13 days ago
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import time import os import signal from openpyxl import load_workbook from watchdog.observers import Observer from watchdog.events import FileSystemEventHandler from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI from langchain.schema import SystemMessage, HumanMessage import constants import win32com.client as win32 import pythoncom import os, shutil from config import excel_file os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = constants.APIKEY # # Delete the cache file that breaks the script # folder_path = r"C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Temp\gen_py\3.10\00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046x0x1x9" # if os.path.exists(folder_path): shutil.rmtree(folder_path) def check_question_clarity(question): chat_model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4o-mini", temperature=0) messages = [ SystemMessage(content="You provide clarity score for question. Give score from 1 to 10. " "1 = very unclear. 10 = very clear."), HumanMessage( content=f"Evaluate how clear is the question:\n" f"{question}\n" f"Provide only the score. If score is lower than 9 then add a suggestion to improve clarity score." ) ] res = chat_model.invoke(messages) output = res.content return output class ExcelEventHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__(self, file_path): self.file_path = file_path self.observer = Observer() self.last_modified_time = 0 self.is_writing = False def on_modified(self, event): if event.src_path == self.file_path and not self.is_writing: current_time = time.time() if current_time - self.last_modified_time > 2: # Add a delay to avoid immediate re-trigger self.last_modified_time = current_time print("File saved. Running function...") self.process_file() def process_file(self): try: # Initialize the COM library pythoncom.CoInitialize() # Determine the active sheet name using pywin32 excel = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application') workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(self.file_path) sheet_name = workbook.ActiveSheet.Name workbook.Close(SaveChanges=False) excel.Quit() # Run the function to write to the Excel file self.is_writing = True write_to_excel(self.file_path, sheet_name) self.is_writing = False # Open the Excel file os.startfile(self.file_path) print("File reopened.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") finally: # Uninitialize the COM library pythoncom.CoUninitialize() def start(self): self.observer.schedule(self, os.path.dirname(self.file_path), recursive=False) self.observer.start() print("Watching for file changes...") def stop(self): self.observer.stop() self.observer.join() def write_to_excel(file_path, sheet_name): try: # Load the workbook wb = load_workbook(filename=file_path) # Select the sheet sheet = wb[sheet_name] # Iterate through rows starting from the third row for row in sheet.iter_rows(min_row=3, max_col=3): question = row[0].value clarity_score = row[2].value # Change to the third column if question and not clarity_score: # Check question clarity and write the score to the third column score = check_question_clarity(question) row_idx = row[0].row # Get the row index sheet.cell(row=row_idx, column=3).value = score # Change to the third column print(f"Updated clarity score for question: {question}") # Save the workbook wb.save(file_path) print("Successfully updated clarity scores in the Excel file.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") def signal_handler(sig, frame): print('You pressed Ctrl+C! Exiting.') exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": # Register the signal handler for Ctrl+C signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) event_handler = ExcelEventHandler(excel_file) event_handler.start() try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: event_handler.stop() event_handler.stop()
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