
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a year ago
234 kB
;(function () {
  !(function (e, t) {
    if ('object' == typeof exports && 'object' == typeof module) {
      module.exports = t(require('video.js'))
    } else {
      if ('function' == typeof false && false.amd) {
        false(['video.js'], t)
      } else {
        var a = t('object' == typeof exports ? require('video.js') : e.videojs)
        for (var i in a) ('object' == typeof exports ? exports : e)[i] = a[i]
  })('undefined' != typeof self ? self : this, function (e) {
    return (function (e) {
      function t(i) {
        if (a[i]) {
          return a[i].exports
        var r = (a[i] = {
          i: i,
          l: false,
          exports: {},
        return e[i].call(r.exports, r, r.exports, t), (r.l = true), r.exports
      var a = {}
      return (
        (t.m = e),
        (t.c = a),
        (t.d = function (e, a, i) {
          t.o(e, a) ||
            Object.defineProperty(e, a, {
              configurable: false,
              enumerable: true,
              get: i,
        (t.n = function (e) {
          var a =
            e && e.__esModule
              ? function () {
                  return e.default
              : function () {
                  return e
          return t.d(a, 'a', a), a
        (t.o = function (e, t) {
          return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t)
        (t.p = ''),
        t((t.s = 2))
      function (e, t, a) {
        !(function () {
          !(function (t, a) {
            e.exports = a()
          })(0, function () {
            return (function (e) {
              function t(i) {
                if (a[i]) {
                  return a[i].exports
                var r = (a[i] = {
                  i: i,
                  l: false,
                  exports: {},
                return (
                  e[i].call(r.exports, r, r.exports, t), (r.l = true), r.exports
              var a = {
                data: a.data || {},
                _muxPluginData: a._muxPluginData || {},
                _muxPluginData: a._muxPluginData || {},
              return (
                (t.m = e),
                (t.c = a),
                (t.d = function (e, a, i) {
                  t.o(e, a) ||
                    Object.defineProperty(e, a, {
                      configurable: false,
                      enumerable: true,
                      get: i,
                (t.n = function (e) {
                  var a =
                    e && e.__esModule
                      ? function () {
                          return e.default
                      : function () {
                          return e
                  return t.d(a, 'a', a), a
                (t.o = function (e, t) {
                  return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t)
                (t.p = ''),
                t((t.s = 16))
              function (e, t) {
                function a(e, t, a) {
                  switch (a.length) {
                    case 0:
                      return e.call(t)
                    case 1:
                      return e.call(t, a[0])
                    case 2:
                      return e.call(t, a[0], a[1])
                    case 3:
                      return e.call(t, a[0], a[1], a[2])
                  return e.apply(t, a)
                function i(e, t) {
                  for (var a = -1, i = Array(e); ++a < e; ) {}
                  return i
                function r(e, t) {
                  var a = j(e) || p(e) ? i(e.length, String) : [],
                    r = a.length,
                    n = !!r
                  for (var o in e)
                    (!t && !k.call(e, o)) ||
                      (n && ('length' == o || l(o, r))) ||
                  return a
                function n(e, t, a) {
                  var i = e[t]
                  ;(k.call(e, t) && f(i, a) && (void 0 !== a || t in e)) ||
                    (e[t] = a)
                function o(e) {
                  if (!c(e)) {
                    return A(e)
                  var t = []
                  for (var a in Object(e))
                    k.call(e, a) && 'constructor' != a && t.push(a)
                  return t
                function s(e, t) {
                  return (
                    (t = M(void 0 === t ? e.length - 1 : t, 0)),
                    function () {
                      for (
                        var i = arguments,
                          r = -1,
                          n = M(i.length - t, 0),
                          o = Array(n);
                        ++r < n;

                      ) {}
                      r = -1
                      for (var s = Array(t + 1); ++r < t; ) {
                        s[r] = i[r]
                      return (s[t] = o), a(e, this, s)
                function u(e, t, a, i) {
                  a || (a = {})
                  for (var r = -1, o = t.length; ++r < o; ) {
                    var s = t[r],
                      u = i ? i(a[s], e[s], s, a, e) : void 0
                    n(a, s, void 0 === u ? e[s] : u)
                  return a
                function l(e, t) {
                  return (
                    !!(t = null == t ? 9007199254740991 : t) &&
                    ('number' == typeof e || /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/.test(e)) &&
                    e > -1 &&
                    e % 1 == 0 &&
                    e < t
                function d(e, t, a) {
                  if (!y(a)) {
                    return false
                  var i = typeof t
                  return (
                    !!('number' == i
                      ? h(a) && l(t, a.length)
                      : 'string' == i && t in a) && f(a[t], e)
                function c(e) {
                  var t = e && e.constructor
                  return e === (('function' == typeof t && t.prototype) || O)
                function f(e, t) {
                  return e === t || (e !== e && t !== t)
                function p(e) {
                  return (
                    _(e) &&
                    k.call(e, 'callee') &&
                    (!D.call(e, 'callee') || P.call(e) == '[object Arguments]')
                function h(e) {
                  return null != e && m(e.length) && !v(e)
                function _(e) {
                  return b(e) && h(e)
                function v(e) {
                  var t = y(e) ? P.call(e) : ''
                  return (
                    t == '[object Function]' ||
                    t == '[object GeneratorFunction]'
                function m(e) {
                  return (
                    'number' == typeof e &&
                    e > -1 &&
                    e % 1 == 0 &&
                    e <= 9007199254740991
                function y(e) {
                  var t = typeof e
                  return !!e && ('object' == t || 'function' == t)
                function b(e) {
                  return !!e && 'object' == typeof e
                function g(e) {
                  return h(e) ? r(e) : o(e)
                var O = Object.prototype,
                  k = O.hasOwnProperty,
                  P = O.toString,
                  D = O.propertyIsEnumerable,
                  A = (function (e, t) {
                    return function (a) {
                      return e(t(a))
                  })(Object.keys, Object),
                  M = Math.max,
                  R = !D.call({ valueOf: 1 }, 'valueOf'),
                  j = Array.isArray,
                  I = (function (e) {
                    return s(function (t, a) {
                      var i = -1,
                        r = a.length,
                        n = r > 1 ? a[r - 1] : void 0,
                        o = r > 2 ? a[2] : void 0
                      for (
                        n =
                          e.length > 3 && 'function' == typeof n
                            ? (r--, n)
                            : void 0,
                          o &&
                            d(a[0], a[1], o) &&
                            ((n = r < 3 ? void 0 : n), (r = 1)),
                          t = Object(t);
                        ++i < r;

                      ) {
                        var s = a[i]
                        s && e(t, s)
                      return t
                  })(function (e, t) {
                    if (R || c(t) || h(t)) {
                      return void u(t, g(t), e)
                    for (var a in t) k.call(t, a) && n(e, a, t[a])
                e.exports = I
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e, t, a) {
                  a = void 0 === a ? 1 : a
                  e[t] = e[t] || 0
                  e[t] += a
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
              function (e, t, a) {
                ;(function (t) {
                  var a
                  a =
                    'undefined' != typeof window
                      ? window
                      : void 0 !== t
                      ? t
                      : 'undefined' != typeof self
                      ? self
                      : {}
                  e.exports = a
                }.call(t, a(5)))
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var i = a(18),
                  r = (function (e) {
                    return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                  n = r.default.methodFactory
                r.default.methodFactory = function (e, t, a) {
                  var i = n(e, t, a)
                  return function () {
                    for (var e = ['[mux]'], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) {
                    i.apply(void 0, e)
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var i = a(7),
                  r = (function (e) {
                    return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                  n = function (e) {
                    var t = r.default.createElement('a')
                    var a = t.hostname,
                      i = a.match(/[^\.]+\.[^\.]+$/),
                      n = void 0
                    return i && i.length && (n = i[0]), [a, n]
              function (e, t) {
                var a
                a = (function () {
                  return this
                try {
                  a = a || Function('return this')() || (0, eval)('this')
                } catch (e) {
                  'object' == typeof window && (a = window)
                e.exports = a
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var i = function () {
                    return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(
                      function (e) {
                        var t = (16 * Math.random()) | 0
                        return ('x' === e ? t : (3 & t) | 8).toString(16)
                  r = function () {
                    return (
                      '000000' +
                      ((Math.random() * Math.pow(36, 6)) << 0).toString(36)
              function (e, t, a) {
                ;(function (t) {
                  var i,
                    r =
                      void 0 !== t
                        ? t
                        : 'undefined' != typeof window
                        ? window
                        : {},
                    n = a(20)
                  'undefined' != typeof document
                    ? (i = document)
                    : (i = r['__GLOBAL_DOCUMENT_CACHE@4']) ||
                      (i = r['__GLOBAL_DOCUMENT_CACHE@4'] = n)
                  e.exports = i
                }.call(t, a(5)))
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e) {
                  e = e || ''
                  e = e.match(/[^\r\n]+/g) || []
                  for (var t = { default: i }, a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {
                    var i = e[a].split(/\s*:\s*(.+)/)
                    3 === i.length && (t[i[0]] = i[1])
                  return t
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var i = a(6),
                  r = function (e) {
                    return e && void 0 !== e.nodeName
                      ? (e.muxId ||
                          (e.muxId = e.id || (0, i.generateShortID)()),
                      : e
                  n = function (e) {
                    var t = void 0
                    return (
                      e && void 0 !== e.nodeName
                        ? ((t = e), (e = r(t)))
                        : (t = document.querySelector(e)),
                      [t, e, t && t.nodeName ? t.nodeName.toLowerCase() : '']
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i() {
                  return (
                    '1' ===
                    (n.default.doNotTrack ||
                      n.default.navigator.doNotTrack ||
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var r = a(2),
                  n = (function (e) {
                    return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
              function (e, t) {
                e.exports = function (e) {
                  return (
                    e.webpackPolyfill ||
                      ((e.deprecate = function () {}),
                      (e.paths = []),
                      e.children || (e.children = []),
                      Object.defineProperty(e, 'loaded', {
                        enumerable: true,
                        get: function () {
                          return e.l
                      Object.defineProperty(e, 'id', {
                        enumerable: true,
                        get: function () {
                          return e.i
                      (e.webpackPolyfill = 1)),
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                var i = a(40),
                  r = a(41),
                  n = a(14)
                e.exports = {
                  formats: n,
                  parse: r,
                  stringify: i,
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                var i = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
                  r = (function () {
                    for (var e = [], t = 0; t < 256; ++t) {
                        '%' +
                          ((t < 16 ? '0' : '') + t.toString(16)).toUpperCase()
                    return e
                  n = function (e) {
                    for (var t; e.length; ) {
                      var a = e.pop()
                      if (((t = a.obj[a.prop]), Array.isArray(t))) {
                        for (var i = [], r = 0; r < t.length; ++r) {
                          void 0 !== t[r] && i.push(t[r])
                        a.obj[a.prop] = i
                    return t
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                var i = String.prototype.replace
                e.exports = {
                  default: 'RFC3986',
                  formatters: {
                    RFC1738: function (e) {
                      return i.call(e, /%20/g, '+')
                    RFC3986: function (e) {
                      return e
                  RFC1738: 'RFC1738',
                  RFC3986: 'RFC3986',
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e) {
                  return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                function r(e) {
                  var t = { default: n }
                  for (var a in e) e.hasOwnProperty(a) && (t[e[a]] = a)
                  return t
                function n(e) {
                  var t = {
                      default: i,
                      default: r.default,
                      extractHostnameAndDomain: void 0,
                      href: e,
                      extractHostnameAndDomain: n,
                      generateUUID: i,
                      generateShortID: r,
                      findMediaElement: (t.getMuxPlayerId = void 0),
                      getMuxPlayerId: r,
                      findMediaElement: n,
                      default: i,
                      arrayToObject: function (e, t) {
                        for (
                          var a =
                              t && t.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {},
                            i = 0;
                          i < e.length;
                        ) {
                          void 0 !== e[i] && (a[i] = e[i])
                        return a
                      merge: function (e, a, r) {
                        if (!a) {
                          return e
                        if ('object' != typeof a) {
                          if (Array.isArray(e)) {
                          } else {
                            if ('object' != typeof e) {
                              return [e, a]
                            ;(r.plainObjects ||
                              r.allowPrototypes ||
                              !i.call(Object.prototype, a)) &&
                              (e[a] = true)
                          return e
                        if ('object' != typeof e) {
                          return [e].concat(a)
                        var n = e
                        return (
                          Array.isArray(e) &&
                            !Array.isArray(a) &&
                            (n = t.arrayToObject(e, r)),
                          Array.isArray(e) && Array.isArray(a)
                            ? (a.forEach(function (a, n) {
                                i.call(e, n)
                                  ? e[n] && 'object' == typeof e[n]
                                    ? (e[n] = t.merge(e[n], a, r))
                                    : e.push(a)
                                  : (e[n] = a)
                            : Object.keys(a).reduce(function (e, n) {
                                var o = a[n]
                                return (
                                  i.call(e, n)
                                    ? (e[n] = t.merge(e[n], o, r))
                                    : (e[n] = o),
                              }, n)
                      assign: function (e, t) {
                        return Object.keys(t).reduce(function (e, a) {
                          return (e[a] = t[a]), e
                        }, e)
                      decode: function (e) {
                        try {
                          return decodeURIComponent(e.replace(/\+/g, ' '))
                        } catch (t) {
                          return e
                      encode: function (e) {
                        if (0 === e.length) {
                          return e
                        for (
                          var t = 'string' == typeof e ? e : String(e),
                            a = '',
                            i = 0;
                          i < t.length;
                        ) {
                          var n = t.charCodeAt(i)
                          45 === n ||
                          46 === n ||
                          95 === n ||
                          126 === n ||
                          (n >= 48 && n <= 57) ||
                          (n >= 65 && n <= 90) ||
                          (n >= 97 && n <= 122)
                            ? (a += t.charAt(i))
                            : n < 128
                            ? (a += r[n])
                            : n < 2048
                            ? (a += r[192 | (n >> 6)] + r[128 | (63 & n)])
                            : n < 55296 || n >= 57344
                            ? (a +=
                                r[224 | (n >> 12)] +
                                r[128 | ((n >> 6) & 63)] +
                                r[128 | (63 & n)])
                            : ((i += 1),
                              (n =
                                65536 +
                                (((1023 & n) << 10) |
                                  (1023 & t.charCodeAt(i)))),
                              (a +=
                                r[240 | (n >> 18)] +
                                r[128 | ((n >> 12) & 63)] +
                                r[128 | ((n >> 6) & 63)] +
                                r[128 | (63 & n)]))
                        return a
                      compact: function (e) {
                        for (
                          var t = [
                                obj: { o: e },
                                prop: 'o',
                            a = [],
                            i = 0;
                          i < t.length;
                        ) {
                          for (
                            var r = t[i],
                              o = r.obj[r.prop],
                              s = Object.keys(o),
                              u = 0;
                            u < s.length;
                          ) {
                            var l = s[u],
                              d = o[l]
                            'object' == typeof d &&
                              null !== d &&
                              -1 === a.indexOf(d) &&
                                obj: o,
                                prop: l,
                        return n(t)
                      isRegExp: function (e) {
                        return (
                          '[object RegExp]' ===
                      isBuffer: function (e) {
                        return (
                          null !== e &&
                          void 0 !== e &&
                            e.constructor &&
                            e.constructor.isBuffer &&
                      default: b,
                      video_source_domain: o,
                      video_source_hostname: n,
                      default: X,
                      href: e,
                      default: r,
                      stopMonitoringHLSJS: (t.monitorHLSJS = void 0),
                      monitorHLSJS: r,
                      stopMonitoringHLSJS: n,
                      stopMonitoringDashJS: (t.monitorDashJS = void 0),
                      monitorDashJS: r,
                      stopMonitoringDashJS: n,
                      _eventEmitterGuid: t._eventEmitterGuid || ++r,
                      default: i,
                      default: n,
                      default: i,
                      default: n,
                      default: n,
                      default: i,
                      default: n,
                      default: i,
                      default: i,
                      default: r,
                      default: f,
                      default: i,
                      default: i,
                      default: x,
                      getAndUpdateSessionData: (t.getAndUpdateViewerData =
                        void 0),
                      getAndUpdateViewerData: c,
                      getAndUpdateSessionData: f,
                      default: i,
                      onreadystatechange: function () {
                        4 === t.readyState &&
                          (200 !== t.status
                            ? ((e._eventQueue = a.concat(e._eventQueue)),
                              (e._failureCount += 1),
                                'Error sending beacon: ' + t.status
                            : (e._failureCount = 0),
                          (e._postInFlight = false))
                      default: v,
                      default: u,
                      default: i,
                      default: i,
                      default: m,
                      default: i,
                      default: i,
                      default: i,
                    a = {}
                  return (
                    Object.keys(e).forEach(function (i) {
                      var r = false
                      if (e.hasOwnProperty(i) && void 0 !== e[i]) {
                        var n = i.split('_'),
                          o = n[0],
                          u = c[o]
                        u ||
                            'Data key word `' + n[0] + '` not expected in ' + i
                          (u = o + '_'))
                        n.splice(1).forEach(function (e) {
                          'url' === e && (r = true)
                            ? (u += p[e])
                            : (s.default.info(
                                'Data key word `' + e + '` not expected in ' + i
                              (u += '_' + e + '_'))
                        r ? (a[u] = e[i]) : (t[u] = e[i])
                    (0, l.default)(t, a)
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var o = a(3),
                  s = i(o),
                  u = a(0),
                  l = i(u),
                  c = r(d),
                  p = r(f)
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                e.exports = a(17).default
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e) {
                  return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var r = (function () {
                    function e(e, t) {
                      var a = [],
                        i = true,
                        r = false,
                        n = void 0
                      try {
                        for (
                          var o, s = e[Symbol.iterator]();
                          !(i = (o = s.next()).done) &&
                          (a.push(o.value), !t || a.length !== t);
                          i = true
                        ) {}
                      } catch (e) {
                        r = true
                        n = e
                      } finally {
                        try {
                          !i && s.return && s.return()
                        } finally {
                          if (r) {
                            throw n
                      return a
                    return function (t, a) {
                      if (Array.isArray(t)) {
                        return t
                      if (Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) {
                        return e(t, a)
                      throw new TypeError(
                        'Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance'
                  n = a(2),
                  o = i(n),
                  s = a(9),
                  u = a(3),
                  l = i(u),
                  d = a(10),
                  c = i(d),
                  f = a(19),
                  p = i(f),
                  h = a(48),
                  _ = i(h),
                  v = a(49),
                  m = i(v),
                  y = { a: new p.default(b, a, t) },
                  b = function e(t) {
                    var a = arguments
                    'string' == typeof t
                      ? e.hasOwnProperty(t)
                        ? o.default.setTimeout(function () {
                            a = Array.prototype.splice.call(a, 1)
                            e[t].apply(null, a)
                          }, 0)
                        : l.default.warn('`' + t + '` is an unknown task')
                      : 'function' == typeof t
                      ? o.default.setTimeout(function () {
                        }, 0)
                      : l.default.warn('`' + t + '` is invalid.')
