
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a year ago
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Stock Exchange
John need to earn money, so he decide to buy stock of a company. Each day, John can either buy stock of the company, sell some or all stocks that you have bought, or do nothing.

However each day he can buy at most one stock from this company. Very lucky, he has exactly information about the price of stock in the next N days from his friend.

But he doesn'n know how to earn maximum money from this information.

Given information about the price of stock in the next N days, please help him to earn maximum money.


In the test case, there are 40% with 3 <= N <= 10, 40% with 10 < N <= 20, and 20% with 20 < N <= 30.

Time limit: 5 sec (Java : 10 sec).

Submit limit: 10 times.


If he has the information of price in the next 4 days is 8, 5, 1, 10, then he can buy stock in the first 3 day with total prices is 14, and he sell them in the last day to get 30

 So total money he can earn is 30-14 = 16.


There can be more than one test case in the input file. The first line has T, the number of test cases.

Then the totally T test cases are provided in the following lines (1 <= T <= 50)
In each test case, the first line has an integer N (3 <= N <= 30) is the number of days, in the next line is the price of stock for the next N days K (1 <= K <= 10000).

In the each line, begin with "#x", where x is the test case number, following by a space and the maximum money that John can earn.




8 5 1 10


9 9 3 5 6 6 2


2 2 6 3 8 7 2 5 3 4


9 7 6 3 1


7 2 9 10 3 8 10 6 5 4


#1 16

#2 4

#3 23

#4 0

#5 21