24 days ago
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using System; namespace ClassLibrary1 { public class Class1 { public static double r; //Rate of interest public static double b; //Balance public static string i; //Type of interest public static double o; //Original Balance public static double t = 1; //Time public static void Main() { t = 1; BalanceCheck(); RateOfInterestCheck(); TypeOfInterestCheck(); InterestFormula(i); } public static void BalanceCheck() { Console.WriteLine("Please enter your balance"); string tmp = Console.ReadLine(); if (!double.TryParse(tmp, out b) || b <= 0) { Console.WriteLine(tmp + " is invalid. Please input a positive number for the balance"); Main(); } o = b; } public static void RateOfInterestCheck() { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the rate of interest "); string tmp = Console.ReadLine(); if (!double.TryParse(tmp, out r) || r <= 0) { Console.WriteLine(tmp + " is invalid. Please input a positive number for the rate of interest"); Main(); } } public static void TypeOfInterestCheck() { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the type of interest (simple/compound)"); i = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (i != "simple" && i != "s" && i != "compound" && i != "c") { Console.WriteLine(i + " is not a type of interest. Please enter either \"simple\" or \"compound\"\n"); Main(); } } public static void InterestFormula(string type) { if (type == "simple" || type == "s") { b = o + (o * (r / 100) * t); } else if (type == "compound" || type == "c") { b = o * Math.Pow(1 + (r / 100), t); } Console.WriteLine("After " + t + " years, the balance is $" + b); CheckIfBalanceIsDoubleOriginal(); } public static void CheckIfBalanceIsDoubleOriginal() { if (b >= 2 * o) { Console.WriteLine("It will take " + t + " years for the balance to doubled\n"); Console.WriteLine("The balance will be " + b); Main(); } else { t++; InterestFormula(i); } } } }
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