Este jabalí
3 months ago
768 B
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Este jabalí anteriormente recibió un golpe directo de una espada y una lanza sin sufrir heridas. Then Diarmuid put his small white-colored ruddy-nailed finger into the silken string of the Gae Buide, and made a careful cast at the pig, so that he smote him in the fair middle of his face and of his forehead; nevertheless he cut not a single bristle upon him, nor did be give him wound or scratch. Diarmuid’s courage was lessened at that, and thereupon be drew the Begalltach from the sheath in which it was kept, and struck a heavy stroke thereof upon the wild boar’s back stoutly and bravely, yet he cut not a single bristle upon him, but made two pieces of his. sword. - The Pursuit of Diarmud and Grainne (
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