                b.loaded = Date.now()
                b.VERSION = '2.5.0'
                b.API_VERSION = '2.0'
                b.PLAYER_TRACKED = false
                b.monitor = function (e, t) {
                  return (0, _.default)(b, e, t)
                b.destroyMonitor = function (e) {
                  var t = (0, s.findMediaElement)(e),
                    a = r(t, 1),
                    i = a[0]
                  i && i.mux && 'function' == typeof i.mux.destroy
                    ? i.mux.destroy()
                    : l.default.error(
                        'A video element monitor for `' +
                          e +
                          '` has not been initialized via `mux.monitor`.'
                b.addHLSJS = function (e, t) {
                  var a = (0, s.getMuxPlayerId)(e)
                    ? y[a].addHLSJS(t)
                    : l.default.error(
                        'A monitor for `' + a + '` has not been initialized.'
                b.addDashJS = function (e, t) {
                  var a = (0, s.getMuxPlayerId)(e)
                    ? y[a].addDashJS(t)
                    : l.default.error(
                        'A monitor for `' + a + '` has not been initialized.'
                b.removeHLSJS = function (e) {
                  var t = (0, s.getMuxPlayerId)(e)
                    ? y[t].removeHLSJS()
                    : l.default.error(
                        'A monitor for `' + t + '` has not been initialized.'
                b.removeDashJS = function (e, t) {
                  var a = (0, s.getMuxPlayerId)(e)
                    ? y[a].removeDashJS(t)
                    : l.default.error(
                        'A monitor for `' + a + '` has not been initialized.'
                b.init = function (e, t) {
                  var a = (0, s.getMuxPlayerId)(e)
                b.emit = function (e, t, a) {
                  var i = (0, s.getMuxPlayerId)(e)
                    ? (y[i].emit(t, a), 'destroy' === t && delete y[i])
                    : l.default.error(
                        'A monitor for `' + i + '` has not been initialized.'
                ;(0, c.default)() &&
                    "The browser's Do Not Track flag is enabled - Mux beaconing may be disabled."
                  function () {
                    b.WINDOW_UNLOADING = true
                b.checkDoNotTrack = c.default
                b.log = l.default
                b.utils = m.default
              function (e, t, a) {
                var i, r
                !(function (n, o) {
                  'use strict'
                  i = o
                  void 0 !==
                    (r = 'function' == typeof i ? i.call(t, a, t, e) : i) &&
                    (e.exports = r)
                })(0, function () {
                  'use strict'
                  function e(e, t) {
                    var a = e[t]
                    if ('function' == typeof a.bind) {
                      return a.bind(e)
                    try {
                      return Function.prototype.bind.call(a, e)
                    } catch (t) {
                      return function () {
                        return Function.prototype.apply.apply(a, [e, arguments])
                  function t(t) {
                    return (
                      'debug' === t && (t = 'log'),
                      typeof console !== 'undefined' &&
                        (void 0 !== console[t]
                          ? e(console, t)
                          : void 0 !== console.log
                          ? e(console, 'log')
                          : o)
                  function a(e, t) {
                    for (var a = 0; a < u.length; a++) {
                      var i = u[a]
                      this[i] = a < e ? o : this.methodFactory(i, e, t)
                    this.log = this.debug
                  function i(e, t, i) {
                    return function () {
                      typeof console !== 'undefined' &&
                        (a.call(this, t, i), this[e].apply(this, arguments))
                  function r(e, a, r) {
                    return t(e) || i.apply(this, arguments)
                  function n(e, t, i) {
                    function n(e) {
                      var t = (u[e] || 'silent').toUpperCase()
                      if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
                        try {
                          return void (window.localStorage[c] = t)
                        } catch (e) {}
                        try {
                          window.document.cookie =
                            encodeURIComponent(c) + '=' + t + ';'
                        } catch (e) {}
                    function o() {
                      var e
                      if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
                        try {
                          e = window.localStorage[c]
                        } catch (e) {}
                        if (typeof e === 'undefined') {
                          try {
                            var t = window.document.cookie,
                              a = t.indexOf(encodeURIComponent(c) + '=')
                            a && (e = /^([^;]+)/.exec(t.slice(a))[1])
                          } catch (e) {}
                        return void 0 === d.levels[e] && (e = void 0), e
                    var l,
                      d = this,
                      c = 'loglevel'
                    e && (c += ':' + e)
                    var f = o()
                    null == f && (f = null == t ? 'WARN' : t)
                    d.setLevel(f, false)
                  var o = function () {},
                    u = ['trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'],
                    l = new n(),
                    d = {
                      levels: {
                        TRACE: 0,
                        DEBUG: 1,
                        INFO: 2,
                        WARN: 3,
                        ERROR: 4,
                        SILENT: 5,
                      methodFactory: i || r,
                      getLevel: function () {
                        return l
                      setLevel: function (t, i) {
                        if (
                          ('string' == typeof t &&
                            void 0 !== d.levels[t.toUpperCase()] &&
                            (t = d.levels[t.toUpperCase()]),
                            'number' == typeof t &&
                            t >= 0 &&
                            t <= d.levels.SILENT
                        ) {
                          throw 'log.setLevel() called with invalid level: ' + t
                        if (
                          ((l = t),
                          false !== i && n(t),
                          a.call(d, t, e),
                          typeof console === 'undefined' && t < d.levels.SILENT)
                        ) {
                          return 'No console available for logging'
                      setDefaultLevel: function (e) {
                        o() || d.setLevel(e, false)
                      enableAll: function (e) {
                        d.setLevel(d.levels.TRACE, e)
                      disableAll: function (e) {
                        d.setLevel(d.levels.SILENT, e)
                  l.getLogger = function (e) {
                    if ('string' != typeof e || '' === e) {
                      throw new TypeError(
                        'You must supply a name when creating a logger.'
                    var t = d[e]
                    return (
                      t || (t = d[e] = new n(e, l.getLevel(), l.methodFactory)),
                  var c = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window.log : void 0
                  return (
                    (l.noConflict = function () {
                      return (
                        typeof window !== 'undefined' &&
                          window.log === l &&
                          (window.log = c),
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e) {
                  return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var r = (function () {
                    function e(e, t) {
                      var a = [],
                        i = true,
                        r = false,
                        n = void 0
                      try {
                        for (
                          var o, s = e[Symbol.iterator]();
                          !(i = (o = s.next()).done) &&
                          (a.push(o.value), !t || a.length !== t);
                          i = true
                        ) {}
                      } catch (e) {
                        r = true
                        n = e
                      } finally {
                        try {
                          !i && s.return && s.return()
                        } finally {
                          if (r) {
                            throw n
                      return a
                    return function (t, a) {
                      if (Array.isArray(t)) {
                        return t
                      if (Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) {
                        return e(t, a)
                      throw new TypeError(
                        'Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance'
                  n = a(3),
                  o = i(n),
                  s = a(0),
                  u = i(s),
                  l = a(6),
                  d = a(4),
                  c = a(2),
                  f = i(c),
                  p = a(1),
                  h = i(p),
                  _ = a(21),
                  v = i(_),
                  m = a(23),
                  y = a(24),
                  b = a(25),
                  g = i(b),
                  w = a(26),
                  x = i(w),
                  S = a(27),
                  E = i(S),
                  T = a(28),
                  O = i(T),
                  k = a(29),
                  P = i(k),
                  D = a(30),
                  A = i(D),
                  M = a(31),
                  R = i(M),
                  j = a(32),
                  I = i(j),
                  L = a(33),
                  q = i(L),
                  C = a(34),
                  N = i(C),
                  H = a(35),
                  F = i(H),
                  B = a(36),
                  U = i(B),
                  W = a(37),
                  G = i(W),
                  V = a(38),
                  J = i(V),
                  $ = a(47),
                  z = i($),
                  Q = [
                  X = function (e, t, a) {
                    var i = this
                    this.DOM_CONTENT_LOADED_EVENT_END =
                      f.default.performance &&
                    this.NAVIGATION_START =
                      f.default.performance &&
                    this.mux = e
                    this.id = t
                    a = (0, u.default)(r, a)
                    a.data.property_key &&
                      ((a.data.env_key = a.data.property_key),
                      delete a.data.property_key)
                    o.default.setLevel(a.debug ? 'debug' : 'warn')
                    this.getPlayheadTime = a.getPlayheadTime
                    this.getStateData = a.getStateData || function () {}
                    this.getAdData = a.getAdData || function () {}
                    this.minimumRebufferDuration = a.minimumRebufferDuration
                    this.sustainedRebufferThreshold =
                    this.playbackHeartbeatTime = a.playbackHeartbeatTime
                    this.playbackEventDispatcher = new J.default(
                    this.data = {
                      player_instance_id: (0, l.generateShortID)(),
                      mux_sample_rate: a.sampleRate,
                      beacon_domain: a.beaconDomain,
                    this.data.view_sequence_number = 1
                    this.data.player_sequence_number = 1
                    this.oldEmit = this.emit
                    this.emit = function (e, t) {
                      t = (0, u.default)({ viewer_time: Date.now() }, t)
                      this.oldEmit(e, t)
                    this.on('viewinit', function (e, t) {
                      ;(0, u.default)(this.data, t)
                      var a = function () {
                        void 0 === this.data.view_start &&
                          ((this.data.view_start = Date.now()),
                      this.one('play', a)
                      this.one('adbreakstart', a)
                    this.on('videochange', function (e, t) {
                      this.emit('viewinit', t)
                    this.on('destroy', this.destroy)
                    var n = this.destroy.bind(this)
                    f.default.addEventListener('unload', n, false)
                    this.on('destroy', function () {
                      f.default.removeEventListener('unload', n)
                    this.on('playerready', function (e, t) {
                      ;(0, u.default)(this.data, t)
                    Q.forEach(function (e) {
                      i.on(e, function (t, a) {
                        0 !== e.indexOf('ad') && this._updateStateData()
                        ;(0, u.default)(this.data, a)
                      i.on('after' + e, function () {
                    this.on('viewend', function (e, t) {
                      ;(0, u.default)(i.data, t)
                    var s = function (e) {
                      var t = Date.now()
                      this.data.player_init_time &&
                        (this.data.player_startup_time =
                          t - this.data.player_init_time)
                      !this.mux.PLAYER_TRACKED &&
                        this.NAVIGATION_START &&
                        ((this.mux.PLAYER_TRACKED = true),
                        (this.data.player_init_time ||
                          this.DOM_CONTENT_LOADED_EVENT_END) &&
                          (this.data.page_load_time =
                              this.data.player_init_time || 1e400,
                              this.DOM_CONTENT_LOADED_EVENT_END || 1e400
                            ) - this.NAVIGATION_START))
                      delete this.data.player_startup_time
                      delete this.data.page_load_time
                    this.one('playerready', s)
                    a.hlsjs && this.addHLSJS(a)
                    a.dashjs && this.addDashJS(a)
                    this.emit('viewinit', a.data)
                ;(0, u.default)(X.prototype, g.default.prototype)
                ;(0, u.default)(X.prototype, A.default.prototype)
                ;(0, u.default)(X.prototype, N.default.prototype)
                ;(0, u.default)(X.prototype, x.default.prototype)
                ;(0, u.default)(X.prototype, O.default.prototype)
                ;(0, u.default)(X.prototype, P.default.prototype)
                ;(0, u.default)(X.prototype, F.default.prototype)
                ;(0, u.default)(X.prototype, R.default.prototype)
                ;(0, u.default)(X.prototype, I.default.prototype)
                X.prototype.destroy = function () {
                  this._destroyed ||
                    ((this._destroyed = true),
                    void 0 !== this.data.view_start &&
                      (this.emit('viewend'), this.send('viewend')),
                X.prototype.send = function (e) {
                  var t = (0, u.default)({}, this.data)
                  if (
                    (1 === t.player_error_code &&
                      (delete t.player_error_code,
                      delete t.player_error_message),
                    t.player_source_duration === 1e400 ||
                    t.video_source_duration === 1e400
                      ? (t.video_source_is_live = true)
                      : (t.player_source_duration > 0 ||
                          t.video_source_duration > 0) &&
                        (t.video_source_is_live = false),
                    (t.video_source_url =
                      t.video_source_url || t.player_source_url),
                  ) {
                    var a = (0, d.extractHostnameAndDomain)(t.video_source_url),
                      i = r(a, 2),
                      n = i[0],
                      o = i[1]
                  delete t.ad_request_id
                  this.playbackEventDispatcher.send(e, t)
                X.prototype._updateStateData = function () {
                  ;(0, u.default)(this.data, this.getStateData())
                  this.getPlayheadTime &&
                    (this.data.player_playhead_time = this.getPlayheadTime())
                X.prototype._sanitizeData = function () {
                  var e = this
                  ].forEach(function (t) {
                    var a = parseInt(e.data[t], 10)
                    e.data[t] = isNaN(a) ? void 0 : a
                X.prototype._resetVideoData = function (e, t) {
                  var a = this
                  Object.keys(this.data).forEach(function (e) {
                    0 === e.indexOf('video_') && delete a.data[e]
                X.prototype._resetViewData = function () {
                  var e = this
                  Object.keys(this.data).forEach(function (t) {
                    0 === t.indexOf('view_') && delete e.data[t]
                  this.data.view_sequence_number = 1
                X.prototype._resetErrorData = function (e, t) {
                  delete this.data.player_error_code
                  delete this.data.player_error_message
                X.prototype._initializeViewData = function () {
                  var e = this,
                    t = (this.data.view_id = (0, l.generateUUID)())
                  this.data.video_id ||
                    (this.data.video_id = (0, v.default)(
                  var a = function () {
                    t === e.data.view_id &&
                      (0, h.default)(e.data, 'player_view_count', 1)
                  this.data.player_is_paused ? this.one('play', a) : a()
                X.prototype._restartHeartBeat = function () {
                  var e = this
                  this.viewErrored ||
                    (this._heartBeatTimeout = f.default.setTimeout(function () {
                      e.data.player_is_paused || e.emit('hb')
                    }, 10000))
                X.prototype.addHLSJS = function (e) {
                  return e.hlsjs
                    ? this.hlsjs
                      ? void this.mux.log.warn(
                          'An instance of HLS.js is already being monitored for this player.'
                      : ((this.hlsjs = e.hlsjs),
                        void (0, m.monitorHLSJS)(
                          e.Hls || f.default.Hls
                    : void this.mux.log.warn(
                        'You must pass a valid hlsjs instance in order to track it.'
                X.prototype.removeHLSJS = function () {
                  this.hlsjs &&
                    ((0, m.stopMonitoringHLSJS)(this.id, this.hlsjs),
                    (this.hlsjs = void 0))
                X.prototype.addDashJS = function (e) {
                  return e.dashjs
                    ? this.dashjs
                      ? void this.mux.log.warn(
                          'An instance of Dash.js is already being monitored for this player.'
                      : ((this.dashjs = e.dashjs),
                        void (0, y.monitorDashJS)(this.mux, this.id, e.dashjs))
                    : void this.mux.log.warn(
                        'You must pass a valid dashjs instance in order to track it.'
                X.prototype.removeDashJS = function () {
                  this.dashjs &&
                    ((0, y.stopMonitoringDashJS)(this.id, this.dashjs),
                    (this.dashjs = void 0))
              function (e, t) {},
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e) {
                  return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                function r(e) {
                  var t = o.default.createElement('a')
                  var a = t.pathname.replace(/\.[^\/.]+$/, '')
                  return u.default.encode(t.host + a).split('=')[0]
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var n = a(7),
                  o = i(n),
                  s = a(22),
                  u = i(s)
              function (e, t, a) {
                ;(function (e, i) {
                  var r
                  !(function (i) {
                    var n =
                      ('object' == typeof e && e && e.exports,
                      function (e) {
                        this.message = e
                    n.prototype = new Error()
                    n.prototype.name = 'InvalidCharacterError'
                    var o = function (e) {
                        throw new n(e)
                      l = function (e) {
                        e = String(e).replace(/[\t\n\f\r ]/g, '')
                        var t = e.length
                        t % 4 == 0 &&
                          ((e = e.replace(/==?$/, '')), (t = e.length))
                        ;(t % 4 == 1 || /[^+a-zA-Z0-9\/]/.test(e)) &&
                            'Invalid character: the string to be decoded is not correctly encoded.'
