
mail@pastecode.io avatar
7 months ago
3.3 kB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

// Uncomment this line to use console.log
// import "hardhat/console.sol";

contract PoolV1 {    
    address admin;
    address projectAddress;
    uint poolSize;
    uint immutable deploymentTime;
    uint immutable poolLivingTime;
    address influAdress;
    uint influComissionSize;
    uint influComissionBalance;
    bool isGoodInfl;

    mapping(address => uint) userBalance;
    mapping(address => uint) userTokenBalance;
    uint contractBalance;
    uint comissionBalance;
    bool moneySent;

    constructor (address _admin, address _projectAddress, uint _poolSize, uint _COMMISSION_SIZE, uint _deploymentTime, 
                    address _influAdress, uint _influComissionSize) {
        admin = _admin;
        poolSize = _poolSize;
        projectAddress = _projectAddress;
        deploymentTime = _deploymentTime;

        influAdress = _influAdress;
        influComissionSize = _influComissionSize;
        influComissionBalance = 0;
        isGoodInfl = false;

        contractBalance = 0;
        comissionBalance = 0;
        moneySent = false;
        poolLivingTime = 1 weeks;

    function depositToPool(uint amount) public { 
        assert(block.timestamp < deploymentTime + poolLivingTime);
        uint comission = amount * COMMISSION_SIZE / 100; // in the real contract need to use more presice formula
        uint influComission = amount * influComissionSize / 100;
        // transder_usdt(msg.sender, address(this), amount + comission + influComission);
        userBalance[msg.sender] += amount;
        influComissionBalance += influComission;

        comissionBalance += comission;
        contractBalance += amount;

    // function withdrawFromPool(uint amount) public { 
    //     assert(userBalance >= amount);
    //     assert(moneySent == false);

    //     userBalance -= amount;
    //     poolSize -= amount;

    //     // transfer_usdt(address(this), msg.sender, amount);
    // }

    function withdraw_comission(uint amount, uint to) public {
        assert(msg.sender == admin);
        assert(comissionBalance >= amount);
        // add check that comission balance is > then amount

        // transfer_usdt(address(this), to, amount);

        comissionBalance -= amount;

    function influencer_withdraw_commission(uint amount) public { 
        assert(influComissionBalance >= amount);
        assert(isGoodInfl == true);

        // transfer_usdt(address(this), influAdress, amount);

    function sendToProject() public {
        assert(block.timestamp > deploymentTime + poolLivingTime); // Check the pool deadline.
        assert(contractBalance >= poolSize); // Check whether the pool accumulates the desired amount of money.

        // transfer_usdt(projectAddress, poolSize); // or maybe we need to transfer contractBalance

        contractBalance -= poolSize; 
        moneySent = true;

    function claimTokens() public {
        // Here should be logic to calculate the amount of tokens user has

        // calling external function to claim tokens
        // maybe sth like *amount = address(PROJECT_CONTRACT).claim()*

        userTokenBalance += amount;

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