a year ago
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from time import sleep # User choose for main menu def home_menu(): print("-" * 30) print("1. Inventory Management") print("2. Sales Management") print("3. Exit") choice = check_input_range(1, 3) if choice == 1: return "Inventory Management" elif choice == 2: return "Sales Management" elif choice == 3: return "Exit" # User choose for menu of 3 choice def menu_choice(choice1, choice2, choice3, choice4 = ""): print("-" * 30) print(f"1. {choice1}") print(f"2. {choice2}") print(f"3. {choice3}") if choice4 != "": print(f"4. {choice4}") choice = check_input_range(1, 4) else: choice = check_input_range(1, 3) print("-" * 30) if choice == 1: return choice1 elif choice == 2: return choice2 elif choice == 3: return choice3 elif choice == 4: return choice4 # Limit user input range based on the menu def check_input_range(lower_limit, upper_limit): while True: try: print("-" * 30) input_choice = int(input(">>> ")) if input_choice < lower_limit or input_choice > upper_limit: raise ValueError except: print_message("Invalid Input! Please Try Again!") sleep(1) else: return input_choice # Print important one line message def print_message(message): length = len(message) if length <= 30: print("*" * 30) print(message) print("*" * 30) else: print("*" * len(message)) print(message) print("*" * len(message)) # Inventory Management # User choose for inventory management def product_setting_choice(): print("-" * 30) print("1. View / Update Blooms") print("2. Add New Bloom") print("3. View / Update Add-ons") print("4. Add New Add-on") print("5. Back to Home Menu") choice = check_input_range(1, 5) if choice == 1: return "View / Update Blooms" elif choice == 2: return "Add New Bloom" elif choice == 3: return "View / Update Add-ons" elif choice == 4: return "Add New Add-on" elif choice == 5: return "Back to Home Menu" # Align the string def get_aligned_string(string, length): if len(string) >= length: return string else: right_padding = length - len(string) aligned_string = string + " " * right_padding return aligned_string # Sort blooms by price def sort_by_price(): with open("blooms.txt") as file: next(file) recorded_list = file.readlines() loop_count = len(recorded_list) sorted_list = [] cheapest_bloom_line = "" cheapest_bloom_price = int(recorded_list[0].split(",")[-2]) for count in range(0, loop_count): for line in recorded_list: current_bloom_price = int(line.split(",")[-2]) if current_bloom_price <= cheapest_bloom_price: cheapest_bloom_price = current_bloom_price cheapest_bloom_line = line recorded_list.remove(cheapest_bloom_line) sorted_list.append(cheapest_bloom_line) if count != loop_count - 1: cheapest_bloom_price = int(recorded_list[0].split(",")[-2]) return sorted_list # View/Filter bloom/add-on def view_items(file_path, mode, category = ""): with open(file_path, "r") as file: first_line = True recorded_category = "" recorded_status = "" sorted_list = [] for line in file: attribute_list = line.strip().split(",") row_line = "-" * (30 * len(attribute_list)) if mode == "Filter": recorded_category = line.split(",")[2].strip() elif mode == "Sort": sorted_list = sort_by_price() elif mode == "Available": recorded_status = line.split(",")[-1].strip() if first_line: # Treated as Header print(row_line) for attribute in attribute_list: print(get_aligned_string(attribute, 30), end = "") print("\n" + row_line) first_line = False else: if mode == "Filter" or mode == "Available": if recorded_category == category or recorded_status == "Available": for attribute in attribute_list: print(get_aligned_string(attribute, 30), end = "") print("\n") elif mode == "View": for attribute in attribute_list: print(get_aligned_string(attribute, 30), end = "") print("\n") elif mode == "Sort": print(row_line) for line in sorted_list: attribute_list = line.strip().split(",") for attribute in attribute_list: print(get_aligned_string(attribute, 30), end = "") print("\n") print(row_line) # Get a valid bloom/add-on id def get_valid_item_id(file_path, product): with open(file_path, "r") as file: while True: file.seek(0) input_item_id = input(f"Enter The {product} ID: ") for line in file: recorded_id = line.split(",")[0].strip() if input_item_id == recorded_id: return input_item_id else: continue print_message("Please Enter A Valid ID!") # Update bloom/add-on def update_item(file_path, input_item_id, for_update, position): with open(file_path, "r+") as file: lines = file.readlines() for index, line in enumerate(lines): if input_item_id == line.split(",")[0].strip(): recorded = line.split(",")[position].strip() updated_line = line.replace(recorded, for_update) lines[index] = updated_line file.seek(0) for line in lines: file.write(line) file.truncate() print("Update Successfully!") # View and update bloom/add-on def view_and_update(file_path, product): while True: choice = menu_choice("View", "Update", "Back") if choice == "View": view_items(file_path, "View") elif choice == "Update": view_items(file_path, "View") input_item_id = get_valid_item_id(file_path, product) while True: choice = menu_choice("Price", "Status", "Back") if choice == "Price": update_item(file_path, input_item_id, input("Enter New Price: "), -2) elif choice == "Status": update_item(file_path, input_item_id, input("Enter New Status: "), -1) elif choice == "Back": break elif choice == "Back": break # User choose category def category_choice(mode): print("-" * 30) print("1. Romantic") print("2. Birthday") print("3. Grand Opening") print("4. Condolence") print("5. Anniversary") if mode == "Sales": print("6. Go Back") choice = check_input_range(1, 6) elif mode == "Inventory": choice = check_input_range(1, 5) if choice == 1: return "Romantic" elif choice == 2: return "Birthday" elif choice == 3: return "Grand Opening" elif choice == 4: return "Condolence" elif choice == 5: return "Anniversary" elif choice == 6: return "Go Back" # Get the valid price def get_valid_price(product): while True: try: input_price = int(input(f"Enter The {product} Price: ")) if input_price < 0: raise ValueError except: print("Invalid Input! Please Try Again!") else: return input_price # Get the bloom id prefix def get_bloom_id_prefix(bloom_category): if bloom_category == "Romantic": return "R" elif bloom_category == "Birthday": return "B" elif bloom_category == "Grand Opening": return "GO" elif bloom_category == "Condolence": return "C" elif bloom_category == "Anniversary": return "A" # Get the largest bloom id def get_largest_bloom_id(input_prefix): with open("blooms.txt", "r") as file: matched_bloom_id = [] recorded_bloom_prefix = "" next(file) for line in file: recorded_bloom_id = line.split(",")[0] if len(input_prefix) == 1: recorded_bloom_prefix = line.split(",")[0].strip()[0] elif len(input_prefix) == 2: recorded_bloom_prefix = line.split(",")[0].strip()[:2] if input_prefix == recorded_bloom_prefix: matched_bloom_id.append(recorded_bloom_id) largest_bloom_id = max(matched_bloom_id) return largest_bloom_id # Get the largest bloom id's numeric part def get_numeric_part(bloom_id): if len(bloom_id) == 4: get_numeric_part = bloom_id[1:] elif len(bloom_id) == 5: get_numeric_part = bloom_id[2:] return get_numeric_part # Auto generate a new bloom id def generate_bloom_id(bloom_category): input_prefix = get_bloom_id_prefix(bloom_category) largest_bloom_id = get_largest_bloom_id(input_prefix) numeric = int(get_numeric_part(largest_bloom_id)) new_numeric = numeric + 1 new_bloom_id = input_prefix + "{:03d}".format(new_numeric) return new_bloom_id # Auto generate an add-on id def generate_addon_id(): with open("addons.txt", "r") as file: count = 0 for line in file: count += 1 print(count) new_id = "ADD" + "{:03d}".format(count) print(new_id) return new_id # Create new line for new item def new_item_line(product, id, name, price, category = ""): if product == "Bloom": new_bloom_line = f"{id},{name},{category},{price},Available\n" return new_bloom_line elif product == "Add-On": new_addon_line = f"{id},{name},{price},Available\n" return new_addon_line # Write new line to file def append_to_file(file_path, new_line): with open(file_path, "a") as file: file.write(new_line) sleep(1) print_message("Update Successfully!") # Get the info and add new item to file def add_new_item(file_path, product): item_name = input(f"Enter the {product} name: ") item_price = get_valid_price(product) if product == "Bloom": bloom_category = category_choice("Inventory") bloom_id = generate_bloom_id(bloom_category) new_bloom = new_item_line(product, bloom_id, item_name, item_price, bloom_category) append_to_file(file_path, new_bloom) elif product == "Add-On": addon_id = generate_addon_id() new_addon = new_item_line(product, addon_id, item_name, item_price) append_to_file(file_path, new_addon) def get_checked_bloom_status(): with open("blooms.txt", "r") as file: next(file) checked_status = [] for line in file: bloom_id = line.split(",")[0].strip() status = line.split(",")[-1].strip() if status == "Available": checked_status.append(bloom_id) return checked_status # Main Program for Inventory Management print_message("Beautiful Blooms Shop 🌺") while True: choice = home_menu() if choice == "Inventory Management": while True: choice = product_setting_choice() if choice == "View / Update Blooms": view_and_update("blooms.txt", "Bloom") elif choice == "Add New Bloom": add_new_item("blooms.txt", "Bloom") elif choice == "View / Update Add-ons": view_and_update("addons.txt", "Add-On") elif choice == "Add New Add-on": add_new_item("addons.txt", "Add-On") elif choice == "Back to Home Menu": break elif choice == "Sales Management": while True: choice = menu_choice("Create Order", "View / Update Order", "Back to Home Menu") if choice == "Create Order": view_items("blooms.txt", "View") while True: choice = menu_choice("Filter Bloom by Category", "Sort Bloom by Price", "Order Bloom", "Go Back") if choice == "Filter Bloom by Category": while True: choice = category_choice("Sales") if choice == "Romantic": view_items("blooms.txt", "Filter", "Romantic") elif choice == "Birthday": view_items("blooms.txt", "Filter", "Birthday") elif choice == "Grand Opening": view_items("blooms.txt", "Filter", "Grand Opening") elif choice == "Condolence": view_items("blooms.txt", "Filter", "Condolence") elif choice == "Anniversary": view_items("blooms.txt", "Filter", "Anniversary") elif choice == "Go Back": break choice = menu_choice("Order Item", "Back to Filter Category", "Back to Main Menu") if choice == "Order Bloom": None elif choice == "Back to Filter Category": continue elif choice == "Back to Main Menu": break elif choice == "Sort Bloom by Price": view_items("blooms.txt", "Sort") elif choice == "Order Bloom": view_items("blooms.txt", "View") while True: bloom_id = get_valid_item_id("blooms.txt", "Bloom") available = get_checked_bloom_status() if bloom_id in available: print_message("Order successfully!") view_items("addons.txt", "Available") break else: print_message("This bloom is currently unavailable!") elif choice == "Go Back": break elif choice == "View / Update Order": None elif choice == "Back to Home Menu": break elif choice == "Exit": print_message("Bye!") break
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