                        for (var a, i, r = 0, n = '', l = -1; ++l < t; ) {
                          i =
                          a = r % 4 ? 64 * a + i : i
                          r++ % 4 &&
                            (n += String.fromCharCode(
                              255 & (a >> ((-2 * r) & 6))
                        return n
                      d = function (e) {
                        e = String(e)
                        ;/[^\0-\xFF]/.test(e) &&
                            'The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range.'
                        for (
                          var t,
                            n = e.length % 3,
                            u = '',
                            l = -1,
                            d = e.length - n;
                          ++l < d;

                        ) {
                          t = e.charCodeAt(l) << 16
                          a = e.charCodeAt(++l) << 8
                          i = e.charCodeAt(++l)
                          r = t + a + i
                          u +=
                              (r >> 18) & 63
                            ) +
                              (r >> 12) & 63
                            ) +
                              (r >> 6) & 63
                            ) +
                              63 & r
                        return (
                          2 == n
                            ? ((t = e.charCodeAt(l) << 8),
                              (a = e.charCodeAt(++l)),
                              (r = t + a),
                              (u +=
                                  r >> 10
                                ) +
                                  (r >> 4) & 63
                                ) +
                                  (r << 2) & 63
                                ) +
                            : 1 == n &&
                              ((r = e.charCodeAt(l)),
                              (u +=
                                  r >> 2
                                ) +
                                  (r << 4) & 63
                                ) +
                      c = {
                        encode: d,
                        decode: l,
                        version: '0.1.0',
                    void 0 !==
                      (r = function () {
                        return c
                      }.call(t, a, t, e)) && (e.exports = r)
                }.call(t, a(11)(e), a(5)))
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e) {
                  return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                function r(e, t, a) {
                  function i(i, r) {
                    try {
                      var n = void 0,
                        y = void 0,
                        b = void 0,
                        g = void 0,
                        w = void 0,
                        x = void 0,
                        S = void 0,
                        E = void 0,
                        T = void 0,
                        O = void 0,
                        k = void 0,
                        P = void 0,
                        D = null,
                        A = void 0
                      if (
                        i !== s.Events.FRAG_BUFFERED &&
                        r.networkDetails &&
                      ) {
                        _ = r.networkDetails.getAllResponseHeaders()
                        T = r.networkDetails.responseURL
                        var M = (0, c.extractHostnameAndDomain)(T)
                        P = o(M, 1)[0]
                      } else {
                        i === s.Events.FRAG_BUFFERED &&
                          ((_ = v[r.frag.loadIdx][0]),
                          (P = v[r.frag.loadIdx][1]),
                          delete v[r.frag.loadIdx])
                      if (i === s.Events.FRAG_LOADED) {
                        return void (v[r.frag.loadIdx] = [_, P])
                      f = a.currentLevel
                      S = a.levels
                      i === s.Events.MANIFEST_LOADED ||
                      i === s.Events.LEVEL_LOADED
                        ? ((O = 'manifest'), (w = 0), (k = -1))
                        : ((O = 'media'),
                          (w = r.frag.duration),
                          (k = r.frag.startPTS))
                      f >= 0 &&
                        ((E = S[f]),
                        (p = void 0 !== E.width ? E.width : 0),
                        (h = void 0 !== E.height ? E.height : 0))
                      i === s.Events.MANIFEST_LOADED &&
                        ((D = {}),
                        S.forEach(function (e, t) {
                          D[t] = {}
                          D[t].width = void 0 !== e.width ? e.width : 0
                          D[t].height = void 0 !== e.height ? e.height : 0
                          D[t].bitrate = e.bitrate
                          D[t].attrs = e.attrs
                        (m.media = D))
                      x = u.default.performance.timing.navigationStart
                      g = r.stats.total
                      n = x + r.stats.trequest
                      y = x + r.stats.tfirst
                      b = x + r.stats.tload
                      A = {
                        request_event_type: i,
                        request_start: n,
                        request_response_start: y,
                        request_response_end: b,
                        request_bytes_loaded: g,
                        request_type: O,
                        request_response_headers: (0, d.default)(_),
                        request_hostname: P,
                      ;('audio' !== O && 'video' !== O && 'media' !== O) ||
                        (A.request_media_duration = w)
                      ;-1 !== f && (A.request_current_level = f)
                      ;-1 !== k && (A.request_media_start_time = k)
                      ;('video' !== O && 'media' !== O) ||
                        ((A.request_video_width = p),
                        (A.request_video_height = h))
                      null !== D && (A.request_rendition_lists = m)
                      e.emit(t, 'requestcompleted', A)
                    } catch (e) {
                        'hlsjs-monitor.js onHLSRequestLoaded() Exception',
                  function r(a, i) {
                    var r = i.details
                    if (
                      r === s.ErrorDetails.MANIFEST_LOAD_ERROR ||
                      r === s.ErrorDetails.MANIFEST_LOAD_TIMEOUT ||
                      r === s.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_ERROR ||
                      r === s.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_TIMEOUT ||
                      r === s.ErrorDetails.LEVEL_LOAD_ERROR ||
                      r === s.ErrorDetails.LEVEL_LOAD_TIMEOUT
                    ) {
                      try {
                        var n = void 0,
                          o = void 0,
                          u = '',
                          d = 0,
                          c = ''
                        switch (r) {
                          case s.ErrorDetails.MANIFEST_LOAD_ERROR:
                            ;(d = i.response.code),
                              (c = i.response.text),
                              (u = i.context.url)
                          case s.ErrorDetails.MANIFEST_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
                            u = i.context.url
                          case s.ErrorDetails.LEVEL_LOAD_ERROR:
                            ;(d = i.response.code),
                              (c = i.response.text),
                              (u = i.context.url)
                          case s.ErrorDetails.LEVEL_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
                            u = i.context.url
                          case s.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_ERROR:
                            ;(d = i.response.code),
                              (c = i.response.text),
                              (u = i.frag.url)
                          case s.ErrorDetails.FRAG_LOAD_TIMEOUT:
                            u = i.frag.url
                        n = u.match(
                        o = n && n[3]
                        e.emit(t, 'requestfailed', {
                          request_error: r,
                          request_url: u,
                          request_hostname: o,
                          request_type: 'media',
                          request_error_code: d,
                          request_error_text: c,
                      } catch (e) {
                          'hlsjs-monitor.js onHLSRequestError() Exception',
                  function n(a, i) {
                    try {
                      var r = void 0,
                        n = void 0,
                        o = i.frag._url
                      r = o.match(
                      n = r && r[3]
                      e.emit(t, 'requestcanceled', {
                        request_cancel: a,
                        request_url: o,
                        request_hostname: n,
                        request_type: 'media',
                    } catch (e) {
                        'hlsjs-monitor.js onHLSRequestCancel() Exception',
                  var s =
                      (arguments.length > 3 &&
                        void 0 !== arguments[3] &&
                    l = e.log
                  if (!u.default.performance || !u.default.performance.timing) {
                    return void l.warn(
                      'window.performance.timing not supported. Not tracking HLS.js.'
                  var f = -1,
                    p = 0,
                    h = 0,
                    _ = '',
                    v = {},
                    m = {
                      video: {},
                      audio: {},
                      media: {},
                  a._muxPluginData[t] = {}
                  a.on(s.Events.FRAG_LOADED, i)
                  a.on(s.Events.FRAG_BUFFERED, i)
                  a.on(s.Events.MANIFEST_LOADED, i)
                  a.on(s.Events.LEVEL_LOADED, i)
                  a.on(s.Events.ERROR, r)
                  a.on(s.Events.FRAG_LOAD_EMERGENCY_ABORTED, n)
                  a._muxPluginData[t].stopMonitoring = function () {
                    a.off(s.Events.FRAG_LOADED, i)
                    a.off(s.Events.FRAG_BUFFERED, i)
                    a.off(s.Events.MANIFEST_LOADED, i)
                    a.off(s.Events.LEVEL_LOADED, i)
                    a.off(s.Events.ERROR, r)
                    a.off(s.Events.FRAG_LOAD_EMERGENCY_ABORTED, n)
                function n(e, t) {
                  t &&
                    t._muxPluginData &&
                    t._muxPluginData[e] &&
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var o = (function () {
                    function e(e, t) {
                      var a = [],
                        i = true,
                        r = false,
                        n = void 0
                      try {
                        for (
                          var o, s = e[Symbol.iterator]();
                          !(i = (o = s.next()).done) &&
                          (a.push(o.value), !t || a.length !== t);
                          i = true
                        ) {}
                      } catch (e) {
                        r = true
                        n = e
                      } finally {
                        try {
                          !i && s.return && s.return()
                        } finally {
                          if (r) {
                            throw n
                      return a
                    return function (t, a) {
                      if (Array.isArray(t)) {
                        return t
                      if (Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) {
                        return e(t, a)
                      throw new TypeError(
                        'Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance'
                  s = a(2),
                  u = i(s),
                  l = a(8),
                  d = i(l),
                  c = a(4)
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e) {
                  return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                function r(e, t, a) {
                  function i(i) {
                    try {
                      var r = void 0,
                        u = void 0,
                        y = void 0,
                        b = void 0,
                        g = void 0,
                        w = void 0,
                        x = void 0,
                        S = void 0,
                        E = void 0,
                        T = void 0,
                        O = void 0,
                        k = void 0,
                        P = void 0,
                        D = void 0,
                        A = void 0,
                        M = void 0,
                        R = void 0,
                        j = void 0,
                        I = void 0,
                        L = null
                      I = i.type
                      'manifestLoaded' === I
                        ? ((L = {}), (j = ''), (M = NaN))
                        : ((L = i.chunk.mediaInfo.bitrateList),
                          (j = i.chunk.mediaInfo.type),
                          (M = i.chunk.start))
                      s =
                        'video' === j
                          ? a.getQualityFor('video')
                          : a.getQualityFor('audio')
                      'manifestLoaded' === I ||
                        (m && v) ||
                        ((h = {}),
                        L.forEach(function (e, t) {
                          h[t] = {}
                          h[t].width = void 0 !== e.width ? e.width : 0
                          h[t].height = void 0 !== e.height ? e.height : 0
                          h[t].bitrate = e.bandwidth
                          h[t].attrs = {}
                        'video' === j
                          ? ((_.video = h), (m = true))
                          : ((_.audio = h), (v = true)))
                      'initFragmentLoaded' === I
                        ? 'video' === j
                          ? ((A = 'video_init'), (D = L[s]))
                          : 'audio' === j
                          ? ((A = 'audio_init'), (D = L[0]))
                          : ((A = 'media'), (D = L[s]))
                        : 'mediaFragmentLoaded' === I
                        ? 'video' === j
                          ? ((A = 'video'), (D = L[s]))
                          : 'audio' === j
                          ? ((A = 'audio'), (D = L[0]))
                          : ((A = 'media'), (D = L[s]))
                        : 'manifestLoaded' === I && ((A = 'manifest'), (D = {}))
                      l = D.width
                      f = D.height
                      p = D.bandwidth
                      'manifestLoaded' === I
                        ? ((x = i.data.url),
                          (b = 0),
                          (r = 0),
                          (u = 0),
                          (y = 0),
                          (S = 0),
                          (k = ''))
                        : ((g = i.fragmentModel.getRequests({
                            state: 'executed',
                          (w = g[g.length - 1]),
                          (x = w.url),
                          (E = w.mediaType),
                          (b = w.bytesLoaded),
                          (r = new Date(w.requestStartDate).getTime()),
                          (u = new Date(w.firstByteDate).getTime()),
                          (y = new Date(w.requestEndDate).getTime()),
                          (S = Number.isNaN(w.duration) ? 0 : w.duration),
                          (T = a.getMetricsFor(E).HttpList),
                          (O = T[T.length - 1]),
                          (k = O._responseHeaders))
                      var q = (0, c.extractHostnameAndDomain)(x)
                      R = o(q, 1)[0]
                      ;('manifestLoaded' !== I && 'initFragmentLoaded' !== I) ||
                        (b = -1)
                      P = {
                        request_event_type: I,
                        request_start: r,
                        request_response_start: u,
                        request_response_end: y,
                        request_bytes_loaded: b,
                        request_type: A,
                        request_response_headers: (0, d.default)(k),
                        request_hostname: R,
                      ;('audio' !== A && 'video' !== A && 'media' !== A) ||
                        (P.request_media_duration = S)
                      isNaN(M) || (P.request_media_start_time = M)
                      void 0 !== p && (P.request_labeled_bitrate = p)
                      ;-1 !== s && (P.request_current_level = s)
                      ;('video' !== A && 'media' !== A) ||
                        ((P.request_video_width = l),
                        (P.request_video_height = f))
                      null !== h && (P.request_rendition_lists = _)
                      e.emit(t, 'requestcompleted', P)
                    } catch (e) {
                        'dashjs-monitor.js onDASHRequestLoaded() Exception: ',
                  function r(a) {
                    var i = u.default.event
                    try {
                      var r = void 0,
                        o = void 0,
                        s =
                          a.error +
                          '_' +
                          a.event.id +
                          '_' +
                        l = a.event.url,
                        d = a.event.request.mediaType,
                        c = i.currentTarget.status,
                        f = i.currentTarget.statusText
                      r = l.match(
                      o = r && r[3]
                      e.emit(t, 'requestfailed', {
                        request_error: s,
                        request_url: l,
                        request_hostname: o,
                        request_type: d,
                        request_error_code: c,
                        request_error_text: f,
                    } catch (e) {
                        'dashjs-monitor.js onDASHRequestError() Exception: ',
                  var n =
                    (arguments.length > 3 &&
                      void 0 !== arguments[3] &&
                  if (!a || !a.on) {
                    return void n.warn(
                      'Invalid dash.js player reference. Monitoring blocked.'
