22 days ago
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class HelloArActivity : AppCompatActivity() { companion object { private const val TAG = "HelloArActivity" } lateinit var arCoreSessionHelper: ARCoreSessionLifecycleHelper lateinit var view: HelloArView lateinit var renderer: HelloArRenderer val instantPlacementSettings = InstantPlacementSettings() val depthSettings = DepthSettings() override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // Setup ARCore session lifecycle helper and configuration. arCoreSessionHelper = ARCoreSessionLifecycleHelper(this) // If Session creation or Session.resume() fails, display a message and log detailed // information. arCoreSessionHelper.exceptionCallback = { exception -> val message = when (exception) { is UnavailableUserDeclinedInstallationException -> "Please install Google Play Services for AR" is UnavailableApkTooOldException -> "Please update ARCore" is UnavailableSdkTooOldException -> "Please update this app" is UnavailableDeviceNotCompatibleException -> "This device does not support AR" is CameraNotAvailableException -> "Camera not available. Try restarting the app." else -> "Failed to create AR session: $exception" } Log.e(TAG, "ARCore threw an exception", exception) view.snackbarHelper.showError(this, message) } // Configure session features, including: Lighting Estimation, Depth mode, Instant Placement. arCoreSessionHelper.beforeSessionResume = ::configureSession lifecycle.addObserver(arCoreSessionHelper) // Set up the Hello AR renderer. renderer = HelloArRenderer(this) lifecycle.addObserver(renderer) // Set up Hello AR UI. view = HelloArView(this) lifecycle.addObserver(view) setContentView(view.root) // Sets up an example renderer using our HelloARRenderer. SampleRender(view.surfaceView, renderer, assets) depthSettings.onCreate(this) instantPlacementSettings.onCreate(this) } // Configure the session, using Lighting Estimation, and Depth mode. fun configureSession(session: Session) { session.configure( session.config.apply { lightEstimationMode = Config.LightEstimationMode.ENVIRONMENTAL_HDR // Depth API is used if it is configured in Hello AR's settings. depthMode = if (session.isDepthModeSupported(Config.DepthMode.AUTOMATIC)) { Config.DepthMode.AUTOMATIC } else { Config.DepthMode.DISABLED } // Instant Placement is used if it is configured in Hello AR's settings. instantPlacementMode = if (instantPlacementSettings.isInstantPlacementEnabled) { InstantPlacementMode.LOCAL_Y_UP } else { InstantPlacementMode.DISABLED } } ) } override fun onRequestPermissionsResult( requestCode: Int, permissions: Array<String>, results: IntArray ) { super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, results) if (!CameraPermissionHelper.hasCameraPermission(this)) { // Use toast instead of snackbar here since the activity will exit. Toast.makeText(this, "Camera permission is needed to run this application", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show() if (!CameraPermissionHelper.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(this)) { // Permission denied with checking "Do not ask again". CameraPermissionHelper.launchPermissionSettings(this) } finish() } } override fun onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus: Boolean) { super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus) FullScreenHelper.setFullScreenOnWindowFocusChanged(this, hasFocus) } }
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