11 days ago
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#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #define ZERO '0' #define ONE '1' #define SPACE ' ' typedef char* string; void getBinary(int a); int main(){ string intro = "Bit Handling Operations\n"; string numInputPrompt = "Please input an integer (0-255): "; string commandMenu = "\n--------------------------\n" "Operations\n--------------------------\n" "L: Left-shift\nR: Right-shift\nC: Complement\n" "E: End program\n--------------------------\n" "Please select operation: "; string outputTemplate = "Decimal: %d, Hexadecimal: %X; Binary: "; string numError = "Not numeric or out of range!"; string commandError = "Invalid selection!\n"; int exit = 0; unsigned char numInput = 0; static int storeVal; char commandInput; char ch; int isValidInput = 1; printf("%s", intro); printf("%s", numInputPrompt); int digitCount = 0; // To count the number of digits in the input while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n') { if (isdigit(ch)) { numInput = numInput * 10 + (ch - '0'); digitCount++; if (numInput > 255) { isValidInput = 0; break; } } else { isValidInput = 0; break; } } // Detect if input is just '\n' or non-numeric, or out of range if (!isValidInput || digitCount == 0) { printf("%s\n", numError); return 1; // Exit the program due to invalid input } storeVal = numInput; while(exit != 1){ printf("%s", commandMenu); commandInput = getchar(); fflush(stdin); switch(commandInput){ case 'L': storeVal = (storeVal << 1) & 0xFF; printf(outputTemplate, storeVal, storeVal); getBinary(storeVal); break; case 'R': storeVal >>= 1; printf(outputTemplate, storeVal, storeVal); getBinary(storeVal); break; case 'C': storeVal = ~storeVal; printf(outputTemplate, storeVal, storeVal); getBinary(storeVal); break; case 'E': exit = 1; break; default: printf("%s", commandError); break; } } } void getBinary(int a){ int n = 8; int mask = 1 << (n-1); int i; for (i=1; i<=n; i++){ putchar (a & mask ? ONE : ZERO); a <<= 1; } }
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