                  var s = -1,
                    l = 0,
                    f = 0,
                    p = 0,
                    h = null,
                    _ = {
                      video: {},
                      audio: {},
                      media: {},
                    v = false,
                    m = false
                  a._muxPluginData[t] = {}
                  a.on('mediaFragmentLoaded', i)
                  a.on('initFragmentLoaded', i)
                  a.on('manifestLoaded', i)
                  a.on('error', r)
                  a._muxPluginData[t].stopMonitoring = function () {
                    a.off('mediaFragmentLoaded', i)
                    a.off('initFragmentLoaded', i)
                    a.off('manifestLoaded', i)
                    a.off('error', r)
                function n(e, t) {
                  t &&
                    t._muxPluginData &&
                    t._muxPluginData[e] &&
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var o = (function () {
                    function e(e, t) {
                      var a = [],
                        i = true,
                        r = false,
                        n = void 0
                      try {
                        for (
                          var o, s = e[Symbol.iterator]();
                          !(i = (o = s.next()).done) &&
                          (a.push(o.value), !t || a.length !== t);
                          i = true
                        ) {}
                      } catch (e) {
                        r = true
                        n = e
                      } finally {
                        try {
                          !i && s.return && s.return()
                        } finally {
                          if (r) {
                            throw n
                      return a
                    return function (t, a) {
                      if (Array.isArray(t)) {
                        return t
                      if (Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) {
                        return e(t, a)
                      throw new TypeError(
                        'Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance'
                  s = a(2),
                  u = i(s),
                  l = a(8),
                  d = i(l),
                  c = a(4)
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var i = function () {},
                  r = 0
                i.prototype.on = function (e, t, a) {
                  return (
                    (t._eventEmitterGuid = t._eventEmitterGuid || ++r),
                    (this._listeners = this._listeners || {}),
                    (this._listeners[e] = this._listeners[e] || []),
                    a && (t = t.bind(a)),
                i.prototype.off = function (e, t) {
                  var a = this._listeners && this._listeners[e]
                  a &&
                    a.forEach(function (e, i) {
                      e._eventEmitterGuid === t._eventEmitterGuid &&
                        a.splice(i, 1)
                i.prototype.one = function (e, t, a) {
                  var i = this
                  var n = function r() {
                    i.off(e, r)
                    t.apply(a || this, arguments)
                  n._eventEmitterGuid = t._eventEmitterGuid
                  this.on(e, n)
                i.prototype.emit = function (e, t) {
                  var a = this
                  if (this._listeners) {
                    t = t || {}
                    var i = this._listeners['before*'] || [],
                      r = this._listeners[e] || [],
                      n = this._listeners['after' + e] || [],
                      o = function (t, i) {
                        t = t.slice()
                        t.forEach(function (t) {
                          t.call(a, { type: e }, i)
                    o(i, t)
                    o(r, t)
                    o(n, t)
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var i = a(2),
                  r = (function (e) {
                    return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                  n = function () {
                    this._playbackHeartbeatInterval = null
                    this._playheadShouldBeProgressing = false
                    this.on('playing', function () {
                      this._playheadShouldBeProgressing = true
                    this.on('play', this._startPlaybackHeartbeatInterval)
                    this.on('adplay', this._startPlaybackHeartbeatInterval)
                    this.on('seeking', this._startPlaybackHeartbeatInterval)
                    this.on('devicewake', this._startPlaybackHeartbeatInterval)
                    this.on('pause', this._stopPlaybackHeartbeatInterval)
                    this.on('ended', this._stopPlaybackHeartbeatInterval)
                    this.on('viewend', this._stopPlaybackHeartbeatInterval)
                    this.on('error', this._stopPlaybackHeartbeatInterval)
                    this.on('adpause', this._stopPlaybackHeartbeatInterval)
                    this.on('adbreakend', this._stopPlaybackHeartbeatInterval)
                    this.on('seeked', function () {
                      this.data.player_is_paused &&
                    this.on('timeupdate', function () {
                      null !== this._playbackHeartbeatInterval &&
                    this.on('devicesleep', function (e, t) {
                      null !== this._playbackHeartbeatInterval &&
                        this.emit('playbackheartbeatend', {
                          viewer_time: t.viewer_time,
                        (this._playbackHeartbeatInterval = null))
                n.prototype._startPlaybackHeartbeatInterval = function () {
                  var e = this
                  null === this._playbackHeartbeatInterval &&
                    (this._playbackHeartbeatInterval = r.default.setInterval(
                      function () {
                n.prototype._stopPlaybackHeartbeatInterval = function () {
                  this._playheadShouldBeProgressing = false
                  null !== this._playbackHeartbeatInterval &&
                    (this._playbackHeartbeatInterval = null))
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i() {
                  var e = this
                  this.on('viewinit', function () {
                    e.viewErrored = false
                  this.on('error', function () {
                    e.viewErrored = true
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var i = a(1),
                  r = (function (e) {
                    return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                  n = function () {
                    this._watchTimeTrackerLastCheckedTime = null
                    this.on('playbackheartbeat', this._updateWatchTime)
                    this.on('playbackheartbeatend', this._clearWatchTimeState)
                n.prototype._updateWatchTime = function (e, t) {
                  var a = t.viewer_time
                  null === this._watchTimeTrackerLastCheckedTime &&
                    (this._watchTimeTrackerLastCheckedTime = a)
                  ;(0, r.default)(
                    a - this._watchTimeTrackerLastCheckedTime
                  this._watchTimeTrackerLastCheckedTime = a
                n.prototype._clearWatchTimeState = function (e, t) {
                  this._updateWatchTime(e, t)
                  this._watchTimeTrackerLastCheckedTime = null
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var i = a(1),
                  r = (function (e) {
                    return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                  n = function () {
                    this._playbackTimeTrackerLastPlayheadPosition = -1
                    this.on('playbackheartbeat', this._updatePlaybackTime)
                    this.on('seeking', this._clearPlaybackTimeState)
                n.prototype._updatePlaybackTime = function () {
                  var e = this.data.player_playhead_time
                  if (
                    this._playbackTimeTrackerLastPlayheadPosition >= 0 &&
                    e > this._playbackTimeTrackerLastPlayheadPosition
                  ) {
                    var t = e - this._playbackTimeTrackerLastPlayheadPosition
                    t <= 1000 &&
                      (0, r.default)(this.data, 'view_content_playback_time', t)
                  this._playbackTimeTrackerLastPlayheadPosition = e
                n.prototype._clearPlaybackTimeState = function () {
                  this._playbackTimeTrackerLastPlayheadPosition = -1
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var i = function () {
                  this.on('playbackheartbeat', this._updatePlayheadTime)
                  this.on('playbackheartbeatend', this._updatePlayheadTime)
                  this.on('timeupdate', this._updatePlayheadTime)
                  this.on('destroy', function () {
                    this.off('timeupdate', this._updatePlayheadTime)
                i.prototype._updatePlayheadTime = function (e, t) {
                  if (t.player_playhead_time) {
                    this.data.player_playhead_time = t.player_playhead_time
                  } else {
                    if (this.getPlayheadTime) {
                      var a = this.getPlayheadTime()
                      void 0 !== a && (this.data.player_playhead_time = a)
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var i = a(1),
                  r = (function (e) {
                    return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                  n = function () {
                    this._lastCheckedTime = null
                    this._lastPlayheadTime = null
                    this._lastPlayheadTimeUpdatedTime = null
                    this.on('playbackheartbeat', this._checkIfRebuffering)
                    this.on('seeking', function () {
                      this._cleanupRebufferTracker(null, {
                        viewer_time: Date.now(),
                n.prototype._checkIfRebuffering = function (e, t) {
                  if (
                    this.isSeeking ||
                    this.isAdBreak ||
                  ) {
                    return void this._cleanupRebufferTracker(e, t)
                  if (null === this._lastCheckedTime) {
                    return (
                      void this._updateRebufferMetrics()
                  if (
                    this._lastPlayheadTime !== this.data.player_playhead_time
                  ) {
                    return void this._cleanupRebufferTracker(e, t, true)
                  var a = t.viewer_time - this._lastPlayheadTimeUpdatedTime
                  a >= this.sustainedRebufferThreshold &&
                      ? this._updateRebufferMetrics(
                          t.viewer_time - this._lastCheckedTime
                      : ((this._rebuffering = true),
                        (0, r.default)(this.data, 'view_rebuffer_count', 1),
                  this._lastCheckedTime = t.viewer_time
                n.prototype._clearRebufferTrackerState = function () {
                  this._lastCheckedTime = null
                  this._lastPlayheadTime = null
                  this._lastPlayheadTimeUpdatedTime = null
                n.prototype._prepareRebufferTrackerState = function (e) {
                  this._lastCheckedTime = e
                  this._lastPlayheadTime = this.data.player_playhead_time
                  this._lastPlayheadTimeUpdatedTime = e
                n.prototype._cleanupRebufferTracker = function (e, t) {
                  var a =
                    arguments.length > 2 &&
                    void 0 !== arguments[2] &&
                  if (this._rebuffering) {
                    this._rebuffering = false
                      t.viewer_time - this._lastCheckedTime
                    this.emit('rebufferend', { viewer_time: t.viewer_time })
                  } else {
                    if (null === this._lastCheckedTime) {
                      return void this._updateRebufferMetrics()
                    var i =
                        this.data.player_playhead_time - this._lastPlayheadTime,
                      n = t.viewer_time - this._lastPlayheadTimeUpdatedTime
                    i > 0 && n - i > this.minimumRebufferDuration
                      ? ((0, r.default)(this.data, 'view_rebuffer_count', 1),
                        this._updateRebufferMetrics(n - i),
                        this.emit('rebufferstart', {
                          viewer_time: this._lastPlayheadTimeUpdatedTime,
                        this.emit('rebufferend', {
                            this._lastPlayheadTimeUpdatedTime + n - i,
                      : this._updateRebufferMetrics()
                    ? this._prepareRebufferTrackerState(t.viewer_time)
                    : this._clearRebufferTrackerState()
                n.prototype._updateRebufferMetrics = function (e) {
                  e > 0 &&
                    (0, r.default)(this.data, 'view_rebuffer_duration', e)
                  this.data.view_watch_time >= 0 &&
                    this.data.view_rebuffer_count > 0 &&
                    ((this.data.view_rebuffer_frequency =
                      this.data.view_rebuffer_count /
                    (this.data.view_rebuffer_percentage =
                      this.data.view_rebuffer_duration /
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var i = function () {
                  this.on('viewinit', function () {
                    var e = this.data,
                      t = e.view_id,
                      a = function (e, a) {
                        var i = a.viewer_time
                        'playing' === e.type &&
                        void 0 === this.data.view_time_to_first_frame
                          ? this.calculateTimeToFirstFrame(i || Date.now(), t)
                          : 'adplaying' !== e.type ||
                            (void 0 !== this.data.view_time_to_first_frame &&
                              !this.inPrerollPosition()) ||
                            this.calculateTimeToFirstFrame(i || Date.now(), t)
                    this.one('playing', a)
                    this.one('adplaying', a)
                    this.one('viewend', function () {
                      this.off('playing', a)
                      this.off('adplaying', a)
                i.prototype.calculateTimeToFirstFrame = function (e, t) {
                  t === this.data.view_id &&
                    (this._updateWatchTime(null, { viewer_time: e }),
                    (this.data.view_time_to_first_frame =
                    (this.data.player_autoplay_on ||
                      this.data.video_is_autoplay) &&
                      this.NAVIGATION_START &&
                      (this.data.view_aggregate_startup_time =
                        this.data.view_start +
                        this.data.view_watch_time -
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i() {
                  var e = this
                  this.on('viewinit', function () {
                    this._lastPlayheadPosition = -1
                  var t = [
                    a = ['playing', 'hb']
                  t.forEach(function (t) {
                    e.on(t, function () {
                      if (
                        this._lastPlayheadPosition >= 0 &&
                        this.data.player_playhead_time >= 0 &&
                        this._lastPlayerWidth >= 0 &&
                        this._lastSourceWidth > 0 &&
                        this._lastPlayerHeight >= 0 &&
                        this._lastSourceHeight > 0
                      ) {
                        var e =
                          this.data.player_playhead_time -
                        if (e < 0) {
                          return void (this._lastPlayheadPosition = -1)
                        var t = Math.min(
                            this._lastPlayerWidth / this._lastSourceWidth,
                            this._lastPlayerHeight / this._lastSourceHeight
                          a = Math.max(0, t - 1),
                          i = Math.max(0, 1 - t)
                        this.data.view_max_upscale_percentage = Math.max(
                          this.data.view_max_upscale_percentage || 0,
                        this.data.view_max_downscale_percentage = Math.max(
                          this.data.view_max_downscale_percentage || 0,
                        ;(0, n.default)(
                        ;(0, n.default)(
                          a * e
                        ;(0, n.default)(
                          i * e
                      this._lastPlayheadPosition = -1
                  a.forEach(function (t) {
                    e.on(t, function () {
                      this._lastPlayheadPosition =
                      this._lastPlayerWidth = this.data.player_width
                      this._lastPlayerHeight = this.data.player_height
                      this._lastSourceWidth = this.data.video_source_width
                      this._lastSourceHeight = this.data.video_source_height
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var r = a(1),
                  n = (function (e) {
                    return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e) {
                  return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                function r() {
                  this.isSeeking = false
                  this.on('seeking', function (e, t) {
                    ;(0, u.default)(this.data, t)
                    this._lastSeekingTime = Date.now()
                    false === this.isSeeking &&
                      ((this.isSeeking = true), this.send('seeking'))
                  this.on('seeked', function () {
                    this.isSeeking = false
                    var e = this._lastSeekingTime || Date.now(),
                      t = Date.now() - e
                    ;(0, o.default)(this.data, 'view_seek_count', 1)
                    ;(0, o.default)(this.data, 'view_seek_duration', t)
                    var a = this.data.view_max_seek_time || 0
                    this.data.view_max_seek_time = Math.max(a, t)
                  this.on('viewend', function () {
                    this.isSeeking = false
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var n = a(1),
                  o = i(n),
                  s = a(0),
                  u = i(s)
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e) {
                  return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var r = (function () {
                    function e(e, t) {
                      var a = [],
                        i = true,
                        r = false,
                        n = void 0
                      try {
                        for (
                          var o, s = e[Symbol.iterator]();
                          !(i = (o = s.next()).done) &&
                          (a.push(o.value), !t || a.length !== t);
                          i = true
                        ) {}
                      } catch (e) {
                        r = true
                        n = e
                      } finally {
                        try {
                          !i && s.return && s.return()
                        } finally {
                          if (r) {
                            throw n
                      return a
                    return function (t, a) {
                      if (Array.isArray(t)) {
                        return t
                      if (Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) {
                        return e(t, a)
                      throw new TypeError(
                        'Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance'
                  n = a(1),
                  o = i(n),
                  s = a(4),
                  u = a(0),
                  l = i(u),
                  d = function (e, t) {
                    e.sort(function (e, t) {
                      return e.viewer_time - t.viewer_time
                  c = [
                  f = function () {
                    var e = this
                    this.on('viewinit', function () {
                      this.isAdBreak = false
                      this._currentAdRequestNumber = 0
                      this._currentAdResponseNumber = 0
                      this._adRequests = []
                      this._adResponses = []
                      this._adHasPlayed = false
                      this._wouldBeNewAdPlay = true
                      this._prerollPlayTime = void 0
                    c.forEach(function (t) {
                      return e.on(t, e._updateAdData)
                    var t = function () {
                      e.isAdBreak = false
                    this.on('adbreakstart', function () {
                      this.isAdBreak = true
                    this.on('play', t)
                    this.on('playing', t)
                    this.on('viewend', t)
                    this.on('adrequest', function (e, t) {
                      t = (0, l.default)(
                            'generatedAdRequestId' +
                      d(this._adRequests, t)
                      ;(0, o.default)(this.data, 'view_ad_request_count')
                      this.inPrerollPosition() &&
                        ((this.data.view_preroll_requested = true),
                        this._adHasPlayed ||
                          (0, o.default)(
                    this.on('adresponse', function (e, t) {
                      t = (0, l.default)(
                            'generatedAdRequestId' +
                      d(this._adResponses, t)
                      var a = this.findAdRequest(t.ad_request_id)
                      a &&
                        (0, o.default)(
                          Math.max(0, t.viewer_time - a.viewer_time)
                    this.on('adplay', function (e, t) {
                      this._adHasPlayed = true
                      this._wouldBeNewAdPlay &&
                        ((this._wouldBeNewAdPlay = false),
                        (0, o.default)(this.data, 'view_ad_played_count'))
                      this.inPrerollPosition() &&
                        !this.data.view_preroll_played &&
                        ((this.data.view_preroll_played = true),
                        this._adRequests.length > 0 &&
                          (this.data.view_preroll_request_time = Math.max(
                            t.viewer_time - this._adRequests[0].viewer_time
                        this.data.view_start &&
                          (this.data.view_startup_preroll_request_time =
                            Math.max(0, t.viewer_time - this.data.view_start)),
                        (this._prerollPlayTime = t.viewer_time))
                    this.on('adplaying', function (e, t) {
                      this.inPrerollPosition() &&
                        void 0 === this.data.view_preroll_load_time &&
                        void 0 !== this._prerollPlayTime &&
                        ((this.data.view_preroll_load_time =
                          t.viewer_time - this._prerollPlayTime),
                        (this.data.view_startup_preroll_load_time =
                          t.viewer_time - this._prerollPlayTime))
                    this.on('adended', function () {
                      this._wouldBeNewAdPlay = true
                    this.on('aderror', function () {
                      this._wouldBeNewAdPlay = true
                f.prototype.inPrerollPosition = function () {
                  return (
                    void 0 === this.data.view_content_playback_time ||
                    this.data.view_content_playback_time <= 1000
                f.prototype.findAdRequest = function (e) {
                  for (var t = 0; t < this._adRequests.length; t++) {
                    if (this._adRequests[t].ad_request_id === e) {
                      return this._adRequests[t]
                f.prototype._updateAdData = function (e, t) {
                  if (this.inPrerollPosition()) {
                    if (
                      !this.data.view_preroll_ad_tag_hostname &&
                    ) {
                      var a = (0, s.extractHostnameAndDomain)(t.ad_tag_url),
                        i = r(a, 2),
                        n = i[0],
                        o = i[1]
                      this.data.view_preroll_ad_tag_domain = o
                      this.data.view_preroll_ad_tag_hostname = n
                    if (
                      !this.data.view_preroll_ad_asset_hostname &&
                    ) {
                      var u = (0, s.extractHostnameAndDomain)(t.ad_asset_url),
                        l = r(u, 2),
                        d = l[0],
                        c = l[1]
                      this.data.view_preroll_ad_asset_domain = c
                      this.data.view_preroll_ad_asset_hostname = d
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i() {
                  var e = this,
                    t = void 0,
                    a = void 0,
                    i = function () {
                      ;(0, n.default)(e.data, 'view_waiting_rebuffer_count', 1)
                      t = Date.now()
                      a = window.setInterval(function () {
                        if (t) {
                          var a = Date.now()
                          ;(0, n.default)(
                            a - t
                          t = a
                      }, 250)
                    r = function () {
                      t &&
                        ((0, n.default)(
                          Date.now() - t
                        (t = false),
                    o = false,
                    s = function () {
                      o = true
                    u = function () {
                      o = false
                  this.on('waiting', function () {
                    o && i()
                  this.on('playing', function () {
                  this.on('pause', u)
                  this.on('seeking', u)
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var r = a(1),
                  n = (function (e) {
                    return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i() {
                  var e = this
                  this.one('playbackheartbeat', o)
                  this.on('playbackheartbeatend', function () {
                    e.off('before*', s)
                    e.one('playbackheartbeat', o)
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var r = a(0),
                  n = (function (e) {
                    return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                  o = function () {
                    this.lastWallClockTime = Date.now()
                    this.on('before*', s)
                  s = function (e) {
                    var t = Date.now(),
                      a = this.lastWallClockTime
                    this.lastWallClockTime = t
                    t - a > 30000 &&
                      (this.emit('devicesleep', { viewer_time: a }),
                      (0, n.default)(this.data, { viewer_time: a }),
                      this.emit('devicewake', { viewer_time: t }),
                      (0, n.default)(this.data, { viewer_time: t }),
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e) {
                  return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var r =
                    'function' == typeof Symbol &&
                    'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator
                      ? function (e) {
                          return typeof e
                      : function (e) {
                          return e &&
                            'function' == typeof Symbol &&
                            e.constructor === Symbol &&
                            e !== Symbol.prototype
                            ? 'symbol'
                            : typeof e
                  n = a(39),
                  o = a(3),
                  s = i(o),
                  u = a(43),
                  l = i(u),
                  d = a(10),
                  c = i(d),
                  f = a(15),
                  p = i(f),
                  h = a(44),
                  _ = i(h),
                  v = a(46),
                  m = i(v),
                  y = a(0),
                  b = i(y),
                  g = [
                  w = ['viewstart', 'error', 'ended', 'viewend'],
                  x = function (e, t) {
                    var a =
                      arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]
                        ? arguments[2]
                        : {}
                    this.mux = e
                    this.envKey = t
                    this.eventQueue = new _.default(
                      (0, l.default)(t, a.beaconDomain)
                    this.previousBeaconData = null
                    this.lastEventTime = null
                    this.sampleRate = a.sampleRate
                    this.disableCookies = a.disableCookies
                    this.respectDoNotTrack = a.respectDoNotTrack
                    this.pageLevelData = {
                      mux_api_version: this.mux.API_VERSION,
                      mux_embed_version: this.mux.VERSION,
                      page_url: window.location.href,
                      viewer_application_name: m.default.name,
                      viewer_application_version: m.default.version,
                      viewer_application_engine: m.default.layout,
                      viewer_device_name: m.default.product,
                      viewer_device_category: '',
                      viewer_device_manufacturer: m.default.manufacturer,
                      viewer_os_family: m.default.os && m.default.os.family,
                        m.default.os && m.default.os.architecture,
                      viewer_os_version: m.default.os && m.default.os.version,
                    this.viewerData = this.disableCookies
                      ? {}
                      : (0, n.getAndUpdateViewerData)()
                x.prototype.send = function (e, t) {
                  if (e) {
                    if (this.respectDoNotTrack && (0, c.default)()) {
                      return s.default.info(
                        'Not sending `' +
                          e +
                          '` because Do Not Track is enabled in your browser'
                    if (
                      !t ||
                      'object' !== (void 0 === t ? 'undefined' : r(t))
                    ) {
                      return s.default.error(
                        'A data object was expected in send() but was not provided'
                    var a = this.disableCookies
                        ? {}
                        : (0, n.getAndUpdateSessionData)(),
                      i = {
                        event: e,
                        env_key: this.envKey,
                    ;(0, b.default)(i, this.pageLevelData)
                    ;(0, b.default)(i, t)
                    ;(0, b.default)(i, a)
                    ;(0, b.default)(i, this.viewerData)
                    i.user_id &&
                      ((i.viewer_user_id = i.user_id), delete i.user_id)
                    var o = i.mux_sample_number >= this.sampleRate,
                      u = this._deduplicateBeaconData(e, i),
                      l = (0, p.default)(u)
                    if (((this.lastEventTime = Date.now()), o)) {
                      return s.default.info(
                        'Not sending event due to sample rate restriction',
                    if (!this.envKey) {
                      return s.default.info(
                        'Not sending event due to missing environment key',
                    if (!this.rateLimited) {
                      if (
                        (s.default.info('Sending event', e, i, l),
                        (this.rateLimited = !this.eventQueue.queueEvent(e, l)),
                        this.mux.WINDOW_UNLOADING && 'viewend' === e)
                      ) {
                      } else {
                        if (
                          (w.indexOf(e) >= 0 && this.eventQueue.flushEvents(),
                        ) {
                          return (
                            (i.event = 'eventrateexceeded'),
                            (l = (0, p.default)(i)),
                            this.eventQueue.queueEvent(i.event, l),
                              'Beaconing disabled due to rate limit.'
