a year ago
16 kB
import { Formio } from 'formiojs'; import utilities, {getCookie, setCookie} from "../../../scripts/utilities"; let urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); let apiUrl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host; function addRemoveCasseOnElement(element, visible = true) { element.visible = visible; if (visible) { element.element.classList.remove('d-none'); } else { element.element.classList.add('d-none'); } } if(getCookie("new_installation") !== null) { var myCookieNewInstallation = JSON.parse(getCookie("new_installation")); } // Function to show/hide the "Type de solution" select dropdown based on the selected value of "Position" function toggleTypeSolutionField(form) { const besoinField = form.getComponent('besoin'); const pieceField = form.getComponent('piece'); const chauffeEauField = form.getComponent('chauffe_eau'); const confortField = form.getComponent('confort'); const positionField = form.getComponent('position'); const typeSolutionField = form.getComponent('type_solution'); const nbPersonneField = form.getComponent('nb_personne'); const selectedChauffeEau = chauffeEauField.dataValue; let allowedOptions; if (chauffeEauField && selectedChauffeEau === 'appoint') { //hide/unhide piece if (pieceField) { const showPieceField = false; addRemoveCasseOnElement(pieceField, showPieceField); } //hide/unhide Besoin if (besoinField) { const showBesoinField = true; addRemoveCasseOnElement(besoinField, showBesoinField); } //hide/unhide position if (positionField) { const showPositionField = true; addRemoveCasseOnElement(positionField, showPositionField); } //hide/unhide confort if (confortField) { const showConfortField = true; addRemoveCasseOnElement(confortField, showConfortField); } if (typeSolutionField) { const showTypeSolutionField = true; addRemoveCasseOnElement(typeSolutionField, showTypeSolutionField); } //hide/unhide nbPersonne if (nbPersonneField) { const showNbPersonne = false; addRemoveCasseOnElement(nbPersonneField, showNbPersonne); } if (positionField && (positionField.dataValue === "sur_evier" || positionField.dataValue === "")) { allowedOptions = ['design', 'gain_place', 'standard']; // Filter and set the available options based on the allowedOptions typeSolutionField.component.data.values = typeSolutionField.component.data.values.filter(option => allowedOptions.includes(option.value)); } else if (positionField && positionField.dataValue === "sous_evier") { allowedOptions = ['design', 'gain_place']; // Filter and set the available options based on the allowedOptions typeSolutionField.component.data.values = typeSolutionField.component.data.values.filter(option => allowedOptions.includes(option.value)); } } else if (chauffeEauField && selectedChauffeEau === 'principal') { //hide/unhide piece if (pieceField) { const showPieceField = true; addRemoveCasseOnElement(pieceField, showPieceField); } //hide/unhide Besoin if (besoinField) { const showBesoinField = false; addRemoveCasseOnElement(besoinField, showBesoinField); } //hide/unhide position if (positionField) { const showPositionField = false; addRemoveCasseOnElement(positionField, showPositionField); } //hide/unhide confort if (confortField) { const showConfortField = true; addRemoveCasseOnElement(confortField, showConfortField); } if (typeSolutionField) { const showTypeSolutionField = true; addRemoveCasseOnElement(typeSolutionField, showTypeSolutionField); }//hide/unhide nbPersonne if (nbPersonneField) { const showNbPersonne = true; addRemoveCasseOnElement(nbPersonneField, showNbPersonne); } if (pieceField && pieceField.dataValue === "chauffee") { allowedOptions = ['standard', 'gain_place', 'economie', 'design']; // Filter and set the available options based on the allowedOptions typeSolutionField.component.data.values = typeSolutionField.component.data.values.filter(option => allowedOptions.includes(option.value)); } } else if (chauffeEauField && selectedChauffeEau === 'professionnel') { //hide/unhide piece if (pieceField) { const showPieceField = false; addRemoveCasseOnElement(pieceField, showPieceField); } //hide/unhide Besoin if (besoinField) { const showBesoinField = false; addRemoveCasseOnElement(besoinField, showBesoinField); } //hide/unhide position if (positionField) { const showPositionField = false; addRemoveCasseOnElement(positionField, showPositionField); } //hide/unhide confort if (confortField) { const showConfortField = false; addRemoveCasseOnElement(confortField, showConfortField); }//hide/unhide TypeSolution if (typeSolutionField) { const showTypeSolutionField = false; addRemoveCasseOnElement(typeSolutionField, showTypeSolutionField); }//hide/unhide nbPersonne if (nbPersonneField) { const showNbPersonne = false; addRemoveCasseOnElement(nbPersonneField, showNbPersonne); } allowedOptions = ['standard']; typeSolutionField.component.data.values = typeSolutionField.component.data.values.filter(option => allowedOptions.includes(option.value)); } } Formio.createForm(document.getElementById('new-installation-form'),{ components : [ { "input": false, "html": "<span>Bien choisir son chauffe-eau</span>", "type": "content", "key": "content", "customClass": "red-block--title", }, { components: [ { type: 'textfield', key: 'projectName', label: 'Nom du projet', placeholder: 'Saisir le nom du projet', defaultValue: myCookieNewInstallation?.projectName || "", input: true, validate: { required: true, maxLength: '30' } }, { "label": "Chauffe-eau", "optionsLabelPosition": "right", "inline": true, "tableView": false, "values": [ { "label": "Appoint", "value": "appoint" }, { "label": "Principal", "value": "principal" } // { // "label": "Professionnel", // "value": "professionnel" // } ], "key": "chauffe_eau", "type": "radio", "inputType": "radio", "validate": { required: true }, defaultValue: myCookieNewInstallation?.chauffe_eau || "", "input": true, "customClass": "border-bottom" }, { "label": "Pièce", defaultValue: myCookieNewInstallation?.piece || "", "optionsLabelPosition": "right", "inline": true, "tableView": false, "values": [ { "label": "Chauffée", "value": "chauffee" }, { "label": "Non chauffée < 20m<sup>3</sup>", "value": "non_chauffe" }, { "label": "Non chauffée > 20m<sup>3</sup>", "value": "non_chauffee_sup20m<sup>3</sup>" } ], "key": "piece", "type": "radio", "inputType": "radio", "validate": { required: true }, "input": true, "customClass": "border-bottom" }, { "label": "Besoin", defaultValue: myCookieNewInstallation?.besoin || "", "optionsLabelPosition": "right", "inline": true, "tableView": false, "values": [ { "label": "Mains", "value": "mains" }, { "label": "Vaisselle/mains", "value": "vaisselle_mains" } ], "key": "besoin", "type": "radio", "inputType": "radio", "validate": { required: true }, "input": true, "customClass": "border-bottom" }, { "label": "Position", defaultValue: myCookieNewInstallation?.position || "", "optionsLabelPosition": "right", "inline": true, "tableView": false, "values": [ { "label": "Sous évier", "value": "sous_evier" }, { "label": "Sur évier", "value": "sur_evier" } ], "key": "position", "type": "radio", "inputType": "radio", "validate": { required: true }, "input": true, "customClass": "border-bottom" }, { type: "select", defaultValue: myCookieNewInstallation?.nb_personne || "", label: "Nombre de personnes composant le foyer", key: "nb_personne", placeholder: "Veuillez sélectionner une option", data: { values: [ {value: '1', label: '1'}, {value: '2', label: '2'}, {value: '3', label: '3'}, {value: '4', label: '4'}, {value: '5', label: '5'} ] }, validate: { required: true }, dataSrc: "values", template: "<span>{{ item.label }}</span>", input: true, "customClass": "border-bottom" }, { "label": "Confort souhaité", defaultValue: myCookieNewInstallation?.confort || "", "optionsLabelPosition": "right", "inline": true, "tableView": false, "values": [ { "label": "Confort", "value": "0" }, { "label": "Grand confort", "value": "1" } ], "key": "confort", "type": "radio", "inputType": "radio", "validate": { required: true }, "input": true, "customClass": "border-bottom" }, { type: "select", label: "Type de solution", key: "type_solution", defaultValue: myCookieNewInstallation?.type_solution || "", placeholder: "Veuillez sélectionner une option", data: { values: [ {value: 'standard', label: 'Standard'}, {value: 'gain_place', label: 'Gain de Place'}, {value: 'economie', label: "Economies d'énergie"}, {value: 'design', label: 'Design'} ] }, validate: { required: true }, dataSrc: "values", template: "<span>{{ item.label }}</span>", input: true }, ], customClass: "red-block" }, { type: 'button', action: 'submit', label: 'VOIR LA RÉPONSE THERMOR', theme: 'primary' } ] },{language: 'fr', i18n: { 'fr': { required: 'Ce champ est obligatoire', maxLength: 'Ne peut pas être supérieur à {{length}} caractère.', 'No results found' : 'Aucun résultat pour cette recherche', 'Type to search': 'Écrivez pour lancer une recherche'} }}).then(function(form) { toggleTypeSolutionField(form); form.on('render', function() { toggleTypeSolutionField(form); }); form.on('change', function(event) { toggleTypeSolutionField(form); }); form.on('submit', function(submission) { let idDim = 0; let canBeSaved = true; let jsonSubmissionData = submission.data; if(utilities.getCookie("new_installation") !== undefined && utilities.getCookie("new_installation") !== null) { var oldCookie = getCookie("new_installation"); let jsonOldCookie = JSON.parse(oldCookie); idDim = jsonOldCookie['idDim']; delete jsonOldCookie['canBeSaved']; delete jsonOldCookie['idDim']; if (_.isEqual(jsonOldCookie, jsonSubmissionData)) { canBeSaved = false; } } jsonSubmissionData['canBeSaved'] = canBeSaved; jsonSubmissionData['idDim'] = idDim; let objectString = JSON.stringify(submission.data); document.cookie = "new_installation=" + objectString + "; expires="+ (new Date(Date.now()+ 3600*1000)).toUTCString(); let idDimUrl = idDim !==0 ? '?id='+idDim : ''; window.location.href = apiUrl + "/synthese-nouvelle-installation" + idDimUrl; }); });