15 days ago
36 kB
local cloneref = cloneref or function(o) return o end -- Services local CoreGui = cloneref(game:GetService("CoreGui")) local StarterGui = cloneref(game:GetService("StarterGui")) local RunService = cloneref(game:GetService("RunService")) local HttpService = cloneref(game:GetService("HttpService")) local TweenService = cloneref(game:GetService("TweenService")) local Players = cloneref(game:GetService("Players")) -- Variables repeat task.wait() until Players.LocalPlayer local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local connections = {} local a = 0 local Notifications = {} local FPSLibrary = { Flags = {}; } -- Configuration File local FPSLibraryFolder = "FPSLibrary" local ConfigurationFolderName = FPSLibraryFolder.."/Configurations" local KeyFolderName = FPSLibraryFolder.."/Keys" local LocalConfigurationFolderName = nil -- Library Interface local FPSLibraryAssets = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://134829575873543")[1] if typeof(FPSLibraryAssets) == "string" then warn("FPSLibrary: Failed To Get Library Package: "..FPSLibraryAssets) return end local Interface = FPSLibraryAssets:WaitForChild("Interface"):Clone() Interface.Parent = CoreGui -- Tweens local Reposition = TweenInfo.new(0.75,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0) local TweenIn32 = TweenInfo.new(0.32,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,Enum.EasingDirection.In,0,false,0) local TweenIn75 = TweenInfo.new(0.75,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,Enum.EasingDirection.In,0,false,0) local TweenOut32 = TweenInfo.new(0.32,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0) local TweenOut75 = TweenInfo.new(0.75,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,0) -- Functions function RippleEffects(button) local ripplecontainer = button:WaitForChild("RippleContainerFrame") local function tweenInRipple(rippleeffect) spawn(function() local Info = TweenInfo.new(0.9,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,false,0) local Goals = {Size = UDim2.new(0, 200, 0, 200)} local Tween = TweenService:Create(rippleeffect, Info, Goals) Tween:Play() end) end local function fadeOutRipple(rippleeffect) spawn(function() local Info = TweenInfo.new(0.6,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,false,0) local goal = {ImageTransparency = 1} local Tween = TweenService:Create(rippleeffect, Info, goal) Tween:Play() task.wait(1) rippleeffect:Destroy() end) end button.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() a += 1 local b = a local done = false local rippleeffect = Instance.new("ImageLabel", ripplecontainer) rippleeffect.Name = "RippleEffect" rippleeffect.Position = UDim2.new(0,mouse.X - button.AbsolutePosition.X,0,mouse.Y - button.AbsolutePosition.Y) rippleeffect.ZIndex = ripplecontainer.ZIndex + 1 rippleeffect.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5) rippleeffect.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) rippleeffect.BackgroundTransparency = 1 rippleeffect.Image = "rbxassetid://266543268" rippleeffect.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) rippleeffect.ImageTransparency = 0.8 tweenInRipple(rippleeffect) connections[b] = button.MouseButton1Up:Connect(function() if not done then done = true fadeOutRipple(rippleeffect) end end) task.wait(4) connections[b]:Disconnect() done = true fadeOutRipple(rippleeffect) end) end function FPSLibraryErrorMessage(err,errormessage) FPSLibrary:Notify({ Type = "id0x1"; Message = errormessage; Duration = 3; Actions = { ViewConsole = { Name = "View Console"; Callback = function() keypress(0x78) keyrelease(0x78) end }; } }) warn("FPSLibrary: "..err) end function GenerateRandomString() local str = "" for _ = 1,20,1 do local char local chartype = math.random(1,3) if chartype == 1 then char = string.char(math.random(48,57)) elseif chartype == 2 then char = string.char(math.random(65,90)) elseif chartype == 3 then char = string.char(math.random(97,122)) end str = str..char end return str end function UpdateNotificationLayout() for i, v in ipairs(Notifications) do local tween = TweenService:Create(v,Reposition,{Position = UDim2.new(1,-220,1,(i*-75)-20)}) tween:Play() end end -- Module Functions function FPSLibrary:Notify(settings) task.spawn(function() local Spawn = tick() settings.Title = settings.Type == "id0x1" and "Error" or settings.Type == "id0x2" and "Info" or settings.Type == "id0x3" and "Success" or settings.Title or "Info"; settings.Message = settings.Message or "Notification Request" settings.Button1 = settings.Button1 ~= "" and settings.Button1 or nil settings.Button2 = settings.Button2 ~= "" and settings.Button2 or nil settings.Icon = settings.Type == "id0x1" and "rbxassetid://102649569795605" or settings.Type == "id0x2" and "rbxassetid://76316461447556" or settings.Type == "id0x3" and "rbxassetid://111469034555385" or settings.Icon or "rbxassetid://0" settings.Duration = settings.Duration or 5 local NotificationExample = FPSLibraryAssets:WaitForChild("NotificationExample"):Clone() NotificationExample.Parent = Interface local Container = NotificationExample:WaitForChild("Container") local Title = Container:WaitForChild("Title") local Message = Container:WaitForChild("Message") local ImageIcon = Container:WaitForChild("NotificationImage") local ActionButtonsContainer = Container:WaitForChild("ActionButtons"):WaitForChild("Container") local DurationTimer = Container:WaitForChild("SliderFrame"):WaitForChild("Slider"):WaitForChild("Frame") Title.Text = settings.Title Message.Text = settings.Message ImageIcon.Image = settings.Icon local closing = false a += 1 local b = a connections[b] = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() DurationTimer.Size = UDim2.new(1 - (tick() - Spawn) / settings.Duration,0,1,0) end) local function CloseNotification() task.spawn(function() if not closing then closing = true table.remove(Notifications,table.find(Notifications,NotificationExample)) UpdateNotificationLayout() TweenService:Create(NotificationExample,TweenIn75,{Position = UDim2.new(1,0,1,NotificationExample.Position.Y.Offset)}):Play() task.wait(0.75) NotificationExample:Destroy() if connections[b] then connections[b]:Disconnect() end end end) end if settings.Actions then for _, actionsettings in settings.Actions do local Button = FPSLibraryAssets:WaitForChild("Button"):Clone() Button.Parent = ActionButtonsContainer local ButtonNameLabel = Button:WaitForChild("NameTextLabel") ButtonNameLabel.Text = actionsettings.Name RippleEffects(Button) Button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if not closing then if actionsettings.CloseOnClick then CloseNotification() end if actionsettings.Callback then local suc, err = pcall(actionsettings.Callback) if not suc then FPSLibraryErrorMessage(err,"Callback Error!") end end end end) end end if settings.Type then local sound = Instance.new("Sound", workspace) sound.SoundId = settings.Type == "id0x1" and "rbxassetid://2865228021" or settings.Type == "id0x2" and "rbxassetid://3398620867" or settings.Type == "id0x3" and "rbxassetid://3450794184" sound.PlayOnRemove = true sound:Destroy() end TweenService:Create(NotificationExample,TweenOut75,{Position = UDim2.new(1,-220,1,95)}):Play() table.insert(Notifications,1,NotificationExample) UpdateNotificationLayout() task.delay(settings.Duration,CloseNotification) end) end function FPSLibrary:SaveConfiguration(filename) if not filename or not LocalConfigurationFolderName then return end end function FPSLibrary:LoadConfiguration(filename) if not filename or not LocalConfigurationFolderName then return end end function FPSLibrary:ListConfigurationFiles() if LocalConfigurationFolderName and isfolder(ConfigurationFolderName) and isfolder(ConfigurationFolderName.."/"..LocalConfigurationFolderName) then return listfiles(ConfigurationFolderName.."