2 years ago
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package byow.Core; import byow.TileEngine.TERenderer; import byow.TileEngine.TETile; import byow.TileEngine.Tileset; import edu.princeton.cs.introcs.StdDraw; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class Engine { TERenderer ter = new TERenderer(); /* Feel free to change the width and height. */ public static final int WIDTH = 80; public static final int HEIGHT = 30; private long SEED; private Random RANDOM = new Random(100); private HashSet<Room> rooms = new HashSet<>(); private LinkedList<Room> unconnectedRooms = new LinkedList<>(); // private TETile[][] finalWorldFrame; private World finalWorld = new World(new TETile[WIDTH][HEIGHT], new Position(0, 0)); private LinkedList<Position> upperLeftCorners = new LinkedList<>(); private KDTree upperLeftTree; private HashMap<Position, Room> cornerRoom = new HashMap<>(); private BufferedImage lightImage; private ArrayList<Light> lights = new ArrayList<>(); private class Orientation { private boolean horizontal = true; private boolean increase = true; private Orientation(boolean h, boolean i) { horizontal = h; increase = i; } } private class Corner { private Position position; private Orientation orientation; private Corner(Position p, Orientation o) { position = p; orientation = o; } } private class Room { private Position upperLeft; private Position lowerRight; private boolean connected; private Room(Position ul, Position lr, Boolean c) { upperLeft = ul; lowerRight = lr; connected = c; } } /** * Method used for exploring a fresh world. This method should handle all inputs, * including inputs from the main menu. */ public void interactWithKeyboard() { ter.initialize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); showMenu(); ter.renderFrame(finalWorld.world()); } private void showMenu() { // StdAudio.loop("mario.wav"); StdDraw.clear(); Font font = new Font("Monaco", Font.BOLD, 30); StdDraw.setFont(font); StdDraw.setPenColor(Color.pink); StdDraw.text(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2, "Game Begins."); StdDraw.text(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2 - 5, "New Game (N)"); StdDraw.text(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2 - 7, "Load Game (L)"); StdDraw.text(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2 - 9, "Quit Game (:Q)"); StdDraw.show(); Font font2 = new Font("Monaco", Font.PLAIN, 15); StdDraw.setFont(font2); while (true) { if (StdDraw.hasNextKeyTyped()) { Character nextKey = StdDraw.nextKeyTyped(); if (nextKey.equals('n') || nextKey.equals('N')) { String seed = readSeed(); Position p = randomPosition(WIDTH, 0); String s = seed.substring(1, seed.length() - 1); SEED = Long.parseLong(s); finalWorld = new World(generateNewWorld(SEED), p); addAvatar(finalWorld, p); playGame(); return; } else if (nextKey.equals('l') || nextKey.equals('L')) { finalWorld = loadGame(); ter.initialize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); ter.renderFrame(finalWorld.world()); playGame(); return; } else if (nextKey.equals(':')) { while (true) { if (StdDraw.hasNextKeyTyped()) { Character nextKeyQ = StdDraw.nextKeyTyped(); if (!nextKeyQ.equals('q') && !nextKey.equals('Q')) { continue; } else { System.exit(0); return; } } } } } } } private String readSeed() { StringBuilder seed = new StringBuilder(); seed.append('n'); while (true) { if (StdDraw.hasNextKeyTyped()) { Character nextKey = StdDraw.nextKeyTyped(); if (!nextKey.equals('s') && !nextKey.equals('S')) { if (nextKey > '9' || nextKey < '0') { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } seed.append(nextKey); } else { seed.append(nextKey); String s = seed.toString(); return s; } } } } private void playGame() { ter.renderFrame(finalWorld.world()); addLight(); // ter.renderFrame(finalWorld.world); while (true) { mouse(finalWorld); if (StdDraw.hasNextKeyTyped()) { Character nextKey = StdDraw.nextKeyTyped(); if (nextKey.equals('q') || nextKey.equals('Q')) { saveGame(finalWorld); System.exit(0); return; } checkMove(nextKey); } } } private void checkMove(Character input) { if (!input.equals(':')) { int x = finalWorld.avatar().getX(); int y = finalWorld.avatar().getY(); switch (input) { case 'W': case 'w': if (finalWorld.world()[x][y + 1].equals(Tileset.WALL) || finalWorld.world()[x][y + 1].equals(Tileset.NOTHING)) { System.out.print("Cannot be wall."); // StdAudio.play("crash.wav"); } else { finalWorld.world()[x][y + 1] = Tileset.AVATAR; finalWorld.world()[x][y] = Tileset.FLOOR; finalWorld = new World(finalWorld.world(), new Position(x, y + 1)); // StdAudio.play("pop.wav"); } ter.renderFrame(finalWorld.world()); break; case 'S': case 's': if (finalWorld.world()[x][y - 1].equals(Tileset.WALL) || finalWorld.world()[x][y - 1].equals(Tileset.NOTHING)) { System.out.print("Cannot be wall."); // StdAudio.play("crash.wav"); } else { finalWorld.world()[x][y - 1] = Tileset.AVATAR; finalWorld.world()[x][y] = Tileset.FLOOR; finalWorld = new World(finalWorld.world(), new Position(x, y - 1)); // StdAudio.play("pop.wav"); } ter.renderFrame(finalWorld.world()); break; case 'A': case 'a': if (finalWorld.world()[x - 1][y].equals(Tileset.WALL) || finalWorld.world()[x - 1][y].equals(Tileset.NOTHING)) { System.out.print("Cannot be wall."); // StdAudio.play("crash.wav"); } else { finalWorld.world()[x - 1][y] = Tileset.AVATAR; finalWorld.world()[x][y] = Tileset.FLOOR; finalWorld = new World(finalWorld.world(), new Position(x - 1, y)); // StdAudio.play("pop.wav"); } ter.renderFrame(finalWorld.world()); break; case 'D': case 'd': if (finalWorld.world()[x + 1][y].equals(Tileset.WALL) || finalWorld.world()[x + 1][y].equals(Tileset.NOTHING)) { System.out.print("Cannot be wall."); // StdAudio.play("crash.wav"); } else { finalWorld.world()[x + 1][y] = Tileset.AVATAR; finalWorld.world()[x][y] = Tileset.FLOOR; finalWorld = new World(finalWorld.world(), new Position(x + 1, y)); // StdAudio.play("pop.wav"); } ter.renderFrame(finalWorld.world()); break; default: break; } } else { while (true) { if (StdDraw.hasNextKeyTyped()) { Character nextKeyQ = StdDraw.nextKeyTyped(); if (!nextKeyQ.equals('q') && !nextKeyQ.equals('Q')) { continue; } else { saveGame(finalWorld); System.exit(0); return; } } } } } private void mouse(World world) { int x = (int) StdDraw.mouseX(); int y = (int) StdDraw.mouseY(); if (world.world()[x][y].equals(Tileset.FLOOR)) { ter.renderFrame(world.world()); StdDraw.setPenColor(Color.pink); StdDraw.text(2, HEIGHT - 1, "FLOOR"); } else if (world.world()[x][y].equals(Tileset.NOTHING)) { ter.renderFrame(world.world()); StdDraw.setPenColor(Color.pink); StdDraw.text(2, HEIGHT - 1, "NOTHING"); } else if (world.world()[x][y].equals(Tileset.AVATAR)) { ter.renderFrame(world.world()); StdDraw.setPenColor(Color.pink); StdDraw.text(2, HEIGHT - 1, "AVATAR"); } else { ter.renderFrame(world.world()); StdDraw.setPenColor(Color.pink); StdDraw.text(2, HEIGHT - 1, "WALL"); } StdDraw.show(); } private void addLight() { lights.add(new Light(5, 5, 3, 12)); lights.add(new Light(WIDTH / 5, HEIGHT / 3, 6, 12)); lights.add(new Light(WIDTH / 3, HEIGHT / 5, 8, 12)); lights.add(new Light(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 4, 5, 12)); lights.add(new Light(WIDTH / 10, HEIGHT / 8, 6, 12)); lightImage = new BufferedImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) lightImage.getGraphics(); g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 225)); g.fillRect(0, 0, lightImage.getWidth(), lightImage.getHeight()); Composite old = g.getComposite(); for (Light l : lights) { l.render(g); } g.dispose(); } private void addAvatar(World world, Position p) { while (!world.world()[p.getX()][p.getY()].equals(Tileset.FLOOR)) { p = randomPosition(WIDTH, 0); } world.world()[p.getX()][p.getY()] = Tileset.AVATAR; finalWorld = new World(world.world(), p); } private World loadGame() { File f = new