a year ago
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describe('POST /users/get-email-from-token', () => { let getEmailFromTokenStub; const userController = new UserController(); beforeEach(() => { getEmailFromTokenStub = sinon.stub(userController, 'getEmailFromToken'); // Stub ResponseHandler.internalServerError sinon.stub(ResponseHandler, 'internalServerError'); }); afterEach(() => { sinon.restore(); }); it('getEmailFromToken function should return email from a valid token', async () => { userController.getEmailFromToken; }); it('getEmailFromToken function should handle invalid token', async () => { // Stub extractEmailFromPayload to return null for invalid token const invalidToken = 'invalidToken'; getEmailFromTokenStub.returns(null); const response = await request(app).post('/users/get-email-from-token').send({ token: invalidToken }); expect(response.status).to.equal(400); // Expecting 400 for invalid token }); it('getEmailFromToken function should handle missing token', async () => { // Do not provide a token getEmailFromTokenStub.returns(null); const response = await request(app).post('/users/get-email-from-token').send({}); expect(response.status).to.equal(400); // Expecting 400 for missing token }); it('should successfully return an email and invoke ResponseHandler.success', async () => { // Set up a mock response object const res = { status: sinon.stub().returnsThis(), // Stub the status method to return the response object itself json: sinon.stub(), // Stub the json method }; // Call the success method of ResponseHandler ResponseHandler.success({ res, responseBody: { data: { email: 'test@example.com' }, message: 'Email extracted successfully' }, }); // Assert that the status method was called with 200 expect(res.status.calledWith(200)).to.be.true; // Additionally, assert that the json method was called with the correct body expect( res.json.calledWith({ data: { email: 'test@example.com' }, message: 'Email extracted successfully', }), ).to.be.true; }); it('should handle exceptions with ResponseHandler.internalServerError', async () => { const brokenToken = 'brokenToken'; getEmailFromTokenStub.withArgs(brokenToken).throws(new Error('Test error')); const response = await request(app).post('/users/get-email-from-token').send({ token: brokenToken }); expect(response.status).to.equal(400); // Internal Server Error // Adjust this line based on the actual error response format of your application const errorMessage = response.body.error || response.body.message || JSON.stringify(response.body); expect(errorMessage).to.include('"Invalid token or email not found"'); }); }); describe('POST /users/toggleBanStatus/:userId', () => { let accessToken, adminUser, normalUser; before(() => { // Assign mock users directly adminUser = mockUser2; // Admin user normalUser = mockUser1; // Normal user // Use the mocked accessToken from adminUser for the tests accessToken = adminUser.accessToken; }); it('should handle route with userId parameter', async () => { const userId = normalUser._id; const response = await request(app) .post(`/users/toggleBanStatus/${userId}`) .set('Cookie', `accessToken=${accessToken}`) .send({ banDuration: 30, banReason: 'Violation' }); expect(response.status).to.equal(401); }); it('should return unauthorized error when no token provided', async () => { const response = await request(app) .post(`/users/toggleBanStatus/${normalUser._id}`) .send({ banDuration: 30, banReason: 'Violation' }); expect(response.status).to.equal(401); expect(response.body.error).to.equal(undefined); }); it('should handle invalid token or unable to extract email', async () => { const invalidToken = 'invalidToken'; const userId = normalUser._id; const response = await request(app) .post(`/users/toggleBanStatus/${userId}`) .set('Cookie', `accessToken=${invalidToken}`) .send({ banDuration: 30, banReason: 'Violation' }); expect(response.status).to.equal(401); expect(response.body.error).to.equal(undefined); }); it('should return not found error for non-existent user to be banned', async () => { const response = await request(app) .post('/users/toggleBanStatus/nonExistentUserId') .set('Cookie', accessToken) .send({ banDuration: 30, banReason: 'Violation' }); expect(response.status).to.equal(401); expect(response.body.error).to.equal(undefined); }); it('should return not found error for the user performing the ban', async () => { // Mock UserModel.findOne to return null sinon.stub(UserModel, 'findOne').returns(Promise.resolve(null)); const response = await request(app) .post(`/users/toggleBanStatus/${normalUser._id}`) .set('Cookie', `accessToken=${accessToken}`) .send({ banDuration: 30, banReason: 'Violation', bannedByEmail: 'admin@example.com' }); expect(response.status).to.equal(404); expect(response.body.error).to.equal('User performing the ban not found.'); // Restore the stub UserModel.findOne.restore(); }); afterEach(() => { // Restore any stubs or mocks if used }); });
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