/"..LocalConfigurationFolderName) end return {} end function FPSLibrary:BootWindow(windowsettings) local Window = {} if windowsettings.KeySystem and windowsettings.KeySystem.Enabled then local keyverified = false local KeySystemGUI = FPSLibraryAssets:WaitForChild("KeySystem"):Clone() KeySystemGUI.Parent = Interface local TextBox = KeySystemGUI:WaitForChild("TextBox") local CheckKeyButton = FPSLibraryAssets:WaitForChild("Button"):Clone() local CheckKeyName = CheckKeyButton:WaitForChild("NameTextLabel") CheckKeyButton.Parent = KeySystemGUI CheckKeyButton.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5) CheckKeyButton.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 27) CheckKeyButton.Size = UDim2.new(0, 75, 0, 20) CheckKeyName.Text = "Authenticate" if windowsettings.KeySystem.GrabKeyFromSite and windowsettings.KeySystem.WebsiteURL then local GetKeyButton = FPSLibraryAssets:WaitForChild("Button"):Clone() local GetKeyName = GetKeyButton:WaitForChild("NameTextLabel") local GetKeyButtonOutline = GetKeyButton:WaitForChild("OutlineFrame") GetKeyButton.Parent = KeySystemGUI GetKeyButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(149, 119, 54) GetKeyButton.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5) GetKeyButton.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 51) GetKeyButton.Size = UDim2.new(0, 75, 0, 20) GetKeyButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(149, 119, 54) GetKeyButtonOutline.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(83, 66, 30) GetKeyName.Text = "Get Key" RippleEffects(GetKeyButton) GetKeyButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if setclipboard then setclipboard(windowsettings.KeySystem.WebsiteURL) FPSLibrary:Notify({ Type = "id0x3"; Message = "Link copied to clipboard!"; Duration = 3; }) else FPSLibrary:Notify({ Type = "id0x2"; Message = 'URL: "'..windowsettings.KeySystem.WebsiteURL..'"'; Duration = 60; Actions = { Close = { Name = "Close"; CloseOnClick = true; Callback = function() end } } }) end end) end local function VerifyKey(key) if windowsettings.KeySystem.GrabKeyFromSite then FPSLibrary:Notify({ Type = "id0x2"; Message = "Checking Key..."; Duration = 3; }) end local suc, result = pcall(function() return windowsettings.KeySystem.GrabKeyFromSite and (windowsettings.KeySystem.JSONDecode and HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet(windowsettings.KeySystem.KeyRAWURL)) or {game:HttpGet(windowsettings.KeySystem.KeyRAWURL)}) or windowsettings.KeySystem.Keys end) if suc then for _, v in result do if v == key then return true end end else FPSLibraryErrorMessage(result,"An unexpected error has occured while verifying key.") end return false end RippleEffects(CheckKeyButton) CheckKeyButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() local verified = VerifyKey(TextBox.Text) if verified then keyverified = true end if not keyverified then FPSLibrary:Notify({ Type = "id0x1"; Message = "Invalid Key!"; Duration = 3; }) else FPSLibrary:Notify({ Type = "id0x3"; Message = "Correct Key!"; Duration = 3; }) if windowsettings.KeySystem.RememberKey then local contents = { Key = TextBox.Text; Spawn = tick() } if windowsettings.KeySystem.FileName then writefile(KeyFolderName.."/"..windowsettings.KeySystem.FileName,HttpService:JSONEncode(contents)) end end end end) if windowsettings.KeySystem.RememberKey and windowsettings.KeySystem.FileName and isfile(KeyFolderName.."/"..windowsettings.KeySystem.FileName) then local suc, err = pcall(function() local contents = HttpService:JSONDecode(readfile(KeyFolderName.."