SCE questions
a year ago
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//---- class Solution{ public: //Function to find the height of a binary tree. int height(struct Node* node){ // code here if(node == NULL) return 0; int lh = height(node->left); int rh = height(node->right); return 1+max(lh,rh); } }; //---- class Solution{ public: /*You are required to complete this method*/ int maxDepth(Node *root) { // Your code here if(root == NULL) return 0; int lh = maxDepth(root->left); int rh = maxDepth(root->right); return 1+max(lh,rh); } }; // ---- class Solution { public: //Function to return the level order traversal of a tree. vector<int> levelOrder(Node* node) { //Your code here vector<int> v; queue<Node* > q; q.push(node); while(!q.empty()){ Node* temp = q.front(); q.pop(); v.push_back(temp->data); if(temp -> left){ q.push(temp->left); } if(temp -> right){ q.push(temp->right); } } return v; } }; //---- void postorder(Node* root, vector<int> &ans){ if(root==NULL) return; postorder(root->left,ans); postorder(root->right,ans); ans.push_back(root->data); } //Function to return a list containing the postorder traversal of the tree. vector <int> postOrder(Node* root) { // Your code here vector<int>ans; postorder(root,ans); return ans; } // --- }; */ class Solution { public: // Function to return a list containing the inorder traversal of the tree. void inorder(Node* root, vector<int> &ans){ if(root==NULL) return; inorder(root->left,ans); ans.push_back(root->data); inorder(root->right,ans); } vector<int> inOrder(Node* root) { // Your code here vector<int>ans; inorder(root,ans); return ans; } }; // ---- class Solution { public: // Function to return Breadth First Traversal of given graph. vector<int> bfsOfGraph(int V, vector<int> adj[]) { // creating a visited array of V size int visited[V]={0}; // initially first node is visited visited[0]=1; // create a queue, push into queue if not completely visited, pop from queue once it is completely visited queue<int> q; // push into queue once it is visited q.push(0); // create a vector to store traversed node vector<int> bsf; // continue till the queue become empty while(!q.empty()){ // get front node int node = q.front(); // remove first element of queue q.pop(); // push into bsf, means it is traversed bsf.push_back(node); // traverse all the element in adjancency matrix, if it is not visited make it visited and aslo put // it into queue for(auto it:adj[node]){ // if not already visited if(!visited[it]){ // make it visite visited[it]=1; // also push it into queue q.push(it); } } } // once everything is done return bsf; } }; // ---- void preorder(Node* root, vector<int> &ans){ if(root==NULL) return; ans.push_back(root->data); preorder(root->left,ans); preorder(root->right,ans); } //Function to return a list containing the preorder traversal of the tree. vector <int> preorder(Node* root) { // Your code here vector<int>ans; preorder(root,ans); return ans; }