this is the engine of the gameunknown
2 years ago
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import blessed, math, os, time from ai_agent import get_AI_orders def file_to_data_structure(path): if not os.path.exists(path): return "This path doesn't exist" with open(path) as file: lines = file.readlines() dimension_board = [int(x) for x in lines[1].split()] home_1, home_2 = lines[3].split(), lines[4].split() player_1_pos, player_2_pos = [int(home_1[1]) - 1, int(home_1[2]) - 1], [int(home_2[1]) - 1, int(home_2[2]) - 1] if home_1[0] != "1": player_1_pos, player_2_pos = player_2_pos, player_1_pos player_1, player_2 = [500, [], player_1_pos], [500, [], player_2_pos] game_board = [[{"case_color": "#EEEEEE", "emoji": "null", "nb_magic": "null", "type": "empty"} for _ in range(dimension_board[0])] for _ in range(dimension_board[1])] for magic in lines[6:]: magic_list = list(map(int, magic.split())) if magic_list[0] > dimension_board[0] or magic_list[1] > dimension_board[1]: print("This box can't be an element of the board") else: game_board[magic_list[1] - 1][magic_list[0] - 1] = {"case_color": "#EEEEEE", "emoji": "🪄", "nb_magic": magic_list[2], "type": "magic"} return dimension_board, player_1, player_2, game_board def is_neighbour(pos,new_position): possible_positions = ([pos[0],pos[1]],[pos[0]+1,pos[1]+1],[pos[0]+1,pos[1]],[pos[0]+1,pos[1]-1],[pos[0],pos[1]-1],[pos[0],pos[1]+1],[pos[0]-1,pos[1]-1],[pos[0]-1,pos[1]],[pos[0]-1,pos[1]+1]) if new_position in possible_positions: return 1 else: return 0 def coloring_box(j, i, box): # the terminal of where we will play the game term = blessed.Terminal() # box size box_width = 6 box_height = 3 # getting the content of the box # get the color from the content of the box and transform it from Hexadecimal to RGB value box_color_rgb = hex_to_rgb(str(box["case_color"])) # get the type box_type = str(box["type"]) # get the number of magic box_nb_magic = str(box["nb_magic"]) # the right coordonate position of the box x = box_width * j # the bottom coordonate position of the box y = box_height * i # point the cursor in the right bottom of the box print(term.move_xy(x, y)) # coloring all the units of the box # horizintal units for unit_x in range((x + (j * 2) - box_width) + 2, x + (j * 2) + 2): # vertical units for unit_y in range((y + i - box_height) + 1, y + i + 1): # coloring the unit print(term.move_xy(unit_x, unit_y) + term.on_color_rgb(box_color_rgb[0], box_color_rgb[1], box_color_rgb[2]) + ' ' + term.normal, flush=True) # insert emojis depending to the type of the box # if the box is ghost box if box_type == "ghost": # insert ghost emoji print( term.move_xy((x + (j * 2) - box_width) + 4, (y + i - box_height) + 2) + term.on_color_rgb(box_color_rgb[0], box_color_rgb[1], box_color_rgb[ 2]) + "👻" + term.normal, flush=True) # if number of magic of the ghost is more than 99 and magic points if exists if int(box_nb_magic) > 99: # insert the number of magic print(term.move_xy((x + (j * 2) - box_width) + 6 - 1, (y + i - box_height) + 3) + term.on_color_rgb( box_color_rgb[0], box_color_rgb[1], box_color_rgb[2]) + term.color_rgb(255, 255, 255) + str( box_nb_magic) + term.normal, flush=True) # if number of magic is less than 99 else: # insert the number of magic print(term.move_xy((x + (j * 2) - box_width) + 6, (y + i - box_height) + 3) + term.on_color_rgb( box_color_rgb[0], box_color_rgb[1], box_color_rgb[2]) + term.color_rgb(255, 255, 255) + str( box_nb_magic) + term.normal, flush=True) # if the box is home boxhome elif box_type == "home": # insert home emoji print( term.move_xy((x + (j * 2) - box_width) + 4, (y + i - box_height) + 2) + term.on_color_rgb(box_color_rgb[0], box_color_rgb[1], box_color_rgb[ 2]) + "⌂" + term.normal, flush=True) # if the box is magic box elif box_type == "magic": # insert ghost emoji print( term.move_xy((x + (j * 2) - box_width) + 4, (y + i - box_height) + 2) + term.on_color_rgb(box_color_rgb[0], box_color_rgb[1], box_color_rgb[ 2]) + "🪄" + term.normal, flush=True) # if number of magic is more than 99 if int(box_nb_magic) > 99: # insert the number of magic print(term.move_xy((x + (j * 