
a year ago
1.9 kB
	(function(d, w) {
		w.dataLayer = w.dataLayer || [];
		var scrollTwentyFive, scrollFifty, scrollSeventyFive, scrollOneHundred;

		const getScrollPercentage = function() {
		  // Get the height of the window.
		  var winHeight = w.innerHeight;
		  // Get the height of the document.
		  var docHeight = d.documentElement.scrollHeight;
		  // Get the scroll position of the window.
		  var scrollTop = d.documentElement.scrollTop;
		  // Calculate the track length, which is the difference between the document height and the window height.
		  var trackLength = docHeight - winHeight;
		  // Calculate the percentage of the document that is currently scrolled.
		  var pctScrolled = Math.floor(scrollTop / trackLength * 100);
		  // Return the percentage.
		  return pctScrolled;
		d.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
			w.addEventListener('scroll', function(e){
			  var scrollPercentage = getScrollPercentage();
			  if (scrollPercentage >= 25 && !scrollTwentyFive) {
				console.log('Do something for 25% scroll');
				var _paq = w._paq || [];
				scrollTwentyFive = true;
			  if (scrollPercentage >= 50 && !scrollFifty) {
				console.log('Do something for 50% scroll');
				var _paq = w._paq || [];
				scrollFifty = true;
			  if (scrollPercentage >= 75 && !scrollSeventyFive) {
				console.log('Do something for 75% scroll');
				var _paq = w._paq || [];
				scrollSeventyFive = true;
			  if (scrollPercentage >= 100 && !scrollOneHundred) {
				console.log('Do something for 100% scroll (bottom of page)');
				var _paq = w._paq || [];
				scrollOneHundred = true;
	})(document, window);