3 years ago
3.1 kB
augNames = []; augCosts = []; augFactions = []; pFactions = getPlayer().factions; pFactionLength = pFactions.length - 1; //for (o = 0; o <= pFactionLength; o++) { // tprint("The player is a member of " + pFactions[o]); //} pAugs = getOwnedAugmentations(true); pAugsLength = pAugs.length - 1; //for (o = 0; o <= pAugsLength; o++) { // tprint("The player already has aug " + pAugs[o]); //} cost = 0; nextAug = null; tprint("Generating list."); for (f = 0; f <= pFactionLength; f++) { factionAugs = getAugmentationsFromFaction(pFactions[f]); factionAugsLength = factionAugs.length - 1; for (o = 0; o <= factionAugsLength; o++) { tprint(pFactions[f] + " has aug " + factionAugs[o]); } for (o = 0; o <= factionAugsLength; o++) { tprint(factionAugs[o] + ": " + pAugs.indexOf(factionAugs[o]) + " - " + getAugmentationRepReq(factionAugs[o]) + "/" + getFactionRep(pFactions[f])); if (pAugs.indexOf(factionAugs[o]) == -1 && getFactionRep(pFactions[f]) >= getAugmentationRepReq(factionAugs[o])) { //tempName = ; //tempCost = ; //tempFac = ; //tprint(factionAugs[o]); augNames.push(factionAugs[o]); //tprint(augNames[o]); augCosts.push(getAugmentationPrice(factionAugs[o])); //tprint(augCosts[o]); augFactions.push(pFactions[f]); //tprint(augFactions[o]); totalAugLength = augNames.length - 1; tprint(o + "(" + totalAugLength + ") " + augNames[totalAugLength] + " " + augFactions[totalAugLength] + " " + augCosts[totalAugLength]); totalAugLength = augNames.length - 1; if (cost < totalAugLength) { cost = augCosts[totalAugLength]; tprint("New highest cost is " + cost); } } else { //tprint(factionAugs[o] + " doesn't meet criteria."); augNames.push("Slug"); //tprint(augNames[o]); augCosts.push(0); //tprint(augCosts[o]); augFactions.push("None"); //tprint(augFactions[o]); totalAugLength = augNames.length - 1; tprint(o + "(" + totalAugLength + ") " + augNames[totalAugLength] + " " + augFactions[totalAugLength] + " " + augCosts[totalAugLength]); } } } tprint("Removing slugs."); slugAug = augNames.indexOf("Slug"); while (slugAug > -1) { augNames.splice(slugAug, 1); augCosts.splice(slugAug, 1); augFactions.splice(slugAug, 1); //tprint("Removed Slug entry(" + slugAug + ")"); slugAug = augNames.indexOf("Slug"); } tprint("Augs in List;"); tempANCheck = augNames.length - 1; for (o = 0; o <= tempANCheck; o++) { tprint(augNames[o] + " " + augFactions[o] + " " + augCosts[o]); } tprint("Buying."); while (true) { nextAug = augCosts.indexOf(cost) purchaseAugmentation(augFactions[nextAug], augNames[nextAug]); tprint("Attempted to buy " + augNames[nextAug]); cost = 0; tprint("Removing " + augNames[nextAug]); augNames.splice(nextAug, 1); augCosts.splice(nextAug, 1); augFactions.splice(nextAug, 1); x = augCosts.length - 1; for (o = 0; o <= x; o++) { tprint(o + " " + augNames[o] + " " + augFactions[o] + " " + augCosts[o]); if (cost < augCosts[o]) { cost = augCosts[o]; tprint("New highest cost is " + cost); } //else { //tprint(augNames[o] + " doesn't meet criteria."); //} } }
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