2 years ago
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React i webpack Wartości propsów i dzieci komponentu <List title={['Things to do ', <sup>soon!</sup>]} /> <List title={['Things to do ', <sup key='1'>soon!</sup>]} /> <List title={['Things to do ', <sup>soon!</sup>]}> <p>I'm planning on doing all these things sooner, rather than later!</p> </List> Wykorzystanie danych z dataStore.js import {pageContents, listData} from '../../data/dataStore'; <main className={styles.component}> <h1 className={styles.title}>{pageContents.title}</h1> <h2 className={styles.subtitle}>{pageContents.subtitle}</h2> <List {...listData} /> </main> Parsowanie kodu HTML <h2 className={styles.title}>{ReactHtmlParser(props.titleText)}</h2> Modyfikacja stanu <div className={styles.creator}> <Creator text={settings.columnCreatorText} action={title => this.addColumn(title)}/> </div> addColumn(title){ this.setState(state => ( { columns: [ ...state.columns, { key: state.columns.length ? state.columns[state.columns.length-1].key+1 : 0, title, icon: 'list-alt', cards: [] } ] } )); } addColumn(title){ this.setState(function(currentState){ // create new column object with properties let newColumn = { key: state.columns.length ? state.columns[state.columns.length-1].key+1 : 0, title, icon: 'list-alt', cards: [] }; // create copy of current state let newState = Array.from(currentState); // add new column to new state newState.columns.push(newColumn); // return new state return newState; }); } Quiz powtórkowy 2. var htmlString = '<strong>Hello World!</strong>'; var domElement = document.createElement('div'); domElement.classList.add('greeting'); domElement.innerHTML = htmlString; var domElementStrong = domElement.querySelector('strong'); domElementStrong.classList.add('highlighted-text'); 5. <header id="page-header" class="wide-header"> <div class="container"> <a id="company-name" href="/">Lorem Company</a> <a id="menu-trigger" class="button-link" href="#">MENU</a> </div> </header> body {font-size: 12px;} body header div a { color: red; } #page-header .button-link { color: purple; font-size: 14px; } .wide-header #menu-trigger { color: green; } a { color: blue; } [href="/"] { color: orange; } header { font-size: 16px; } Czym są testy jednostkowe? const change = calcChange(100, 92.6); const expectedResult = 7.4; if(change != expectedResult) { console.error('Function calcChange did NOT pass the test!'); }