2) - box_width) + 6 - 1, (y + i - box_height) + 3) + term.on_color_rgb( box_color_rgb[0], box_color_rgb[1], box_color_rgb[2]) + term.color_rgb(41, 52, 98) + str( box_nb_magic) + term.normal, flush=True) # if number of magic is less than 99 else: # insert the number of magic print(term.move_xy((x + (j * 2) - box_width) + 6, (y + i - box_height) + 3) + term.on_color_rgb( box_color_rgb[0], box_color_rgb[1], box_color_rgb[2]) + term.color_rgb(41, 52, 98) + str( box_nb_magic) + term.normal, flush=True) # if the box type is a fusion between magic and ghost elif box_type == "magic+ghost": # split nb_magic points of the magic and nb_magic points of the ghost box_nb_magic = box_nb_magic.split("+") # insert the nb_maigc_points of the magic print( term.move_xy((x + (j * 2) - box_width) + 2, (y + i - box_height) + 1) + term.on_color_rgb(box_color_rgb[0], box_color_rgb[1], box_color_rgb[ 2]) + term.color_rgb( 255, 255, 255) + str(box_nb_magic[0]) + term.normal, flush=True) # insert ghost emoji print( term.move_xy((x + (j * 2) - box_width) + 4, (y + i - box_height) + 2) + term.on_color_rgb(box_color_rgb[0], box_color_rgb[1], box_color_rgb[ 2]) + "👻" + term.normal, flush=True) # if number of magic of the ghost if more than 99 and magic points if exists if int(box_nb_magic[1]) > 99: # insert the number of magic print(term.move_xy((x + (j * 2) - box_width) + 6 - 1, (y + i - box_height) + 3) + term.on_color_rgb( box_color_rgb[0], box_color_rgb[1], box_color_rgb[2]) + term.color_rgb(255, 255, 255) + str( box_nb_magic[1]) + term.normal, flush=True) # if number of magic of the ghost if less than 99 else: # insert the number of magic print(term.move_xy((x + (j * 2) - box_width) + 6, (y + i - box_height) + 3) + term.on_color_rgb( box_color_rgb[0], box_color_rgb[1], box_color_rgb[2]) + term.color_rgb(255, 255, 255) + str( box_nb_magic[1]) + term.normal, flush=True) # if the box is empty box else: # don't insert anything print("") def hex_to_rgb(value: str) -> tuple: # Remove the '#' character from the value of color value = value.lstrip('#') # Convert the hex color code to an RGB tuple red = int(value[0:2], 16) green = int(value[2:4], 16) blue = int(value[4:6], 16) return red, green, blue def decorate_game_board(game_board): for i, line in enumerate(game_board, start=1): for j, box_dict in enumerate(line, start=1): box = dict(box_dict) coloring_box(j, i, box) def display_game_informations(dimension_board, player_1, player_2, nb_turn): # initialize blessed Terminal term = blessed.Terminal() # set box height and height space box_height = 3 height_space = 1 # display player 1 information player_1_text = 'Player 1 : {}'.format(player_1[0]) print(term.move_xy(4, ((box_height + height_space) * dimension_board[1] + 2)) + term.on_color_rgb(214, 28, 78) + player_1_text + term.normal, flush=True, end="") # display player 2 information player_2_text = 'Player 2 : {}'.format(player_2[0]) print(term.move_xy(23, ((box_height + height_space) * dimension_board[1] + 2)) + term.on_color_rgb(41, 52, 98) + player_2_text + term.normal, flush=True,end="") # display turn information turn_text = 'Turn : {}'.format(nb_turn) print(term.move_xy(42, ((box_height + height_space) * dimension_board[1] + 2)) + term.on_color_rgb(255, 255, 255) + term.color_rgb(41, 52, 98) + turn_text + term.normal, flush=True) def change_player_nb_magic_points(player_info,nb_magic): player_info[0] += nb_magic return player_info def change_ghost_nb_magic_points(game_board, ghost_position, nb_magic): box_info = game_board[ghost_position[1]][ghost_position[0]] current_points = box_info.get("nb_magic", 0) if isinstance(current_points, str) and "+" in current_points: magic_p, current_points = current_points.split("+") result = int(current_points) + nb_magic new_points = f"{magic_p}+{result}" else: new_points = str(int(current_points) + nb_magic) game_board[ghost_position[1]][ghost_position[0]] = { "case_color": box_info["case_color"], "emoji": box_info["emoji"], "type": "ghost", "nb_magic": new_points, } return game_board def is_empty_box(game_board,box_position): case = game_board[box_position[1]][box_position[0]] if case["type"] not