                x.prototype.destroy = function () {
                var S = function (e, t, a, i) {
                  return !(
                    !e ||
                    0 !== t.indexOf('request_') ||
                    ('request_response_headers' !== t &&
                      'object' === (void 0 === a ? 'undefined' : r(a)) &&
                      'object' === (void 0 === i ? 'undefined' : r(i)) &&
                      Object.keys(a || {}).length ===
                        Object.keys(i || {}).length)
                x.prototype._deduplicateBeaconData = function (e, t) {
                  var a = this,
                    i = {
                      a: t(a),
                      src: o + (r ? '&rc=' + r : ''),
                    r = t.view_id
                  if (
                    !r ||
                    'viewstart' === e ||
                    'viewend' === e ||
                    !this.previousBeaconData ||
                    Date.now() - this.lastEventTime >= 600000
                  ) {
                    i = (0, b.default)({}, t)
                    r && (this.previousBeaconData = i)
                    r && 'viewend' === e && (this.previousBeaconData = null)
                  } else {
                    var n = 0 === e.indexOf('request')
                    Object.keys(t).forEach(function (e) {
                      var r = t[e]
                      ;(r !== a.previousBeaconData[e] ||
                        g.indexOf(e) > -1 ||
                        S(n, e, r, a.previousBeaconData[e])) &&
                        ((i[e] = r), (a.previousBeaconData[e] = r))
                  return i
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e) {
                  return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var r = a(12),
                  n = i(r),
                  o = a(42),
                  s = i(o),
                  u = a(6),
                  l = function () {
                    var e = void 0
                    try {
                      e = n.default.parse(s.default.get('muxData') || '')
                    } catch (t) {
                      e = {}
                    return e
                  d = function (e) {
                    s.default.set('muxData', n.default.stringify(e), {
                      expires: 7300,
                  c = function () {
                    var e = l()
                    return (
                      (e.mux_viewer_id =
                        e.mux_viewer_id || (0, u.generateUUID)()),
                      (e.msn = e.msn || Math.random()),
                        mux_viewer_id: e.mux_viewer_id,
                        mux_sample_number: e.msn,
                  f = function () {
                    var e = l(),
                      t = Date.now()
                    return (
                      e.session_start &&
                        ((e.sst = e.session_start), delete e.session_start),
                      e.session_id &&
                        ((e.sid = e.session_id), delete e.session_id),
                      e.session_expires &&
                        ((e.sex = e.session_expires), delete e.session_expires),
                      (!e.sex || e.sex < t) &&
                        ((e.sid = (0, u.generateUUID)()), (e.sst = t)),
                      (e.sex = t + 1500000),
                        session_id: e.sid,
                        session_start: e.sst,
                        session_expires: e.sex,
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                var i = a(13),
                  r = a(14),
                  n = {
                    brackets: function (e) {
                      return e + '[]'
                    indices: function (e, t) {
                      return e + '[' + t + ']'
                    repeat: function (e) {
                      return e
                  o = Date.prototype.toISOString,
                  s = {
                    delimiter: '&',
                    encode: true,
                    encoder: i.encode,
                    encodeValuesOnly: false,
                    serializeDate: function (e) {
                      return o.call(e)
                    skipNulls: false,
                    strictNullHandling: false,
                  u = function e(t, a, r, n, o, u, l, d, c, f, p, h) {
                    var _ = t
                    if ('function' == typeof l) {
                      _ = l(a, _)
                    } else {
                      if (_ instanceof Date) {
                        _ = f(_)
                      } else {
                        if (null === _) {
                          if (n) {
                            return u && !h ? u(a, s.encoder) : a
                          _ = ''
                    if (
                      'string' == typeof _ ||
                      'number' == typeof _ ||
                      'boolean' == typeof _ ||
                    ) {
                      return u
                        ? [
                            p(h ? a : u(a, s.encoder)) +
                              '=' +
                              p(u(_, s.encoder)),
                        : [p(a) + '=' + p(String(_))]
                    var v = []
                    if (void 0 === _) {
                      return v
                    var m
                    if (Array.isArray(l)) {
                      m = l
                    } else {
                      var y = Object.keys(_)
                      m = d ? y.sort(d) : y
                    for (var b = 0; b < m.length; ++b) {
                      var g = m[b]
                      ;(o && null === _[g]) ||
                        (v = Array.isArray(_)
                          ? v.concat(
                              e(_[g], r(a, g), r, n, o, u, l, d, c, f, p, h)
                          : v.concat(
                                a + (c ? '.' + g : '[' + g + ']'),
                    return v
                e.exports = function (e, t) {
                  var a = e,
                    o = t ? i.assign({}, t) : {}
                  if (
                    null !== o.encoder &&
                    void 0 !== o.encoder &&
                    'function' != typeof o.encoder
                  ) {
                    throw new TypeError('Encoder has to be a function.')
                  var l = void 0 === o.delimiter ? s.delimiter : o.delimiter,
                    d =
                      'boolean' == typeof o.strictNullHandling
                        ? o.strictNullHandling
                        : s.strictNullHandling,
                    c =
                      'boolean' == typeof o.skipNulls
                        ? o.skipNulls
                        : s.skipNulls,
                    f = 'boolean' == typeof o.encode ? o.encode : s.encode,
                    p = 'function' == typeof o.encoder ? o.encoder : s.encoder,
                    h = 'function' == typeof o.sort ? o.sort : null,
                    _ = void 0 !== o.allowDots && o.allowDots,
                    v =
                      'function' == typeof o.serializeDate
                        ? o.serializeDate
                        : s.serializeDate,
                    m =
                      'boolean' == typeof o.encodeValuesOnly
                        ? o.encodeValuesOnly
                        : s.encodeValuesOnly
                  if (void 0 === o.format) {
                  } else {
                    if (
                    ) {
                      throw new TypeError('Unknown format option provided.')
                  var y,
                    g = r.formatters[o.format]
                  'function' == typeof o.filter
                    ? ((b = o.filter), (a = b('', a)))
                    : Array.isArray(o.filter) && ((b = o.filter), (y = b))
                  var w = []
                  if ('object' != typeof a || null === a) {
                    return ''
                  var x
                  x =
                    o.arrayFormat in n
                      ? o.arrayFormat
                      : 'indices' in o
                      ? o.indices
                        ? 'indices'
                        : 'repeat'
                      : 'indices'
                  var S = n[x]
                  y || (y = Object.keys(a))
                  h && y.sort(h)
                  for (var E = 0; E < y.length; ++E) {
                    var T = y[E]
                    ;(c && null === a[T]) ||
                      (w = w.concat(
                        u(a[T], T, S, d, c, f ? p : null, b, h, _, v, g, m)
                  var O = w.join(l),
                    k = true === o.addQueryPrefix ? '?' : ''
                  return O.length > 0 ? k + O : ''
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                var i = a(13),
                  r = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
                  n = {
                    allowDots: false,
                    allowPrototypes: false,
                    arrayLimit: 20,
                    decoder: i.decode,
                    delimiter: '&',
                    depth: 5,
                    parameterLimit: 1000,
                    plainObjects: false,
                    strictNullHandling: false,
                  o = function (e, t) {
                    for (
                      var a = {},
                        i = t.ignoreQueryPrefix ? e.replace(/^\?/, '') : e,
                        o =
                          t.parameterLimit === 1e400
                            ? void 0
                            : t.parameterLimit,
                        s = i.split(t.delimiter, o),
                        u = 0;
                      u < s.length;
                    ) {
                      var l,
                        c = s[u],
                        f = c.indexOf(']='),
                        p = -1 === f ? c.indexOf('=') : f + 1
                      ;-1 === p
                        ? ((l = t.decoder(c, n.decoder)),
                          (d = t.strictNullHandling ? null : ''))
                        : ((l = t.decoder(c.slice(0, p), n.decoder)),
                          (d = t.decoder(c.slice(p + 1), n.decoder)))
                      r.call(a, l)
                        ? (a[l] = [].concat(a[l]).concat(d))
                        : (a[l] = d)
                    return a
                  s = function (e, t, a) {
                    for (var i = t, r = e.length - 1; r >= 0; --r) {
                      var n,
                        o = e[r]
                      if ('[]' === o) {
                        n = []
                        n = n.concat(i)
                      } else {
                        n = a.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {}
                        var s =
                            '[' === o.charAt(0) &&
                            ']' === o.charAt(o.length - 1)
                              ? o.slice(1, -1)
                              : o,
                          u = parseInt(s, 10)
                        !isNaN(u) &&
                        o !== s &&
                        String(u) === s &&
                        u >= 0 &&
                        a.parseArrays &&
                        u <= a.arrayLimit
                          ? ((n = []), (n[u] = i))
                          : (n[s] = i)
                      i = n
                    return i
                  u = function (e, t, a) {
                    if (e) {
                      var i = a.allowDots
                          ? e.replace(/\.([^.[]+)/g, '[$1]')
                          : e,
                        u = /(\[[^[\]]*])/.exec(i),
                        l = u ? i.slice(0, u.index) : i,
                        d = []
                      if (l) {
                        if (
                          !a.plainObjects &&
                          r.call(Object.prototype, l) &&
                        ) {
                      for (
                        var c = 0;
                        null !== (u = /(\[[^[\]]*])/g.exec(i)) && c < a.depth;

                      ) {
                        if (
                          ((c += 1),
                          !a.plainObjects &&
                            r.call(Object.prototype, u[1].slice(1, -1)) &&
                        ) {
                      return (
                        u && d.push('[' + i.slice(u.index) + ']'), s(d, t, a)
                e.exports = function (e, t) {
                  var a = t ? i.assign({}, t) : {}
                  if (
                    null !== a.decoder &&
                    void 0 !== a.decoder &&
                    'function' != typeof a.decoder
                  ) {
                    throw new TypeError('Decoder has to be a function.')