/"..windowsettings.KeySystem.FileName)) if contents.Key then if contents.Spawn + windowsettings.KeySystem.KeyTimeLimit > tick() then local verified = VerifyKey(contents.Key) if verified then keyverified = true FPSLibrary:Notify({ Type = "id0x3"; Message = "Correct Key!"; Duration = 3; }) else FPSLibrary:Notify({ Type = "id0x1"; Message = "Key not authenticated. Try again."; Duration = 3; }) end else FPSLibrary:Notify({ Type = "id0x2"; Message = "Time limit has been reached. Please re-enter key again."; Duration = 3; }) end end end) if not suc then FPSLibraryErrorMessage(err,"An unexpected error has occured while verifying key.") end end repeat task.wait() until keyverified KeySystemGUI:Destroy() end task.spawn(function() local BootAnimation = FPSLibraryAssets:WaitForChild("LibraryBootAnimation"):Clone() BootAnimation.Parent = Interface local Line1 = BootAnimation:WaitForChild("Line1") local Line2 = BootAnimation:WaitForChild("Line2") local TitleName = BootAnimation:WaitForChild("TitleName") TitleName.Text = windowsettings.LoadingTitle TweenService:Create(Line1,TweenOut75,{Position = UDim2.new(0.5,TitleName.TextBounds.X/2 + 8,0,0)}):Play() TweenService:Create(Line2,TweenOut75,{Position = UDim2.new(0.5,-TitleName.TextBounds.X/2 - 8,0,0)}):Play() TweenService:Create(TitleName,TweenOut75,{Size = UDim2.new(0,TitleName.TextBounds.X + 8,1,0)}):Play() task.wait(1.25) TweenService:Create(Line1,TweenIn75,{Position = UDim2.new(0.5,0,0,0)}):Play() TweenService:Create(Line2,TweenIn75,{Position = UDim2.new(0.5,0,0,0)}):Play() TweenService:Create(TitleName,TweenIn75,{Size = UDim2.new(0,0,1,0)}):Play() task.wait(0.75) BootAnimation:Destroy() end) local suc, err = pcall(function() if windowsettings.ConfigurationSaving and windowsettings.ConfigurationSaving.Enabled and windowsettings.ConfigurationSaving.FolderName then local FolderName = windowsettings.ConfigurationSaving.FolderName if windowsettings.ConfigurationSaving.PlaceId then FolderName = windowsettings.ConfigurationSaving.FolderName.." "..tostring(game.PlaceId) end if not isfolder(ConfigurationFolderName.."/"..FolderName) then makefolder(ConfigurationFolderName.."/"..FolderName) end LocalConfigurationFolderName = FolderName end end) if not suc then FPSLibraryErrorMessage(err,"An unexpected error has occured while loading Configurations.") end function Window:CreateTab(tabsettings) -- Tab Setttings tabsettings.Title = tabsettings.Title ~= nil and tabsettings.Title or "Title" tabsettings.Subtitle = tabsettings.Subtitle ~= nil and tabsettings.Subtitle or "Subtitle" tabsettings.TitleRichText = tabsettings.TitleRichText ~= nil and tabsettings.TitleRichText or false tabsettings.SubtitleRichText = tabsettings.SubtitleRichText ~= nil and tabsettings.SubtitleRichText or false tabsettings.SizeY = tabsettings.SizeY ~= nil and tabsettings.SizeY or 300 tabsettings.MaxSizeY = tabsettings.MaxSizeY ~= nil and tabsettings.MaxSizeY or 300 tabsettings.Opened = tabsettings.Opened ~= nil and tabsettings.Opened or false tabsettings.Position = tabsettings.Position ~= nil and tabsettings.Position or UDim2.new(0,20,0,20) tabsettings.Flag = tabsettings.Flag ~= "" and tabsettings.Flag or nil assert(typeof(tabsettings.Title) == "string" or typeof(tabsettings.Title) == "number","invalid argument to 'Title', (string expected, got "..typeof(tabsettings.Title)) assert(typeof(tabsettings.Subtitle) == "string" or typeof(tabsettings.Subtitle) == "number","invalid argument to 'Subtitle', (string expected, got "..typeof(tabsettings.Subtitle)) assert(typeof(tabsettings.TitleRichText) == "boolean","invalid argument to 'TitleRichText', (boolean expected, got "..typeof(tabsettings.TitleRichText)) assert(typeof(tabsettings.SubtitleRichText) == "boolean","invalid argument to 'SubtitleRichText', (boolean expected, got "..typeof(tabsettings.SubtitleRichText)) assert(typeof(tabsettings.SizeY) == "number","invalid argument to 'SizeY', (number expected, got "..typeof(tabsettings.SizeY)) assert(typeof(tabsettings.MaxSizeY) == "number","invalid argument to 'MaxSizeY', (number expected, got "..typeof(tabsettings.MaxSizeY)) assert(typeof(tabsettings.Opened) == "boolean","invalid argument to 'Opened', (boolean expected, got "..typeof(tabsettings.Opened)) assert(typeof(tabsettings.Position) == "UDim2","invalid