2 months ago
6.6 kB
import React,{useState} from "react"; import {Link} from "react-router-dom" import KidsTowel from "../assets/kids-towel.webp"; import KidsBedding from "../assets/kids-bedding.webp"; import KidsPillow from "../assets/kids-pillow.webp"; import "./ReadyMadeCurtain.css"; const kidsProducts = [ { id: 1, name: "Kids Towel Set", price: "₹499", image: KidsTowel }, { id: 2, name: "Kids Bedding Set", price: "₹1,299", image: KidsBedding }, { id: 3, name: "Kids Pillow Cover", price: "₹399", image: KidsPillow }, ]; const sizeOptions = ["Single Quilt", "Single Bed Sheet", "Double Bed Sheet set"]; const colorOptions = [ { label: "Beige", color: "#F5F5DC" }, { label: "Blue", color: "#0000FF" }, { label: "Brown", color: "#8B4513" }, { label: "Grey", color: "#808080" }, { label: "White", color: "#FFFFFF" }, { label: "Pink", color: "#FFC0CB" }, { label: "Turquoise", color: "#40E0D0" }, { label: "Orange", color: "#FFA500" }, { label: "Yellow", color: "#FFFF00" }, { label: "Golden", color: "#FFD700" }, { label: "Green", color: "#008000" }, { label: "Red", color: "#FF0000" }, ]; const Kids = () => { const [selectedSizes, setSelectedSizes] = useState([]); const [selectedColors, setSelectedColors] = useState([]); const [priceRange, setPriceRange] = useState(2000); const [isSizeOpen, setIsSizeOpen] = useState(false); const [isColorOpen, setIsColorOpen] = useState(false); const [isPriceOpen, setIsPriceOpen] = useState(false); const [sortOption, setSortOption] = useState(''); const [products, setProducts] = useState(kidsProducts); // Handle sorting const handleSort = (e) => { const value = e.target.value; setSortOption(value); let sortedProducts = [...products]; if (value === "Price: Low to High") { sortedProducts.sort((a, b) => a.price - b.price); } else if (value === "Price: High to Low") { sortedProducts.sort((a, b) => b.price - a.price); } else if (value === "Popularity") { sortedProducts.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5); } setProducts(sortedProducts); }; // Handle size filter selection const handleSizeChange = (size) => { setSelectedSizes((prevSelected) => prevSelected.includes(size) ? prevSelected.filter((s) => s !== size) : [...prevSelected, size] ); }; // Handle color filter selection const handleColorChange = (color) => { setSelectedColors((prevSelected) => prevSelected.includes(color) ? prevSelected.filter((c) => c !== color) : [...prevSelected, color] ); }; // Filter products based on selected filters const filteredKids = products.filter((product) => (selectedSizes.length === 0 || selectedSizes.includes(product.size)) && (selectedColors.length === 0 || selectedColors.includes(product.color)) && product.price <= priceRange ); return ( <div className="curtain-page"> <div className="breadcrumb"> <Link to="/">Home</Link> / <Link to="/shop">Shop</Link> / <span className="current-page">KIDS COLLECTION</span> </div> <div className="curtain-container"> {/* Sidebar Section */} <aside className="sidebar"> <h3>Shop By</h3> {/* Size Filter */} <div className="filter-section"> <div className="filter-header" onClick={() => setIsSizeOpen(!isSizeOpen)}> <strong>Size</strong> <span>{isSizeOpen ? "−" : "+"}</span> </div> {isSizeOpen && ( <ul className="filter-options"> {sizeOptions.map((size) => ( <li key={size}> <input type="checkbox" checked={selectedSizes.includes(size)} onChange={() => handleSizeChange(size)} /> <label>{size}</label> </li> ))} </ul> )} </div> {/* Color Filter */} <div className="filter-section"> <div className="filter-header" onClick={() => setIsColorOpen(!isColorOpen)}> <strong>Color</strong> <span>{isColorOpen ? "−" : "+"}</span> </div> {isColorOpen && ( <div className="color-options"> {colorOptions.map((color) => ( <div key={color.label} className={`color-circle ${selectedColors.includes(color.label) ? 'selected' : ''}`} style={{ backgroundColor: color.color }} onClick={() => handleColorChange(color.label)} ></div> ))} </div> )} </div> {/* Price Filter */} <div className="filter-section"> <div className="filter-header" onClick={() => setIsPriceOpen(!isPriceOpen)}> <strong>Price</strong> <span>{isPriceOpen ? "−" : "+"}</span> </div> {isPriceOpen && ( <div className="price-filter"> <input type="range" min="1000" max="2000" step="100" value={priceRange} onChange={(e) => setPriceRange(Number(e.target.value))} /> <p>Up to ₹{priceRange}</p> </div> )} </div> </aside> {/* Main Content Section */} <main className="curtain-content"> <div className="content-header"> <h2>Kids <span className="items-count">({filteredKids.length})</span></h2> <select className="sort-dropdown" value={sortOption} onChange={handleSort}> <option>Sort By</option> <option>Price: Low to High</option> <option>Price: High to Low</option> <option>Popularity</option> </select> </div> <div className="curtain-list"> {filteredKids.length > 0 ? ( filteredKids.map((product) => ( <div key={product.id} className="curtain-card"> <img src={product.image} alt={product.name} /> <h3>{product.name}</h3> <p className="price">₹{product.price}</p> </div> )) ) : ( <p>No products found. Please adjust your filters.</p> )} </div> </main> </div> </div> ); }; export default Kids;
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