                  if (
                    ((a.ignoreQueryPrefix = true === a.ignoreQueryPrefix),
                    (a.delimiter =
                      'string' == typeof a.delimiter || i.isRegExp(a.delimiter)
                        ? a.delimiter
                        : n.delimiter),
                    (a.depth = 'number' == typeof a.depth ? a.depth : n.depth),
                    (a.arrayLimit =
                      'number' == typeof a.arrayLimit
                        ? a.arrayLimit
                        : n.arrayLimit),
                    (a.parseArrays = false !== a.parseArrays),
                    (a.decoder =
                      'function' == typeof a.decoder ? a.decoder : n.decoder),
                    (a.allowDots =
                      'boolean' == typeof a.allowDots
                        ? a.allowDots
                        : n.allowDots),
                    (a.plainObjects =
                      'boolean' == typeof a.plainObjects
                        ? a.plainObjects
                        : n.plainObjects),
                    (a.allowPrototypes =
                      'boolean' == typeof a.allowPrototypes
                        ? a.allowPrototypes
                        : n.allowPrototypes),
                    (a.parameterLimit =
                      'number' == typeof a.parameterLimit
                        ? a.parameterLimit
                        : n.parameterLimit),
                    (a.strictNullHandling =
                      'boolean' == typeof a.strictNullHandling
                        ? a.strictNullHandling
                        : n.strictNullHandling),
                    '' === e || null === e || void 0 === e)
                  ) {
                    return a.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {}
                  for (
                    var r = 'string' == typeof e ? o(e, a) : e,
                      s = a.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {},
                      l = Object.keys(r),
                      d = 0;
                    d < l.length;
                  ) {
                    var c = l[d],
                      f = u(c, r[c], a)
                    s = i.merge(s, f, a)
                  return i.compact(s)
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                var i,
                  n =
                    'function' == typeof Symbol &&
                    'symbol' == typeof Symbol.iterator
                      ? function (e) {
                          return typeof e
                      : function (e) {
                          return e &&
                            'function' == typeof Symbol &&
                            e.constructor === Symbol &&
                            e !== Symbol.prototype
                            ? 'symbol'
                            : typeof e
                !(function (o) {
                  var s = false
                  if (
                    ((i = o),
                    void 0 !==
                      (r = 'function' == typeof i ? i.call(t, a, t, e) : i) &&
                      (e.exports = r),
                    (s = true),
                    'object' === n(t) && ((e.exports = o()), (s = true)),
                  ) {
                    var u = window.Cookies,
                      l = (window.Cookies = o())
                    l.noConflict = function () {
                      return (window.Cookies = u), l
                })(function () {
                  function e(a) {
                    function i(e, r, n) {
                      var o
                      if ('undefined' != typeof document) {
                        if (arguments.length > 1) {
                          if (
                            ((n = t({ path: '/' }, i.defaults, n)),
                            'number' == typeof n.expires)
                          ) {
                            var s = new Date()
                              s.getMilliseconds() + 86400000 * n.expires
                            n.expires = s
                          try {
                            o = JSON.stringify(r)
                            ;/^[\{\[]/.test(o) && (r = o)
                          } catch (e) {}
                          return (
                            (r = a.write
                              ? a.write(r, e)
                              : encodeURIComponent(String(r)).replace(
                            (e = encodeURIComponent(String(e))),
                            (e = e.replace(
                            (e = e.replace(/[\(\)]/g, escape)),
                            (document.cookie = [
                                ? '; expires=' + n.expires.toUTCString()
                                : '',
                              n.path ? '; path=' + n.path : '',
                              n.domain ? '; domain=' + n.domain : '',
                              n.secure ? '; secure' : '',
                        e || (o = {})
                        for (
                          var u = document.cookie
                              ? document.cookie.split('; ')
                              : [],
                            d = 0;
                          d < u.length;
                        ) {
                          var c = u[d].split('='),
                            f = c.slice(1).join('=')
                          '"' === f.charAt(0) && (f = f.slice(1, -1))
                          try {
                            var p = c[0].replace(
                            if (
                              ((f = a.read
                                ? a.read(f, p)
                                : a(f, p) ||
                            ) {
                              try {
                                f = JSON.parse(f)
                              } catch (e) {}
                            if (e === p) {
                              o = f
                            e || (o[p] = f)
                          } catch (e) {}
                        return o
                    return (
                      (i.set = i),
                      (i.get = function (e) {
                        return i.call(i, e)
                      (i.getJSON = function () {
                        return i.apply({ json: true }, [].slice.call(arguments))
                      (i.defaults = {}),
                      (i.remove = function (e, a) {
                        i(e, '', t(a, { expires: -1 }))
                      (i.withConverter = e),
                  var t = function () {
                    for (
                      var e = 0, t = { i: a[i] };
                      e < arguments.length;
                    ) {
                      var a = arguments[e]
                      for (var i in a);
                    return t
                  return e(function () {})
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e, t) {
                  return (
                    (e = e || ''),
                    (t = t || 'litix.io'),
                      ? 'https://' + e + '.' + t
                      : 'https://img.litix.io/a.gif'
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e) {
                  return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var r = a(2),
                  n = i(r),
                  o = a(3),
                  s = i(o),
                  u = a(45),
                  l = i(u),
                  d = a(0),
                  c = i(d),
                  f = a(15),
                  p = i(f),
                  h =
                    !!n.default.XMLHttpRequest &&
                    'withCredentials' in new n.default.XMLHttpRequest(),
                  v = function (e, t) {
                    this._beaconUrl = e || 'https://img.litix.io'
                    this._eventQueue = []
                    this._postInFlight = false
                    this._failureCount = 0
                    this._sendTimeout = false
                    this._options = (0, c.default)({}, _, t)
                v.prototype.queueEvent = function (e, t) {
                  var a = (0, c.default)({}, t)
                  return h
                    ? (this._eventQueue.length <=
                        this._options.maxQueueLength ||
                        'eventrateexceeded' === e) &&
                        this._sendTimeout || this._startBeaconSending(),
                        this._eventQueue.length <= this._options.maxQueueLength)
                    : (l.default.send(this._beaconUrl, a), true)
                v.prototype.flushEvents = function () {
                  h &&
                    (this._eventQueue.length && this._sendBeaconQueue(),
                v.prototype.destroy = function () {
                  var e =
                    arguments.length > 0 &&
                    void 0 !== arguments[0] &&
                  this.destroyed = true
                  e ? this._clearBeaconQueue() : this.flushEvents()
                v.prototype._clearBeaconQueue = function () {
                  var e = n.default.navigator,
                    t =
                      this._eventQueue.length > this._options.maxBeaconSize
                        ? this._eventQueue.length - this._options.maxBeaconSize
                        : 0,
                    a = this._eventQueue.slice(t)
                  if (
                    (t > 0 &&
                      (0, c.default)(
                        a[a.length - 1],
                        (0, p.default)({
                          mux_view_message: 'event queue truncated',
                  ) {
                    e.sendBeacon(this._beaconUrl, JSON.stringify({ events: a }))
                  } else {
                    if (n.default.XMLHttpRequest) {
                      var i = new n.default.XMLHttpRequest()
                      i.open('POST', this._beaconUrl)
                      i.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
                      i.send(JSON.stringify({ events: a }))
                    } else {
                      l.default.send(this._beaconUrl, a[a.length - 1])
                v.prototype._sendBeaconQueue = function () {
                  var e = this
                  if (n.default.XMLHttpRequest && !this._postInFlight) {
                    var t = new n.default.XMLHttpRequest(),
                      a = this._eventQueue.slice(0, this._options.maxBeaconSize)
                    this._eventQueue = this._eventQueue.slice(
                    this._postInFlight = true
                    t.open('POST', this._beaconUrl)
                    t.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
                    t.send(JSON.stringify({ events: a }))
                v.prototype._getNextBeaconTime = function () {
                  if (!this._failureCount) {
                    return this._options.baseTimeBetweenBeacons
                  var e = Math.pow(2, this._failureCount - 1)
                  return (
                    (1 + (e *= Math.random())) *
                v.prototype._startBeaconSending = function () {
                  var e = this
                  this.destroyed ||
                    (this._sendTimeout = n.default.setTimeout(function () {
                      e._eventQueue.length && e._sendBeaconQueue()
                    }, this._getNextBeaconTime()))
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e) {
                  return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var r = a(12),
                  n = i(r),
                  o = a(2),
                  s = i(o),
                  u = {
                    send: function (e, t) {
                      function a() {}
                      var i = new Image(),
                        r = 0,
                        o = e + '?' + n.default.stringify(t)
                      return (
                        i.addEventListener('error', function () {
                          r > 3 ||
                            s.default.setTimeout(function () {
                            }, 5000 * r)
              function (e, t, a) {
                ;(function (e, i) {
                  var r
                  ;(function () {
                    'use strict'
                    function n(e) {
                      return (
                        (e = String(e)), e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1)
                    function o(e, t, a) {
                      return (
                        t &&
                          a &&
                          /^Win/i.test(e) &&
                          !/^Windows Phone /i.test(e) &&
                          (i = i[/[\d.]+$/.exec(e)]) &&
                          (e = 'Windows ' + i),
                        (e = String(e)),
                        t && a && (e = e.replace(RegExp(t, 'i'), a)),
                        (e = u(
                            .replace(/ ce$/i, ' CE')
                            .replace(/\bhpw/i, 'web')
                            .replace(/\bMacintosh\b/, 'Mac OS')
                            .replace(/_PowerPC\b/i, ' OS')
                            .replace(/\b(OS X) [^ \d]+/i, '$1')
                            .replace(/\bMac (OS X)\b/, '$1')
                            .replace(/\/(\d)/, ' $1')
                            .replace(/_/g, '.')
                            .replace(/(?: BePC|[ .]*fc[ \d.]+)$/i, '')
                            .replace(/\bx86\.64\b/gi, 'x86_64')
                            .replace(/\b(Windows Phone) OS\b/, '$1')
                            .replace(/\b(Chrome OS \w+) [\d.]+\b/, '$1')
                            .split(' on ')[0]
                    function s(e, t) {
                      var a = -1,
                        i = e ? e.length : 0
                      if ('number' == typeof i && i > -1 && i <= x) {
                        for (; ++a < i; ) {
                          t(e[a], a, e)
                      } else {
                        l(e, t)
                    function u(e) {
                      return (
                        (e = h(e)), /^(?:webOS|i(?:OS|P))/.test(e) ? e : n(e)
                    function l(e, t) {
                      for (var a in e) O.call(e, a) && t(e[a], a, e)
                    function d(e) {
                      return null == e ? n(e) : k.call(e).slice(8, -1)
                    function c(e, t) {
                      var a = null != e ? typeof e[t] : 'number'
                      return !(
                        /^(?:boolean|number|string|undefined)$/.test(a) ||
                        ('object' == a && !e[t])
                    function f(e) {
                      return String(e).replace(/([ -])(?!$)/g, '$1?')
                    function p(e, t) {
                      var a = null
                      return (
                        s(e, function (i, r) {
                          a = t(a, i, r, e)
                    function h(e) {
                      return String(e).replace(/^ +| +$/g, '')
                    function _(e) {
                      function t(t) {
                        return p(t, function (t, a) {
                          var i = a.pattern || f(a)
                          return (
                            !t &&
                              (t =
                                RegExp('\\b' + i + ' *\\d+[.\\w_]*', 'i').exec(
                                ) ||
                                RegExp('\\b' + i + ' *\\w+-[\\w]*', 'i').exec(
                                ) ||
                                  '\\b' +
                                    i +
                                    '(?:; *(?:[a-z]+[_-])?[a-z]+\\d+|[^ ();-]*)',
                                ).exec(e)) &&
                              ((t = String(
                                a.label && !RegExp(i, 'i').test(a.label)
                                  ? a.label
                                  : t
                              ).split('/'))[1] &&
                                !/[\d.]+/.test(t[0]) &&
                                (t[0] += ' ' + t[1]),
                              (a = a.label || a),
                              (t = u(
                                  .replace(RegExp(i, 'i'), a)
                                    RegExp('; *(?:' + a + '[_-])?', 'i'),
                                    ' '
                                    RegExp('(' + a + ')[-_.]?(\\w)', 'i'),
                                    '$1 $2'
                      function a() {
                        return this.description || ''
                      var i = m,
                        r = e && 'object' == typeof e && 'String' != d(e)
                      r && ((i = e), (e = null))
                      var n = i.navigator || {},
                        s = n.userAgent || ''
                      e || (e = s)
                      var v,
                        g = r || E == y,
                        w = r
                          ? !!n.likeChrome
                          : /\bChrome\b/.test(e) &&
                        x = r ? 'Object' : 'ScriptBridgingProxyObject',
                        T = r ? 'Object' : 'Environment',
                        O = r && i.java ? 'JavaPackage' : d(i.java),
                        P = r ? 'Object' : 'RuntimeObject',
                        D = /\bJava/.test(O) && i.java,
                        A = D && d(i.environment) == T,
                        M = D ? 'a' : 'ÃŽ\xB1',
                        R = D ? 'b' : 'ÃŽ\xB2',
                        j = i.document || {},
                        I = i.operamini || i.opera,
                        L = /\bOpera/.test((L = r && I ? I['[[Class]]'] : d(I)))
                          ? L
                          : (I = null),
                        q = e,
                        C = [],
                        N = null,
                        H = e == s,
                        F =
                          H &&
                          I &&
                          'function' == typeof I.version &&
                        B = (function (t) {
                          return p(t, function (t, a) {
                            return (
                              t ||
                                '\\b' + (a.pattern || f(a)) + '\\b',
                              ).exec(e) &&
                                (a.label || a))
                            label: 'EdgeHTML',
                            pattern: 'Edge',
                            label: 'WebKit',
                            pattern: 'AppleWebKit',
                        U = (function (t) {
                          return p(t, function (t, a) {
                            return (
                              t ||
                                '\\b' + (a.pattern || f(a)) + '\\b',
                              ).exec(e) &&
                                (a.label || a))
                          'Adobe AIR',
                          'Avant Browser',
                            label: 'Microsoft Edge',
                            pattern: 'Edge',
                          'Nook Browser',
                            label: 'Samsung Internet',
                            pattern: 'SamsungBrowser',
                            label: 'Silk',
                            pattern: '(?:Cloud9|Silk-Accelerated)',
                            label: 'SRWare Iron',
                            pattern: 'Iron',
                          'Opera Mini',
                            label: 'Opera Mini',
                            pattern: 'OPiOS',
                            label: 'Opera',
                            pattern: 'OPR',
                            label: 'Chrome Mobile',
                            pattern: '(?:CriOS|CrMo)',
                            label: 'Firefox',
                            pattern: '(?:Firefox|Minefield)',
                            label: 'Firefox for iOS',
                            pattern: 'FxiOS',
                            label: 'IE',
                            pattern: 'IEMobile',
                            label: 'IE',
                            pattern: 'MSIE',
                        W = t([
                            label: 'BlackBerry',
                            pattern: 'BB10',
                            label: 'Galaxy S',
                            pattern: 'GT-I9000',
                            label: 'Galaxy S2',
                            pattern: 'GT-I9100',
                            label: 'Galaxy S3',
                            pattern: 'GT-I9300',
                            label: 'Galaxy S4',
                            pattern: 'GT-I9500',
                            label: 'Galaxy S5',
                            pattern: 'SM-G900',
                            label: 'Galaxy S6',
                            pattern: 'SM-G920',
                            label: 'Galaxy S6 Edge',
                            pattern: 'SM-G925',
                            label: 'Galaxy S7',
                            pattern: 'SM-G930',
                            label: 'Galaxy S7 Edge',
                            pattern: 'SM-G935',
                          'Google TV',
                            label: 'Kindle Fire',
                            pattern: '(?:Cloud9|Silk-Accelerated)',
                          'PlayStation Vita',
                            label: 'Wii U',
                            pattern: 'WiiU',
                          'Xbox One',
                            label: 'Xbox 360',
                            pattern: 'Xbox',
                        G = (function (t) {
                          return p(t, function (t, a, i) {
                            return (
                              t ||
                              ((a[W] ||
                                a[/^[a-z]+(?: +[a-z]+\b)*/i.exec(W)] ||
                                  '\\b' + f(i) + '(?:\\b|\\w*\\d)',
                                ).exec(e)) &&
                          Apple: {
                            iPad: 1,
                            iPhone: 1,
                            iPod: 1,
                          Archos: {},
                          Amazon: {
                            Kindle: 1,
                            'Kindle Fire': 1,
                          Asus: { Transformer: 1 },
                          'Barnes & Noble': { Nook: 1 },
                          BlackBerry: { PlayBook: 1 },
                          Google: {
                            'Google TV': 1,
                            Nexus: 1,
                          HP: { TouchPad: 1 },
                          HTC: {},
                          LG: {},
                          Microsoft: {
                            Xbox: 1,
                            'Xbox One': 1,
                          Motorola: { Xoom: 1 },
                          Nintendo: {
                            'Wii U': 1,
                            Wii: 1,
                          Nokia: { Lumia: 1 },
                          Samsung: {
                            'Galaxy S': 1,
                            'Galaxy S2': 1,
                            'Galaxy S3': 1,
                            'Galaxy S4': 1,
                          Sony: {
                            PlayStation: 1,
                            'PlayStation Vita': 1,
                        V = (function (t) {
                          return p(t, function (t, a) {
                            var i = a.pattern || f(a)
                            return (
                              !t &&
                                (t = RegExp(
                                  '\\b' + i + '(?:/[\\d.]+|[ \\w.]*)',
                                ).exec(e)) &&
                                (t = o(t, i, a.label || a)),
                          'Windows Phone',
                            label: 'Chrome OS',
                            pattern: 'CrOS',
                          'Linux Mint',
                          'Red Hat',
                          'Symbian OS',
                          'webOS ',
                          'Tablet OS',
                          'Mac OS X',
                          'Windows 98;',
                          'Windows ',
                      if (
                        (B && (B = [B]),
                        G && !W && (W = t([G])),
                        (v = /\bGoogle TV\b/.exec(W)) && (W = v[0]),
                        /\bSimulator\b/i.test(e) &&
                          (W = (W ? W + ' ' : '') + 'Simulator'),
                        'Opera Mini' == U &&
                          /\bOPiOS\b/.test(e) &&
                          C.push('running in Turbo/Uncompressed mode'),
                        'IE' == U && /\blike iPhone OS\b/.test(e)
                          ? ((v = _(e.replace(/like iPhone OS/, ''))),
                            (G = v.manufacturer),
                            (W = v.product))
                          : /^iP/.test(W)
                          ? (U || (U = 'Safari'),
                            (V =
                              'iOS' +
                              ((v = / OS ([\d_]+)/i.exec(e))
                                ? ' ' + v[1].replace(/_/g, '.')
                                : '')))
                          : 'Konqueror' != U || /buntu/i.test(V)
                          ? (G &&
                              'Google' != G &&
                              ((/Chrome/.test(U) &&
                                !/\bMobile Safari\b/i.test(e)) ||
                                /\bVita\b/.test(W))) ||
                            (/\bAndroid\b/.test(V) &&
                              /^Chrome/.test(U) &&
                            ? ((U = 'Android Browser'),
                              (V = /\bAndroid\b/.test(V) ? V : 'Android'))
                            : 'Silk' == U
                            ? (/\bMobi/i.test(e) ||
                                ((V = 'Android'), C.unshift('desktop mode')),
                              /Accelerated *= *true/i.test(e) &&
                            : 'PaleMoon' == U &&
                              (v = /\bFirefox\/([\d.]+)\b/.exec(e))
                            ? C.push('identifying as Firefox ' + v[1])
                            : 'Firefox' == U &&
                              (v = /\b(Mobile|Tablet|TV)\b/i.exec(e))
                            ? (V || (V = 'Firefox OS'), W || (W = v[1]))
                            : !U ||
                              (v =
                                !/\bMinefield\b/i.test(e) &&
                            ? (U &&
                                !W &&
                                  e.slice(e.indexOf(v + '/') + 8)
                                ) &&
                                (U = null),
                              (v = W || G || V) &&
                                (W ||
                                  G ||
                                  /\b(?:Android|Symbian OS|Tablet OS|webOS)\b/.test(
                                  )) &&
                                (U =
                                  /[a-z]+(?: Hat)?/i.exec(
                                    /\bAndroid\b/.test(V) ? V : v
                                  ) + ' Browser'))
                            : 'Electron' == U &&
                              (v = (/\bChrome\/([\d.]+)\b/.exec(e) || 0)[1]) &&
                              C.push('Chromium ' + v)
                          : (V = 'Kubuntu'),
                        F ||
                          (F = (function (t) {
                            return p(t, function (t, a) {
                              return (
                                t ||
                                  a +
                                    '(?:-[\\d.]+/|(?: for [\\w-]+)?[ /-])([\\d.]+[^ ();/_-]*)',
                                ).exec(e) || 0)[1] ||
                            '(?:Cloud9|CriOS|CrMo|Edge|FxiOS|IEMobile|Iron|Opera ?Mini|OPiOS|OPR|Raven|SamsungBrowser|Silk(?!/[\\d.]+$))',
                        (v =
                          ('iCab' == B && parseFloat(F) > 3 && 'WebKit') ||
                          (/\bOpera\b/.test(U) &&
                            (/\bOPR\b/.test(e) ? 'Blink' : 'Presto')) ||
                          (/\b(?:Midori|Nook|Safari)\b/i.test(e) &&
                            !/^(?:Trident|EdgeHTML)$/.test(B) &&
                            'WebKit') ||
                          (!B &&
                            /\bMSIE\b/i.test(e) &&
                            ('Mac OS' == V ? 'Tasman' : 'Trident')) ||
                          ('WebKit' == B &&
                            /\bPlayStation\b(?! Vita\b)/i.test(U) &&
                            'NetFront')) && (B = [v]),
                        'IE' == U &&
                        (v = (/; *(?:XBLWP|ZuneWP)(\d+)/i.exec(e) || 0)[1])
                          ? ((U += ' Mobile'),
                            (V =
                              'Windows Phone ' +
                              (/\+$/.test(v) ? v : v + '.x')),
                            C.unshift('desktop mode'))
                          : /\bWPDesktop\b/i.test(e)
                          ? ((U = 'IE Mobile'),
                            (V = 'Windows Phone 8.x'),
                            C.unshift('desktop mode'),
                            F || (F = (/\brv:([\d.]+)/.exec(e) || 0)[1]))
                          : 'IE' != U &&
                            'Trident' == B &&
                            (v = /\brv:([\d.]+)/.exec(e)) &&
                            (U &&
                                'identifying as ' + U + (F ? ' ' + F : '')
                            (U = 'IE'),
                            (F = v[1])),
                      ) {
                        if (c(i, 'global')) {
                          if (
                            (D &&
                              ((v = D.lang.System),
                              (q = v.getProperty('os.arch')),
                              (V =
                                V ||
                                v.getProperty('os.name') +
                                  ' ' +
                            g && c(i, 'system') && (v = [i.system])[0])
                          ) {
                            V || (V = v[0].os || null)
                            try {
                              v[1] = i.require('ringo/engine').version
                              F = v[1].join('.')
