3 years ago
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.model small .data array db 5 dup(00) m1 db 10,13, "Enter 5 Subject Marks $" sum dw 0000h ;sum variable 00 (16Bit) m2 db 10,13, "Failed $" m3 db 10,13, "C Grade $" m4 db 10,13, "B Grade $" m5 db 10,13, "A Grade $" .code mov ax,@data ; Initialize the data seg address mov ds,ax mov ah,09h lea dx,m1 ; Display message int 21h mov ch, 05 ; set Counter mov si, offset array ;pointing memory location to store X3: call accept ; PC pushes address of next instr on top of the stack mov [si], bl ; transfer data to that location pointed by si mov bh, 00h add sum, bx ;add bl, [si] inc si dec ch JNZ X3 ; unless ZF is not set jump to accept proc mov ax, sum ;Divident Must be in a AX reg mov bl, 05h ;5 subject marks thats why we wrote 5 div bl ;remainder = ah quotient = al cmp al, 40h JBE N1 ;Jump if BELOW or EQUAL cmp al, 60h JBE N2 cmp al, 80h JBE N3 cmp al, 90h JBE N4 N1: mov ah, 09h lea dx, m2 int 21h jmp exit N2: mov ah, 09h lea dx, m3 int 21h jmp exit N3: mov ah, 09h lea dx, m1 int 21h jmp exit N4: mov ah, 09h lea dx, m5 int 21h jmp exit exit: mov ah,4ch int 21h accept proc near mov ah,01h ; ascii code goes in to AL(0 to F) int 21h mov bl, al ; make free al sub bl, 30h ; seperate the accepted no forms ascii code cmp bl, 09h ; if single digit is >9 then need to sub 07h JLE X1 ; bl=5 bl=50 bl=50+8 = 58 sub bl,07h ;bh = 8 X1: mov cl, 04h ; create tens place value for 2 digit no SHL bl,cl mov ah,01h ; second no.accept (0-F) unit value int 21h mov bh, al sub bh,30h cmp bh,09h JLE X2 sub bh, 07h X2: add bl, bh ; two digit no is created ret ;pop the next instruction address from the stack endp end
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