2 years ago
286 kB
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will never see a bad guy with an iPhone, or any Apple products!\nBut why?\n\nStarbucks,..." } }, { "_attributes": { "property": "og:description", "content": "views, 40 ہزار likes, 9 ہزار loves, 1.8 ہزار comments, 12 ہزار shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Nas Daily: Iphones are forbidden!\n\nNo matter what movie you watch, you will never see a bad guy with..." } }, { "_attributes": { "property": "og:url", "content": "" } }, { "_attributes": { "property": "og:image", "content": "" } }, { "_attributes": { "property": "og:locale", "content": "en_US" } }, { "_attributes": { "property": "og:type", "content": "video.other" } }, { "_attributes": { "property": "og:video", "content": "" } }, { "_attributes": { "property": "og:video:url", "content": "" } }, { "_attributes": { "property": "og:video:secure_url", "content": "" } }, { "_attributes": { "property": "og:video:width", "content": "340" } }, { "_attributes": { "property": "og:video:height", "content": "426" } }, { "_attributes": { 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{ "_text": "Most Humble Crypto Billionaire" } } } }, { "_attributes": { "class": "_98y9" }, "span": { "div": { "_attributes": { "class": "_50f8" }, "_text": "49 لاکھ ویوز · ", "abbr": { "span": { "_attributes": { "class": "timestampContent" }, "_text": "5 مئی" } } } } }, { "_attributes": { "class": "_98yb" } } ], "h3": { "div": { "_attributes": { "class": "_98y0" }, "span": { "_text": [ "", "" ], "a": { "_attributes": { "class": "_4kk6", "href": "/nasdaily" }, "_text": "Nas Daily" } } } } } ] }, { "_attributes": { "class": "_9axl", "id": "m_more_videos" }, "a": { "_attributes": { "href": "/videos/msite/related/?video_id=549037300215909&cursor=AQHRfvaSM9tI5sxdTwA14DxU0Wkn1vved5_7rSHfPob_juRFN7FiMc0rtPYHoMgTLsqlAcpYxA-HX0F2nSgR9GBxkA", "class": "_54k8 _9axm", "rel": "async-post", "id": "m_more_videos" }, "span": { "_attributes": { "class": "_55sr" }, "span": { "_attributes": { "class": "_9axn" }, "_text": "مزید دیکھیں" } } } } ] } }, {} ] }, { "_attributes": { "id": "watch_mobile_redesigned_footer_pagelet" }, "div": { "_attributes": { "class": "_99g9" }, "div": { "_attributes": { "class": "_3j00", "id": "u_0_1_wL" }, "div": [ { "_attributes": { "class": "_3j01 _357e", "id": "u_0_2_mJ" }, "i": { "_attributes": { "class": "_3j09 img sp_ba0VkJOlTAy sx_76511d" } }, "span": { "_attributes": { "class": "_3j08" }, "span": { "_attributes": { "class": "_50f7" }, "_text": "ویڈیو ٹرانسکرپٹ" } } }, { "_attributes": { "class": "_3j0t _357e" }, "div": { "_attributes": { "style": "max-height: 250px; overflow-y: scroll;" }, "_text": "You will never find a movie where bad guys use MacBooks, iPhones or AirPods. But why? Big brands are full of secrets. They work very hard and spend millions of dollars to make sure you never hear about them. But today I'm going to tell you about all of them. Did you know that McDonald's logo is not an end? That's right. The very first McDonald's restaurant had two giant golden arches. So people could see it from the highway and would want to stop or a burger. The owner loved them so much that he insisted to put them on the logo. Also did you know that MandM's were actually created for the US Army? Yes, American soldiers wanted to eat chocolate when away at war. But it kept melting in their hands. So one day two guys named Mars and Murray, the to copy smarties, put an M on it and create MandM's. Mars and Murray, MandM's, you got it. Santa used to be green. The only reason it's red is because of Coca Cola. One day one guy in a marketing meeting at Coca Cola told his colleagues. Hey, what if we showed Santa with a Coke bottle to boost our Christmas sales? Let's pick the red version so he fits with the colour of our bottles. And there you go, a red Santa with a red Coke. That ad became so