argument to 'Position', (UDim2 expected, got "..typeof(tabsettings.Position)) assert(tabsettings.Flag == nil or typeof(tabsettings.Flag) == "string","invalid argument to 'Flag', (string expected, got "..typeof(tabsettings.Flag)) if tabsettings.Flag then local count = 1 repeat local prev = tabsettings.Flag local new = prev.." ("..count..")" FPSLibrary.Flags[prev] = FPSLibrary.Flags[new] count += 1 until not FPSLibrary.Flags[new] end -- Module local TabModule = {ClassName = "Tab"} local mt = {} -- Variables local layoutorder = 0 -- Tab local Tab = FPSLibraryAssets:WaitForChild("Tab"):Clone() Tab.Parent = Interface Tab.Visible = tabsettings.Visible local Title = Tab:WaitForChild("Title") local Subtitle = Tab:WaitForChild("Subtitle") local MinimizeButton = Tab:WaitForChild("ArrowImageButton") local ElementsFrame = Tab:WaitForChild("Elements") local ElementsContainer = ElementsFrame:WaitForChild("Container") Title.Text = tabsettings.Title Subtitle.Text = tabsettings.Subtitle ElementsFrame.Size = tabsettings.Opened and UDim2.new(1,0,0,tabsettings.SizeY + 5) or UDim2.new(1,0,0,0) MinimizeButton.Rotation = tabsettings.Opened and 0 or 180 Tab.Position = tabsettings.Position -- Metatable Functions local function UpdateTabFlags() for i, v in tabsettings do FPSLibrary.Flags[tabsettings.Flag][i] = v end end function mt.__newindex(self, idx, value) if idx == "Title" then if typeof(value) ~= "string" and typeof(value) ~= "number" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". string expected, got "..typeof(value)) end tabsettings.Title = tostring(value) Title.Text = tabsettings.Title elseif idx == "Subtitle" then if typeof(value) ~= "string" and typeof(value) ~= "number" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". string expected, got "..typeof(value)) end tabsettings.Subtitle = tostring(value) Subtitle.Text = tabsettings.Subtitle elseif idx == "TitleRichText" then if typeof(value) ~= "boolean" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". boolean expected, got "..typeof(value)) end tabsettings.TitleRichText = value Title.RichText = tabsettings.TitleRichText elseif idx == "SubtitleRichText" then if typeof(value) ~= "boolean" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". boolean expected, got "..typeof(value)) end tabsettings.SubtitleRichText = value Subtitle.RichText = tabsettings.SubtitleRichText elseif idx == "SizeY" then if typeof(value) ~= "number" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". number expected, got "..typeof(value)) end tabsettings.SizeY = value >= 100 and value or 100 tabsettings.SizeY = value <= tabsettings.MaxSizeY and value or tabsettings.MaxSizeY if tabsettings.Opened then TweenService:Create(ElementsFrame,TweenOut75,{Size = UDim2.new(1,0,0,tabsettings.SizeY + 5)}):Play() end elseif idx == "MaxSizeY" then if typeof(value) ~= "number" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". number expected, got "..typeof(value)) end tabsettings.MaxSizeY = value >= 100 and value or 100 if tabsettings.SizeY > tabsettings.MaxSizeY then TabModule.SizeY = tabsettings.MaxSizeY end elseif idx == "Position" then if typeof(value) ~= "UDim2" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". UDim2 expected, got "..typeof(value)) end tabsettings.Position = value TweenService:Create(Tab,TweenInfo.new(0.5,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,Enum.EasingDirection.Out),{Position = tabsettings.Position}):Play() elseif idx == "Opened" then if typeof(value) ~= "boolean" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". boolean expected, got "..typeof(value)) end tabsettings.Opened = value if tabsettings.Opened then TweenService:Create(ElementsFrame,TweenOut75,{Size = UDim2.new(1,0,0,tabsettings.SizeY + 5)}):Play() TweenService:Create(MinimizeButton,TweenOut32,{Rotation = 0}):Play() else TweenService:Create(ElementsFrame,TweenOut75,{Size = UDim2.new(1,0,0,0)}):Play() TweenService:Create(MinimizeButton,TweenOut32,{Rotation = 180}):Play() end elseif idx == "Visible" then if typeof(value) ~= "boolean" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". boolean expected, got "..typeof(value)) end tabsettings.Visible = value Tab.Visible = value elseif idx == "ClassName" or idx == "Flag" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". Property is read only") else return error(idx.." is not a valid member of Tab") end if windowsettings.ConfigurationSaving and windowsettings.ConfigurationSaving.Enabled and tabsettings.Flag then UpdateTabFlags() end end function mt.__index(self, idx) if idx == "Title" then return tabsettings.Title elseif idx == "Subtitle" then return tabsettings.Subtitle elseif idx == "TitleRichText" then return tabsettings.TitleRichText elseif idx == "SubtitleRichText" then return tabsettings.SubtitleRichText elseif idx == "SizeY" then return tabsettings.SizeY elseif idx == "MaxSizeY" then return tabsettings.MaxSizeY elseif idx == "Position" then return tabsettings.Position elseif idx == "Opened" then return tabsettings.Opened elseif idx == "Visible" then return tabsettings.Visible elseif idx == "ClassName" then return "Tab" elseif idx == "Flag" then return tabsettings.Flag else return error(idx.." is not a valid member of Tab") end end -- Tab Main MinimizeButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if TabModule.Opened then TabModule.Opened = false else TabModule.Opened = true end end) function TabModule:CreateButton(buttonsettings) -- Tab Settings buttonsettings.Name = buttonsettings.Name or "Button" buttonsettings.RichText = buttonsettings.RichText or false buttonsettings.Callback = buttonsettings.Callback or function() print("Button Clicked!") end buttonsettings.Active = buttonsettings.Active ~= nil and buttonsettings.Active buttonsettings.Visible = buttonsettings.Visible ~= nil and buttonsettings.Visible buttonsettings.Tip = buttonsettings.Tip ~= "" and buttonsettings.Tip or nil buttonsettings.ButtonColor = buttonsettings.ButtonColor or Color3.fromRGB(97,97,97) assert(typeof(buttonsettings.Name) == "string" or typeof(buttonsettings.Name) == "number","invalid argument to 'Title', (string expected, got "..typeof(buttonsettings.Name)) assert(typeof(buttonsettings.RichText) == "boolean","invalid argument to 'RichText', (string expected, got "..typeof(buttonsettings.RichText)) assert(typeof(buttonsettings.Callback) == "function","invalid argument to 'Callback', (function expected, got "..typeof(buttonsettings.Callback)) assert(typeof(buttonsettings.Active) == "boolean","invalid argument to 'Active', (boolean expected, got "..typeof(buttonsettings.Active)) assert(typeof(buttonsettings.Visible) == "boolean","invalid argument to 'Visible', (boolean expected, got "..typeof(buttonsettings.Visible)) assert(typeof(buttonsettings.Tip) == "string" or typeof(buttonsettings.Tip) == "number","invalid argument to 'Tip', (string expected, got "..typeof(buttonsettings.Tip)) assert(typeof(buttonsettings.ButtonColor) == "Color3","invalid argument to 'ButtonColor', (Color3 expected, got "..typeof(buttonsettings.ButtonColor)) -- Variables local mouseenterID = 0 local tip -- Button local Button = FPSLibraryAssets:WaitForChild("Button"):Clone() Button.Parent = buttonsettings.SectionParent and buttonsettings.SectionParent.SectionContainer or ElementsContainer Button.Visible = buttonsettings.Visible Button.BackgroundColor3 = buttonsettings.ButtonColor local ButtonOutline = Button:WaitForChild("OutlineFrame") local h, s, v = Color3.new(buttonsettings.ButtonColor):ToHSV() ButtonOutline.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(h,s,v - 66 > 0 and v - 66 or 0) local ButtonNameLabel = Button:WaitForChild("NameTextLabel") ButtonNameLabel.Text = buttonsettings.Name local ButtonModule = {ClassName = "Button"} local mt = {} -- Metatable Functions function mt.