a year ago
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public void takeTurns() { currentPlayerIndex = 0; while (playerList.size() > 1) { Character currentPlayer = playerList.get(currentPlayerIndex); // Print the board System.out.println("Player " + currentPlayer.getName() + "'s turn: ( icon : " + currentPlayer.getIcon() + " )"); printBoard(); // Ask the current player to make a move System.out.print("Enter your move (U/D/L/R): "); char move = scanner.next().charAt(0); scanner.nextLine(); // Consume newline // Perform the move without validation attemptMove(this, currentPlayer, move); currentPlayerIndex = (currentPlayerIndex + 1) % playerList.size(); } // Print the winner System.out.println("Player " + playerList.get(0).getName() + " wins! ( icon : " + playerList.get(0).getIcon() + " )"); } public void attemptMove(Board board, Character currentPlayer, char move) { int x = currentPlayer.getPoint().getX(); int y = currentPlayer.getPoint().getY(); switch (java.lang.Character.toUpperCase(move)) { case 'U': x--; break; case 'D': x++; break; case 'L': y--; break; case 'R': y++; break; default: System.out.println("Invalid input pls try again "); System.out.println("Enter you new move please "); move = scanner.next().charAt(0); attemptMove(this, currentPlayer, move); return; } Point newPosition = new Point(x, y); if (isValidMove(currentPlayer, newPosition)) { // Check if there's a weapon at the new position Weapon weaponAtNewPosition = board.getWeaponAt(newPosition); System.out.println(weaponAtNewPosition); if (weaponAtNewPosition != null) { // Add the weapon to the current player's queue currentPlayer.addWeapon(weaponAtNewPosition); System.out.println("This is the player weapon " + currentPlayer.getWeapon()); // Remove the weapon from the board board.setBoardPosition(newPosition, null); } // Check if there's an opponent character at the new position Character opponent = board.getCharacterAt(newPosition); if (opponent != null) { // Resolve the encounter between the current player and the opponent boolean doMove = resolveEncounter(currentPlayer, opponent); // Pass the current player and the opponent if(doMove){ // Remove the current player from their current position on the board board.setBoardPosition(currentPlayer.getPoint(), null); // Update the current player's position currentPlayer.setPoint(newPosition); // Place the current player in their new position on the board board.setBoardPosition(newPosition, currentPlayer); } }else{ // Remove the current player from their current position on the board board.setBoardPosition(currentPlayer.getPoint(), null); // Update the current player's position currentPlayer.setPoint(newPosition); // Place the current player in their new position on the board board.setBoardPosition(newPosition, currentPlayer); } } else { System.out.println("Invalid move. Please try again."); System.out.println("Enter you new move please "); move = scanner.next().charAt(0); attemptMove(this, currentPlayer, move); } } private boolean resolveEncounter(Character player, Character opponent) { // Check if both players have no weapons Point position = opponent.getPoint(); if (player.getWeapon() == null && opponent.getWeapon() == null) { return false;// No winner, nothing happens } // Check if one player has no weapon if (player.getWeapon() == null || opponent.getWeapon() == null) { // Remove the player without a weapon from the board and the game Weapon weapon = (player.getWeapon() != null) ? player.getWeaponQueue().remove() : opponent.getWeaponQueue().remove(); removeCharacter(player.getWeapon() == null ? player : opponent); return true; } boolean playerWins = player.getWeapon().interact(opponent.getWeapon()); if (playerWins) { System.out.println("3"); // Player wins the encounter: // - Collect one weapon from the opponent and add it to the player's queue Weapon opponentWeapon = opponent.getWeapon(); // Assuming you have a removeTopWeapon method if (opponentWeapon != null) { player.getWeaponQueue().remove(); player.addWeapon(opponentWeapon); System.out.println("Now Player " +player.getName()+ " has " +player.getWeapon()); } removeCharacter(opponent); setBoardPosition(position,player); } else { Weapon playerWeapon = player.getWeapon(); // Assuming you have a removeTopWeapon method if (playerWeapon != null) { opponent.getWeaponQueue().remove(); opponent.addWeapon(playerWeapon); System.out.println("Now Player " +opponent.getName()+ " has " +opponent.getWeapon()); } removeCharacter(player); this.board[opponent.getPoint().getX()][opponent.getPoint().getY()] = opponent; } return true; } public void removeCharacter(Character character) { // Debug statement to check if the function is called System.out.println("Removing player: " + character.getName()); playerList.remove(character); if(currentPlayerIndex > 0) { currentPlayerIndex--; } else if (currentPlayerIndex ==0) { currentPlayerIndex++; } // Print a message to indicate that the player has been removed System.out.println("Player " + character.getName() + " has been removed from the game. ( icon : " + character.getIcon() + " )"); }