def get_sections(self):
line: str
sections = {}
section_name: str
for line in self.__content:
if line[0] != " ":
marker = line.find(':')
lines = []
if line[marker+1:].lstrip() != "":
section_name = line[0:marker]
sections[section_name] = lines
# print(sections)
return sections
def get_section_data(self, sections: dict):
for key in sections:
if FileReader.is_table(sections[key]):
#TODO parse table
# else:
# if line.find(':') != -1:
def is_table(section: list):
flag = False
for line in section:
if line.strip(" -") == "": # checking if section data is table
flag = True
return flag
# if ':' present?
# if first ':' part of time?
# TODO return data in tuple
# else
# TODO return data in dictionary with ':' as separator
# else
# if '=' present?
# TODO return data in dictionary with '=' as separator
# else
# if ',' present?
# TODO return data in tuple with ',' as separator
# else
# TODO return data in tuple