Guest User Unit Test

a month ago
18 kB

namespace Tests\Feature;

use App\Enums\AttributeType;
use App\Models\Attribute;
use App\Models\AttributeValue;
use App\Models\Currency;
use App\Models\Domain;
use App\Models\ServiceCategory;
use App\Models\Skill;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Tests\TestCase;
use Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

class GuestUserTest extends TestCase
     * A basic feature test to verify guest user login functionality.
     * This test checks if a guest user can successfully log in by making a GET request
     * to the '/api/v1/guest/login' endpoint. It then validates the response structure and
     * content to ensure that the login process is functioning correctly.
     * Steps:
     * 1. Make a GET request to the '/api/v1/guest/login' endpoint with 'Accept' header set to 'application/json'.
     * 2. Decode the JSON response to an associative array.
     * 3. Assert that the 'success' field in the response is true.
     * 4. Assert that the 'access_token' field in the response is not empty.
     * 5. Assert that the 'refresh_token' field in the response is not empty.
     * @return void
    public function test_guest_user_login()
        // Make a GET request to the guest login endpoint with JSON headers
        $response = $this->withHeaders([
            'Accept' => 'application/json',

        // Decode the JSON response content to an associative array
        $response = json_decode($response->content(), true);

        // Assert that the 'success' field is true, indicating a successful login
        $this->assertEquals($response['success'], true);

        // Assert that the 'access_token' is not empty, ensuring it is present in the response

        // Assert that the 'refresh_token' is not empty, ensuring it is present in the response
        return $response;
     * This test depends on the successful execution of the test_guest_user_login method.
     * It uses the response (specifically the access token) from the login test.
     * @depends test_guest_user_login
    public function test_guest_user_add_service_category(array $userData)
        // Retrieve the first ServiceCategory record from the guest database.
        $serviceCategory = ServiceCategory::first();

        // Retrieve the first Currency record from the guest database.
        $currency = Currency::first();

        // Retrieve the first Domain record from the guest database.
        $domain = Domain::first();

        // Retrieve the IDs of the first two skills related to the service category from the guest database.
        $skills = Skill::where('service_category_id', $serviceCategory->id)

        // Make a POST request to the '/api/v1/service-categories/{id}/attach' endpoint
        // to attach a service category to the guest user with additional details.
        // The request includes headers for 'Accept' and 'Authorization', using the access token
        // obtained from the previous test (test_guest_user_login).
        $response = $this->withHeaders([
            'Accept' => 'application/json',
            'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $userData['access_token'],
        ])->post('/api/v1/service-categories/' . $serviceCategory->id . '/attach', [
            'description' => 'Over 10,000 flight hours', // Description of the service category
            'currency_type' => $currency->id, // ID of the currency type
            'rate' => 10, // Rate for the service
            'domain_id' => $domain->id, // ID of the domain
            'latitude' => '23.783731', // Latitude for the location
            'longitude' => '90.417441', // Longitude for the location
            'radius' => '100', // Radius of the service availability
            'is_published' => 1, // Indicates if the service is published
            'skills' => $skills // Array of skill IDs related to the service category

        // Decode the JSON response content to an associative array for easier assertions.
        $response = json_decode($response->content(), true);

        // Assert that the response contains a 'status' key.
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('status', $response);

        // Assert that the 'status' key in the response has a value of 'Success'.
        $this->assertEquals('Success', $response['status']);
     * This test depends on the successful execution of the test_guest_user_login method.
     * It uses the response (specifically the access token) from the login test.
     * @depends test_guest_user_login
    public function test_guest_user_add_surname(array $userData)
        // Make a POST request to the '/api/v1/attributes/attach_surname' endpoint
        // to attach a surname to the guest user's profile.
        // The request includes headers for 'Accept' and 'Authorization', using the access token
        // obtained from the previous test (test_guest_user_login).
        $response = $this->withHeaders([
            'Accept' => 'application/json',
            'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $userData['access_token'],
        ])->post('/api/v1/attributes/attach_surname', [
            'first_name' => 'John', // Guest user's first name
            'last_name' => 'Doe', // Guest user's last name (surname)
            'is_visible_on_profile' => 1 // Flag indicating if the surname is visible on the profile

        // Decode the JSON response content to an associative array for easier assertions.
        $response = json_decode($response->content(), true);

        // Assert that the response contains a 'status' key.
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('status', $response);

        // Assert that the 'status' key in the response has a value of 'Success'.
        $this->assertEquals('Success', $response['status']);

