import board import busio import adafruit_ads1x15.ads1115 as ADS from adafruit_ads1x15.analog_in import AnalogIn from adafruit_tca9548a import TCA9548A from gpiozero import DistanceSensor import time from datetime import datetime from rich.console import Console from rich.panel import Panel from rich.layout import Layout from rich.live import Live from rich.table import Table class DualSensorSystem: def __init__(self, ultrasonic_trigger=17, ultrasonic_echo=27, distance_threshold=0.2): # Initialize the console for rich formatting self.console = Console() # Initialize Laser Beam Sensor self.init_laser_sensor() # Initialize Ultrasonic Sensor self.ultrasonic = DistanceSensor( echo=ultrasonic_echo, trigger=ultrasonic_trigger ) self.distance_threshold = distance_threshold # Detection states self.laser_detected = False self.ultrasonic_detected = False def init_laser_sensor(self): i2c_bus = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) self.multiplexer = TCA9548A(i2c_bus, address=0x70) self.channel = self.multiplexer[7] self.ads = ADS.ADS1115(self.channel) self.ads.gain = 2/3 self.ldr = AnalogIn(self.ads, ADS.P0) self.baseline = None self.threshold = 0.7 def calibrate_laser(self, samples=10, delay=0.1): """Calibrate the laser sensor""" self.console.print("[yellow]Calibrating laser sensor - Please ensure laser is properly aligned...[/]") readings = [] for i in range(samples): readings.append(self.read_light_level()) time.sleep(delay) self.baseline = sum(readings) / len(readings) self.console.print(f"[green]Calibration complete. Baseline light level: {self.baseline:.1f}%[/]") def read_light_level(self): """Get light level as percentage""" voltage = self.ldr.voltage return (voltage / 3.3) * 100 def is_beam_broken(self): """Check if laser beam is broken""" if self.baseline is None: return False current_level = self.read_light_level() return current_level < (self.baseline * self.threshold) def get_distance(self): """Get distance in cm from ultrasonic sensor""" return self.ultrasonic.distance * 100 def create_status_table(self): """Create rich table with current status""" table = Table(show_header=False, border_style="bold") # Current time table.add_row( "[cyan]Time[/]", datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S") ) # Laser sensor status light_level = self.read_light_level() laser_status = "[red]BROKEN[/]" if self.is_beam_broken() else "[green]CLEAR[/]" table.add_row( "[cyan]Laser Beam[/]", f"{laser_status} ({light_level:.1f}%)" ) # Ultrasonic sensor status distance = self.get_distance() ultrasonic_status = "[red]DETECTED[/]" if distance < (self.distance_threshold * 100) else "[green]CLEAR[/]" table.add_row( "[cyan]Ultrasonic[/]", f"{ultrasonic_status} ({distance:.1f} cm)" ) # Combined detection status combined = self.is_beam_broken() or distance < (self.distance_threshold * 100) table.add_row( "[cyan]Overall Status[/]", "[red]OBJECT DETECTED[/]" if combined else "[green]NO OBJECT DETECTED[/]" ) return table def main(): try: # Initialize the system system = DualSensorSystem() # Calibrate the laser sensor system.calibrate_laser() # Clear the screen system.console.clear() with Live( Panel(system.create_status_table(), title="[bold blue]Dual Sensor Detection System[/]"), refresh_per_second=4 ) as live: while True: live.update( Panel(system.create_status_table(), title="[bold blue]Dual Sensor Detection System[/]") ) time.sleep(0.25) except KeyboardInterrupt: system.console.print("\n[yellow]Shutting down sensors...[/]") except Exception as e: system.console.print(f"\n[red]Error: {e}[/]") if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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