Enhanced ICP
""" A 3D visualization program that simulates an articulated cylinder that can be deformed by applying forces. The program uses Open3D for visualization and allows interactive manipulation of the cylinder through keyboard controls. """ import open3d as o3d import numpy as np import copy import time from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class Point3D: """ Represents a point in 3D space with x, y, z coordinates. Implements basic vector operations like addition and normalization. """ x: float y: float z: float def __add__(self, other): """Vector addition operator for Point3D objects.""" return Point3D( self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y, self.z + other.z ) def normalize(self): """ Returns a normalized version of the point vector (unit length). If the vector has zero length, returns a copy of the original point. """ length = np.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2 + self.z**2) if length > 0: return Point3D( self.x / length, self.y / length, self.z / length ) return copy.deepcopy(self) def to_numpy(self): """Converts the point to a numpy array format.""" return np.array([self.x, self.y, self.z]) @staticmethod def from_numpy(arr): """Creates a Point3D object from a numpy array.""" return Point3D(arr[0], arr[1], arr[2]) class ArticulatedCylinder: """ Represents a deformable cylinder composed of multiple circular sections. The cylinder can be deformed by applying forces at different points. """ def __init__(self, height=4.0, radius=0.5, n_sections=20, points_per_section=30): """ Initialize the cylinder with specified dimensions and resolution. Args: height (float): Total height of the cylinder radius (float): Radius of the cylinder n_sections (int): Number of vertical sections points_per_section (int): Number of points in each circular section """ self.radius = radius self.height = height self.n_sections = n_sections self.points_per_section = points_per_section self.threshold = height / (n_sections * 2) # Section height threshold # Generate initial points and center line self.points = self.generate_points() self.center_line = self.generate_center_line() self.sections = [] # Create sections self.create_sections() def generate_points(self): """ Generate initial cylinder points arranged in circular sections. Returns a list of Point3D objects representing the cylinder surface. """ points = [] for h_idx in range(self.n_sections): h = (h_idx / (self.n_sections - 1)) * self.height for theta_idx in range(self.points_per_section): theta = (theta_idx / self.points_per_section) * 2 * np.pi x = self.radius * np.cos(theta) y = self.radius * np.sin(theta) points.append(Point3D(x, y, h)) return points def generate_center_line(self): """ Generate points along the central axis of the cylinder. Returns a list of Point3D objects representing the center line. """ return [Point3D(0, 0, h) for h in np.linspace(0, self.height, self.n_sections)] def create_sections(self): """ Group points into vertical sections based on their height. Each section contains points at approximately the same height. """ self.sections = [[] for _ in range(self.n_sections)] for point in self.points: section_idx = int((point.z / self.height) * (self.n_sections - 1) + 0.5) section_idx = max(0, min(section_idx, self.n_sections - 1)) self.sections[section_idx].append(point) def find_nearest_section(self, force_point): """ Find the section index closest to the force application point. Args: force_point (Point3D): Point where force is being applied Returns: int: Index of the nearest section """ force_height = force_point.z section_idx = int((force_height / self.height) * (self.n_sections - 1) + 0.5) return max(0, min(section_idx, self.n_sections - 1)) def calculate_section_center(self, section): """ Calculate the center point of a given section. Args: section (list): List of Point3D objects in the section Returns: Point3D: Center point of the section """ if not section: return Point3D(0, 0, 0) x_avg = sum(p.x for p in section) / len(section) y_avg = sum(p.y for p in section) / len(section) z_avg = sum(p.z for p in section) / len(section) return Point3D(x_avg, y_avg, z_avg) def update_deformation(self, force_point, force_direction): """ Update cylinder shape based on applied force. The deformation effect decreases with distance from the force application point. Args: force_point (Point3D): Point where force is applied force_direction (Point3D): Direction and magnitude of the force """ impact_section = self.find_nearest_section(force_point) # Calculate deformation influence on each section for i in range(len(self.sections)): distance_factor = 1 / (1 + abs(i - impact_section)) deformation = Point3D( force_direction.x * distance_factor, force_direction.y * distance_factor, force_direction.z * distance_factor ) # Update points in section for point in self.sections[i]: new_x = point.x + deformation.x new_y = point.y + deformation.y new_z = point.z + deformation.z # Maintain radial constraint to preserve cylinder shape center = self.calculate_section_center(self.sections[i]) dx, dy = new_x - center.x, new_y - center.y dist = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) if dist > 0: scale = self.radius / dist point.x = center.x + dx * scale point.y = center.y + dy * scale point.z = new_z class InteractiveCylinder: """ Handles the interactive visualization and manipulation of the articulated cylinder. Provides keyboard controls for applying forces to deform the cylinder. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize the visualization window and create the cylinder object.""" self.vis = o3d.visualization.VisualizerWithKeyCallback() self.vis.create_window() # Create articulated cylinder self.cylinder = ArticulatedCylinder() # Create visualization objects self.point_cloud = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() self.update_visualization() self.vis.add_geometry(self.point_cloud) # Create target point (force application point) self.target_point = Point3D(0.0, 0.0, self.cylinder.height/2) self.target_sphere = self.create_target_sphere() self.vis.add_geometry(self.target_sphere) # Movement parameters self.move_speed = 0.1 self.force_strength = 0.1 # Register keyboard callbacks self.register_key_callbacks() def create_target_sphere(self): """ Create a red sphere to represent the force application point. Returns an Open3D sphere mesh. """ sphere = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_sphere(radius=0.1) sphere.translate(self.target_point.to_numpy()) sphere.paint_uniform_color([1, 0, 0]) return sphere def update_visualization(self): """ Update the point cloud visualization with current cylinder state. Colors points based on their height for better visual feedback. """ # Convert points to numpy array points = np.array([p.to_numpy() for p in self.cylinder.points]) # Update point cloud self.point_cloud.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points) # Update colors based on height colors = np.zeros((len(points), 3)) heights = points[:, 2] normalized_heights = (heights - np.min(heights)) / (np.max(heights) - np.min(heights)) colors[:, 0] = 0.7 # Red colors[:, 1] = 0.7 # Green colors[:, 2] = normalized_heights * 0.3 + 0.4 # Blue varies with height self.point_cloud.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors) def move_target(self, direction): """ Move the target point and apply deformation force to the cylinder. Args: direction (str): Direction of movement ('LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'UP', 'DOWN', 'FORWARD', 'BACKWARD') """ movement = np.zeros(3) if direction == 'LEFT': movement[0] = -self.move_speed elif direction == 'RIGHT': movement[0] = self.move_speed elif direction == 'UP': movement[2] = self.move_speed elif direction == 'DOWN': movement[2] = -self.move_speed elif direction == 'FORWARD': movement[1] = self.move_speed elif direction == 'BACKWARD': movement[1] = -self.move_speed # Update target position while keeping it within cylinder bounds new_position = np.array([self.target_point.x, self.target_point.y, self.target_point.z]) + movement if 0.1 <= new_position[2] <= (self.cylinder.height - 0.1): self.target_point = Point3D.from_numpy(new_position) self.target_sphere.translate(movement) # Apply force to cylinder force_direction = Point3D(movement[0], movement[1], movement[2]) self.cylinder.update_deformation(self.target_point, force_direction) def register_key_callbacks(self): """Register keyboard controls for interactive manipulation.""" def move_callback(direction): def callback(vis): self.move_target(direction) return True return callback # Map arrow keys and W/S keys to movement directions self.vis.register_key_callback(262, move_callback('RIGHT')) # Right arrow self.vis.register_key_callback(263, move_callback('LEFT')) # Left arrow self.vis.register_key_callback(265, move_callback('UP')) # Up arrow self.vis.register_key_callback(264, move_callback('DOWN')) # Down arrow self.vis.register_key_callback(87, move_callback('FORWARD')) # W key self.vis.register_key_callback(83, move_callback('BACKWARD'))# S key def run(self): """ Main run loop for the interactive visualization. Updates the visualization and handles user input continuously. """ print("Controls:") print("Arrow keys: Move target point horizontally and vertically") print("W/S: Move target point forward/backward") print("Press Ctrl+C to exit") while True: self.update_visualization() self.vis.update_geometry(self.point_cloud) self.vis.update_geometry(self.target_sphere) self.vis.poll_events() self.vis.update_renderer() time.sleep(0.01) if __name__ == "__main__": cylinder = InteractiveCylinder() try: cylinder.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: cylinder.vis.destroy_window()
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