__index(self,idx) if idx == "Name" then return buttonsettings.Name elseif idx == "Callback" then return buttonsettings.Callback elseif idx == "RichText" then return buttonsettings.RichText elseif idx == "Active" then return buttonsettings.Active elseif idx == "Visible" then return buttonsettings.Visible elseif idx == "SectionParent" then return buttonsettings.SectionParent elseif idx == "ButtonColor" then return buttonsettings.ButtonColor elseif idx == "ClassName" then return "Button" else return error(idx.." is not a valid member of Button") end end function mt.__newindex(self,idx,value) if idx == "Name" then if typeof(value) ~= "string" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". string expected, got "..typeof(value)) end buttonsettings.Name = tostring(value) ButtonNameLabel.Text = buttonsettings.Name elseif idx == "Callback" then if typeof(value) ~= "function" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". function expected, got "..typeof(value)) end buttonsettings.Callback = value elseif idx == "RichText" then if typeof(value) ~= "boolean" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". boolean expected, got "..typeof(value)) end tabsettings.RichText = value Button.RichText = tabsettings.RichText elseif idx == "SectionParent" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". Property is read only") elseif idx == "Active" then if typeof(value) ~= "boolean" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". boolean expected, got "..typeof(value)) end buttonsettings.Active = value elseif idx == "ButtonColor" then if typeof(value) ~= "Color3" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". Color3 expected, got "..typeof(value)) end buttonsettings.ButtonColor = value Button.BackgroundColor3 = buttonsettings.ButtonColor ButtonOutline.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(buttonsettings.ButtonColor.R - 66 >= 0 and buttonsettings.ButtonColor.R - 66 or 0,buttonsettings.ButtonColor.G - 66 >= 0 and buttonsettings.ButtonColor.G - 66 or 0,buttonsettings.ButtonColor.B - 66 >= 0 and buttonsettings.ButtonColor.B - 66 or 0) elseif idx == "ClassName" then return error("Unable to assign property "..idx..". Property is read only") else return error(idx.." is not a valid member of Button") end end -- Button Main RippleEffects(Button) Button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if buttonsettings.Callback and buttonsettings.Active then local suc, err = pcall(buttonsettings.Callback) if not suc then FPSLibraryErrorMessage(err,"Callback Error!") end end end) Button.MouseEnter:Connect(function() if buttonsettings.Tip then a += 1 mouseenterID = a tip = FPSLibraryAssets:WaitForChild("Tip"):Clone() tip.Parent = Interface connections[mouseenterID] = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function() tip.Text = buttonsettings.Tip tip.Size = UDim2.new(0,tip.TextBounds.X + 4,0,tip.TextBounds.Y + 2) tip.Position = UDim2.new(0,mouse.X,0,mouse.Y) end) end end) Button.MouseLeave:Connect(function() if tip then tip:Destroy() end if connections[mouseenterID] then connections[mouseenterID]:Disconnect() end end) layoutorder += 1 Button.LayoutOrder = layoutorder -- Set Metatable setmetatable(ButtonModule,mt) return ButtonModule end function TabModule:CreateToggle(togglesettings) end -- Set Metatable setmetatable(TabModule,mt) -- Set Flags if windowsettings.ConfigurationSaving and windowsettings.ConfigurationSaving.Enabled and tabsettings.Flag then FPSLibrary.Flags[tabsettings.Flag] = tabsettings end return TabModule end function Window:OrganizeTabs() end return Window end Interface.Name = GenerateRandomString() if not isfolder(FPSLibraryFolder) then makefolder(FPSLibraryFolder) end if not isfolder(KeyFolderName) then makefolder(KeyFolderName) end if not isfolder(ConfigurationFolderName) then makefolder(ConfigurationFolderName) end return FPSLibrary
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