     * This test depends on the successful execution of the test_guest_user_login method.
     * It uses the response (specifically the access token) from the login test.
     * @depends test_guest_user_login
    public function test_guest_user_add_unit_attribute(array $userData)
        // Retrieve the 'Weight' attribute from the guest database.
        // AttributeType::Weight->value is assumed to return the ID of the 'Weight' attribute.
        $attribute = Attribute::where('id', AttributeType::Weight->value)

        // Make a POST request to the '/api/v1/attributes/attach_unit_value' endpoint
        // to attach a unit value (e.g., weight) to the guest user's profile.
        // The request includes headers for 'Accept' and 'Authorization', using the access token
        // obtained from the previous test (test_guest_user_login).
        $response = $this->withHeaders([
            'Accept' => 'application/json',
            'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $userData['access_token'],
        ])->post('/api/v1/attributes/attach_unit_value', [
            'attributes_id' => $attribute->id, // ID of the 'Weight' attribute
            'unit' => 'Kg', // Unit of measurement (Kilograms)
            'value' => '60', // Value associated with the unit (e.g., 60 Kg)
            'is_visible_on_profile' => 1 // Flag indicating if this attribute is visible on the profile

        // Decode the JSON response content to an associative array for easier assertions.
        $response = json_decode($response->content(), true);

        // Assert that the response contains a 'status' key.
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('status', $response);

        // Assert that the 'status' key in the response has a value of 'Success'.
        $this->assertEquals('Success', $response['status']);

     * This test depends on the successful execution of the test_guest_user_login method.
     * It uses the response (specifically the access token) from the login test.
     * @depends test_guest_user_login
    public function test_guest_user_add_social_link(array $userData)
        // Retrieve the first service category from the guest database.
        $serviceCategory = ServiceCategory::first();

        // Retrieve the attribute related to social links from the guest database.
        $attributes = Attribute::where('id', AttributeType::SocialLinks->value)->first();

        // Retrieve the IDs of the social link attributes from the guest database.
        $attributeValue = AttributeValue::where('attributes_id', $attributes->id)
            ->whereIn('value', ['Facebook', 'Github'])

        // Make a POST request to the '/api/v1/attributes/attach_social_links' endpoint
        // to attach social links to a service category in the guest user's profile.
        $response = $this->withHeaders([
            'Accept' => 'application/json',
            'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $userData['access_token'],
        ])->post('/api/v1/attributes/attach_social_links', [
            'service_category_id' => $serviceCategory->id, // ID of the service category
            'attribute_value_id_list' => $attributeValue, // List of attribute value IDs (e.g., Facebook, Github)
            'values' => ['John', 'Doe'], // Social links to be attached
            'is_visible_on_profile' => 1 // Flag indicating if the links should be visible on the profile

        // Decode the JSON response content to an associative array for easier assertions.
        $response = json_decode($response->content(), true);

        // Assert that the response contains a 'status' key.
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('status', $response);

        // Assert that the 'status' key in the response has a value of 'Success'.
        $this->assertEquals('Success', $response['status']);

     * This test depends on the successful execution of the test_guest_user_login method.
     * It uses the response (specifically the access token) from the login test.
     * @depends test_guest_user_login
    public function test_guest_user_add_qualification(array $userData)
        // Retrieve the first service category from the guest database.
        $serviceCategory = ServiceCategory::first();

        // Make a POST request to the '/api/v1/attributes/attach_qualifications' endpoint
        // to attach qualifications to a service category in the guest user's profile.
        $response = $this->withHeaders([
            'Accept' => 'application/json',
            'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $userData['access_token'],
        ])->post('/api/v1/attributes/attach_qualifications', [
            'service_category_id' => $serviceCategory->id, // ID of the service category
            'highlight_of_qualification' => ['Qualification1', 'Qualification2'], // List of qualifications
            'is_visible_on_profile' => 1 // Flag indicating if the qualifications should be visible on the profile

        // Decode the JSON response content to an associative array for easier assertions.
        $response = json_decode($response->content(), true);

        // Assert that the response contains a 'status' key.
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('status', $response);

        // Assert that the 'status' key in the response has a value of 'Success'.
        $this->assertEquals('Success', $response['status']);
     * @depends test_guest_user_login
    public function test_guest_user_add_attachment(array $userData)
        // Prepare the file to be uploaded
        $file = UploadedFile::fake()->create('sample.pdf', 100); // 100 KB file

        // Fake the public disk for testing

        // Retrieve the attribute by ID (ensure this is the correct ID and attribute)
        $attribute = Attribute::where('id', AttributeType::CreditScore->value)

