7 months ago
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import * as chai from 'chai'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import * as jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as bcyrpt from 'bcryptjs'; // @ts-ignore import chaiHttp = require('chai-http'); // the ts-ignore above was suggested by linter to fix the following error: // 3 import chaiHttp from 'chai-http'; // ~~~~~~~~ // node_modules/chai-http/types/index.d.ts:61:1 // 61 export = chaiHttp; // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // This module is declared with using 'export =', and can only be used with a default import when using the 'esModuleInterop' flag. // src/tests/app.test.ts:3:8 - error TS1259: Module '"/home/leogrz/dev/Trybe/moduloBackend/projetos/sd-034-trybe-futebol-clube/app/backend/node_modules/chai-http/types/index"' can only be default-imported using the 'esModuleInterop' flag import Users from '../database/models/users.models'; import { authValidStubReturn, roleStubReturn } from './allMocks'; import { app } from '../app'; import loginService from '../service/login.service'; chai.use(chaiHttp); const INVALID_EMAIL = '@user.com'; const EMPTY_EMAIL = ''; const EMPTY_PASSWORD = ''; const VALID_EMAIL = 'user@user.com'; const VALID_PASSWORD = 'secret_user'; const INVALID_EMAIL_PASSWORD_MESSAGE = 'Invalid email or password'; const ALL_FIELDS_MUST_BE_FILLED_MESSAGE = 'All fields must be filled'; const STUB_BODY_VALID = { email: VALID_EMAIL, password: VALID_PASSWORD }; const STUB_INVALID_EMAIL_BODY = { email: INVALID_EMAIL, password: VALID_PASSWORD }; const STUB_EMPTY_EMAIL_BODY = { email: EMPTY_EMAIL, password: VALID_PASSWORD }; const STUB_EMPTY_PASSWORD_BODY = { email: VALID_EMAIL, password: EMPTY_PASSWORD }; describe('LOGIN SERVICE', () => { afterEach(() => { sinon.restore(); }); describe('Tests the userLogin function', () => { it('Should return status 400 and error message if email is missing', async () => { const result = await chai.request(app).post('/login').send(STUB_EMPTY_EMAIL_BODY); expect(result.body).to.deep.equal({ message: ALL_FIELDS_MUST_BE_FILLED_MESSAGE }); expect(result.status).to.equal(400); }); it('Should return status 400 and error message if password is missing', async () => { const result = await chai.request(app).post('/login').send(STUB_EMPTY_PASSWORD_BODY); expect(result.body).to.deep.equal({ message: ALL_FIELDS_MUST_BE_FILLED_MESSAGE }); expect(result.status).to.equal(400); }); it('Should return status 401 and error message if email is not found', async () => { sinon.stub(Users, 'findOne').resolves(null); const result = await chai.request(app).post('/login').send(STUB_INVALID_EMAIL_BODY); expect(result.status).to.equal(401); expect(result.body).to.deep.equal({ message: INVALID_EMAIL_PASSWORD_MESSAGE }); }); it('Should return status 200 and a token if login is successful', async () => { sinon.stub(jwt, 'sign').returns(); sinon.stub(Users, 'findOne').resolves(Users.build(authValidStubReturn)); const result = await chai.request(app).post('/login').send(STUB_BODY_VALID); expect(result.status).to.equal(200); expect(result.body).to.deep.equal({}); }); // it('Should return 200 from bcrypt', async () => { // sinon.stub(bcyrpt, 'compare') // .resolves({"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjoidXNlckB1c2VyLmNvbSIsImlhdCI6MTcwOTY4MTgyMCwiZXhwIjoxNzA5Njg1NDIwfQ.tKwAmTO2GMNfSt4CcRXKDx8aP3bFP6kWCcHK_T5Eg4Q"}); // const result = await chai.request(app).post('/login').send(STUB_BODY_VALID); // expect(result.body) // .to.deep // .equal({"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjoidXNlckB1c2VyLmNvbSIsImlhdCI6MTcwOTY4MTgyMCwiZXhwIjoxNzA5Njg1NDIwfQ.tKwAmTO2GMNfSt4CcRXKDx8aP3bFP6kWCcHK_T5Eg4Q"}); // expect(result.status).to.equal(200); // }); }); describe('Tests the getUserRole function', () => { it('Should return no role', async () => { sinon.stub(Users, 'findOne').resolves(null); const getUserRole = await loginService.getUserRole('user'); expect(getUserRole).to.equal(null); }); it('Should return the user role', async () => { sinon.stub(Users, 'findOne').resolves(roleStubReturn as any); const getUserRole = await loginService.getUserRole('user'); expect(getUserRole).to.equal('role'); }); }); });
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