import sys
import math
DEBUG = True
def debug(*args):
if (DEBUG):
wiz1 = 0
MAP = [16000, 7500]
MY_TEAM_ID = int(input())
if MY_TEAM_ID == 0:
GOALS = [16000, 3750]
GOALS = [0, 3750]
class Entities:
entities_id = None
entity_type = None
x = None
y = None
vx = None
vy = None
state = None
def __init__(self, data):
self.entities_id = data[0]
self.entity_type = data[1]
self.x = data[2]
self.y = data[3]
self.vx = data[4]
self.vy = data[5]
self.state = data[6]
class Player:
x = None
y = None
vx = None
vy = None
state = None
def __init__(self, data):
self.entities_id = data.entities_id
self.entity_type = data.entity_type
self.x = data.x
self.y = data.y
self.vx = data.vx
self.vy = data.vy
self.state = data.state
def get_distance_to(self, target):
return math.hypot(abs(self.x - target.x), abs(self.y - target.y))
def get_snaffle(self, all_entities):
min_dist_to_snaffle = float('inf')
snaffle = None
for target in all_entities:
if target.entity_type != 'SNAFFLE':
if self.get_distance_to(target) <= min_dist_to_snaffle:
min_dist_to_snaffle = self.get_distance_to(target)
snaffle = target
return snaffle
def get_snaffle_id(self, all_entities):
min_dist_to_snaffle = float('inf')
snaffle = None
for target in all_entities:
if target.entity_type != 'SNAFFLE':
if self.get_distance_to(target) <= min_dist_to_snaffle:
min_dist_to_snaffle = self.get_distance_to(target)
snaffle = target
return snaffle.entities_id
def move(x, y, thruster):
print('MOVE %s %s %s' % (x, y, thruster))
def throw(x, y, power):
print('THROW %s %s %s' % (x, y, power))
while True:
game_entities = []
myScore, myMagic = input().split()
opponentScore, opponentMagic = input().split()
entities = int(input())
for _ in range(entities):
entity_id, entity_type, x, y, vx, vy, state = input().split()
entitie = Entities([int(entity_id), entity_type, int(x), int(y), int(vx), int(vy), int(state)])
player_num = 1
my_wizard_1, my_wizard_2 = None, None
for entitie in game_entities:
if entitie.entity_type == 'WIZARD':
if player_num == 1:
player_num += 1
my_wizard_1 = Player(entitie)
elif player_num == 2:
my_wizard_2 = Player(entitie)
target_1 = my_wizard_1.get_snaffle(all_entities=game_entities)
target_2 = my_wizard_2.get_snaffle(all_entities=game_entities)
#if my_wizard_1.get_distance_to(target_1) > WIZARD_RADIUS:
#my_wizard_1.move(target_1.x, target_1.y, thruster=150)
#elif int(my_wizard_1.state) == 1:
#my_wizard_1.throw(GOALS[0], GOALS[1], power=500)
if my_wizard_1.get_distance_to(target_1) > WIZARD_RADIUS:
if int(myMagic) > 30:
if my_wizard_1.x >= 8000 and my_wizard_1.x <= 8000:
print('FLIPENDO %s' % my_wizard_1.get_snaffle_id(all_entities=game_entities))
elif MY_TEAM_ID == 0:
if my_wizard_1.x < 3000:
print('ACCIO %s' % my_wizard_1.get_snaffle_id(all_entities=game_entities))
print('FLIPENDO %s' % my_wizard_1.get_snaffle_id(all_entities=game_entities))
if my_wizard_1.x > 13000:
print('ACCIO %s' % my_wizard_1.get_snaffle_id(all_entities=game_entities))
print('FLIPENDO %s' % my_wizard_1.get_snaffle_id(all_entities=game_entities))
#print('FLIPENDO %s' % my_wizard_1.get_snaffle_id(all_entities=game_entities))
my_wizard_1.move(target_1.x, target_1.y, thruster=150)
elif int(my_wizard_1.state) == 1:
#if int(myMagic) > 20:
#print('FLIPENDO %s' % my_wizard_1.get_snaffle_id(all_entities=game_entities))
my_wizard_1.throw(GOALS[0], GOALS[1], power=500)
my_wizard_1.move(target_1.x, target_1.y, thruster=150)
if my_wizard_2.get_distance_to(target_2) > WIZARD_RADIUS:
#if int(myMagic) > 20:
#if my_wizard_2.x >= 8000 and my_wizard_2.x <= 8000:
#print('FLIPENDO %s' % my_wizard_2.get_snaffle_id(all_entities=game_entities))
#elif MY_TEAM_ID == 0:
#if my_wizard_2.x < 5000:
#print('ACCIO %s' % my_wizard_2.get_snaffle_id(all_entities=game_entities))
#print('FLIPENDO %s' % my_wizard_2.get_snaffle_id(all_entities=game_entities))
#if my_wizard_2.x > 11000:
#print('ACCIO %s' % my_wizard_2.get_snaffle_id(all_entities=game_entities))
#print('FLIPENDO %s' % my_wizard_2.get_snaffle_id(all_entities=game_entities))
if MY_TEAM_ID == 0:
if my_wizard_2.get_distance_to(target_2) < 4000 and my_wizard_2.x < 4000 and target_2.x < 4000:
my_wizard_2.move(target_2.x, target_2.y, thruster=150)
if int(my_wizard_2.state) == 1:
my_wizard_2.throw(GOALS[0], GOALS[1], power=500)
elif int(myMagic) > 15:
if target_2.x < my_wizard_2.x:
if target_2.vx < 1200:
if target_2.x > 0 and target_2.x < 16000:
print('ACCIO %s' % my_wizard_2.get_snaffle_id(all_entities=game_entities))
my_wizard_2.move(100, 3750, thruster=150)
elif MY_TEAM_ID == 1:
if my_wizard_2.get_distance_to(target_2) < 4000 and my_wizard_2.x > 12000 and target_2.x > 12000:
my_wizard_2.move(target_2.x, target_2.y, thruster=150)
if int(my_wizard_2.state) == 1:
my_wizard_2.throw(GOALS[0], GOALS[1], power=500)
#elif int(myMagic) > 20:
#if target_2.x > 0 and target_2.x < 16000:
#print('FLIPENDO %s' % my_wizard_2.get_snaffle_id(all_entities=game_entities))
my_wizard_2.move(1500, 3750, thruster=150)
#my_wizard_2.move(target_2.x, target_2.y, thruster=150)
elif int(my_wizard_2.state) == 1:
my_wizard_2.throw(GOALS[0], GOALS[1], power=500)
my_wizard_2.move(target_2.x, target_2.y, thruster=150)