popular that red Santa became the only Santa people remember today. The guy who invented Levi's never wore jeans in his life. I know that's crazy. Levi Strauss thought his jeans weren't cool enough for him. He would only wear black suits. The reason Facebook is blue is because Mark Zuckerberg is color blind. Yes, Zach is red green color blind which means the color he sees best is blue. That's also why his favorite color is all over the new Meta logo. Baskin Robbins once made a ketchup flavoured ice cream sub they had to stop it because nobody was buying it. Puma and Adidas were founded by brothers who originally ran a shoe company together but got into a huge fight and went their separate ways. It got so bad that they asked to be buried at the opposite ends of the same cemetery in Germany. Some companies give their employees bonuses. Jack Daniels gives out whiskey. I'm not kidding. The first Friday of each month in Jack Daniel's is called Good Friday and every single employee gets a bottle of old number seven for their hard work. No matter what movie you watch, you will never see a bad guy with an iPhone. They insist they will sue anyone who makes a film where bad guys use Apple because they want their brand to be only associated with good. There is even a director in Hollywood who said you could actually guess who the bad guy was just by looking at their phones. When you build a brand, reputation is everything. And who knows, if you ever get in trouble with police, you can always try to show your iPhone to the officer to prove you're innocent." } } ] }, "span": { "div": { "_attributes": { "class": "uiHeader uiHeaderPage _8ie- _999m" }, "div": { "_attributes": { "class": "clearfix uiHeaderTop" }, "div": { "h6": { "_attributes": { "class": "uiHeaderTitle" }, "a": [ { "_attributes": { "href": "/pages/category/" }, "_text": "صفحات" }, { "_attributes": { "href": "/pages/category/topic-other/" }, "_text": "دیگر" }, { "_attributes": { "href": "/pages/category/topic-just-for-fun/" }, "_text": "صرف برائے تفریح" }, { "_attributes": { "href": "" }, "_text": "Nas Daily" }, { "_attributes": { "href": "/nasdaily/videos/" }, "_text": "ویڈیوز" } ], "i": [ { "_attributes": { "class": "mhs img sp_dy6lCqN17m0 sx_78eee2" } }, { "_attributes": { "class": "mhs img sp_dy6lCqN17m0 sx_78eee2" } }, { "_attributes": { "class": "mhs img sp_dy6lCqN17m0 sx_78eee2" } }, { "_attributes": { "class": "mhs img sp_dy6lCqN17m0 sx_78eee2" } }, { "_attributes": { "class": "mhs img sp_dy6lCqN17m0 sx_78eee2" } } ], "span": { "_attributes": { "class": "_8if0" }, "_text": "Why Bad Guys Don't Have Iphones?" } } } } }, "script": { "_attributes": { "id": "u_0_0_FF", "type": "application/ld+json", "nonce": "DSGurDJQ" }, "_text":"{\"\@context\":\"https:\/\/\",\"\@type\":\"BreadcrumbList\",\"itemListElement\":[{\"\@type\":\"ListItem\",\"position\":1,\"name\":\"\ص\ف\ح\ا\ت\",\"item\":{\"\@id\":\"https:\/\/\/pages\/category\/\"}},{\"\@type\":\"ListItem\",\"position\":2,\"name\":\"\د\ی\گ\ر\",\"item\":{\"\@id\":\"https:\/\/\/pages\/category\/topic-other\/\"}},{\"\@type\":\"ListItem\",\"position\":3,\"name\":\"\ص\ر\ف \ب\ر\ا\ئ\ے \ت\ف\ر\ی\ح\",\"item\":{\"\@id\":\"https:\/\/\/pages\/category\/topic-just-for-fun\/\"}},{\"\@type\":\"ListItem\",\"position\":4,\"name\":\"Nas Daily\",\"item\":{\"\@id\":\"https:\/\/\/574719552680201\"}},{\"\@type\":\"ListItem\",\"position\":5,\"name\":\"\و\ی\ڈ\ی\و\ز\",\"item\":{\"\@id\":\"https:\/\/\/nasdaily\/videos\/\"}},{\"\@type\":\"ListItem\",\"position\":6,\"name\":\"Why Bad Guys Don't Have Iphones?\",\"item\":{\"\@id\":\"https:\/\/\/nasdaily\/videos\/549037300215909\/?privacy_mutation_token=eyJ0eXBlIjowLCJjcmVhdGlvbl90aW1lIjoxNjU1NzE4NTQ0LCJjYWxsc2l0ZV9pZCI6MzU5MDc2MjkyMTc1NjM2fQ\%3D\%3D\"}}]}" } } } } ] } } } }, "span": { "img": { "_attributes": { "src": "", "width": "0", "height": "0", "style": "display:none" } } } } }, {} ] } } } } } }