a year ago
17 kB
public function actionHistoryCallNew() { $siteId = Yii::$app->params["siteId"]; $searchModel = new CdrSearch(); $searchModel::$isHistoryCall = true; $searchModel->site_id = Yii::$app->params["siteId"]; $searchParams = Yii::$app->request->queryParams; $defaultDaterange = date('d/m/Y') . ' 00:00' . ' - ' . date('d/m/Y') . ' 23:59'; $canExport = 0; if (Yii::$app->user->canSite('export_history_call_data', Yii::$app->params["siteId"])) { $canExport = 1; } $canSearchAllExtHotline = 0; if (Yii::$app->user->canSite('search_all_ext_hotline', Yii::$app->params["siteId"])) { // Hiện tại quyền này không được dùng, sẽ bỏ sau. $canSearchAllExtHotline = 1; } $rangeTimeCall = Yii::$app->request->get('rangeTimeCall'); $rangeTimeHold = Yii::$app->request->get('rangeTimeHold'); $arrTimeCall = []; $arrTimeHold = []; if (!empty($rangeTimeCall)) { $tmp = explode('-', $rangeTimeCall); $arrTimeCall = array_map('intval', $tmp); if (count($arrTimeCall) !== 2) { $arrTimeCall = []; } } if(!empty($rangeTimeHold)) { $tmp = explode('-', $rangeTimeHold); $arrTimeHold = array_map('intval', $tmp); if (count($arrTimeHold) !== 2) { $arrTimeHold = []; } } $dpmIds = Yii::$app->request->get('departmentIds'); $dpmIds = $this->remove_sql_injection($dpmIds); $selectDepartments = $dpmIds; $campaignId = Yii::$app->request->get('campaignId'); $extension = Yii::$app->request->get('extension'); $cdrId = Yii::$app->request->get('cdrId'); $cdrId = addslashes($cdrId); $cdrUUID = Yii::$app->request->get('cdrUUID'); $cdrUUID = isset($cdrUUID) ? trim($cdrUUID) : $cdrUUID; $customerPhone = Yii::$app->request->get('customerPhone'); $customerState = Yii::$app->request->get('customerState'); $username = trim(Yii::$app->request->get('username')); $call_direction = Yii::$app->request->get('call_direction'); // get ids of page and remove xss $ids_page = Yii::$app->request->get('ids_page'); $ids_page = $this->remove_sql_injection($ids_page); $hotlineIdList = Yii::$app->request->get('hotlineIdList'); $hotlineIdList = $this->remove_sql_injection($hotlineIdList); $extension_hotline_ids = Yii::$app->request->get('extension_hotline_ids'); $extension_hotline_ids = $this->remove_sql_injection($extension_hotline_ids); $branchs = Yii::$app->request->get('branch_ids'); $branchs = $this->remove_sql_injection($branchs); $callType = Yii::$app->request->get('callType'); $status = Yii::$app->request->get('status'); $type = Yii::$app->request->get('type'); $last_id = Yii::$app->request->get('last_id'); // id cuối cùng hoặc đầu tiên $last_time = (int) Yii::$app->request->get('last_time'); // thời gian cuối cùng hoặc đầu tiên $pageSize = Yii::$app->request->get('per-page'); $pageSize = $pageSize ? $pageSize:20; $total = Yii::$app->request->get('total'); $daterange = Yii::$app->request->get('daterange'); $is_new = Yii::$app->request->get('is_new'); if (!empty($daterange)) { $arrTimeRange = explode(" - ", $daterange); $startTime = strtotime(str_replace("/", "-", $arrTimeRange[0])); $endTime = strtotime(str_replace("/", "-", $arrTimeRange[1])); // check không quá 31 ngày if ($endTime - $startTime > (86400 * 31)) { Yii::$app->session->setFlash('msgError', 'Thời gian tìm kiếm không quá 31 ngày'); return $this->redirect(Yii::$app->request->referrer); } } $userExtensions = 0; if (Yii::$app->user->canSite('managerCdrFull', $siteId)) { // Quyen admindepartment tro len if (!empty($username)) { $userList = User::findOne(['username' => $username]); if (!empty($userList)) { $userExtensions = $userList->id; } else { $userExtensions = -1; } } if (!empty($selectDepartments)) $searchModel->searchDepartments = $selectDepartments; } else if (Yii::$app->user->canSite('managerCdr', $siteId)) { // Quyen admindepartment tro len if(empty($selectDepartments)){ if (!Yii::$app->user->canSite('Sysadmin', $siteId)) { // xử lý lấy toàn bộ quyền con trong quyền cha $allPermissionsParent = (new \yii\db\Query())->select("parent")->from('auth_item_child')->where(['child' => ['managerCdr']])->all(); $departmentIds = ''; if (count($allPermissionsParent) > 0) { foreach ($allPermissionsParent as $item) { if (Yii::$app->user->canSite($item['parent'], $siteId) ) { $hasParentPermission = true; $departmentIds .