Python Test (Easy)
2 years ago
2.3 kB
def isNumber(a): try: int(a) return True except ValueError: return False def pickMenu(): menuID = str(input()) if menuID == "0": return "End program" elif menuID == "1": return 15 elif menuID == "2": return 16.5 elif menuID == "3": return 10 elif menuID == "4": return 12.5 elif menuID == "5": return 10 elif menuID == "6": return 8 elif menuID == "7": return 11.5 elif menuID == "8": return 12 else: return "[That's not an option]" def pickQuantity(price): print("Quantity for the item:") print("((Type in 0 to cancel ordering this item))") quantity = str(input()) if isNumber(quantity): if quantity == "0": return "Cancel" elif int(quantity) > 0: return quantity else: return "[That's not an option]" else: return "[That's not an option]" total = 0; ordering = True; #Main code begins print("--- Welcome to our restaurant! ---") while ordering: print("============================================") print("(1) Food 1 15k || (5) Drink 1 10k") print("(2) Food 2 16.5k || (6) Drink 2 8k") print("(3) Food 3 10k || (7) Drink 3 11.5k") print("(4) Food 4 12.5k || (8) Drink 4 12k") print("============================================\n") print("Please choose an item by inputing the number:") if total > 0: print("((Type in 0 to finish this order))") else: print("((Type in 0 to cancel this order))") chosenMenu = pickMenu() if isNumber(chosenMenu): while True: chosenQuantity = pickQuantity(chosenMenu) if isNumber(chosenQuantity): total += (float(chosenMenu) * float(chosenQuantity)) break elif chosenQuantity == "Cancel": break else: print(chosenQuantity) print("\n") elif chosenMenu == "End program": ordering = False else: print(chosenMenu) if total > 0: print("\nTOTAL: " + str(total) + "K") print("\nThank you! See you next time!")