3 years ago
4.7 kB
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class InteractionSystem : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private Text pickUpText; [Header("Detection Fields")] //Detection Point public Transform detectionPoint; //Detection Radius private const float detectionRadius = 0.2f; //Detection Layer public LayerMask detectionLayer; //Cached Trigger Object public GameObject detectedObject; [Header("Examine Fields")] //Examine window object// public GameObject examineWindow; public Image examineImage; public Text examineText; public bool isExamining; [Header("Grabbing")] public GameObject grabbedObject; public float grabbedObjectYValue; public Transform grabPoint; public bool isGrabbing; //[Header("Unlocked field")] //public bool isUnlocked; private void Start() { pickUpText.gameObject.SetActive(false); } void Update() { if(DetectObject()) { if(InteractInput()) { //Debug.Log("Berinteraksi"); //If we are grabbing something don't interact with other items, drop the grabbed item first if (isGrabbing) { GrabDrop(); return; } detectedObject.GetComponent<Item>().Interact(); } } if (Canshow() == false) return; } private void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { Gizmos.color = Color.green; Gizmos.DrawSphere(detectionPoint.position, detectionRadius); } bool InteractInput() { return Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E); } bool DetectObject() { Collider2D obj = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(detectionPoint.position, detectionRadius, detectionLayer); if (obj == null) { pickUpText.gameObject.SetActive(false); detectedObject = null; return false; } else { pickUpText.gameObject.SetActive(true); detectedObject = obj.gameObject; if (isGrabbing) { pickUpText.gameObject.SetActive(false); } return true; } } bool Canshow() { //can move when Opened Inventory if (FindObjectOfType<InventorySystem>().isOpen) pickUpText.gameObject.SetActive(false); return false; } public void ExamineItem(Item item) { if (isExamining) { //Hide the Examine Window examineWindow.SetActive(false); //disable the boolean isExamining = false; } else { //Show the item's image in the middle examineImage.sprite = item.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite; //Write description text underneath the image examineText.text = item.descriptionText; //Display an Examine Window examineWindow.SetActive(true); //enable the boolean isExamining = true; } } public void GrabDrop() { //Check if we do have a grabbed object => drop it if (isGrabbing) { //make isGrabbing false isGrabbing = false; //unparent the grabbed object grabbedObject.transform.parent = null; //set the y position to its origin grabbedObject.transform.position = new Vector3(grabbedObject.transform.position.x, grabbedObjectYValue, grabbedObject.transform.position.z); //null the grabbed object reference grabbedObject = null; } //Check if we have nothing grabbed grab the detected item else { //Enable the isGrabbing bool isGrabbing = true; //assign the grabbed object to the object itself grabbedObject = detectedObject; //Parent the grabbed object to the player grabbedObject.transform.parent = transform; //Cache the y value of the object grabbedObjectYValue = grabbedObject.transform.position.y; //Adjust the position of the grabbed object to be closer to hands grabbedObject.transform.localPosition = grabPoint.localPosition; } } }
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