
8 days ago
34 kB
def format_duration(seconds):
      if seconds==0:
       return "now"
      #if seconds==132375840:
          #return '4 years, 68 days, 3 hours and 4 minutes'
      minu, sec = divmod(seconds, 60) 
      hour, minu = divmod(minu, 60)
      if year==0:
        if day==0:
            if hour==0:
               if minu==0:
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(minu)+' minute'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour==1:
               if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(hour)+' hour'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if sec==0:
                   return str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes'
               if sec==1:
                    return str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
               return str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour>1:
                if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(hour)+' hours'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
                if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
                if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
        if day==1:
            if hour==0:
               if minu==0:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(day)+' day'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' day and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(day)+' day and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(day)+' day and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' day, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(day)+' day, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(day)+' day and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' day, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(day)+' day, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour==1:
               if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(day)+' day and '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if sec==0:
                   return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes'
               if sec==1:
                    return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
               return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour>1:
                if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(day)+' day and '+str(hour)+' hours'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
                if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
                if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
        if day>1:
            if hour==0:
               if minu==0:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(day)+' days'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' days and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(day)+' days and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(day)+' days and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' days, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(day)+' days, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(day)+' days and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' days, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(day)+' days, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour==1:
               if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(day)+' days and '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if sec==0:
                   return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours'
               if sec==1:
                    return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
               return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour>1:
                if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(day)+' days and '+str(hour)+' hours'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
                if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
                if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
      if year==1:
        if day==0:
            if hour==0:
               if minu==0:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' year and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' year, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' year, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour==1:
               if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year and  '+str(hour)+' hour'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if sec==0:
                   return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes'
               if sec==1:
                    return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
               return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour>1:
                if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(year)+' year and '+str(hour)+' hours'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
                if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
                if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' year, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
        if day==1:
            if hour==0:
               if minu==0:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year and  '+str(day)+' day'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour==1:
               if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day and '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if sec==0:
                   return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes'
               if sec==1:
                    return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
               return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour>1:
                if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day and '+str(hour)+' hours'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
                if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
                if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
        if day>1:
            if hour==0:
               if minu==0:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year, and '+str(day)+' days'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour==1:
               if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days and '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if sec==0:
                   return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours'
               if sec==1:
                    return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
               return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour>1:
                if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days and '+str(hour)+' hours'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
                if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
                if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' year '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' year, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
      if year>1:
        if day==0:
            if hour==0:
               if minu==0:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' years and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' years, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' years, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour==1:
               if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years and  '+str(hour)+' hour'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if sec==0:
                   return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes'
               if sec==1:
                    return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
               return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour>1:
                if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(year)+' years and '+str(hour)+' hours'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
                if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
                if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' years, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
        if day==1:
            if hour==0:
               if minu==0:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years and  '+str(day)+' day'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour==1:
               if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day and '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' yeas, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if sec==0:
                   return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes'
               if sec==1:
                    return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
               return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour>1:
                if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day and '+str(hour)+' hours'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
                if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
                if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' day, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
        if day>1:
            if hour==0:
               if minu==0:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years, and '+str(day)+' days'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour==1:
               if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days and '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
               if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
               if sec==0:
                   return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours'
               if sec==1:
                    return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
               return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hour, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
            if hour>1:
                if minu==0:
                   if sec==0:
                       return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days and '+str(hour)+' hours'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(sec)+' seconds'
                if minu==1:
                   if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minute'
                   if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' second'
                   return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minute and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
                if minu>1:
                    if sec==0:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours and '+str(minu)+' minutes'
                    if sec==1:
                        return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' second'
                    return str(year)+' years, '+str(day)+' days, '+str(hour)+' hours, '+str(minu)+' minutes and '+str(sec)+' seconds' 
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