File("./save_data.txt"); if (f.exists()) { try { FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(f); ObjectInputStream os = new ObjectInputStream(fs); return (World) os.readObject(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("file not found"); // System.exit(0); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); // System.exit(0); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("class not found"); // System.exit(0); } } /* In the case no Editor has been saved yet, we return a new one. */ return new World(new TETile[WIDTH][HEIGHT], new Position(0, 0)); } private static void saveGame(World world) { File f = new File("./save_data.txt"); try { if (!f.exists()) { f.createNewFile(); } FileOutputStream fs = new FileOutputStream(f); ObjectOutputStream os = new ObjectOutputStream(fs); os.writeObject(world); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("file not found"); // System.exit(0); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); // System.exit(0); } } /** * Method used for autograding and testing your code. The input string will be a series * of characters (for example, "n123sswwdasdassadwas", "n123sss:q", "lwww". The engine should * behave exactly as if the user typed these characters into the engine using * interactWithKeyboard. * <p> * Recall that strings ending in ":q" should cause the game to quite save. For example, * if we do interactWithInputString("n123sss:q"), we expect the game to run the first * 7 commands (n123sss) and then quit and save. If we then do * interactWithInputString("l"), we should be back in the exact same state. * <p> * In other words, both of these calls: * - interactWithInputString("n123sss:q") * - interactWithInputString("lww") * <p> * should yield the exact same world state as: * - interactWithInputString("n123sssww") * * @param input the input string to feed to your program * @return the 2D TETile[][] representing the state of the world */ public TETile[][] interactWithInputString(String input) { // passed in as an argument, and return a 2D tile representation of the // world that would have been drawn if the same inputs had been given // to interactWithKeyboard(). // // See proj3.byow.InputDemo for a demo of how you can make a nice clean interface // that works for many different input types. finalWorld = new World(new TETile[WIDTH][HEIGHT], finalWorld.avatar()); LinkedList<Character> strQueue = new LinkedList<>(); for (char c : input.toCharArray()) { strQueue.offer(c); } Character nextKey = strQueue.remove(); if (nextKey.equals('N') || nextKey.equals('n')) { StringBuilder seedBuilder = new StringBuilder(); seedBuilder.append(nextKey); nextKey = strQueue.remove(); while (!nextKey.equals('s') && !nextKey.equals('S')) { seedBuilder.append(nextKey); nextKey = strQueue.remove(); } seedBuilder.append(nextKey); String seed = seedBuilder.toString(); String s = seed.substring(1, seed.length() - 1); SEED = Long.parseLong(s); Position p = randomPosition(WIDTH, 0); finalWorld = new World(generateNewWorld(SEED), p); addAvatar(finalWorld, p); if (strQueue.isEmpty()) { return finalWorld.world(); } playGameInput(strQueue); return finalWorld.world(); } else if (nextKey.equals('l') || nextKey.equals('L')) { finalWorld = loadGame(); playGameInput(strQueue); return finalWorld.world(); } else if (nextKey.equals(':')) { while (!nextKey.equals('q') && !nextKey.equals('Q')) { nextKey = strQueue.remove(); } return finalWorld.world(); } else { return finalWorld.world(); } } private void playGameInput(LinkedList<Character> strQueue) { while (!strQueue.isEmpty() && !strQueue.peekFirst().equals(':')) { Character nextKey = strQueue.remove(); int x = finalWorld.avatar().getX(); int y = finalWorld.avatar().getY(); switch (nextKey) { case 'W': case 'w': if (finalWorld.world()[x][y + 1].equals(Tileset.WALL) || finalWorld.world()[x][y + 1].equals(Tileset.NOTHING)) { System.out.print("Cannot be wall."); } else { finalWorld.world()[x][y + 1] = Tileset.AVATAR; finalWorld.world()[x][y] = Tileset.FLOOR; finalWorld = new World(finalWorld.world(), new Position(x, y + 1)); } break; case 'S': case 's': if (finalWorld.world()[x][y - 1].equals(Tileset.WALL) || finalWorld.world()[x][y - 1].equals(Tileset.NOTHING)) { System.out.print("Cannot be wall."); } else { finalWorld.world()[x][y - 1] = Tileset.AVATAR; finalWorld.world()[x][y] = Tileset.FLOOR; finalWorld = new World(finalWorld.world(), new Position(x, y - 1)); } break; case 'A': case 'a': if (finalWorld.world()[x - 1][y].equals(Tileset.WALL) || finalWorld.world()[x - 1][y].equals(Tileset.NOTHING)) { System.out.print("Cannot be wall."); } else { finalWorld.world()[x - 1][y] = Tileset.AVATAR; finalWorld.world()[x][y] = Tileset.FLOOR; finalWorld = new World(finalWorld.world(), new Position(x - 1, y)); } break; case 'D': case 'd': if (finalWorld.world()[x + 1][y].equals(Tileset.WALL) || finalWorld.world()[x + 1][y].equals(Tileset.NOTHING)) { System.out.print("Cannot be wall."); } else { finalWorld.world()[x + 1][y] = Tileset.AVATAR; finalWorld.world()[x][y] = Tileset.FLOOR; finalWorld = new World(finalWorld.world(), new Position(x + 1, y)); } break; default: break; } } if (strQueue.isEmpty()) { return; } Character nextKey = strQueue.remove(); while (!nextKey.equals('q') && !nextKey.equals('Q') && !strQueue.isEmpty()) { nextKey = strQueue.remove(); } if (nextKey.equals('q') || nextKey.equals('Q')) { saveGame(finalWorld); return; } if (strQueue.isEmpty()) { return; } } private TETile[][] generateNewWorld(long seed) { RANDOM = new Random(seed); for (int i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i += 1) { Position startp = new Position(0, i); addRow(finalWorld.world(), startp, WIDTH, Tileset.NOTHING); } Room centerRoom = addFirstRoom(finalWorld.world()); // should add random nums rooms!!! int numOfRooms = RANDOM.nextInt(50) + 20; addNumberRooms(finalWorld.world(), numOfRooms); upperLeftTree = new KDTree(upperLeftCorners); connectWithHallways(finalWorld.world(), centerRoom); return finalWorld.world(); } private Room addFirstRoom(TETile[][] world) { int startX = RANDOM.nextInt(6) + WIDTH / 2 - 3; //upper: width / 2 + 3; lower: width / 2 - 3 int startY = RANDOM.nextInt(6) + HEIGHT / 2 - 3; Position startP = new Position(startX, startY); int w = RANDOM.nextInt(WIDTH / 2 - 9) + 4; int h = RANDOM.nextInt(HEIGHT / 2 - 9) + 4; Room centerRoom = addRoom(finalWorld.world(), startP, w, h); rooms.add(centerRoom); unconnectedRooms.add(centerRoom); Position centerULCorner = centerRoom.upperLeft; upperLeftCorners.add(centerULCorner); cornerRoom.put(centerULCorner, centerRoom); return centerRoom; } private void addNumberRooms(TETile[][] world, int num) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i += 1) { int w = RANDOM.nextInt(WIDTH / 3 - 4) + 4; // lower: 4, upper:width / 3 int h = RANDOM.nextInt(HEIGHT / 3 - 4) + 4; Position randomP = randomPosition(WIDTH - w + 1, h); if (!overlap(finalWorld.world(), randomP, w, h)) { Room newlyAddedRoom = addRoom(world, randomP, w, h); rooms.add(newlyAddedRoom); unconnectedRooms.add(newlyAddedRoom); upperLeftCorners.add(newlyAddedRoom.upperLeft); cornerRoom.put(randomP, newlyAddedRoom); } } } private void connectWithHallways(TETile[][] world, Room rootRoom) { if (upperLeftCorners.isEmpty()) { return; } else { Room closest = findClosestRoom(rootRoom); connect2Rooms(world, rootRoom, closest); upperLeftCorners.remove(closest.upperLeft); upperLeftTree = new KDTree(upperLeftCorners); connectWithHallways(world, closest); } } private Room findClosestRoom(Room r1) { Position ul2 = upperLeftTree.nearest(r1.upperLeft.getX(), r1.upperLeft.getY()); return cornerRoom.get(ul2); } private void connect2Rooms(TETile[][] world, Room r1, Room r2) { int ulX1 = r1.upperLeft.getX(); int ulY1 = r1.upperLeft.getY(); int ulX2 = r2.upperLeft.getX(); int ulY2 = r2.upperLeft.getY(); int lrX1 = r1.lowerRight.getX(); int lrY1 = r1.lowerRight.getY(); int lrX2 = r2.lowerRight.getX(); int lrY2 = r2.lowerRight.getY(); if (ulX1 > ulX2 && ulY1 >= ulY2) { if (ulY1 - ulY2 > 1) { // must distance at least 2 Position p2 = randomPOnWall(r2, "up"); int y1 = RANDOM.nextInt(ulY1 - ulY2 - 1) + ulY2 + 1; // upper: uly1, lower: uly2 + 1 Position p1temp = randomPOnWall(r1, "left"); Position p1 = new Position(ulX1, y1); if (p1temp.getY() > p1.getY()) { p1 = p1temp; } Position corridor1 = new Position(p2.getX() + 1, p1.getY()); addHorizontalHallway(world, corridor1, p1.getX() - p2.getX()); addCornerDe(world, corridor1, new Orientation(true, false)); addVerticalHallway(world, p2, p1.getY() - p2.getY()); } else { int y1 = RANDOM.nextInt(ulY1 - lrY1 - 1) + lrY1 + 1; int x1 = ulX1; Position p1 = new Position(x1, y1); Position p2 = randomPOnWall(r2, "right"); if (p1.getY() > p2.getY()) { p2 = new Position(lrX2, p1.getY()); } else { p1 = new Position(ulX1, p2.getY()); } addHorizontalHallway(world, p2, p1.getX() - p2.getX() + 1); } } else if (ulX1 < ulX2 && ulY1 <= ulY2) { connect2Rooms(world, r2, r1); } else if (ulX1 < ulX2) { if (ulY1 - ulY2 > 1) { Position p2 = randomPOnWall(r2, "up"); int y1 = RANDOM.nextInt(ulY1 - ulY2 - 1) + ulY2 + 1; Position p1temp = randomPOnWall(r1, "right"); Position p1 = new Position(lrX1, y1); if (p1temp.getY() > p1.getY()) { p1 = p1temp; } addHorizontalHallway(world, p1, p2.getX() - p1.getX()); Position corridor1 = new Position(p2.getX() - 1, p1.getY()); addCornerDe(world, corridor1, new Orientation(true, true)); addVerticalHallway(world, p2, p1.getY() - p2.getY()); } else { int y1 = RANDOM.nextInt(ulY1 - lrY1 - 2) + lrY1 + 1; int x1 = lrX1; Position p1 = new Position(x1, y1); Position p2 = randomPOnWall(r2, "left"); if (p1.getY() > p2.getY()) { p2 = new Position(ulX1, p1.getY()); } else { p1 = new Position(lrX1, p2.getY()); } addHorizontalHallway(world, p1, p2.getX() - p1.getX() + 1); } } else if (ulX1 > ulX2) { connect2Rooms(world, r2, r1); } else { if (ulY1 >= ulY2) { Position p1 = randomPOnWall(r1, "down"); Position p2 = randomPOnWall(r2, "up"); if (p1.getX() <= p2.getX()) { p2 = new Position(p1.getX(), ulY2); } else { p1 = new Position(p2.getX(), lrY1); } addVerticalHallway(world, p2, p1.getY() - p2.getY() + 1); } else { connect2Rooms(world, r2, r1); } } } private void addHorizontalHallway(TETile[][] world, Position p, int length) { addRow(world, p, length, Tileset.FLOOR); for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { TETile up = world[p.getX() + i][p.getY() + 1]; TETile down = world[p.getX() + i][p.getY() - 1]; if (up.equals(Tileset.NOTHING)) { world[p.getX() + i][p.getY() + 1] = Tileset.WALL; } if (down.equals(Tileset.NOTHING)) { world[p.getX() + i][p.getY() - 1] = Tileset.WALL; } } } private void addVerticalHallway(TETile[][] world, Position p, int length) { addColumn(world, p, length, Tileset.FLOOR); for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { TETile left = world[p.getX() - 1][p.getY() + i]; TETile right = world[p.getX() + 1][p.getY() + i]; if (left.equals(Tileset.NOTHING)) { world[p.getX() - 1][p.getY() + i] = Tileset.WALL; } if (right.equals(Tileset.NOTHING)) { world[p.getX() + 1][p.getY() + i] = Tileset.WALL; } } } private Position randomPosition(int xUpperBound, int yLowerBound) { //x upper: width - 5; x lower: 2; y.upper: height - 2; y.lower: 5 Position p = new Position(RANDOM.nextInt(xUpperBound), RANDOM.nextInt(HEIGHT - yLowerBound) + yLowerBound); return p; } private Room addRoom(TETile[][] world, Position p, int width, int height) { Room r = new Room(p, new Position(p.getX() + width - 1, p.getY() - height + 1), false); addRow(world, p, width, Tileset.WALL); for (int i = 1; i < height; i += 1) { world[p.getX()][p.getY() - i] = Tileset.WALL; int y = p.getY() - i; int x = p.getX() + 1; Position newRow = new Position(x, y); addRow(world, newRow, width - 2, Tileset.FLOOR); world[p.getX() + width - 