a year ago
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from urllib.parse import urlencode, quote import http.cookies as cookies import http.client import base64 import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import * import json import os def retrieve_credentials() : s3_client = boto3.client("s3") response = s3_client.get_object(Bucket = "s3bucketcheckssl1", Key = "data_serve_lambda_edge.json") return response['Body'].read().decode("utf-8") def set_env_variables(data) : data = json.loads(data) os.environ['CLIENT_ID'] = data['cognito_user_pool_client_id']['value'] os.environ['CLIENT_SECRET'] = data['cognito_user_pool_client_secret']['value'] print(data['cognito_user_pool_domain_url']['value']) os.environ['USER_POOL_ID'] = data['cognito_user_pool_id']['value'] # os.environ['USER_POOL_DOMAIN_URL'] = "stylcoggooglev2" + data['cognito_user_pool_domain_url']['value'] os.environ['USER_POOL_DOMAIN_URL'] = data['cognito_user_pool_domain_url']['value'] os.environ['COGNITO_IDP'] = "cognito-idp.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com" os.environ['CLOUDFRONT_DOMAIN'] = data['cloudfront_domain_name']['value'] def read_data() : file_path = os.path.join(f"/tmp", "data_serve_lambda_edge.json") while (True) : try : with open(file_path, "r") as file : data = file.read() print("READ TEMPORARY CREDETIALS") set_env_variables(data) break except : print("RETRIEVE CREDENTIALS FROM S3") with open(file_path, "w") as file : file.write(retrieve_credentials()) def encode_base64(A, B) : if (B == "") : credentials = A else : credentials = f"{A}:{B}" credentials_bytes = credentials.encode('utf-8') return base64.b64encode(credentials_bytes).decode('utf-8') def decode_base64(encode_token) : encode_token = encode_token.encode('utf-8') return base64.b64decode(encode_token).decode('utf-8') def exchange_code_for_token(request) : CLIENT_ID = os.getenv('CLIENT_ID') CLIENT_SECRET = os.getenv('CLIENT_SECRET') CLOUDFRONT_DOMAIN = os.getenv('CLOUDFRONT_DOMAIN') USER_POOL_DOMAIN_URL = os.getenv('USER_POOL_DOMAIN_URL') credentials_base64 = encode_base64(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET) headers = { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'authorization': 'Basic ' + credentials_base64 } code = request['querystring'].split("=")[1] data = { 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'redirect_uri': f'https://{CLOUDFRONT_DOMAIN}/parseauth', 'code': code } final_response = { 'status': '302', 'statusDescription': 'Found', 'headers': { 'location': [{ 'key': 'Location', 'value': '/' }] } } conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(USER_POOL_DOMAIN_URL) conn.request("POST", "/oauth2/token", urlencode(data), headers) response = conn.getresponse() response_data = eval(response.read().decode('utf-8')) print("RESPONSE_DATA OF TOKENS : ", response_data) if ('error' in response_data) : final_response['headers']['location'][0]['value'] = '/unauthorize' else : my_cookie = cookies.SimpleCookie() my_cookie['token'] = response_data['access_token'] my_cookie['token']['max-age'] = response_data['expires_in'] my_cookie['token']['secure'] = True my_cookie['token']['path'] = '/' cookie_value = my_cookie.output(header = '') print("MY COOKIE VALUE RETRIEVE FROM /oauth2/token ENDPOINT : ", cookie_value) final_response['headers']['location'][0]['value'] = '/index.html' final_response['headers']['set-cookie'] = [{ 'key': 'Set-Cookie', 'value' : cookie_value }] final_response['headers']['cache-control'] = [{ 'key': 'Cache-Control', 'value': 'no-cache' }] print("SET COOKIES SUCCESS, RETURN RESPONSE WITH COOKIE ", final_response) return final_response # ------------------------------- VALIDATION METHOD ------------------------------- # def verify_jwt_token(access_token, request) : try : client = boto3.client("cognito-idp", region_name = "ap-southeast-1") response = client.get_user(AccessToken = access_token) # print("00000000000000000") email_info = response['UserAttributes'][6]['Value'] print(email_info) if ("nguyen.dang.sang@styl.solutions" in email_info) : request['uri'] = '/admin.html' elif ("styl.solutions" not in email_info) : return (-1, "UNAUTHORIZE USERS") elif (request['uri'].startswith('/api')) : return (-1, "UNAUTHORIZE USERS") return (1, "USER VERIFIED") except Exception as error : status_code = -2 print(error) if ("User is disabled" in str(error)) : status_code = -1 return (status_code, error) def lambda_handler(event, context) : read_data() CLIENT_ID = os.getenv('CLIENT_ID') CLOUDFRONT_DOMAIN = os.getenv('CLOUDFRONT_DOMAIN') # print("EVENT FROM CLOUDFRONT : ", event) request = event['Records'][0]['cf']['request'] if (request['uri'].startswith('/parseauth')) : return exchange_code_for_token(request) access_token = None status_code = -2 message = "NO COOKIE FOUND" if 'cookie' in request['headers'] : access_token = request['headers']['cookie'][0]['value'].split("=")[1] print("ACCESS_TOKEN : ", access_token) status_code, message = verify_jwt_token(access_token, request) if (access_token == None or status_code == -2) : if (status_code == -2) : print("ERROR VERIFY USER", message) print("FAIL VALIDATION, UNAUTHORIZE ACCESS !!!! REDIRECT TO SIGN-IN PAGE.") redirect_uri = quote(f"https://{CLOUDFRONT_DOMAIN}/parseauth", safe = "") redirect_response = { 'status': '302', 'statusDescription': 'Found', 'headers': { 'location': [{ 'key': 'Location', 'value': f'https://stylcoggooglev2.auth.ap-southeast-1.amazoncognito.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id={CLIENT_ID}&response_type=code&scope=aws.cognito.signin.user.admin+email+openid+profile&redirect_uri={redirect_uri}' }] } } print("REDIRECT RESPONSE TO COGNITO SIGN-IN : ", redirect_response) return redirect_response if (status_code == -1) : print("ERROR VERIFY USER : ", message) unauthorize_response = { 'status': '302', 'statusDescription': 'Found', 'headers': { 'location': [{ 'key': 'Location', 'value': '/unauthorize' }] } } print("UNAUTHORIZE ACCESS : ", unauthorize_response) return unauthorize_response else : print("SUCCESSFUL VALIDATION : ", request) return request
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