import java.util.*;
class Event {
int eventType; // 0 for arrival, 1 for departure
double timestamp;
public Event(int eventType, double timestamp) {
this.eventType = eventType;
this.timestamp = timestamp;
class Customer {
double arrivalTime;
double serviceTime;
public Customer(double arrivalTime, double serviceTime) {
this.arrivalTime = arrivalTime;
this.serviceTime = serviceTime;
public class SingleServerQueueSimulation {
// System state variables
int queueLength = 0;
int numberInService = 0;
// Entity attributes and sets
Queue<Customer> customers = new LinkedList<>();
// Future event list
PriorityQueue<Event> futureEventList = new PriorityQueue<>(Comparator.comparingDouble(event -> event.timestamp));
// Activity durations
double meanInterArrivalTime = 4.5; // minutes
double meanServiceTime = 3.2; // minutes
double sigma = 0.6; // standard deviation
int totalCustomers = 1000;
// Simulation variables
double clock = 0.0;
double totalBusy = 0.0;
int maxQueueLength = 0;
double sumResponseTime = 0.0;
int numberOfDepartures = 0;
int longService = 0;
// Summary statistics
double rho;
double avgR;
double pc4;
// Random number generator
Random random = new Random();
public void initialize() {
// Initialize the simulation with initial events and customer arrivals
clock = 0.0;
totalBusy = 0.0;
maxQueueLength = 0;
sumResponseTime = 0.0;
numberOfDepartures = 0;
longService = 0;
// Add initial events to the future event list
futureEventList.offer(new Event(0, exponential(meanInterArrivalTime))); // Initial customer arrival
futureEventList.offer(new Event(1, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); // Initialize with a departure event (set to infinity)
public void runSimulation() {
while (numberOfDepartures < totalCustomers) {
Event currentEvent = futureEventList.poll();
clock = currentEvent.timestamp;
if (currentEvent.eventType == 0) {
} else {
// Calculate summary statistics
rho = totalBusy / clock;
avgR = sumResponseTime / totalCustomers;
pc4 = (double) longService / totalCustomers;
public void processArrival() {
// Create a new customer with exponential inter-arrival time
double interArrivalTime = exponential(meanInterArrivalTime);
Customer customer = new Customer(clock + interArrivalTime, normal(meanServiceTime, sigma));
// Update clock
clock = customer.arrivalTime;
// If the server is idle, start service immediately
if (numberInService == 0) {
} else {
// Server is busy, customer joins the queue
customers.offer(customer); // Use offer() to enqueue
maxQueueLength = Math.max(maxQueueLength, queueLength);
// Schedule the next arrival event
futureEventList.offer(new Event(0, customer.arrivalTime));
public void processDeparture() {
// Update server and queue
// Calculate customer's response time and update statistics
Customer departingCustomer = customers.remove(); // Use remove() to dequeue
double responseTime = clock - departingCustomer.arrivalTime;
sumResponseTime += responseTime;
if (responseTime >= 4.0) {
// If there are customers in the queue, start service for the next customer
if (queueLength > 0) {
Customer nextCustomer = customers.remove(); // Use remove() to dequeue
// Schedule the next departure event (if applicable)
if (numberInService > 0) {
double serviceTime = normal(meanServiceTime, sigma);
futureEventList.offer(new Event(1, clock + serviceTime));
public void startService(Customer customer) {
// Start service for the customer
// Schedule the departure event for this customer
double serviceTime = normal(meanServiceTime, sigma);
futureEventList.offer(new Event(1, clock + serviceTime));
// Update total busy time of the server
totalBusy += serviceTime;
public void generateReport() {
// Generate simulation report with summary statistics
System.out.println("Simulation Report:");
System.out.println("RHO (Server Utilization): " + rho);
System.out.println("Average Response Time (AVGR): " + avgR);
System.out.println("Proportion of Customers with Service Time >= 4 (PC4): " + pc4);
// Exponential random number generator
private double exponential(double mean) {
return -mean * Math.log(random.nextDouble());
// Normal random number generator
private double normal(double mean, double sigma) {
return mean + sigma * random.nextGaussian();
public static void main(String[] args) {
SingleServerQueueSimulation simulation = new SingleServerQueueSimulation();