1][p.getY() - i] = Tileset.WALL; } Position endRow = new Position(p.getX(), p.getY() - height + 1); addRow(world, endRow, width, Tileset.WALL); return r; } private void addRow(TETile[][] world, Position p, int width, TETile t) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i += 1) { int x = p.getX() + i; int y = p.getY(); // world[x][y] = TETile.colorVariant(t, 32, 32, 32, RANDOM); world[x][y] = t; } } private void addColumn(TETile[][] world, Position p, int height, TETile t) { for (int i = 0; i < height; i += 1) { int x = p.getX(); int y = p.getY() + i; // world[x][y] = TETile.colorVariant(t, 32, 32, 32, RANDOM); world[x][y] = t; } } private Position randomPOnWall(Room r, String direction) { int x = 0; int y = 0; if (direction.equals("up")) { //x upper: lr.x; lower: ul.x + 1; x = RANDOM.nextInt(r.lowerRight.getX() - r.upperLeft.getX() - 1) + r.upperLeft.getX() + 1; y = r.upperLeft.getY(); } else if (direction.equals("down")) { x = RANDOM.nextInt(r.lowerRight.getX() - r.upperLeft.getX() - 1) + r.upperLeft.getX() + 1; y = r.lowerRight.getY(); } else if (direction.equals("left")) { //y upper: ul.y; y lower: lr + 1; y = RANDOM.nextInt(r.upperLeft.getY() - r.lowerRight.getY() - 1) + r.lowerRight.getY() + 1; x = r.upperLeft.getX(); } else { y = RANDOM.nextInt(r.upperLeft.getY() - r.lowerRight.getY() - 1) + r.lowerRight.getY() + 1; x = r.lowerRight.getX(); } return new Position(x, y); } private Corner addCornerDe(TETile[][] world, Position p, Orientation o) { //decrease Position newp; if (o.horizontal) { if (o.increase) { newp = new Position(p.getX() + 1, p.getY()); world[newp.getX()][newp.getY()] = TETile.colorVariant(Tileset.FLOOR, 32, 32, 32, RANDOM); world[newp.getX() + 1][newp.getY()] = TETile.colorVariant(Tileset.WALL, 32, 32, 32, RANDOM); addRow(world, new Position(newp.getX(), newp.getY() + 1), 2, Tileset.WALL); newp = new Position(newp.getX(), newp.getY() - 1); Orientation newo = new Orientation(false, false); return new Corner(newp, newo); } else { newp = new Position(p.getX() - 1, p.getY()); world[newp.getX()][newp.getY()] = TETile.colorVariant(Tileset.FLOOR, 32, 32, 32, RANDOM); world[newp.getX() - 1][newp.getY()] = TETile.colorVariant(Tileset.WALL, 32, 32, 32, RANDOM); addRow(world, new Position(newp.getX() - 1, newp.getY() + 1), 2, Tileset.WALL); newp = new Position(newp.getX(), newp.getY() - 1); Orientation newo = new Orientation(false, false); return new Corner(newp, newo); } } else { if (o.increase) { newp = new Position(p.getX(), p.getY() + 1); world[newp.getX()][newp.getY()] = TETile.colorVariant(Tileset.FLOOR, 32, 32, 32, RANDOM); world[newp.getX()][newp.getY() + 1] = TETile.colorVariant(Tileset.WALL, 32, 32, 32, RANDOM); addColumn(world, new Position(newp.getX() + 1, newp.getY()), 2, Tileset.WALL); newp = new Position(newp.getX() - 1, newp.getY()); Orientation newo = new Orientation(true, false); return new Corner(newp, newo); } else { newp = new Position(p.getX(), p.getY() - 1); world[newp.getX()][newp.getY()] = TETile.colorVariant(Tileset.FLOOR, 32, 32, 32, RANDOM); world[newp.getX()][newp.getY() - 1] = TETile.colorVariant(Tileset.WALL, 32, 32, 32, RANDOM); addColumn(world, new Position(newp.getX() + 1, newp.getY() - 1), 2, Tileset.WALL); newp = new Position(newp.getX() - 1, newp.getY()); Orientation newo = new Orientation(true, false); return new Corner(newp, newo); } } } private boolean overlap(TETile[][] world, Position upperLeft, int width, int height) { for (int i = 0; i < height; i += 1) { Position startP = new Position(upperLeft.getX(), upperLeft.getY() - i); if (checkRow(world, startP, width)) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean checkRow(TETile[][] world, Position p, int length) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { int x = p.getX() + i; int y = p.getY(); if (!world[x][y].equals(Tileset.NOTHING)) { return true; } } return false; } }
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