        // Make the POST request with the file attachment
        $response = $this->withHeaders([
            'Accept' => 'application/json',
            'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $userData['access_token'],
        ])->post('/api/v1/attributes/attach_attachment', [
            'attributes_id' => $attribute->id,
            'attach_file' => $file,
            'value' => '40',
            'unit' => 'USD',
            'is_visible_on_profile' => 1

        // Decode the JSON response content to an associative array for easier assertions
        $response = json_decode($response->content(), true);

        // Assert that the response contains a 'status' key
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('status', $response);

        // Assert that the 'status' key in the response has a value of 'Success'
        $this->assertEquals('Success', $response['status']);

     * This test depends on the successful execution of the test_guest_user_login method.
     * It uses the response (specifically the access token) from the login test.
     * @depends test_guest_user_login
    public function test_guest_user_add_project(array $userData)
        // Retrieve the first service category from the guest database.
        $serviceCategory = ServiceCategory::first();

        // Make a POST request to the '/api/v1/attributes/attach_projects' endpoint
        // to attach projects to a service category in the guest user's profile.
        $response = $this->withHeaders([
            'Accept' => 'application/json',
            'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $userData['access_token'],
        ])->post('/api/v1/attributes/attach_projects', [
            'service_category_id' => $serviceCategory->id, // ID of the service category
            'projects' => ['Project1', 'Project2'], // List of projects
            'is_visible_on_profile' => 1 // Flag indicating if the projects should be visible on the profile

        // Decode the JSON response content to an associative array for easier assertions.
        $response = json_decode($response->content(), true);

        // Assert that the response contains a 'status' key.
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('status', $response);

        // Assert that the 'status' key in the response has a value of 'Success'.
        $this->assertEquals('Success', $response['status']);

     * This test depends on the successful execution of the test_guest_user_login method.
     * It uses the response (specifically the access token) from the login test.
     * @depends test_guest_user_login
    public function test_guest_user_add_education(array $userData)
        // Make a POST request to the '/api/v1/educations' endpoint to add education details.
        // The request includes headers for 'Accept' and 'Authorization', using the access token
        // obtained from the previous test (test_guest_user_login).
        $response = $this->withHeaders([
            'Accept' => 'application/json',
            'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $userData['access_token'],
        ])->post('/api/v1/educations', [
            'school' => 'University of Oxford', // Name of the school
            'field_of_study' => 'Computer Science', // Field of study
            'starting_date' => Carbon::now()->subYears(5)->format('Y-m-d'), // Starting date, 5 years ago from now
            'ending_date' => Carbon::now()->subYears(1)->format('Y-m-d'), // Ending date, also 1 years ago (same as starting)

        // Decode the JSON response content to an associative array for easier assertions.
        $response = json_decode($response->content(), true);

        // Assert that the response contains a 'status' key.
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('status', $response);

        // Assert that the 'status' key in the response has a value of 'Success'.
        $this->assertEquals('Success', $response['status']);

     * This test depends on the successful execution of the test_guest_user_login method.
     * It uses the response (specifically the access token) from the login test.
     * @depends test_guest_user_login
    public function test_guest_user_add_experience(array $userData)
        $serviceCategory = ServiceCategory::first();
        // Make a POST request to the '/api/v1/service-categories/{id}/experiences' endpoint
        // to add an experience under the first service category.
        // The request includes headers for 'Accept' and 'Authorization', using the access token
        // obtained from the previous test (test_guest_user_login).
        $response = $this->withHeaders([
            'Accept' => 'application/json',
            'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $userData['access_token'],
        ])->post('/api/v1/service-categories/' . $serviceCategory['id'] . '/experiences', [
            'organization' => 'Oracle Corporation', // Name of the organization
            'position' => 'Laravel Developer', // Position held at the organization
            'location' => 'Austin, Texas, United States', // Location of the organization
            'starting_date' => Carbon::now()->subYears(5)->format('Y-m-d'), // Start date, 5 years ago
            'ending_date' => Carbon::now()->subYears(3)->format('Y-m-d'), // End date, 3 years ago
            'responsibilities' => ['Develop Api', 'Unit Testing'] // List of responsibilities

        // Decode the JSON response content to an associative array for easier assertions.
        $response = json_decode($response->content(), true);

        // Assert that the response contains a 'status' key.
        $this->assertArrayHasKey('status', $response);

        // Assert that the 'status' key in the response has a value of 'Success'.
        $this->assertEquals('Success', $response['status']);
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