= Yii::$app->user->getDepartments($item['parent'], $siteId).','; } } } if (!empty($departmentIds)) { $departmentIds = $this->remove_sql_injection($departmentIds); } if (!$hasParentPermission) { if (Yii::$app->user->canSite('managerCdr', $siteId)) { $departmentIds = Yii::$app->user->getDepartments('managerCdr', $siteId); } } if(empty($departmentIds)){ $selectDepartments = [-1]; } else { $selectDepartments = $this->remove_sql_injection($departmentIds,'int'); } } } if (!empty($username)) { $userList = User::findOne(['username' => $username, 'department_id' => $selectDepartments ]); if (!empty($userList)) { $userExtensions = $userList->id; } else { $userExtensions = -1; } } if (!empty($selectDepartments)) $searchModel->searchDepartments = $selectDepartments; } else if (Yii::$app->user->canSite('managerCdrPrivate', $siteId)) { // Quyen Agent $user = User::findOne(['username' => $username]); $userId = -1; if (isset($user)) $userId = $user->id; $userExtensions = Yii::$app->user->getId(); if (!empty($username)) $searchModel->user_id = $userId; /* if(empty($selectDepartments)){ if (!Yii::$app->user->canSite('Sysadmin', $siteId)) { $selectDepartments = Yii::$app->user->getDepartments('managerCdrPrivate', $siteId); if(empty($selectDepartments)) { $selectDepartments = [-1]; } else { $selectDepartments = $this->remove_sql_injection($selectDepartments,'int'); } } } */ if (!empty($selectDepartments)) $searchModel->searchDepartments = $selectDepartments; } else { throw new NotFoundHttpException('Không có quyền truy cập trang!'); } if (!empty($dpmIds)) $searchModel->searchDepartments = explode(',',$dpmIds); $searchModel->limitHistoryCall = $pageSize; if (isset($campaignId) && $campaignId != '' && $campaignId != '-999999') { $searchModel->campaign_id = $campaignId; } if (!empty($userExtensions)) $searchModel->searchUsers = $userExtensions; if (!empty($daterange)) { $searchModel->createTimeRange = $daterange; } else { $searchModel->createTimeRange = $defaultDaterange; } if (!empty($extension)) $searchModel->extension = $extension; if (!empty($cdrId)) $searchModel->id = is_numeric($cdrId) ? $cdrId : -1; if (!empty($cdrUUID)) $searchModel->uuid = $cdrUUID; if (!empty($customerPhone)) $searchModel->customer_phone = $customerPhone; if ($callType != '') $searchModel->call_type = $callType; if ($status != '') $searchModel->status = $status; if (!empty($customerState)) { switch ($customerState) { case 'OUT_OF_CALL_BOT': case 'OUT_OF_SKILL_GROUP': case 'ORIGINATOR_CANCEL': case 'SUCCESS': case 'OUT_OF_QUEUE': $searchModel->customer_state = $customerState; break; case 'KHONG_TRA_LOI': $searchModel->customer_state = [ 'NO_ANSWER', 'USER_BUSY' ]; break; case 'TU_CHOI_CUOC_GOI': $searchModel->customer_state = [ 'NO_USER_RESPONSE', 'CALL_REJECTED' ]; break; case 'DTV_CHUA_ONLINE': $searchModel->customer_state = [ 'USER_NOT_REGISTERED', 'NO_ACTIVE', ]; break; case 'KHONG_CO_QUYEN_GOI': $searchModel->customer_state = [ 'NO_PERMISSION', 'NO_PERMISSION_SOFTPHONE', 'NO_MINUTE', ]; break; case 'LOI_HE_THONG': $searchModel->customer_state = [ 'NORMAL_TEMPORARY_FAILURE', 'NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER', 'INCOMPATIBLE_DESTINATION', 'DESTINATION_OUT_OF_ORDER', 'INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT', 'UNLOCATED_NUMBER', '' ]; $searchModel->isLoiHeThong = true; break; default: break; } } if (!empty($extension_hotline_ids)) $searchModel->listExtensionHotline = $extension_hotline_ids; if (!empty($hotlineIdList)) $searchModel->listHotline = $hotlineIdList; if (!empty($branchs)) $searchModel->branch_ids = $branchs; if (isset($call_direction) && $call_direction != '') $searchModel->call_direction = $call_direction; if (!empty($rangeTimeCall)) $searchModel->arrTimeCall = $arrTimeCall; if (!empty($rangeTimeHold)) $searchModel->arrTimeHold = $arrTimeHold; if (!empty($type)) { $searchModel->type = $type; /// mục đích xử lý where theo id của trang trước đó if ($type == 'back' && !empty($ids_page) ) $searchModel->ids_before = $ids_page; } if (!empty($last_id)) $searchModel->last_id = $last_id; if (!empty($last_time) && $last_time > 0) $searchModel->last_time = $last_time; // dùng để lưu số item của trang trước đó, xử lý cho TH trang cuối cùng khi không có dữ liệu $showNext = true; // dùng để xác định ẩn hiện nút Trang Tiếp Theo $showPrevious = true; // dùng để xác định ẩn/hiện nút Trang trước đó // nếu là trang đầu thì ẩn nút trang trước đó if (!