12 days ago
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// Online C compiler to run C program online #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node{ int data; struct node *next; struct node *prev; }*start=NULL,*last=NULL; void createdll(int data){ struct node *ptr=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); ptr->data=data; ptr->next=NULL; ptr->prev=NULL; if(start==NULL){ start=ptr; last=ptr; } else{ ptr->prev=last; last->next=ptr; last=ptr; } } void print(struct node *start){ struct node *temp=start; while(temp!=NULL){ printf("%d",temp->data); temp=temp->next; } } void deletefirst(){ struct node *temp=start; start=start->next; free(temp); } void addfirst(struct node *start,int data){ struct node *ptr=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); ptr->data=data; ptr->next=start->next; ptr->prev=NULL; start->next->prev=ptr; start=ptr; } void add_after(struct node* start, int n , int given) { struct node* t = start; struct node* ptr = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); ptr->data = n; ptr->next = NULL; ptr->prev = NULL; while(t->data != given){ t = t->next; } ptr->next = t->next; ptr->prev = t; t->next->prev = ptr; t->next = ptr; } void add_before(struct node* start, int n, int given) { struct node* ptr = (struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); ptr->data = n; ptr->next = NULL; ptr->prev = NULL; struct node* temp = start; while(temp->data != given) { temp = temp->next; } ptr->next = temp; ptr->prev = temp->prev; temp->prev->next = ptr; temp->prev = ptr; } void delete_after(struct no* start, int given) { struct node *temp = start; while (temp != NULL && temp->data != given) { temp = temp->next; } struct node* t = temp->next; temp->next = temp->next->next; free(t); } void reverse(struct node *start){ struct node *t1=start,*t2=last; while(t2->next!=t1 && t1!=t2){ int temp=t1->data; t1->data=t2->data; t2->data=temp; t1=t1->next; t2=t2->prev; } } void main() { int n; printf("enter no. of nodes="); scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ int data; scanf("%d",&data); createdll(data); } print(start); deletefirst(); print(start); addfirst(start,13); print(start); add_before(start,1221,23); add_after(start,1221,23); }
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