ema200_buy?      format_text('EMA(200)'):na
ii_p_txt04 = show_pil==1 and rsi_buy?         format_text('RSI(50)'):na
ii_p_txt05 = show_pil==1 and stochrsi_buy?    format_text('STOCHRSI'):na
ii_p_txt06 = show_pil==1 and sar_buy?         format_text('PSAR'):na
ii_p_txt07 = show_pil==1 and macd_buy?        format_text('MACD'):na
ii_p_txt08 = show_pil==1 and hull_buy?        format_text('HULL(9)'):na
ii_p_txt09 = show_pil==1 and adx_buy?         format_text('ADX(25)'):na
ii_p_txt10 = show_pil==1 and di_buy?          format_text('DMI'):na
ii_p_txt11 = show_pil==1 and tenkansen_buy?   format_text('TENKANSEN(9)'):na
ii_p_txt12 = show_pil==1 and cmf_buy?         format_text('CMF(0.2)'):na
ii_p_txt13 = show_pil==1 and mfi_buy?         format_text('MFI(50)'):na
ii_p_txt14 = show_pil==1 and rvol_buy?        format_text('RVOL(1.4)'):na

ii_p_txt_count = show_pil==1? format_text('\n' + '('+'14/' + str.tostring(total_p_count) + ')'):na

ii_p_final_text = ii_p_txt_head + ii_p_txt01 + ii_p_txt02 + ii_p_txt03 + ii_p_txt04 + ii_p_txt05 + ii_p_txt06 + ii_p_txt07 + ii_p_txt08 + ii_p_txt09 + ii_p_txt10 + + ii_p_txt11 + ii_p_txt12 + ii_p_txt13 + ii_p_txt14 + ii_p_txt_count

ii_n_txt_head = show_nil==1? format_text('---------------------------------\nNEGATIVE INDICATOR LIST\n----------------------------------'):na
ii_n_txt01 = show_nil==1 and bband_sell?       format_text('BBAND(20)'):na
ii_n_txt02 = show_nil==1 and ema50_sell?       format_text('EMA(50)'):na
ii_n_txt03 = show_nil==1 and ema200_sell?      format_text('EMA(200)'):na
ii_n_txt04 = show_nil==1 and rsi_sell?         format_text('RSI(50)'):na
ii_n_txt05 = show_nil==1 and stochrsi_sell?    format_text('STOCHRSI'):na
ii_n_txt06 = show_nil==1 and sar_sell?         format_text('PSAR'):na
ii_n_txt07 = show_nil==1 and macd_sell?        format_text('MACD'):na
ii_n_txt08 = show_nil==1 and hull_sell?        format_text('HULL(9)'):na
ii_n_txt09 = show_nil==1 and adx_sell?         format_text('ADX(25)'):na
ii_n_txt10 = show_nil==1 and di_sell?          format_text('DMI'):na
ii_n_txt11 = show_nil==1 and tenkansen_sell?   format_text('TENKANSEN(9)'):na
ii_n_txt12 = show_nil==1 and cmf_sell?         format_text('CMF(0.2)'):na
ii_n_txt13 = show_nil==1 and mfi_sell?         format_text('MFI(50)'):na
ii_n_txt14 = show_nil==1 and rvol_sell?        format_text('RVOL(1.4)'):na

ii_n_txt_count = show_nil==1?format_text('\n' + '('+'14/' + str.tostring(total_n_count) + ')'):na

ii_n_final_text = ii_n_txt_head + ii_n_txt01 + ii_n_txt02 + ii_n_txt03 + ii_n_txt04 + ii_n_txt05 + ii_n_txt06 + ii_n_txt07 + ii_n_txt08 + ii_n_txt09 + ii_n_txt10 + ii_n_txt11 + ii_n_txt12 + ii_n_txt13 + ii_n_txt14 + ii_n_txt_count

ii_o_txt_head = (show_pil==1 or show_nil==1)? format_text('---------------------------------\nOTHER INDICATOR LIST\n----------------------------------'):na
ii_o_txt01 = (show_pil==1 or show_nil==1)? format_text('RMI = ' + str.tostring(rmi,'##.##')):na

ii_o_final_text= ii_o_txt_head + ii_o_txt01

ii_final_text= ii_p_final_text + ii_n_final_text + ii_o_final_text

_color = total_p_count>=7?color.green:total_p_count<=4?color.red:color.orange

f_draw_label(ii_cond,x1,y1,ii_final_text,_color,color.white, _style = label.style_label_down, _txtalign = text.align_center)
//######################## Alert ###################################
alertcondition(buy, title="BUY SIGNAL!", message="BUY SIGNAL!")
alertcondition(sell, title="SELL SIGNAL!", message="SELL SIGNAL!")
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