2 months ago
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//@version=5 indicator('Banker Fund Flow with Yellow Lines', overlay=true) // Functions xrf(values, length) => r_val = float(na) if length >= 1 for i = 0 to length by 1 if na(r_val) or not na(values[i]) r_val := values[i] r_val r_val xsa(src, len, wei) => sumf = 0.0 ma = 0.0 out = 0.0 sumf := nz(sumf[1]) - nz(src[len]) + src ma := na(src[len]) ? na : sumf / len out := na(out[1]) ? ma : (src * wei + out[1] * (len - wei)) / len out // Zaman dilimine göre verileri alın close_timeframe = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "3D", close) high_timeframe = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "3D", high) low_timeframe = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "3D", low) open_timeframe = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "3D", open) // Banker fund flow trend fundtrend = (3 * xsa((close_timeframe - ta.lowest(low_timeframe, 27)) / (ta.highest(high_timeframe, 27) - ta.lowest(low_timeframe, 27)) * 100, 5, 1) - 2 * xsa(xsa((close_timeframe - ta.lowest(low_timeframe, 27)) / (ta.highest(high_timeframe, 27) - ta.lowest(low_timeframe, 27)) * 100, 5, 1), 3, 1) - 50) * 1.032 + 50 // Typical price for banker fund typ = (2 * close_timeframe + high_timeframe + low_timeframe + open_timeframe) / 5 lol = ta.lowest(low_timeframe, 34) hoh = ta.highest(high_timeframe, 34) // Banker fund flow bull bear line bullbearline = ta.ema((typ - lol) / (hoh - lol) * 100, 13) // Banker entry signal bankerentry = ta.crossover(fundtrend, bullbearline) and bullbearline < 40 // Dikey Sarı Çizgiler (Mum Üzerinde Görünür) if bankerentry line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=high_timeframe + 10, x2=bar_index, y2=low_timeframe - 10, color=color.new(color.yellow, 0), width=2, style=line.style_solid)
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