                              U = 'RingoJS'
                            } catch (e) {
                              v[0].global.system == i.system && (U = 'Narwhal')
                          } else {
                            'object' == typeof i.process &&
                            !i.process.browser &&
                            (v = i.process)
                              ? 'object' == typeof v.versions
                                ? 'string' == typeof v.versions.electron
                                  ? (C.push('Node ' + v.versions.node),
                                    (U = 'Electron'),
                                    (F = v.versions.electron))
                                  : 'string' == typeof v.versions.nw &&
                                      'Chromium ' + F,
                                      'Node ' + v.versions.node
                                    (U = 'NW.js'),
                                    (F = v.versions.nw))
                                : ((U = 'Node.js'),
                                  (q = v.arch),
                                  (V = v.platform),
                                  (F = /[\d.]+/.exec(v.version)),
                                  (F = F ? F[0] : 'unknown'))
                              : A && (U = 'Rhino')
                        } else {
                          d((v = i.runtime)) == x
                            ? ((U = 'Adobe AIR'),
                              (V = v.flash.system.Capabilities.os))
                            : d((v = i.phantom)) == P
                            ? ((U = 'PhantomJS'),
                              (F =
                                (v = v.version || null) &&
                                v.major + '.' + v.minor + '.' + v.patch))
                            : 'number' == typeof j.documentMode &&
                              (v = /\bTrident\/(\d+)/i.exec(e))
                            ? ((F = [F, j.documentMode]),
                              (v = +v[1] + 4) != F[1] &&
                                (C.push('IE ' + F[1] + ' mode'),
                                B && (B[1] = ''),
                                (F[1] = v)),
                              (F = 'IE' == U ? String(F[1].toFixed(1)) : F[0]))
                            : 'number' == typeof j.documentMode &&
                              /^(?:Chrome|Firefox)\b/.test(U) &&
                              (C.push('masking as ' + U + ' ' + F),
                              (U = 'IE'),
                              (F = '11.0'),
                              (B = ['Trident']),
                              (V = 'Windows'))
                        V = V && u(V)
                      if (
                        (F &&
                          (v =
                            /(?:[ab]|dp|pre|[ab]\d+pre)(?:\d+\+?)?$/i.exec(F) ||
                            /(?:alpha|beta)(?: ?\d)?/i.exec(
                              e + ';' + (H && n.appMinorVersion)
                            ) ||
                            (/\bMinefield\b/i.test(e) && 'a')) &&
                          ((N = /b/i.test(v) ? 'beta' : 'alpha'),
                          (F =
                            F.replace(RegExp(v + '\\+?$'), '') +
                            ('beta' == N ? R : M) +
                            (/\d+\+?/.exec(v) || ''))),
                        'Fennec' == U ||
                          ('Firefox' == U &&
                            /\b(?:Android|Firefox OS)\b/.test(V)))
                      ) {
                        U = 'Firefox Mobile'
                      } else {
                        if ('Maxthon' == U && F) {
                          F = F.replace(/\.[\d.]+/, '.x')
                        } else {
                          if (/\bXbox\b/i.test(W)) {
                            'Xbox 360' == W && (V = null)
                            'Xbox 360' == W &&
                              /\bIEMobile\b/.test(e) &&
                              C.unshift('mobile mode')
                          } else {
                            if (
                              (!/^(?:Chrome|IE|Opera)$/.test(U) &&
                                (!U || W || /Browser|Mobi/.test(U))) ||
                              ('Windows CE' != V && !/Mobi/i.test(e))
                            ) {
                              if ('IE' == U && H) {
                                try {
                                  null === i.external &&
                                    C.unshift('platform preview')
                                } catch (e) {
                              } else {
                                ;(/\bBlackBerry\b/.test(W) ||
                                  /\bBB10\b/.test(e)) &&
                                (v =
                                    W.replace(/ +/g, ' *') + '/([.\\d]+)',
                                  ).exec(e) || 0)[1] || F)
                                  ? ((v = [v, /BB10/.test(e)]),
                                    (V =
                                        ? ((W = null), (G = 'BlackBerry'))
                                        : 'Device Software') +
                                      ' ' +
                                    (F = null))
                                  : this != l &&
                                    'Wii' != W &&
                                    ((H && I) ||
                                      (/Opera/.test(U) &&
                                        /\b(?:MSIE|Firefox)\b/i.test(e)) ||
                                      ('Firefox' == U &&
                                        /\bOS X (?:\d+\.){2,}/.test(V)) ||
                                      ('IE' == U &&
                                        ((V && !/^Win/.test(V) && F > 5.5) ||
                                          (/\bWindows XP\b/.test(V) && F > 8) ||
                                          (8 == F &&
                                            !/\bTrident\b/.test(e))))) &&
                                      (v = _.call(
                                        e.replace(/\bOpera/, '') + ';'
                                    ) &&
                                    v.name &&
                                    ((v =
                                      'ing as ' +
                                      v.name +
                                      ((v = v.version) ? ' ' + v : '')),
                                      ? (/\bIE\b/.test(v) &&
                                          'Mac OS' == V &&
                                          (V = null),
                                        (v = 'identify' + v))
                                      : ((v = 'mask' + v),
                                        (U = L
                                          ? u(
                                                '$1 $2'
                                          : 'Opera'),
                                        /\bIE\b/.test(v) && (V = null),
                                        H || (F = null)),
                                    (B = ['Presto']),
                            } else {
                              U += ' Mobile'
                      ;(v = (/\bAppleWebKit\/([\d.]+\+?)/i.exec(e) || 0)[1]) &&
                        ((v = [parseFloat(v.replace(/\.(\d)$/, '.0$1')), v]),
                        'Safari' == U && '+' == v[1].slice(-1)
                          ? ((U = 'WebKit Nightly'),
                            (N = 'alpha'),
                            (F = v[1].slice(0, -1)))
                          : (F != v[1] &&
                              F !=
                                (v[2] = (/\bSafari\/([\d.]+\+?)/i.exec(e) ||
                                  0)[1])) ||
                            (F = null),
                        (v[1] = (/\bChrome\/([\d.]+)/i.exec(e) || 0)[1]),
                        537.36 == v[0] &&
                          537.36 == v[2] &&
                          parseFloat(v[1]) >= 28 &&
                          'WebKit' == B &&
                          (B = ['Blink']),
                        H && (w || v[1])
                          ? (B && (B[1] = 'like Chrome'),
                            (v =
                              v[1] ||
                              ((v = v[0]),
                              v < 530
                                ? 1
                                : v < 532
                                ? 2
                                : v < 532.05
                                ? 3
                                : v < 533
                                ? 4
                                : v < 534.03
                                ? 5
                                : v < 534.07
                                ? 6
                                : v < 534.1
                                ? 7
                                : v < 534.13
                                ? 8
                                : v < 534.16
                                ? 9
                                : v < 534.24
                                ? 10
                                : v < 534.3
                                ? 11
                                : v < 535.01
                                ? 12
                                : v < 535.02
                                ? '13+'
                                : v < 535.07
                                ? 15
                                : v < 535.11
                                ? 16
                                : v < 535.19
                                ? 17
                                : v < 536.05
                                ? 18
                                : v < 536.1
                                ? 19
                                : v < 537.01
                                ? 20
                                : v < 537.11
                                ? '21+'
                                : v < 537.13
                                ? 23
                                : v < 537.18
                                ? 24
                                : v < 537.24
                                ? 25
                                : v < 537.36
                                ? 26
                                : 'Blink' != B
                                ? '27'
                                : '28')))
                          : (B && (B[1] = 'like Safari'),
                            (v = v[0]),
                            (v =
                              v < 400
                                ? 1
                                : v < 500
                                ? 2
                                : v < 526
                                ? 3
                                : v < 533
                                ? 4
                                : v < 534
                                ? '4+'
                                : v < 535
                                ? 5
                                : v < 537
                                ? 6
                                : v < 538
                                ? 7
                                : v < 601
                                ? 8
                                : '8')),
                        B &&
                          (B[1] +=
                            ' ' +
                            (v +=
                              'number' == typeof v
                                ? '.x'
                                : /[.+]/.test(v)
                                ? ''
                                : '+')),
                        'Safari' == U && (!F || parseInt(F) > 45) && (F = v))
                      'Opera' == U && (v = /\bzbov|zvav$/.exec(V))
                        ? ((U += ' '),
                          C.unshift('desktop mode'),
                          'zvav' == v
                            ? ((U += 'Mini'), (F = null))
                            : (U += 'Mobile'),
                          (V = V.replace(RegExp(' *' + v + '$'), '')))
                        : 'Safari' == U &&
                          /\bChrome\b/.exec(B && B[1]) &&
                          (C.unshift('desktop mode'),
                          (U = 'Chrome Mobile'),
                          (F = null),
                          /\bOS X\b/.test(V)
                            ? ((G = 'Apple'), (V = 'iOS 4.3+'))
                            : (V = null))
                      F &&
                        0 == F.indexOf((v = /[\d.]+$/.exec(V))) &&
                        e.indexOf('/' + v + '-') > -1 &&
                        (V = h(V.replace(v, '')))
                      B &&
                        !/\b(?:Avant|Nook)\b/.test(U) &&
                        (/Browser|Lunascape|Maxthon/.test(U) ||
                          ('Safari' != U &&
                            /^iOS/.test(V) &&
                            /\bSafari\b/.test(B[1])) ||
                          (/^(?:Adobe|Arora|Breach|Midori|Opera|Phantom|Rekonq|Rock|Samsung Internet|Sleipnir|Web)/.test(
                          ) &&
                            B[1])) &&
                        (v = B[B.length - 1]) &&
                      C.length && (C = ['(' + C.join('; ') + ')'])
                      G && W && W.indexOf(G) < 0 && C.push('on ' + G)
                      W &&
                        C.push((/^on /.test(C[C.length - 1]) ? '' : 'on ') + W)
                      V &&
                        ((v = / ([\d.+]+)$/.exec(V)),
                        (b = v && '/' == V.charAt(V.length - v[0].length - 1)),
                        (V = {
                          architecture: 32,
                          family: v && !b ? V.replace(v[0], '') : V,
                          version: v ? v[1] : null,
                          toString: function () {
                            var e = this.version
                            return (
                              this.family +
                              (e && !b ? ' ' + e : '') +
                              (64 == this.architecture ? ' 64-bit' : '')
                      ;(v = /\b(?:AMD|IA|Win|WOW|x86_|x)64\b/i.exec(q)) &&
                        ? (V &&
                            ((V.architecture = 64),
                            (V.family = V.family.replace(
                              RegExp(' *' + v),
                          U &&
                            (/\bWOW64\b/i.test(e) ||
                              (H &&
                                /\w(?:86|32)$/.test(n.cpuClass || n.platform) &&
                                !/\bWin64; x64\b/i.test(e))) &&
                        : V &&
                          /^OS X/.test(V.family) &&
                          'Chrome' == U &&
                          parseFloat(F) >= 39 &&
                          (V.architecture = 64)
                      e || (e = null)
                      var J = {}
                      return (
                        (J.description = e),
                        (J.layout = B && B[0]),
                        (J.manufacturer = G),
                        (J.name = U),
                        (J.prerelease = N),
                        (J.product = W),
                        (J.ua = e),
                        (J.version = U && F),
                        (J.os = V || {
                          architecture: null,
                          family: null,
                          version: null,
                          toString: function () {
                            return 'null'
                        (J.parse = _),
                        (J.toString = a),
                        J.version && C.unshift(F),
                        J.name && C.unshift(U),
                        V &&
                          U &&
                          (V != String(V).split(' ')[0] ||
                            (V != U.split(' ')[0] && !W)) &&
                          C.push(W ? '(' + V + ')' : 'on ' + V),
                        C.length && (J.description = C.join(' ')),
                    var m = (v[typeof window] && window) || this,
                      y = m,
                      b = v[typeof t] && t,
                      g = v[typeof e] && e && !e.nodeType && e,
                      w = b && g && 'object' == typeof i && i
                    !w ||
                      (w.global !== w && w.window !== w && w.self !== w) ||
                      (m = w)
                    var x = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1,
                      E = this,
                      T = Object.prototype,
                      O = T.hasOwnProperty,
                      k = T.toString,
                      P = _()
                    m.platform = P
                    void 0 !==
                      (r = function () {
                        return P
                      }.call(t, a, t, e)) && (e.exports = r)
                }.call(t, a(11)(e), a(5)))
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i() {
                  function e(e, t) {
                    var a = t.request_start,
                      u = t.request_response_start,
                      l = t.request_response_end,
                      d = t.request_bytes_loaded,
                      c = u - a,
                      f = l - u
                    if (c > 0 && f > 0 && d > 0) {
                      var p = (d / f) * 8000
                      i += c
                      r += d
                      n += f
                      this.data.view_min_request_throughput = Math.min(
                        this.data.view_min_request_throughput || 1e400,
                      this.data.view_average_request_throughput = (r / n) * 8000
                      this.data.view_max_request_latency = Math.max(
                        this.data.view_max_request_latency || 0,
                      this.data.view_average_request_latency = i / s
                  function t(e, t) {
                  function a(e, t) {
                  var i = 0,
                    r = 0,
                    n = 0,
                    o = 0,
                    s = 0,
                    u = 0,
                    l = 0
                  this.on('requestcompleted', e)
                  this.on('requestfailed', t)
                  this.on('requestcanceled', a)
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e, t, a) {
                  var i = (0, s.findMediaElement)(t),
                    n = r(i, 3),
                    d = n[0],
                    c = n[1],
                    f = n[2],
                    p = e.log,
                    h = e.utils.getComputedStyle,
                    _ = e.utils.secondsToMs
                  return d
                    ? 'video' !== f && 'audio' !== f
                      ? p.error(
                          'The element of `' + c + '` was not a media element.'
                      : ((a = a || {}),
                        (a.data = (0, o.default)(
                            player_software: 'HTML5 Video Element',
                            player_software_version: 'No Versions',
                            player_mux_plugin_name: 'VideoElementMonitor',
                            player_mux_plugin_version: '2.5.0',
                        (a.getPlayheadTime = function () {
                          return _(d.currentTime)
                        (a.getStateData = function () {
                          return {
                            player_is_paused: d.paused,
                            player_playhead_time: _(d.currentTime),
                            player_width: parseInt(h(d, 'width')),
                            player_height: parseInt(h(d, 'height')),
                            player_autoplay_on: d.autoplay,
                            player_preload_on: d.preload,
                            video_poster_url: d.poster,
                            video_source_url: d.currentSrc,
                            video_source_duration: _(d.duration),
                            video_source_height: d.videoHeight,
                            video_source_width: d.videoWidth,
                        (d.mux = d.mux || {}),
                        (d.mux.destroy = function () {
                          Object.keys(d.mux.listeners).forEach(function (e) {
                            d.removeEventListener(e, d.mux.listeners[e], false)
                          delete d.mux.listeners
                          e.emit(c, 'destroy')
                        (d.mux.swapElement = function (t) {
                          var a = (0, s.findMediaElement)(t),
                            i = r(a, 3),
                            n = i[0],
                            u = i[1],
                            l = i[2]
                          return n
                            ? 'video' !== l && 'audio' !== l
                              ? e.log.error(
                                  'The element of `' +
                                    u +
                                    '` was not a media element.'
                              : ((n.muxId = d.muxId),
                                delete d.muxId,
                                (n.mux = n.mux || {}),
                                (n.mux.listeners = (0, o.default)(
                                delete d.mux.listeners,
                                Object.keys(n.mux.listeners).forEach(function (
                                ) {
                                (n.mux.swapElement = d.mux.swapElement),
                                (n.mux.destroy = d.mux.destroy),
                                delete d.mux,
                                void (d = n))
                            : e.log.error(
                                'No element was found with the `' +
                                  u +
                                  '` query selector.'