in ["ghost"]: return 1 else: return 0 def move_ghost(game_board, player_info, current_position, new_position): def get_box(position): return game_board[position[1]][position[0]] def set_box(position, box): game_board[position[1]][position[0]] = box current_box = get_box(current_position) new_box = get_box(new_position) if current_box["type"] not in ["ghost", "magic+ghost"]: return if is_empty_box(game_board, new_position) == 0 and not (current_box["type"] in ["ghost", "magic+ghost"] and new_box["type"] == "magic"): return if is_neighbour(current_position, new_position) == 0: return if current_box["type"] == "magic+ghost": magic_points = str(current_box["nb_magic"]).split("+") magic_box = {"case_color": "#EEEEEE", "emoji": "🪄", "nb_magic": magic_points[0], "type": "magic"} ghost_box = {"case_color": current_box["case_color"], "emoji": current_box["emoji"], "nb_magic": magic_points[1], "type": "ghost"} if new_box["type"] == "magic": new_nb_magic = str(new_box["nb_magic"]) + "+" + str(current_box["nb_magic"]) new_type = str(new_box["type"]) + "+" + str(current_box["type"]) else: new_nb_magic = current_box["nb_magic"] new_type = current_box["type"] set_box(new_position, {"case_color": ghost_box["case_color"], "emoji": ghost_box["emoji"], "nb_magic": new_nb_magic, "type": new_type}) set_box(current_position, magic_box) else: if new_box["type"] == "magic": new_nb_magic = str(new_box["nb_magic"]) + "+" + str(current_box["nb_magic"]) new_type = new_box["type"] + "+" + current_box["type"] else: new_nb_magic = current_box["nb_magic"] new_type = current_box["type"] set_box(new_position, {"case_color": current_box["case_color"], "emoji": current_box["emoji"], "nb_magic": new_nb_magic, "type": new_type}) set_box(current_position, {"case_color": "#EEEEEE", "emoji": "null", "nb_magic": "null", "type": "empty"}) ghosts = player_info[1] ghost_index = next((i for i, g in enumerate(ghosts) if g[1:3] == current_position), None) if ghost_index is not None: ghosts[ghost_index][1:3] = new_position player_info[1] = ghosts coloring_box(current_position[0] + 1, current_position[1] + 1, get_box(current_position)) coloring_box(new_position[0] + 1, new_position[1] + 1, get_box(new_position)) return game_board, player_info def create_ghost(game_board, player_info, color): magic_points = int(player_info[0]) if magic_points >= 300: x, y = player_info[2] if is_empty_box(game_board, (x, y)): new_ghost = [len(player_info[1]), x, y] player_info[1].append(new_ghost) game_board[y][x] = { "case_color": color, "emoji": "👻", "type": "ghost", "nb_magic": 100, } change_player_nb_magic_points(player_info, -300) else: print("The case is already full. You can't create a ghost here.") return game_board, player_info def is_ghost_exists(game_board,ghost): return game_board[ ghost[1] ][ ghost[0] ] == "ghost" def attack(game_board, ghost_attacker, ghost_attacked, player_attacker, player_attacked): if not is_ghost_exists(game_board, ghost_attacked): return game_board, player_attacker, player_attacked if not is_neighbour(ghost_attacker, ghost_attacked): return game_board, player_attacker, player_attacked change_ghost_nb_magic_points(game_board, ghost_attacked, -10) coloring_box(ghost_attacked[0] + 1, ghost_attacked[1] + 1, game_board[ghost_attacked[1]][ghost_attacked[0]]) change_player_nb_magic_points(player_attacker, 10) if not is_dead(game_board, ghost_attacked): return game_board, player_attacker, player_attacked game_board[ghost_attacked[1]][ghost_attacked[0]] = {"case_color": "#EEEEEE", "emoji": "null", "nb_magic": "null", "type": "empty"} coloring_box(ghost_attacked[0] + 1, ghost_attacked[1] + 1, game_board[ghost_attacked[1]][ghost_attacked[0]]) for i, ghost in enumerate(player_attacked[1]): if ghost[1:] == ghost_attacked: del player_attacked[1][i] break return game_board, player_attacker, player_attacked def execute_orders(orders, game_board, player_info, current_player, second_player): if not orders: return game_board, player_info orders_list = orders.strip().split() for order in orders_list: try: if order == "ghost": color = "#D61C4E" if current_player == 1 else "#293462" create_ghost(game_board, player_info, color) else: order_parts = order.split(":") ghost_pos = tuple(map(int, order_parts[0].split("-"))) operation = order_parts[1][0] target_pos = tuple(map(int, order_parts[1][1:].split("-"))) box_info = game_board[ghost_pos[1]-1][ghost_pos[0]-1] if operation == "x": attack(game_board, ghost_pos, target_pos, player_info, second_player) elif operation == "@": move_ghost(game_board, player_info, ghost_pos, target_pos) elif operation == "$": nb_magic, recolting_magic = map(int, box_info["nb_magic"].split("+")) player_info = change_player_nb_magic_points(player_info, nb_magic) game_board[ghost_pos[1]-1][ghost_pos[0]-1] = { "case_color": box_info["case_color"], "emoji": box_info["emoji"], "type": "ghost", "nb_magic": str(recolting_magic), } coloring_box(ghost_pos[0], ghost_pos[1], game_board[ghost_pos[1]-1][ghost_pos[0]-1]) elif operation == "+": nb_magic = int(box_info["nb_magic"]) game_board[ghost_pos[1]-1][ghost_pos[0]-1]["nb_magic"] = str(nb_magic + int(order_parts[1][1:])) player_info = change_player_nb_magic_points(player_info, -2 * int(order_parts[1][1:])) except: pass decorate_game_board(game_board) return game_board, player_info def is_dead(game_board,ghost_coordonate): return int(game_board[ghost_coordonate[1]][ghost_coordonate[0]]["nb_magic"]) <= 0 def is_winner(player_1 , player_2): if player_1[0] > player_2[0]: return 1 elif player_1[0] < player_2[0]: return 2 return 0 def change_player(player): if player == 1 : return 2 else : return 1 def one_order_by_ghost(orders): used_ghosts = [] orders = str(orders).split() cpt = 0 for order in orders: if order == "ghost": cpt += 1 elif ":" in order: order_sides = order.split(":") if order_sides[0] in used_ghosts : del orders[cpt] else : if "@" in order_sides[1]: right_side = order_sides[1] used_ghosts.append(right_side[1:]) else: used_ghosts.append(order_sides[0]) cpt += 1 orders_str = "" for order in orders: orders_str += str(order) + " " return orders_str def play_game(map_path, type_1, type_2): term = blessed.Terminal() print(term.clear()) nb_turns = 1 player_1_color = "#D61C4E" player_2_color = "#293462" dimension_board, player_1, player_2, game_board = file_to_data_structure(map_path) player_1[0] = 500 player_2[0] = 500 decorate_game_board(game_board) time.sleep(1) game_board, player_1 = create_ghost(game_board, player_1, player_1_color) decorate_game_board(game_board) time.sleep(1) game_board, player_2 = create_ghost(game_board, player_2, player_2_color) decorate_game_board(game_board) time.sleep(1) current_player = 1 while nb_turns <= 200 and len(player_1[1]) > 0 and len(player_2[1]) > 0: print(term.clear()) decorate_game_board(game_board) display_game_informations( dimension_board, player_1, player_2, nb_turns ) if type_1 == "human" and type_2 == "human": if current_player == 1: orders = input("Player 1: enter the orders please: ") orders = one_order_by_ghost(orders) execute_orders(orders, game_board, player_1, 1, player_2) else: orders = input("Player 2: enter the orders please: ") orders = one_order_by_ghost(orders) execute_orders(orders, game_board, player_2, 2, player_1) display_game_informations( dimension_board, player_1, player_2, nb_turns ) current_player = change_player(current_player) elif type_1 == "human" and type_2 == "ai": if current_player == 1: orders = get_AI_orders(game_board, player_2, 2) input("Order taken") orders = one_order_by_ghost(orders) execute_orders(orders, game_board, player_2, 2, player_1) else: orders = input("Player 1: enter the orders please: ") orders = one_order_by_ghost(orders) execute_orders(orders, game_board, player_1, 1, player_2) display_game_informations( dimension_board, player_1, player_2, nb_turns ) current_player = change_player(current_player) change_player_nb_magic_points(player_1, 10 + len(player_1[1])) change_player_nb_magic_points(player_2, 10 + len(player_2[1])) nb_turns += 1 time.sleep(1) if nb_turns > 200: winner_number = is_winner(player_1, player_2) if winner_number == 1: winner_text = "the Player 1 is winner 🏆" elif winner_number == 2: winner_text = "the Player 2 is winner 🏆" print(winner_text) play_game("./map.txt","human","human")