Basic JavaScript Problem Solving Assignment
DevRiazul from Programing Hero Batch 5devriazul
3 years ago
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console.log('************************** Problem No: 1 ***************************'); function anaToVori(ana){ //checking: input type is a number? if(typeof(ana) === 'number'){ if(ana>=0){ //when input is correct return Vori value. return ana/16; }else if(ana<0){ //when input is a negativ value. return 'Please input a positiv value.'; } }else if(typeof(ana)!== Number){ //when input is not a number return 'Input must be a number type.'; } } console.log(anaToVori('32')); console.log(anaToVori(-32)); console.log(anaToVori(32)); console.log('************************** Problem No: 2 ***************************'); function pandaCost(singraNumber, samucaNumber, gilapiNumber){ //define price const aSingraPrice = 7; const aSamucaPrice = 10; const aGilapiPrice = 15; //check the input is number or not if(typeof(singraNumber) === 'number' && typeof(samucaNumber) === 'number' && typeof(gilapiNumber) === 'number'){ if(singraNumber<0 || samucaNumber < 0 || gilapiNumber<0){ //when input is negativ return 'please input positive number.'; }else{ // calculate & return total Price return (singraNumber*aSingraPrice)+(samucaNumber*aSamucaPrice)+(gilapiNumber*aGilapiPrice); } }else{ //if input not a number return 'Input must be number type.' } } console.log(pandaCost('0',0,1)); console.log(pandaCost(5,-2,1)); console.log(pandaCost(2,3,1)); console.log('************************** Problem No: 3 ***************************'); function picnicBudget(numberOfPersone){ //define catagory and catagory cost price const firstCatagory =5000; const secondCatagory=4000; const lastCatagory=3000; //define some other variable for calculating let totalCost=0; let remainingPerson=0; //checking: is numberOfPersone a number type or not if(typeof numberOfPersone === 'number'){ //when input is number type switch(true){ case (numberOfPersone>200): //cost calculation for more then 200 person totalCost = 100 * firstCatagory; totalCost += 100 * secondCatagory; remainingPerson = numberOfPersone-200; totalCost += remainingPerson*lastCatagory; return totalCost; break; case (numberOfPersone>100): //cost calculation for more then 100 person totalCost = 100 * firstCatagory; remainingPerson = numberOfPersone-100; totalCost += remainingPerson * secondCatagory; return totalCost; break; case (numberOfPersone>=0): //cost calculation for around 100 person totalCost=numberOfPersone * firstCatagory; return totalCost; break; default: //when no is negative return 'please input a positive no'; } }else{ //when input is not number type. return 'please input a number.'; } } console.log(picnicBudget('90')); console.log(picnicBudget(-10)); console.log(picnicBudget(0)); console.log(picnicBudget(50)); console.log(picnicBudget(100)); console.log(picnicBudget(101)); console.log(picnicBudget(199)); console.log(picnicBudget(200)); console.log(picnicBudget(201)); console.log(picnicBudget(300)); console.log('************************** Problem No: 4 ***************************'); function oddFriend(nameList){ for(const name of nameList){ // take a single item from the array if(typeof(name)==='string'){ // when find a string in the array if(name.length % 2 == 1){ //when find a name with odd no of length. return name; }else if(name.length % 2 == 0){ // when all element value length is even var even = 'all name length is even value.'; } }else{ // when found: not a string type value return 'please input a string type array.'; } } /* return even outside of the loop because, at first check in the array have any other type value or not. if have return that. if no then check have any odd length String or not. if have return that. if none of them then we need to return even because, we know this is the only one option left. */ return even; } console.log(oddFriend(['rana','swdran','zman','masud rana',100])); console.log(oddFriend(['rana','swdran','zman','masud rana'])); console.log(oddFriend(['rana','swdrana','zman','masud rana']));
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