UI.Separator() local infoTime = 0 local talkTime = 0 local maxLevel = 0 local minLevel = 0 local justForInfo = true local canSeeInfo = true local partyMembersCount = 0 local partyLeaderHuntWidget = macro(1000, "Party Leader Hunt", function() if not player:isPartyLeader() then justForInfo = true partyMembersCount = 0 return end if justForInfo and canSeeInfo then sayChannel(getChannelId("party"), "!party info") return end if talkTime > 0 then talkTime = talkTime - 1 end if player:getShield() == 10 then infoTime = infoTime + 1 if infoTime >= 20 then sayChannel(getChannelId("party"), "!party info") infoTime = 0 end else infoTime = 0 end end) local stopInviteWidget = addSwitch('stopInvite', 'Stop Invite', function(widget) widget:setOn(not widget:isOn()) storage.stopInvite = widget:isOn() end) stopInviteWidget:setOn(storage.stopInvite) UI.Button("Party Bans", function(newText) UI.MultilineEditorWindow(storage.partyBans or "", {title="Party Bans", description="You can add players who will no longer be invited to the party here."}, function(text) storage.partyBans = text:sub(#text, #text) == '\n' and text or text .. '\n' end) end) addLabel("maxLevel", "Max Level:") addTextEdit("maxLevel", storage.maxLevel or "", function(widget, text) if tonumber(text) then maxLevel = tonumber(text) else sayChannel(getChannelId("party"), "!party info") end storage.maxLevel = tonumber(text) end) addLabel("minLevel", "Min Level:") addTextEdit("minLevel", storage.minLevel or "", function(widget, text) if tonumber(text) then minLevel = tonumber(text) else sayChannel(getChannelId("party"), "!party info") end storage.minLevel = tonumber(text) end) onTalk(function(name, level, mode, text, channelId, pos) if partyLeaderHuntWidget:isOn() then if name == player:getName() then return end if text:lower():find("pt") or (text:lower():find("party") and not text:lower():find("!party")) then for _, spec in ipairs(getSpectators()) do if spec:getName() == name then if spec:isPartyMember() then return end if stopInviteWidget:isOn() then g_game.talkPrivate(5, name, name .. ", I'm not inviting more players...") return end if storage.partyBans and storage.partyBans:lower():find(name .. "\n") then g_game.talkPrivate(5, name, name .. ", you are banned from my party.") return end if spec:getShield() == 2 then g_game.talkPrivate(5, name, name .. ", I already invited you") return end if level > maxLevel or level < minLevel then g_game.talkPrivate(5, name, name .. ", the minimum level is " .. minLevel .. " and the maximum is " .. maxLevel) return end if partyMembersCount >= 24 then g_game.talkPrivate(5, name, name .. ", the party already has 24 players for a better use of the shared experience.") return end g_game.partyInvite(spec:getId()) end end end end end) onLoginAdvice(function(text) if partyLeaderHuntWidget:isOn() then local explode1 = string.explode(text, "*") local explode2 = string.explode(explode1[8], ":")[2] if not storage.maxLevel then maxLevel = math.ceil(tonumber(string.explode(explode1[4], ":")[2])*3/2) else maxLevel = storage.maxLevel end if not storage.minLevel then minLevel = math.ceil(tonumber(string.explode(explode1[3], ":")[2])*2/3) else minLevel = storage.minLevel end partyMembersCount = tonumber(string.explode(explode1[2], ":")[2]) if justForInfo then justForInfo = false return end if explode2:find(",") then local names = string.explode(explode2, ",") for i = 1, #names do canSeeInfo = false schedule(1000 * i, function() if i == #names then canSeeInfo = true end sayChannel(getChannelId("party"), "!party kick," .. names[i]) end) end elseif explode2 ~= "" then schedule(15000, function() sayChannel(getChannelId("party"), "!party kick," .. explode2) end) end end end) onCreatureAppear(function(creature) if partyLeaderHuntWidget:isOn() then if not creature:isPlayer() then return end if creature:isLocalPlayer() then return end if creature:getShield() == 2 then return end if creature:isPartyMember() then return end if talkTime == 0 and partyMembersCount < 30 then say("If you want to join the party, say 'pt' so I can invite you") talkTime = 15 end end end) onTextMessage(function(mode, text) if partyLeaderHuntWidget:isOn() then if text:lower():find("you are now the leader of the party.") or text:lower():find("has joined the party.") or (text:lower():find("has left the party.") and canSeeInfo) then justForInfo = true end end end) UI.Separator() UI.Separator()
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