fun main(args:Array<String>) {
var vehicle_type = arrayListOf<String>()
var model_car = arrayListOf<String>()
var manufacturing_year = arrayListOf<Int>()
var carPrice = arrayListOf<Int>()
var klioM = arrayListOf<Int>()
var StructureNo = arrayListOf<Int>()
var StructureNo_M = hashMapOf<Int,String>()
var choice: Int
var type: String
var model: String
var year: Int
var price: Int
var kilo: Int
var Structureno: Int
println("1- add new car \n 2- View all cars \n 3- Retrieval of a car by chassis number \n 4- View all vehicle data by price \n "+
"5- View all vehicle data by kilometer \n 6- Specific discount and display all car data before and after discount \n" +
"7- View the number of cars availabl \n 8- Show total car values\n 9- View data for all cars by model \n 10-exit ")
choice = readLine()!!.toInt()
while (choice != 10) {
1 -> { print("Enter vehicle type: ")
type = readLine()!!.toString()
while (!Regex("[a-zA-Z]+").matches(type.toString())) {
print(" Input again vehicle type: ")
type = readLine()!!
print("Enter model car: ")
model = readLine()!!.toString()
print("Input manufacturing year: ")
year = readLine()!!.toInt()
while (!Regex("\\d{4}").matches(year.toString())) {
print(" Input again year: ")
year = readLine()!!.toInt()
print("Input price car : ")
price = readLine()!!.toInt()
print("Enter kilo meters: ")
kilo = readLine()!!.toInt()
while (!Regex("\\d+").matches(kilo.toString())) {
println(" Input again the kilo ")
kilo = readLine()!!.toInt()
println("Input StructureNo number: ")
Structureno = readLine()!!.toInt()
StructureNo_M.put(Structureno, type)
2 -> {
print("Input car Structure No: ")
var search = readLine()!!.toInt()
var found = false
for (key in StructureNo_M.keys) {
if (key == search) {
found = true
println("car found is " + StructureNo_M.get(key))
if (!found) {
println("car not found")
3 -> {
print("Input min price: ")
var min = readLine()!!.toInt()
print("Input max price: ")
var max = readLine()!!.toInt()
val found_cars = arrayListOf<String>()
for (i in 0 until carPrice.size) {
if (min <= carPrice[i] && max >= carPrice[i]) {
found_cars.add("${i+1}- ${vehicle_type[i]}")
4 -> {
print("Input min kilo: ")
var min = readLine()!!.toInt()
print("Input max kilo: ")
var max = readLine()!!.toInt()
val found_cars = arrayListOf<String>()
for (i in 0 until klioM.size) {
if (min <= klioM[i].toInt() && max >= klioM[i].toInt()) {
found_cars.add("* ${vehicle_type[i]}")
if (found_cars.size > 0) {
} else {
println("no cars in this range of Kilo counter")
5 -> {
print("Input discount: ")
var discount = readLine()!!.toInt()
var full_price_before = 0
var full_price_after = 0
for (i in 0 until carPrice.size) {
full_price_before += carPrice[i]
full_price_after = full_price_before - (full_price_before * discount)
println("price before discount is " + full_price_before)
println("price after discount is " + full_price_after)
6 -> {
println("number of cars is " + vehicle_type.size)
7 -> {
var full_price = 0
for (i in 0 until carPrice.size) {
full_price += carPrice[i]
println("Full price of cars is: $full_price")
8 -> {
print("Input min Year: ")
var min = readLine()!!.toInt()
print("Input max Year: ")
var max = readLine()!!.toInt()
val found_cars = arrayListOf<String>()
for (i in 0 until manufacturing_year.size) {
if (min <= manufacturing_year[i] && max > manufacturing_year[i]) {
found_cars.add("${i+1}- ${vehicle_type[i]}")
if (found_cars.size > 0) {
} else {
println("no cars in this range of dates")
9 -> {
print("Input car name: ")
var search = readLine()!!
var found = false
for (value in StructureNo_M.values) {
if (value.equals(search)) {
println("car found is:$value")
found = true
if (!found) {
println("car not found")
10 -> {
choice = readLine()!!.toInt()
println("\n\n1- add new car\n2-View all cars\n3- Retrieval of a car by chassis number\n4-View all vehicle data by price\n"+
"5-View all vehicle data by kilometer\n6-Specific discount and display all car data before and after discount\n" +
"7-View the number of cars available\n8-Show total car values\n9-View data for all cars by model\n10-exit")
choice = readLine()!!.toInt()