GregTech Config
3 years ago
6.5 kB
# Configuration file general { # Chance of generating abandoned base in chunk = 1 / THIS_VALUE. 0 disables abandoned base generation. Default: 1000 I:abandonedBaseRarity=1000 # Setting this to false causes GTCE to not register additional methane recipes for foods in the centrifuge. Default: true B:addFoodMethaneRecipes=true # Specifies additional random amount of veins in section. Default: 2 I:additionalVeinsInSection=2 # Whether to enable more verbose logging. Default: false B:debug=false # Whether to disable rubber tree world generation. Default: false B:disableRubberTreeGeneration=false # Whether to disable vanilla ores generation in world. Default: false B:disableVanillaOres=false # Whether machines should explode when overloaded with power. Default: true B:doExplosions=true # If true, powered zero loss wires will damage the player. Default: false B:doLosslessWiresDamage=false # If true, lossless cables will have lossy wires. Default: false B:doLosslessWiresMakeLossyCables=false # Energy use multiplier for electric items. Default: 100 I:energyUsageMultiplier=100 # Chance with which flint and steel will create fire. Default: 50 # Min: 0 # Max: 100 I:flintChanceToCreateFire=50 # Sets the bonus EU output of Gas Turbines. Default 6144 I:gasTurbineBonusOutput=6144 # Whether veins should be generated in center of chunk. Default: false B:generateVeinsInCenterOfChunk=false # Recipes for machine hulls use more materials. Default: false B:harderMachineHulls=false # Whether to hide facades of all blocks in JEI and creative search menu. Default: true B:hideFacadesInJEI=true # Whether to hide filled cells in JEI and creative search menu. Default: true B:hideFilledCellsInJEI=true # Whether to hide filled tanks in JEI and creative search menu. Default: true B:hideFilledTanksInJEI=true # Setting this to true makes GTCE ignore error and invalid recipes that would otherwise cause crash. Default: true B:ignoreErrorOrInvalidRecipes=true # Whether to increase number of rolls for dungeon chests. Increases dungeon loot drastically. Default: true B:increaseDungeonLoot=true # If true, insufficient energy supply will reset recipe progress to zero. If false, progress will decrease to zero with 2x speed. Default: false B:insufficientEnergySupplyWipesRecipeProgress=false # Specifies min amount of veins in section. Default: 0 I:minVeinsInSection=0 # Specifies priorities of mods in ore dictionary item registration. First ModID has highest priority, last - lowest. Unspecified ModIDs follow standard sorting, but always have lower priority than last specified ModID. # For this to work "useCustomModPriorities" has to be set to true. S:modPriorities < > # Sets the bonus EU output of Plasma Turbines. Default: 6144 I:plasmaTurbineBonusOutput=6144 # Sets the bonus EU output of Steam Turbines. Default: 6144 I:steamTurbineBonusOutput=6144 # Whether to use modPriorities setting in config for prioritizing ore dictionary item registrations. By default, GTCE will sort ore dictionary registrations alphabetically comparing their owner ModIDs. Default: false B:useCustomModPriorities=false ########################################################################################################## # vanillarecipes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Category that contains configs for changing vanilla recipes ########################################################################################################## vanillarecipes { # Whether crafting a bowl requires a knife instead of only planks. Default: true B:bowlRequireKnife=true # Whether to make the iron bucket recipe harder by requiring a hammer and plates. Default: true B:bucketRequirePlatesAndHammer=true # Whether to make flint and steel recipe require a steel nugget instead of an iron ingot. Default: true. B:flintAndSteelRequireSteel=true # Recipes for items like iron doors, trapdoors, pressure plates, cauldrons, hoppers, and iron bars require iron plates and a hammer. Default: true B:ironConsumingCraftingRecipesRequirePlates=true # Whether to nerf the paper crafting recipe. Default: true B:nerfPaperCrafting=true # Whether to nerf wood crafting to 2 sticks from 2 planks. Default: false B:nerfStickCrafting=true # Whether to nerf wood crafting to 2 planks from 1 log. Default: false B:nerfWoodCrafting=true } ########################################################################################################## # machinespecific #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Category that contains configs for machines with specific behavior ########################################################################################################## machinespecific { # Array of blacklisted dimension IDs in which Air Collector does not work. I:airCollectorDimensionBlacklist < > } ########################################################################################################## # nanosaberconfiguration #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Category that contains configs for the NanoSaber ########################################################################################################## nanosaberconfiguration { # The EU/t consumption of the NanoSaber. Default: 64 # Min: 1 # Max: 512 I:energyConsumption=64 # The base damage of the NanoSaber. Default: 5.0 # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:nanoSaberBaseDamage=5.0 # The additional damage added when the NanoSaber is powered. Default: 20.0 # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:nanoSaberDamageBoost=20.0 # Should Zombies spawn with charged, active NanoSabers on hard difficulty? Default: true B:zombieSpawnWithSabers=true } }
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