                        (d.mux.addHLSJS = function (t) {
                          e.addHLSJS(c, t)
                        (d.mux.addDashJS = function (t) {
                          e.addDashJS(c, t)
                        (d.mux.removeHLSJS = function () {
                        (d.mux.removeDashJS = function () {
                        e.init(c, a),
                        e.emit(c, 'playerready'),
                        d.paused ||
                          (e.emit(c, 'play'),
                          d.readyState > 2 && e.emit(c, 'playing')),
                        (d.mux.listeners = {}),
                        void u.forEach(function (t) {
                          d.mux.listeners[t] = function () {
                            var a = {}
                            'error' === t &&
                              ((a.player_error_code = d.error && d.error.code),
                              (a.player_error_message =
                                d.error && l[d.error.code]))
                            e.emit(c, t, a)
                          d.addEventListener(t, d.mux.listeners[t], false)
                    : p.error(
                        'No element was found with the `' +
                          c +
                          '` query selector.'
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var r = (function () {
                  function e(e, t) {
                    var a = [],
                      i = true,
                      r = false,
                      n = void 0
                    try {
                      for (
                        var o, s = e[Symbol.iterator]();
                        !(i = (o = s.next()).done) &&
                        (a.push(o.value), !t || a.length !== t);
                        i = true
                      ) {}
                    } catch (e) {
                      r = true
                      n = e
                    } finally {
                      try {
                        !i && s.return && s.return()
                      } finally {
                        if (r) {
                          throw n
                    return a
                  return function (t, a) {
                    if (Array.isArray(t)) {
                      return t
                    if (Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) {
                      return e(t, a)
                    throw new TypeError(
                      'Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance'
                var n = a(0),
                  o = (function (e) {
                    return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                  s = a(9),
                  u = [
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e) {
                  return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var r = a(50),
                  n = i(r),
                  o = a(1),
                  s = i(o),
                  u = a(51),
                  l = i(u),
                  d = a(52),
                  c = i(d),
                  f = a(0),
                  p = i(f),
                  h = a(8),
                  _ = i(h),
                  v = a(4),
                  m = {
                    safeCall: n.default,
                    safeIncrement: s.default,
                    getComputedStyle: l.default,
                    secondsToMs: c.default,
                    assign: p.default,
                    headersStringToObject: _.default,
                    extractHostnameAndDomain: v.extractHostnameAndDomain,
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e, t, a, i) {
                  var r = i
                  if (e && 'function' == typeof e[t]) {
                    try {
                      r = e[t].apply(e, a)
                    } catch (e) {
                      n.default.info('safeCall error', e)
                  return r
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var r = a(3),
                  n = (function (e) {
                    return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e, t) {
                  if (
                    n.default.defaultView &&
                  ) {
                    return n.default.defaultView
                      .getComputedStyle(e, null)
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
                var r = a(7),
                  n = (function (e) {
                    return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
              function (e, t, a) {
                'use strict'
                function i(e) {
                  return Math.floor(1000 * e)
                Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
      function (e, t, a) {
        'use strict'
        function i(e, t) {
          var a =
              arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]
                ? arguments[2]
                : [],
            i =
              arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3]
                ? arguments[3]
                : [],
            r =
              arguments.length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments[4]
                ? arguments[4]
                : function () {
                    return {}
            n = false
          e.on('adstart', function () {
            n = true
          e.on('adend', function () {
            n = false
          e.on('adserror', function () {
            n = false
          var s = function () {
            var i = o(t.currentTime()),
              s = function a() {
                var s = Date.now(),
                  u = o(t.currentTime())
                if (n) {
                  if (u > i) {
                    var l = r()
                    l.viewer_time = s - Math.max(0, u - i)
                    t.off('timeupdate', a)
                    e.mux.emit('adplaying', l)
                } else {
                  t.off('timeupdate', a)
            t.on('timeupdate', s)
            var u = function e() {
              t.off('timeupdate', s)
              a.forEach(function (a) {
                t.off(a, e)
            a.forEach(function (e) {
              t.on(e, u)
          i.forEach(function (e) {
            t.on(e, s)
        Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
        t.default = i
        var r = a(0),
          n = (function (e) {
            return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
          o = n.default.utils.secondsToMs
      function (e, t, a) {
        'use strict'
        function i(e) {
          return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
        function r(e) {
          if (o.default.IS_IE8) {
            return false
          var t = this,
            a = t.id()
          e = e || {}
          e.data = x(
              player_software_name: 'Video.js',
              player_software_version: o.default.VERSION || '< 4.11',
              player_mux_plugin_name: 'videojs-mux',
              player_mux_plugin_version: '2.4.0',
          e.getPlayheadTime = function () {
            return T(t.currentTime())
          e.getStateData = function () {
            var e = S(t, 'videoHeight'),
              a = S(t, 'videoWidth')
            if (void 0 === a || void 0 === e) {
              var i = t.el().firstChild
              i &&
                'VIDEO' === i.nodeName.toUpperCase() &&
                ((e = i.videoHeight), (a = i.videoWidth))
            return {
              player_is_paused: S(t, 'paused'),
              player_is_fullscreen: S(t, 'isFullscreen'),
              player_autoplay_on: S(t, 'autoplay'),
              player_preload_on: S(t, 'preload'),
              player_width: E(t.el(), 'width'),
              player_height: E(t.el(), 'height'),
              player_language_code: S(t, 'language'),
              video_poster_url: S(t, 'poster'),
              video_source_url: S(t, 'currentSrc'),
              video_source_mime_type: S(t, 'currentType'),
              video_source_duration: T(S(t, 'duration') || 0),
              video_source_height: e,
              video_source_width: a,
          t.mux = function () {
            w.error('[videojs-mux] The plugin was initialized more than once.')
          t.mux.emit = function (e, t) {
            u.default.emit(a, e, t)
          t.mux.log = w
          t.mux.utils = u.default.utils
          u.default.init(a, e)
          var i = false,
            r = function () {
              i || t.mux.emit('playerready')
              i = true
          t.ready(function () {
            d.default.setTimeout(r, 0)
          var n = false
          t.one('play', r)
          O.forEach(function (e) {
            t.on(e, function () {
              if (!n) {
                var a = {
                  player_error_code: i && i.code,
                  player_error_message: i && i.message,
                if ('error' === e) {
                  var i = S(t, 'error')
                t.mux.emit(e, a)
          var s = false
          t.on('play', function () {
            s = true
          t.on('pause', function () {
            s = false
          t.on('adstart', function () {
            n = true
            s && t.mux.emit('pause')
          t.on('adend', function () {
            n = false
            S(t, 'paused') ||
              (s = true),
              t.onceux && t.mux.emit('playing'))
          t.ima && (0, f.default)(t)
          t.onceux && (0, y.default)(t)
          t.ima3 && 'function' == typeof t.ima3.ready && (0, h.default)(t)
          t.FreeWheelPlugin && t.FreeWheelPlugin.VERSION && (0, v.default)(t)
          t.on('dispose', function () {
        Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
        var n = a(3),
          o = i(n),
          s = a(0),
          u = i(s),
          l = a(4),
          d = i(l),
          c = a(6),
          f = i(c),
          p = a(7),
          h = i(p),
          _ = a(8),
          v = i(_),
          m = a(9),
          y = i(m),
          b = a(10),
          g = i(b),
          w = u.default.log,
          x = u.default.utils.assign,
          S = u.default.utils.safeCall,
          E = u.default.utils.getComputedStyle,
          T = u.default.utils.secondsToMs,
          O = [
          o.default.registerPlugin ||
          o.default.plugin ||
          function () {
              'No valid method to register videojs plugin available.'
        )('mux', r)
        ;(0, g.default)(o.default)
        t.default = {}
      function (t, a) {
        t.exports = e
      function (e, t, a) {
        ;(function (t) {
          var a
          a =
            'undefined' != typeof window
              ? window
              : void 0 !== t
              ? t
              : 'undefined' != typeof self
              ? self
              : {}
          e.exports = a
        }.call(t, a(5)))
      function (e, t) {
        var a
        a = (function () {
          return this
        try {
          a = a || Function('return this')() || (0, eval)('this')
        } catch (e) {
          'object' == typeof window && (a = window)
        e.exports = a
      function (e, t, a) {
        'use strict'
        function i(e) {
          var t = function (t) {
              t = t || {}
              var a = 'function' == typeof t.getAdData ? t.getAdData() : {},
                i = 'function' == typeof t.getAd ? t.getAd() : {},
                r =
                  'function' == typeof i.getMediaUrl
                    ? i.getMediaUrl()
                    : a.mediaUrl,
                n = e.ima.settings || {},
                o = {
                  r: i[t + r],
                  format: r.default,
              return (
                r && (o.ad_asset_url = r),
                n.adTagUrl && (o.ad_tag_url = n.adTagUrl),
            a = void 0,
            i = void 0,
            r = void 0,
            n = void 0,
            o = void 0,
            s = void 0
          try {
            var u = window.google.ima.AdEvent.Type
            a = u.LOADED
            i = u.STARTED
            r = u.COMPLETE
            n = u.PAUSED
            o = u.RESUMED
            s = u.SKIPPED
          } catch (e) {
            a = 'loaded'
            i = 'start'
            r = 'complete'
            n = 'pause'
            o = 'resume'
            s = 'skip'
          var l = 0
          e.mux.triggerAdRequest = function () {
            e.mux.emit('adrequest', t())
          e.on('adsready', function () {
            var u = e.ima.addEventListener || function () {}
            u(a, function (a) {
              var i = t(a)
              l > 0 && (l--, e.mux.emit('adresponse', i))
              e.mux.emit('adplay', i)
            u(i, function (a) {
              var i = t(a)
              e.mux.emit('adplaying', i)
            u(o, function (a) {
              var i = t(a)
              e.mux.emit('adplay', i)
              e.mux.emit('adplaying', i)
            u(n, function (a) {
              var i = t(a)
              e.mux.emit('adpause', i)
            u(r, function (a) {
              var i = t(a)
              e.mux.emit('adended', i)
            u(s, function (a) {
              var i = t(a)
              e.mux.emit('adended', i)
            e.on('adserror', function () {
              l > 0 && (l--, e.mux.emit('adresponse'))
        Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
        t.default = i
      function (e, t, a) {
        'use strict'
        function i(e) {
          if ('string' != typeof e) {
            return false
          var t = e.split('.').map(function (e) {
              return parseInt(e)
            a = t[0],
            i = t[1]
          return a > 2 || (2 === a && i >= 3)
        function r(e) {
          var t = function () {
            var t = e.ima3.currentAd,
              a = e.ima3.settings,
              i = {
                handleSource: function (t, a) {
                  var i =
                      arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2]
                        ? arguments[2]
                        : {},
                    o = r(t, a, i)
                  return (
                    o &&
                      'function' == typeof o.xhr &&
                      (0, n.default)(e(o.player_.el_.parentNode.id), o.xhr),
            return (
              t && (i.ad_asset_url = t.mediaUrl),
              a && (i.ad_tag_url = a.serverUrl),
          if (i(e.ima3.version)) {
            var a = 0,
              r = function () {
                a > 0 && (a--, e.mux.emit('adresponse', t()))
            e.on('ads-request', function () {
              e.mux.emit('adrequest', t())
            e.on('ads-load', function () {
              e.mux.emit('adplay', t())
            e.on('adserror', function () {
            e.on('ads-play', function () {
              e.mux.emit('adplay', t())
            e.on('ads-pause', function () {
              e.mux.emit('adpause', t())
            e.on('ads-ad-ended', function () {
              e.mux.emit('adended', t())
          e.ima3.ready(function () {
            if (e.ima3.adPlayer) {
              i(e.ima3.version) ||
                (e.ima3.adPlayer.on('play', function () {
                e.ima3.adPlayer.on('pause', function () {
                e.ima3.adPlayer.on('ended', function () {
              var a = ['pause', 'ended', 'adserror'],
                r = ['play']
              ;(0, o.default)(e, e.ima3.adPlayer, a, r, t)
            } else {
                'Legacy IMA3 plugin found, ad events may not track correctly.'
              e.on('ads-ad-started', function () {
                e.mux.emit('adplaying', t())
              e.on('ads-play', function () {
                e.mux.emit('adplaying', t())
        Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
        t.brightcoveImaAdsEventsSupported = i
        t.default = r
        var n = a(1),
          o = (function (e) {
            return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
      function (e, t, a) {
        'use strict'
        function i(e) {
          var t = function (t) {
            var a = e.FreeWheelPlugin,
              i = { ad_asset_url: e.currentSrc() }
            switch (t) {
              case 'adplay':
              case 'adplaying':
              case 'adpause':
            return (
              a &&
                (i.ad_tag_url =
                  'html5' === a.tech.toLowerCase()
                    ? a.settings.Html5.serverUrl
                    : a.settings.Flash.serverUrl),
          e.on('ads-request', function () {
            e.mux.emit('adrequest', t('adrequest'))
          e.on('ads-load', function () {
            e.mux.emit('adresponse', t('adresponse'))
          e.on('adserror', function () {
          e.on('ads-ad-started', function () {
            e.mux.emit('adplay', t('adplay'))
            e.mux.emit('adplaying', t('adplaying'))
          e.on('ads-play', function () {
            e.mux.emit('adplay', t('adplay'))
            e.mux.emit('adplaying', t('adplaying'))
          e.on('ads-pause', function () {
            e.mux.emit('adpause', t('adpause'))
          e.on('ads-ad-ended', function () {
            e.mux.emit('adended', t('adended'))
          e.on('adend', function () {
        Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
        t.default = i
      function (e, t, a) {
        'use strict'
        function i(e) {
          var t = [
            a = ['adstart', 'onceux-linearad-resume']
          ;(0, n.default)(e, e, t, a)
          e.on('adstart', function () {
          e.on('onceux-linearad-start', function (t) {
            t.linearAd &&
              t.linearAd.index > 0 &&
              (e.mux.emit('adplay'), e.mux.emit('adplaying'))
          e.on('onceux-linearad-resume', function () {
          e.on('onceux-linearad-pause', function () {
          e.on('onceux-linearad-complete', function () {
          e.on('onceux-linearad-skipped', function () {
        Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
        t.default = i
        var r = a(1),
          n = (function (e) {
            return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
      function (e, t, a) {
        'use strict'
        function i(e) {
          if (!o && 'function' == typeof e.getTech) {
            for (
              var t = e.getTech('Html5') || {}, a = t.sourceHandlers, i = 0;
              i < a.length;
            ) {
              !(function (t) {
                var i = a[t],
                  r = i.handleSource
            o = true
        Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
        t.default = i
        var r = a(11),
          n = (function (e) {
            return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
          o = false
      function (e, t, a) {
        'use strict'
        function i(e, t) {
          var a = function (t, a, i) {
              var r = (0, n.default)(e, t, a)
              return function () {
                try {
                } catch (e) {}
                try {
                } catch (e) {}
            i = function (e) {
              return function (t) {
                var i = Date.now()
                try {
                } catch (e) {}
                try {
                  t.onreadystatechange = a(
                    t.onreadystatechange || function () {}
                } catch (e) {}
          t.beforeRequest = (function (e) {
            return function (t) {
              var a = e(t)
              return (a.beforeSend = i(a.beforeSend || function () {})), a
            t.beforeRequest ||
              function (e) {
                return e
        Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
        t.default = i
        var r = a(12),
          n = (function (e) {
            return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }
      function (e, t, a) {
        'use strict'
        function i(e, t, a) {
          var i = e.mux.utils.extractHostnameAndDomain,
            n = e.mux.utils.headersStringToObject,
            o = function (e) {
              var t = e['content-type']
              return t
                ? t.match(/^audio\/mpegurl/i)
                  ? 'manifest'
                  : t.match(/^audio.*/i)
                  ? 'audio'
                  : t.match(/^video.*/)
                  ? 'video'
                  : t.match(/^application\/x-mpegurl/i)
                  ? 'manifest'
                  : t.match(/^application\/vnd.apple.mpegurl/i)
                  ? 'manifest'
                  : t.match(/^application\/dash+xml/i)
                  ? 'manifest'
                  : 'unknown'
                : 'unknown'
            s = 0
          return function () {
            var u = t.readyState
            if (u >= 2) {
              if (((s = s || Date.now()), 4 !== u)) {
              if (t.status >= 200 && t.status < 300) {
                var l = Date.now(),
                  d =
                    'arraybuffer' === t.responseType
                      ? t.response.byteLength
                      : t.responseText.length,
                  c = i(t.responseURL),
                  f = r(c, 1),
                  p = f[0],
                  h = n(
                    t.getAllResponseHeaders ? t.getAllResponseHeaders() : ''
                  _ = o(h),
                  v = {
                    request_start: a,
                    request_response_start: s,
                    request_response_end: l,
                    request_bytes_loaded: d,
                    request_hostname: p,
                    request_response_headers: h,
                    request_type: _,
                e.mux.emit('requestcompleted', v)
              } else {
        Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: true })
        var r = (function () {
          function e(e, t) {
            var a = [],
              i = true,
              r = false,
              n = void 0
            try {
              for (
                var o, s = e[Symbol.iterator]();
                !(i = (o = s.next()).done) &&
                (a.push(o.value), !t || a.length !== t);
                i = true
              ) {}
            } catch (e) {
              r = true
              n = e
            } finally {
              try {
                !i && s.return && s.return()
              } finally {
                if (r) {
                  throw n
            return a
          return function (t, a) {
            if (Array.isArray(t)) {
              return t
            if (Symbol.iterator in Object(t)) {
              return e(t, a)
            throw new TypeError(
              'Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance'
        t.default = i