AWB - Hair Pop Fix (MEL Script) by Tom
a year ago
5.2 kB
string $mainStrand = ""; string $rightBang = ""; string $leftBang = ""; string $rightSideburn = ""; string $leftSideburn = ""; // Check if Alice_V2_01_COG_LOC exists if (`objExists "Alice_V2_01_COG_LOC"`) { $mainStrand = "Alice_V2_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands24"; $rightBang = "Alice_V2_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands19"; $leftBang = "Alice_V2_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands7"; $rightSideburn = "Alice_V2_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands21"; $leftSideburn = "Alice_V2_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands20"; } // Check if Alice_Muddy_01_COG_LOC exists else if (`objExists "Alice_Muddy_01_COG_LOC"`) { $mainStrand = "Alice_Muddy_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands24"; $rightBang = "Alice_Muddy_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands19"; $leftBang = "Alice_Muddy_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands7"; $rightSideburn = "Alice_Muddy_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands21"; $leftSideburn = "Alice_Muddy_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands20"; } // Check if Alice_Beach_Outfit_V2_01_COG_LOC exists else if (`objExists "Alice_Beach_Outfit_V2_01_COG_LOC"`) { $mainStrand = "Alice_Beach_Outfit_V2_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands1"; $rightBang = "Alice_Beach_Outfit_V2_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands19"; $leftBang = "Alice_Beach_Outfit_V2_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands7"; $rightSideburn = "Alice_Beach_Outfit_V2_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands21"; $leftSideburn = "Alice_Beach_Outfit_V2_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands20"; } // Check if Alice_Baking_School_01_COG_LOC exists else if (`objExists "Alice_Baking_School_01_COG_LOC"`) { $mainStrand = "Alice_Baking_School_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands24"; $rightBang = "Alice_Baking_School_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands19"; $leftBang = "Alice_Baking_School_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands7"; $rightSideburn = "Alice_Baking_School_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands21"; $leftSideburn = "Alice_Baking_School_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands20"; } // Check if Alice_Tea_Dress_V2_01_COG_LOC exists else if (`objExists "Alice_Tea_Dress_V2_01_COG_LOC"`) { $mainStrand = "Alice_Tea_Dress_V2_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands1"; $rightBang = "Alice_Tea_Dress_V2_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands19"; $leftBang = "Alice_Tea_Dress_V2_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands7"; $rightSideburn = "Alice_Tea_Dress_V2_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands21"; $leftSideburn = "Alice_Tea_Dress_V2_01:ox_groom:GroundStrands20"; } else { print("COG_LOC node not found.\n"); } select -r $mainStrand; OxAddStrandOperator "" AnimationCacheNode; rename AnimationCache1 :mainStrandcache; setAttr -type "string" mainStrandcache.strandGroupPattern "mainStrand"; OxEnableOperator mainStrandcache 1; select -r $rightBang; OxAddStrandOperator "" AnimationCacheNode; rename AnimationCache1 :R_bangcache; setAttr -type "string" R_bangcache.strandGroupPattern "R_bangStrand"; OxEnableOperator R_bangcache 1; select -r $leftBang; OxAddStrandOperator "" AnimationCacheNode; rename AnimationCache1 :L_bangcache; setAttr -type "string" L_bangcache.strandGroupPattern "L_bangStrand"; OxEnableOperator L_bangcache 1; select -r $rightSideburn ; OxAddStrandOperator "" AnimationCacheNode; rename AnimationCache1 :R_sideburncache; setAttr -type "string" R_sideburncache.strandGroupPattern "R_sideBurn"; OxEnableOperator R_sideburncache 1; select -r $leftSideburn ; OxAddStrandOperator "" AnimationCacheNode; rename AnimationCache1 :L_sideburncache; setAttr -type "string" L_sideburncache.strandGroupPattern "L_sideBurn"; OxEnableOperator L_sideburncache 1; string $currentProject = `workspace -q -fn`; string $cachePath = $currentProject + "/"; setAttr "mainStrandcache.filePath" -type "string" $cachePath; string $cachePath = $currentProject + "/"; setAttr "R_bangcache.filePath" -type "string" $cachePath; string $cachePath = $currentProject + "/"; setAttr "L_bangcache.filePath" -type "string" $cachePath; string $cachePath = $currentProject + "/"; setAttr "R_sideburncache.filePath" -type "string" $cachePath; string $cachePath = $currentProject + "/"; setAttr "L_sideburncache.filePath" -type "string" $cachePath; string $allObjects[] = `ls -dag -type transform`; for ($obj in $allObjects) { hide $obj; } // Create a progress bar UI window -title "Progress" -widthHeight 300 100 progressWin; columnLayout -adjustableColumn true; text -label "Progress:"; progressBar -width 280 -minValue 0 -maxValue 100 -progress 0 progress; showWindow; // Simulate cache operations and update progress string $caches[] = { "mainStrandcache", "R_bangcache", "L_bangcache", "R_sideburncache", "L_sideburncache" }; int $completion[] = {20, 40, 60, 80, 100}; for ($i = 0; $i < size($caches); $i++) { OxRecordAnimation $caches[$i]; progressBar -edit -progress $completion[$i] progress; refresh; pause -sec 1; } // Close the progress bar UI deleteUI progressWin; string $allObjects[] = `ls -dag -type transform`; for ($obj in $allObjects) { showHidden $obj; } string $message = "if you close your eyes, you wont see any hair pops"; string $title = "Cache Complete"; confirmDialog -title $title -message $message -button "OK";
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