$type) $showPrevious = false; $data = []; if (!empty($daterange) && $userExtensions != -1) { $result = $searchModel->searchNewV2($searchParams); if (!empty($result)) { // > 0 $ids = json_encode($result['ids']); // danh sách id tìm kiếm $data = $result['data']; // 50 bản ghi tìm kiếm if($is_new){ $total = $result['total']; // tổng số bản ghi toàn bộ } //$total = $result['total']; // tổng số bản ghi toàn bộ $totalItem = count($data); if ($type == 'back') { //$data = array_reverse($data); } $last_item_start = current($data); //$last_item_start_id = $last_item_start['id']; //$last_item_start_time = $last_item_start['start_cdr_timestamp']; $last_item_start_time = $last_item_start['created_at']; $last_item_end = end($data); //$last_item_end_id = $last_item_end['id']; //$last_item_end_time = $last_item_end['start_cdr_timestamp']; $last_item_end_time = $last_item_end['created_at']; $all_last_id = ''; if (!empty($data[1])) $all_last_id .= $data[$totalItem - 1]['id']; if (!empty($data[2])) $all_last_id .= ',' . $data[$totalItem - 2]['id']; if (!empty($data[3])) $all_last_id .= ',' . $data[$totalItem - 3]['id']; if (!empty($data[4])) $all_last_id .= ',' . $data[$totalItem - 4]['id']; if (!empty($data[5])) $all_last_id .= ',' . $data[$totalItem - 5]['id']; if (!empty($data[6])) $all_last_id .= ',' . $data[$totalItem - 6]['id']; if (!empty($data[7])) $all_last_id .= ',' . $data[$totalItem - 7]['id']; // dùng để lưu số item của trang trước đó, xử lý cho TH trang cuối cùng khi không có dữ liệu if ($totalItem < $pageSize) { $showNext = false; } } else { // không có dữ liệu trang tiếp theo $showNext = false; } } $dataProvider = new ArrayDataProvider(['allModels' => $data, 'pagination' =>[ 'pageSize'=>$pageSize ]]); return $this->render('history_call_new_v2', [ 'dpmIds' => isset($dpmIds) ? $dpmIds : '', 'extension_hotline_id' => isset($extensionHotlineId) ? $extensionHotlineId : '', 'branchs' => $branchs, 'campaignId' => isset($campaignId) ? $campaignId : '', 'extension' => isset($extension) ? $extension : '', 'cdr_id' => isset($cdrId) ? $cdrId : '', 'cdr_uuid' => isset($cdrUUID) ? $cdrUUID : '', 'msisdn' => isset($msisdn) ? $msisdn : '', 'customerPhone' => isset($customerPhone) ? $customerPhone : '', 'daterange' => isset($daterange) ? $daterange : $defaultDaterange, 'customer_state' => isset($customerState) ? $customerState : '', 'username' => isset($username) ? $username : '', 'searchModel' => $searchModel, 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'dataProviderExport' => isset($dataProviderExport) ? $dataProviderExport : '', 'call_direction' => isset($call_direction) ? $call_direction : '', 'extensionHotlineIdList' => $extension_hotline_ids, 'hotlineIdList' => $hotlineIdList, 'canExport' => $canExport, 'canSearchAllExtHotline' => $canSearchAllExtHotline, 'startTimeCall' => isset($arrTimeCall[0]) ? $arrTimeCall[0] : '', 'endTimeCall' => isset($arrTimeCall[1]) ? $arrTimeCall[1] : '', 'startTimeHold' => isset($arrTimeHold[0]) ? $arrTimeHold[0] : '', 'endTimeHold' => isset($arrTimeHold[1]) ? $arrTimeHold[1] : '', 'callType' => $callType, 'status' => $status, 'pageSize' => $pageSize, 'selectedDateRange' => isset($daterange) ? $daterange : '', 'last_item_start_id' => isset($last_item_start_id) ? $last_item_start_id : '', 'last_item_end_id' => isset($last_item_end_id) ? $last_item_end_id : '', 'last_item_start_time' => isset($last_item_start_time) ? $last_item_start_time : '', 'last_item_end_time' => isset($last_item_end_time) ? $last_item_end_time : '', 'totalItem' => isset($totalItem) ? $totalItem : 0, 'showNext' => isset($showNext) ? $showNext : false, 'showPrevious' => isset($showPrevious) ? $showPrevious : false, 'page_history' => isset($page_history) ? $page_history : false, 'ids' => isset($ids) ? $ids : 0, 'type' => !empty($type) ? $type : '', 'total' => !empty($total) ? $total : 0, 'all_last_id' => $all_last_id ?? '' ]); }