#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
struct BookInfo {
string title;
string authorFirstName;
string authorLastName;
int publicationYear;
void saveBookInfo(const string& filename, const map<string, BookInfo>& books) {
ofstream file(filename);
for (const auto& book : books) {
file << book.second.title << ","
<< book.second.authorFirstName << ","
<< book.second.authorLastName << ","
<< book.second.publicationYear << endl;
map<string, BookInfo> loadBookInfo(const string& filename) {
map<string, BookInfo> books;
ifstream file(filename);
string line;
while (getline(file, line)) {
BookInfo book;
stringstream ss(line);
string field;
getline(ss, book.title, ',');
getline(ss, book.authorFirstName, ',');
getline(ss, book.authorLastName, ',');
getline(ss, field, ',');
book.publicationYear = stoi(field);
books[book.authorLastName] = book;
return books;
int main() {
string filename = "books.txt";
map<string, BookInfo> books;
// Add books to the map
books["Orwell"] = {"1984", "George", "Orwell", 1949};
books["Huxley"] = {"Brave New World", "Aldous", "Huxley", 1932};
// Save book information to a file
saveBookInfo(filename, books);
// Load book information from a file
map<string, BookInfo> loadedBooks = loadBookInfo(filename);
// Search for a book by the author's last name
string searchLastName;
cout << "Enter the author's last name (Orwell or Huxley)";
cin >> searchLastName;
auto it = loadedBooks.find(searchLastName);
if (it != loadedBooks.end()) {
cout << "Title: " << it->second.title << endl
<< "Author: " << it->second.authorFirstName << " " << it->second.authorLastName << endl
<< "Publication Year: " << it->second.publicationYear << endl;
} else {
cout << "No book found for the given author's last name." << endl;
return 0;