18 days ago
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#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. #Persistent #SingleInstance force Gui, font, s30, Arial Gui, Add, text, vSometext, aaa Gui, show, AutoSize SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. DetectHiddenWindows, On CoordMode, Pixel CoordMode, ToolTip CoordMode, Mouse SetKeyDelay, 0 SetMouseDelay, 0 ListLines Off ; increase script performance SetBatchLines, 10ms ;higher values increase script performance, but consume more cpu maxvita := true utamo := true massres := false gransio := true massredcd := true loop { IfWinActive, Tibia - Zenonlicious { Start: If (massres == true) && (massrescd == true) { SendInput {F14} Sleep, 1030 massrescd := false goto, Start } PixelGetColor, LOWHP, 972, 32 If (LOWHP == 0x292929) && (utamo == true) { SendInput {Del} Sleep, 50 SendInput {Del} utamo := false SetTimer, utamocd, 14000 goto, Start } PixelGetColor, LOWHP, 972, 32 if (LOWHP == 0x292929) && (maxvita == true) { SendInput {F13} maxvita := false massrescd := true SetTimer, maxvitacd, 7000 Sleep, 1030 goto, Start } PixelGetColor, EK, 11, 95 If (EK != 0x404040) { Sleep, 30 PixelGetColor, EKLOW, 110, 103 PixelGetColor, EK, 11, 95 If (EKLOW == 0x454545) && (gransio == true) && (EK != 0x404040) { SendInput {F22} gransio := false massrescd := true SetTimer, gransiocd, 61000 Sleep, 1000 goto, Start } PixelGetColor, EK, 11, 95 PixelGetColor, EKHIGH, 144, 102 if (EKHIGH == 0x4A4949) && (EK != 0x404040) { SendInput {F21} massrescd := true Sleep, 1000 goto, Start } } If (massres == true) && (massrescd == false) { SendInput {F21} Sleep, 1030 massrescd := true goto, Start } PixelGetColor, LOWHP, 972, 32 if (LOWHP == 0x292929) && (maxvita == true) { SendInput {F13} maxvita := false massrescd := true SetTimer, maxvitacd, 7000 Sleep, 1030 goto, Start } PixelGetColor, HIGHHP, 1435, 32 if (HIGHHP == 0x242424) { SendInput {F4} massrescd := true Sleep, 1030 goto, Start } } } return maxvitacd: maxvita := true utamocd: utamo := true gransiocd: gransio := true NumpadAdd:: If (massres == false) { massres := true massrescd := true GuiControl, Text, Sometext, masres } else { massres := false GuiControl, Text, Sometext, no }
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