export async function duplicateMultipleTasks(board, tasksToDuplicate) { // read function removeMultipleTasks for comments about this deep cloning const updatedGroups = structuredClone(board.groups) // iterate through the tasks to be duplicated tasksToDuplicate.forEach(({ groupId, taskId }) => { // Find the group containing the task const groupIndex = updatedGroups.findIndex((group) => group.id === groupId) if (groupIndex === -1) { console.warn(`Group with id ${groupId} not found`) return } const group = updatedGroups[groupIndex] const taskIndex = group.tasks.findIndex((task) => task.id === taskId) if (taskIndex === -1) { console.warn(`Task with id ${taskId} not found in group ${groupId}`) return } // Create the duplicated task const taskToDuplicate = group.tasks[taskIndex] const duplicatedTask = { ...taskToDuplicate, id: utilService.makeId(), title: `${taskToDuplicate.title} (copy)`, } // Insert the duplicated task right below the original group.tasks.splice(taskIndex + 1, 0, duplicatedTask) // Update the group in the updatedGroups array updatedGroups[groupIndex] = group }) // Update the board with the modified groups return updateBoard(board, null, null, { key: 'groups', value: updatedGroups, }) } export async function duplicateTask(board, group, task) { const newTask = { ...task, id: utilService.makeId(), title: `${task.title} (copy)`, } // Insert new task below the duplicated one const taskIndex = group.tasks.findIndex((t) => t.id === task.id) const updatedTasks = [ ...group.tasks.slice(0, taskIndex + 1), newTask, ...group.tasks.slice(taskIndex + 1), ] const newGroup = { ...group, tasks: updatedTasks } // Await the asynchronous update return updateBoard(board, group, null, { key: 'tasks', value: newGroup.tasks, }) } export async function removeGroup(board, group) { const newGroups = board.groups.filter((g) => g.id !== group.id) updateBoard(board, null, null, { key: 'groups', value: newGroups }) } export async function moveMultipleTasksIntoSpecificGroup( board, checkedTasks, targetGroupId ) { /* Logic here is to grab and isolate the group were gonna move stuff into, and then push the tasks that were checked by the user into that group while removing them from their original group*/ // read function removeMultipleTasks for comments about this deep cloning let updatedGroups = structuredClone(board.groups) // find the target group index in board.groups const targetGroupIndex = updatedGroups.findIndex( (group) => group.id === targetGroupId ) if (targetGroupIndex === -1) { console.error(`Target group with id ${targetGroupId} not found`) return } // extract the target group (the one we gonna move tasks into) from the array of all groups const targetGroup = { ...updatedGroups[targetGroupIndex], tasks: [...updatedGroups[targetGroupIndex].tasks], } // iterate through each task in checkedTasks checkedTasks.forEach(({ groupId, taskId }) => { const sourceGroupIndex = updatedGroups.findIndex( (group) => group.id === groupId ) if (sourceGroupIndex === -1) { console.warn(`Source group with id ${groupId} not found`) return } // if the selected task is already in target group.. skip it if (sourceGroupIndex === targetGroupIndex) return // extract the group that contains the task were currently working on in our forEach loop const sourceGroup = { ...updatedGroups[sourceGroupIndex], tasks: [...updatedGroups[sourceGroupIndex].tasks], } // find the index of the task to move const taskIndex = sourceGroup.tasks.findIndex((task) => task.id === taskId) if (taskIndex === -1) { console.warn(`Task with id ${taskId} not found in group ${groupId}`) return } // remove the task from the source group const [taskToMove] = sourceGroup.tasks.splice(taskIndex, 1) // add the task to the target group targetGroup.tasks.push(taskToMove) // update the source group updatedGroups[sourceGroupIndex] = sourceGroup }) // update the target group updatedGroups[targetGroupIndex] = targetGroup updateBoard(board, null, null, { key: 'groups', value: updatedGroups }) } export async function removeMultipleTasks(board, checkedTasks) { // Todo : Add 'are you sure' and notify caller if user was sure or not about deleting checked tasks /* **Reminder** checkedTasks look like this : [{groupId: 123 , taskId:456}]*/ // the logic for deep clone was: // if we dont deep clone and only use shallow copy (let updatedGroups = [...board.groups]) // then the tasks-arrays inside updatedGroups will be the exact tasks as in the redux store.. // and if we make changes to them , like removing task from group // it could cause a change in our board.. which were not supp to do.. TODO: Verify this let updatedGroups = structuredClone(board.groups) // go through each group in the board updatedGroups = updatedGroups.map((group) => { // find tasks to remove that belong to the current group const tasksToRemove = checkedTasks.filter( (checkedTask) => checkedTask.groupId === group.id ) // if there are tasks to remove from this group if (tasksToRemove.length > 0) { const updatedTasks = group.tasks.filter( (task) => !tasksToRemove.some((checkedTask) => checkedTask.taskId === task.id) ) // Return the updated group with filtered tasks return { ...group, tasks: updatedTasks } } else { return group } // If theres no tasks to remove, just return original group }) updateBoard(board, null, null, { key: 'groups', value: updatedGroups }) } export async function removeTask(board, group, task) { // const isConfirmed = window.confirm( // 'Are you sure you want to remove this task?' // ) // if (!isConfirmed) return // console.log( // 'Removing task "' + task.title + '" From group "' + group.title, // '"' // ) store.dispatch({ type: REMOVE_TASK, taskId: task.id }) const newTasks = group.tasks.filter((t) => t.id !== task.id) const newGroup = { ...group, tasks: newTasks, } updateBoard(board, group, null, { key: 'tasks', value: newGroup.tasks }) } export async function addTask(board, group, task, fromHeader) { console.log('task', task); console.log('task title', task.title); // console.log('Adding task "' + task.title + '" To group "' + group.title + '"') store.dispatch({ type: ADD_TASK, boardId: board._id, groupId: group.id, task: task, }) const updatedTasks = fromHeader ? [task , ...group.tasks] : [...group.tasks, task] updateBoard(board, group, null, { key: 'tasks', value: updatedTasks }) } export function setFilterBy(filterBy = {}) { store.dispatch({ type: SET_FILTER_BY, filterBy }) console.log('board actions -> filterBy: ', filterBy)
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